[ncl-talk] compute frequency power density power spectra for selected regions
Sri nandini
bax8609 at uni-hamburg.de
Tue Mar 2 05:52:45 MST 2021
Hello dear ncl-users,
I have a question regarding computing frequency power spectra density
for my selected regions, e.g. Northwestern Atlantic SSH anomalies.
1) I calculated the frequency spectra of SSH anomalies by (1) extracting
region and subtracting the ensemble mean, (2) temporal removal of mean
and detrending was applied, as well as smoothing (periodogram estimates
using modified Daniel) and percent tapering of the anomalies, (3) the
function for spectral analysis returns the degrees of freedom -spectra
for each ensemble, so i used a loop over all ensemble members to get the
ensemble mean spectra (4) the variables returned are variance/(unit
frequency interval) (y-axis) and frequency (cycles/months) for
x-axis==see attached plot for power Spectra for historical Northwestern
Atlantic SSH anomalies. I don't have a reference for this figure to
compare with but it doesn't look meaningful, but do you think this is
Would be grateful, below is my code
f = addfile ("Hist_monthly_corrected_pi_trend.nc", "r")
hist_anom = f->hist_trend(1632:1871,:,{-30:60},{0:-40})
dimx = dimsizes(hist_anom_NY1)
ntim = dimx(0) ; 240
nens = dimx(1) ;100
hist_anom1 = hist_anom_NY1
do n=0,nens-1
hist_anom1(:,n) = hist_anom_NY1(:,n) - hist_ensavg
end do
nLen = ntim/2
spec = new ( nLen, typeof(hist_anom1))
spec = 0.0
z1 = 0.0
xtsVar= 0.0
;set function agurments
iopt = 1 ; detrending opt: 0=>remove mean
1=>remove mean and detrend
jave = 7 ; Average 7 periodogram estimates
using modified Daniel
pct = 0.1 ; percent tapered: (0.0 <= pct <=
1.0) 0.10 common.
; calculate mean spectrum:specx_anal returns the degrees of freedom as
a scalar.
; calculate confidence interval [here 5 and 95%] and lag1 auto cor.
; return 4 curves to be plotted
; loop over every ensemble member
do ns=0,nens-1 ; spectra for each ensemble member
sdof = specx_anal(hist_anom1(:,ns),iopt,jave,pct)
spec = spec + sdof at spcx ; sum spectra
xtsVar = xtsVar + sdof at xvari ; sum ensemble member variances
; sum z-traansformed lag-1 correlations
z1 = z1 + 0.5*log((1+sdof at xlag1)/(1-sdof at xlag1)) ; Fischer
end do
spec = spec/nens ; average spectra ==> ensemble
mean spectra
z1 = z1/nens ; ensemble mean z=transformed lag1
xvari = xtsVar/nens ; mean variance of ensemble members
; create a new variable
ss = (/ sdof /)
ss at dof = 2*nens ; # degrees freedom
ss at bw = sdof at bw ; representing the spectral
band width.
ss at spcx = spec ;One-dimensional array of
length N/2.units are variance/(unit frequency interval).
ss at xvari = xvari ; representing the variance
of the x series on input.
ss at frq = sdof at frq ; A one-dimensional array of
length N/2 representing frequency (cycles/time).
ss at xlag1 = (exp(2*z1)-1)/(exp(2*z1)+1) ; match specx_anal
splt = specx_ci(ss, 0.05, 0.95) ; calc confidence interval
; plotting parameters
wks = gsn_open_wks("png","PSD_wNA_Monthly_Hist")
res = True ; plot
mods desired
res at gsnMaximize = True ; blow up plot
res at gsnDraw = False
res at gsnFrame = False
res at vpXF = 0.1
res at vpYF = 0.7
res at vpWidthF = 0.7
res at vpHeightF = 0.25
res at trXMinF = 0
res at trXMaxF = .50
res at trYMinF = 20
res at trYMaxF = 0
res at gsnStringFontHeightF = 0.018
res at gsnRightString = " "
res at tiXAxisString = "Frequency (cycles/month)" ;the fraction (or
use Period(months))
res at tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.018
res at tiYAxisString = "PSD (cm^2/month^-1)" ;"Variance/frq_interval
res at tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.018
res at tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.016
res at tmYLLabelFontHeightF = 0.016
; 4-2. Timeseries plots
colors = (/2, 71, 48/)
colors_em = (/15, 84, 60/)
res at gsnLeftString = "a) Historical: Northwest Atlantic, SSHa
Frequency Spectra"
res at xyLineThicknesses = (/2.,1.,1.,1./) ; Define line thicknesses
res at xyDashPatterns = (/0,0,1,1/) ; Dash patterns
res at xyLineColor = colors(0)
plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,ss at frq, ss at spcx,res)
-------------- next part --------------
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