[ncl-talk] Why do I get "warning:gsnLeftString is not a valid resource in Plots00-P850_28_00Z_contour at this time"

Zilore Mumba zmumba at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 15:43:21 MDT 2022

Joe, that is exactly what I am thinking of doing. I will check where it is
getting whatever it is printing and make it print what I want or blank. I
will let you know how far I get.


On Tue, Apr 5, 2022 at 9:32 PM Joseph Clark <jpclark186000 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Zilore,
> Since I don't use the wrf plotting routines, I didn't realize the point
> Adam made, and I could be missing something with my suggestion below. By my
> impression is that if you are not setting the left and right strings, then
> what is setting the strings? I imagine it is the variable attributes for
> the arrays you are plotting. You might want to try simply creating a new
> array without the variable attributes, like:
> z_plane2 = z_plane * 1.0
> printVarSummary(z_plane2)
> (should show a variable without metadata or variable attributes).
> Then add variable coordinates with copy_VarCoords(z_plane,z_plane2)
> Joe
> On Tue, Apr 5, 2022 at 3:04 PM Zilore Mumba via ncl-talk <
> ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:
>> Thanks Adam once more.
>> I had a look at . NoHeaderFooter =True or NoTitles=True have no effect. I
>> had a look at $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl. There is
>> no reference to LeftString, CenterString nor RightString in any of
>> the subs. Now I understand why they are not recognized as resources.
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>> <#m_1944542233542590920_m_-4868336487854093856_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
>> On Tue, Apr 5, 2022 at 8:20 PM Zilore Mumba <zmumba at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I will try that. Thanks.
>>> <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail> Virus-free.
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>>> On Tue, Apr 5, 2022 at 8:07 PM Adam Phillips <asphilli at ucar.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hi Zilore,
>>>> I believe many if not all of the wrf plotting functions do not use the
>>>> gsn_csm_* suite of plotting functions, and thus one cannot set subtitles
>>>> with the gsn*String resources. (Looking at the code for wrf_contour
>>>> (available in $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl), you can
>>>> see that gsn_contour is being called.) According to the wrf_contour
>>>> documentation
>>>> <https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/WRF_arw/wrf_contour.shtml>,
>>>> you can set NoHeaderFooter = True to turn off the subtitles, did you try
>>>> that?  If that does not work, I would suggest you look at the
>>>> WRFUserARW.ncl code (specifically look at the _SetMainTitle function) to
>>>> see if you can turn off the labels manually.
>>>> Hope that helps!
>>>> Adam
>>>> On Tue, Apr 5, 2022 at 3:55 AM Zilore Mumba via ncl-talk <
>>>> ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:
>>>>> In my wrf plot script below, I am trying to suppress the left, center
>>>>> and right string as well as the label at the bottom right. None of the wrf
>>>>> script examples I have seen has these fields suppressed.  My gsn and cn
>>>>> resources (marked in blue in the code below) do not seem to have any
>>>>> effect, hence the warning message.
>>>>> When I print these resources (in purple below) they are captured ok.
>>>>> Is it that with this kind of plot one cannot suppress these fields?
>>>>> ;   Example script to produce plots for a WRF real-data run,
>>>>> ;   with the ARW coordinate dynamics option.
>>>>> ;   Interpolating to specified pressure levels
>>>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
>>>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"
>>>>> begin
>>>>> ;
>>>>> ; The WRF ARW input file.
>>>>>      DATADir = "/home/zmumba/DA/OUTPUT/2022022800/noda/"
>>>>>      FILES = systemfunc (" ls -1 " + DATADir + "wrfout_d01* ")
>>>>>      numFILES = dimsizes(FILES)
>>>>>      files_all = addfiles(FILES+".nc","r")
>>>>> ; We generate plots, but what kind do we prefer?
>>>>> ;  type = "x11"
>>>>> ;  type = "pdf"
>>>>> ; type = "ps"
>>>>> ; type = "ncgm"
>>>>>   type = "png"
>>>>> ;  wks = gsn_open_wks(type,"plt_PressureLevel1")
>>>>> ; Set some Basic Plot options
>>>>>   res = True
>>>>>   res at MainTitle                   = "WRF MODEL OUTPUT"
>>>>>   res at Footer = False
>>>>>   res at cnInfoLabelOn = False ; Suppress text "CONTOUR FROM # TO # by #"
>>>>>   res at gsnCenterString = "" ;"gsnCenterString ~C~ ~Z80~ (Default:
>>>>> None)"
>>>>>   res at gsnLeftString   = "" ;"gsnRightString ~C~ ~Z80~ (Default:
>>>>> Long_Name)"
>>>>>   res at gsnRightString  = "" ;"gsnRightString ~C~ ~Z80~ (Default:
>>>>> Units)"
>>>>>   pltres = True
>>>>>   mpres = True
>>>>>   mpres at mpFillOn                    = False        ; turn off gray
>>>>> fill
>>>>>   mpres at mpOutlineBoundarySets       = "National"   ; turn on country
>>>>> boundaries
