[ncl-talk] ESMF_regrid_24.ncl
Sri nandini
bax8609 at uni-hamburg.de
Mon Nov 22 01:31:31 MST 2021
Hello dear NCL users,
I am trying to use the online ncl script: ESMF_regrid_24.ncl:
This example shows how to regrid data from a POP curvilinear gx1v3 grid
(384 x 320) to a 1.0 degree world grid, which is my aim.
My modified script runs successfully with tas=(0,:,:) ====where the
timestep is 0 and x_regrid = ESMF_regrid(x,Opt) does this only
allow for latlon 2D?
At the end i wish to regrid my variable into 1X1 resolution and save it
for future analysis, but i need the entire variable dimensions e.g.
time, lat,lon and not just the lat,lon. When i enter the full 3D
variable into my script, than i get an error at the x_regrid =
ESMF_regrid(x,Opt) "fatal:Eq: Dimension size, for dimension number 0, of
operands does not match, can't continue"
Please have a look at my script below. Would be grateful for any comments.
; This script regrids a POP grid to a 1.0 degree regular latlon grid and
; plots sea surface height [zos] on the new grid.
; This file still has to be loaded manually
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/esmf/ESMF_regridding.ncl"
do i=0,dimsizes(ensemble)-1
print(i+": "+region)
print("Starting: "+region+" now")
;---Interpolation methods
methods = (/"bilinear"/) ; ,"conserve","patch"/)
;---Input file
srcDirName = "./"
srcFileName =
varName = "zos"
;---Get data and lat/lon grid from source Grid; uses surface level and
initial time
;do i=0,ne-1
sfile = addfile(srcFileName,"r")
x = sfile->$varName$ ; (time,lat,lon)
dimx = dimsizes( x )
ntim = dimx( 0 )
x at lat2d = sfile->lat ; Needed for plotting.
x at lon2d = sfile->lon
x at time =sfile->time
;---Specify a name for the destination regridded variable (no spaces)
;;DstGridDir = "./"
DstGridName = "1x1"
;---Create the destination rectilinear lat/lon
lat = fspan(-89.5, 89.5,180)
lon = fspan( 0.5,359.5,360)
;---Specify name of weight file(s) to be generated; name of destination
grid; dst directory
WgtFileDir = "./"
WgtFileName = "POP_gx1v3_to_"+DstGridName+"."+methods+".nc"
Opt = True
Opt at SrcFileName = "POP_gx1v3_SCRIP.nc" ; source grid
description file name
Opt at DstFileName = "Globe1deg_SCRIP.nc" ; destination grid
description file name
Opt at ForceOverwrite = True
Opt at SrcMask2D = where(.not.ismissing(x),1,0) ; land/ocean
mask; Necessary if has
; missing
Opt at DstTitle = "Global Grid 1-degree Resolution"
Opt at DstGridLat = lat
Opt at DstGridLon = lon
; Loop across each method and generate interpolation weights for
; POP Grid to regular LatLon Grid
plot_regrid = new(dimsizes(methods),graphic)
print("Generating interpolation weights from POP to regular
LatLon Grid")
print("Global LatLon grid using the " +methods+" method.")
Opt at WgtFileName = WgtFileName
Opt at InterpMethod = methods
;-- if we don't need to generate the source and destination grids
; Opt at SkipDstGrid = True ;-- if True
skip regridding
; Opt at SkipSrcGrid = True ;-- if True
skip regridding
; Interpolate data from POP to destination grid.
; Regridding over each time independently, pass a 3D variable to
ESMF_regrid, and it will do the
;looping under the hood. What this function does is creates the weights for
;one level, and applies them to the rest of the levels. It assumes that the
;lat/lon grid is the same for each level.
x_regrid = ESMF_regrid(x,Opt) ;only allows for latlon 2D
; Save the regridded data onto new netcdf file
print("saving "+region+" regridded")
system("/bin/rm -f
zos_Omon_CESM1-CAM5_historical_rcp85_"+region+"_regridded.nc") ;
remove any pre-existing file
outfile =
outfile->zos = x_regrid
Dr. Sri Nandini-Weiss
Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN)
Cluster of Excellence 'Climate, Climatic Change, and Society' (CLICCS)
Universität Hamburg
Institute of Oceanography
Bundesstraße 53
20146 Hamburg
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