[ncl-talk] calcMonAnomTLL

setare rahimi rahimi.setare at gmail.com
Fri May 28 11:16:25 MDT 2021

Dear all NCL users,

I visited this link:
 , which is about monthly anomalies. But I could not understand the way it
calculates the anomalies.


Example 1

  fa     = *addfile*
  fb     = *addfile*

  air  = *short2flt*
fa->air)                           ; air temp
  nobs = *short2flt*
fb->air)                           ; # obs for air
; filter out geographic locations that have < nMin observations
  nMin   = 2                                           ; min # obs
  air    = *mask*

;---Compute the climatology using a function in contributed.ncl
  yrStrt = 1950
  yrLast = 1979
  moStrt = (yrStrt-1800)*12              ; start subscript
  moLast = (yrLast-1800)*12 + 11         ; last  subscript
  clm = *clmMonTLL*
(air(moStrt:moLast,:,:)) ; monthly climatology

;---Compute the anomalies from the climatology just computed
  xAnom = *calcMonAnomTLL* (air,clm)


May I ask you please explain subscript method? Why using 1800 and then
multiply 12?

what do moStrt and moLast show?

I appriciate any advse

All the best,
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