[ncl-talk] help with plotting shapefile polygons

Vanessa Vincente vincente at ucar.edu
Tue Apr 5 16:28:57 MDT 2022


I am having trouble plotting polygon data from a shapefile of a burn scar
perimeter over a map of Colorado with counties.  I am using the example
shapefiles_15.ncl from the ncl page
<https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/shapefiles.shtml>. I am able to
successfully plot the state of Colorado and its counties, but not the burn
scar perimeter.  Burn scar shapefile can be found here
 Can you please help? Thanks in advance!

Below is a copy of my ncl script:

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
load "./shapefile_utils.ncl"

; This function creates a cylindrical equidistant map of Colorado.

function create_colorado_map(wks,res,draw_ncl_outlines)
local a, mpres
  mpres                       = res

  mpres at gsnMaximize           = True
  mpres at gsnPaperOrientation   = "portrait"

  mpres at gsnDraw               = False
  mpres at gsnFrame              = False

  mpres at mpFillOn              = False

;---Turn on fancier tickmark labels.
  mpres at pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always"
  mpres at tmXBLabelFontHeightF  = 0.008      ; smaller tickmark labels

;---Zoom in on area of interest
  mpres at mpLimitMode           = "LatLon"
  mpres at mpMinLatF             =   37
  mpres at mpMaxLatF             =   41
  mpres at mpMinLonF             = -109.05
  mpres at mpMaxLonF             = -102.05
  mpres at mpFillOn              = False

  if(draw_ncl_outlines) then
    mpres at mpOutlineOn           = True
    mpres at mpOutlineBoundarySets    = "AllBoundaries"
    mpres at mpDataBaseVersion        = "MediumRes"
    mpres at mpDataSetName            = "Earth..4"      ; U.S. counties
    mpres at mpOutlineOn              = False
  end if

;---Create map.
  map = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres)


; Main code
  wtype          = "png"              ; send graphics to PNG file
  wtype at wkWidth  = 2000
  wtype at wkHeight = 2000
  wks = gsn_open_wks(wtype,"shapefiles")

  ncl_version = get_ncl_version()

;---Create two maps of Colorado
  res                   = True
  res at tiMainFontHeightF = 0.015

  res at tiMainString  = "Colorado counties - shapefile"
  map_shp = create_colorado_map(wks,res,False)

  res at tiMainString = "Colorado counties - NCL (version " + ncl_version + ")"
  map_ncl  = create_colorado_map(wks,res,True)

;---Add shapefiles to one of the maps
  lnres             = True
  lnres at gsLineColor = "red"

  plot_line_shp =

;---Add a slightly transparent marker to both maps to show location of
county updates
  mkres                  = True
  mkres at gsMarkerIndex    = 16        ; filled dot
  mkres at gsMarkerOpacityF = 0.5       ; make the marker half transparent
  mkres at gsMarkerColor    = "red"
  mkres at gsMarkerSizeF    = 50.

  counties_lat_center =   39.8
  counties_lon_center = -104.9

  plot_marker_ncl =
  plot_marker_shp =

print("Adding polygons to ncl map and shp map...")

filename = "Perimeter_20180715_SpringCreek_COHUX001313.shp"

 ;---Set some options for the polygons
   bscar = True
   bscar at gsLineColor = "Blue"
   bscar at gsLineThicknessF = 3.0  ; 3x thickness

id1 = gsn_add_shapefile_polygons(wks,map_ncl,filename,bscar)
id2 = gsn_add_shapefile_polygons(wks,map_shp,filename,bscar)

;---Panel both plots. Markers, lines, and polygons will be drawn.
  pres             = True
  pres at gsnMaximize = True


Vanessa Vincente
Associate Scientist
The COMET® Program
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

*My working hours may differ from your own.  Please do not feel obligated
to reply outside of standard business hours.*
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