[ncl-talk] About Unit conversion handling

Lyndz olagueralyndonmark429 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 22:27:05 MDT 2022

Dear NCL-experts,

I am calculating potential temperature using the following ncl commands:
 theta = pot_temp(p,temp,1,False) ; [time | 365] x [level | 17] x [lat |
73] x [lon | 144]

However, my inputs *p* and *temp *have levels that are in *hPa/mbar*.
According to the documentation, this should be in *Pa (i.e., levels*100)*.

I would like to ask how do I force the variables to have levels in Pa in
the code below?

*temp_f = addfile("air.day.ltm.1981-2010.nc
<http://air.day.ltm.1981-2010.nc>", "r"   p  = temp_f->level   temp =

*;;Print contents of file   printVarSummary(p)
Potential Temperature;;**************************************************
theta = pot_temp(p,temp,1,False)  print(theta&level)*

I'll appreciate any help on this.

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