>>>>>   mpres at mpGeophysicalLineColor      = "Navy"       ; color of cont.
>>>>> outlines
>>>>>   mpres at mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 1.5          ; thickness of
>>>>> outlines
>>>>>   mpres at mpNationalLineColor         = "Black"
>>>>>   mpres at mpNationalLineThicknessF    = 2.5          ; turn on country
>>>>> boundaries
>>>>>   mpres at mpDataBaseVersion           = "MediumRes"  ; choose higher
>>>>> resolution
>>>>>   mpres at mpDataSetName               = "Earth..4"   ; choose most
>>>>> recent boundaries
>>>>>   mpres at mpMaxLatF                   = -4           ; choose subregion
>>>>>   mpres at mpMinLatF                   = -21
>>>>>   mpres at mpMaxLonF                   =  37
>>>>>   mpres at mpMinLonF                   =  21
>>>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>>>> ; What times and how many time steps are in the data set?
>>>>>   times = files_all[:]->Times
>>>>>   ntimes = dimsizes(times)         ; number of times in the file
>>>>> ; The specific pressure levels that we want the data interpolated to.
>>>>>   pressure_levels = (/ 850., 700., 500., 300./)   ; pressure levels to
>>>>> plot
>>>>>   nlevels         = dimsizes(pressure_levels)     ; number of pressure
>>>>> levels
>>>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>>>> ;  VTlab = (/ "T+00", T+00", "T+06", "T+12", "T+18", "T+24", "T+30",
>>>>> "T+36", "T+42", "T+48"/)   ; Validity for file name
>>>>> ; get time information and strip out the day and hour
>>>>>   times_in_file = files_all[:]->Times
>>>>>   dims = dimsizes (times)
>>>>>    ntimes = dimsizes (times(:,0))
>>>>>   times_to_use = new(dims(0),string)
>>>>>   do i=0,dims(0)-1
>>>>>     times_to_use(i) = chartostring(times_in_file(i,8:12))
>>>>>   end do
>>>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>>>>   do it = 0,ntimes(0)-1,2             ; TIME LOOP
>>>>>     print("Working on time: " +  times_to_use(it) )
>>>>>     res at TimeLabel =  times_to_use(it)   ; Set Valid time to use on
>>>>> plots
>>>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>>>> ; First get the variables we will need
>>>>>     tc = wrf_user_getvar(files_all,"tc",it)        ; T in C
>>>>>     u  = wrf_user_getvar(files_all,"ua",it)        ; u averaged to
>>>>> mass points
>>>>>     v  = wrf_user_getvar(files_all,"va",it)        ; v averaged to
>>>>> mass points
>>>>>     p  = wrf_user_getvar(files_all, "pressure",it) ; pressure is our
>>>>> vertical coordinate
>>>>>     z  = wrf_user_getvar(files_all, "z",it)        ; grid point height
>>>>>     rh = wrf_user_getvar(files_all,"rh",it)        ; relative humidity
>>>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>>>>     do level = 0,nlevels-1                 ; LOOP OVER LEVELS
>>>>>       pressure = pressure_levels(level)
>>>>>       tc_plane = wrf_user_intrp3d(tc,p,"h",pressure,0.,False)
>>>>>       z_plane  = wrf_user_intrp3d( z,p,"h",pressure,0.,False)
>>>>>       rh_plane = wrf_user_intrp3d(rh,p,"h",pressure,0.,False)
>>>>>       u_plane  = wrf_user_intrp3d( u,p,"h",pressure,0.,False)
>>>>>       v_plane  = wrf_user_intrp3d( v,p,"h",pressure,0.,False)
>>>>>       spd     = (u_plane*u_plane + v_plane*v_plane)^(0.5) ; m/sec
>>>>>       spd at description = "Wind Speed"
>>>>>       spd at units = "m/s"
>>>>>       u_plane = u_plane*1.94386     ; kts
>>>>>       v_plane = v_plane*1.94386     ; kts
>>>>>       u_plane at units = "kts"
>>>>>       v_plane at units = "kts"
>>>>>       wks = gsn_open_wks(type,"Plots00-" + "P" +
>>>>> pressure_levels(level) + "_" + times_to_use(it) + "Z")
>>>>>       ; Plotting options for T
>>>>>         opts = res
>>>>>         print(opts))
>>>>>         opts at cnLineColor = "Red"
>>>>>         opts at ContourParameters = (/ 5.0 /)
>>>>>         opts at cnInfoLabelOrthogonalPosF = 0.07  ; offset second label
>>>>> information
>>>>>         opts at gsnContourLineThicknessesScale = 2.0
>>>>>         contour_tc = wrf_contour(files_all[it],wks,tc_plane,opts)
>>>>>         delete(opts)
>>>>>        ; MAKE PLOT
>>>>>         if ( pressure .eq. 850 ) then   ; plot temp, rh, height, wind
>>>>> barbs
>>>>>           opts_z at ContourParameters = (/ 20.0 /)
>>>>>           contour_height =
>>>>> wrf_contour(files_all[it],wks,z_plane,opts_z)
>>>>>           plot =
>>>>> wrf_map_overlays(files_all[it],wks,(/contour_rh,contour_tc,contour_height, \
>>>>>                                     vector/),pltres,mpres)
>>>>>         end if
>>>>>     end do      ; END OF LEVEL LOOP
>>>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>>>>   end do        ; END OF TIME LOOP
>>>>> end
>>>>> <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail> Virus-free.
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>>>> --
>>>> Adam Phillips
>>>> Associate Scientist,  Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory, NCAR
>>>> www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli/   303-497-1726
>>>> <http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli>
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