[ncl-talk] 'gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector' hanging when trying to run an NCL script

Christopher Maloney Christopher.Maloney at Colorado.EDU
Wed Jan 27 12:37:56 MST 2021

To whom it may concern,

 I am trying to plot a pressure/height vs. latitude plot of zonal winds
with WV wind vectors overlaid on top. I've been trying to follow the
example shown in 'https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/Scripts/vector_5.ncl'
and use the 'gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector' function, but every time the script
gets to the point where it calls that function it just hangs and does
nothing. I can successfully run 'gsn_csm_pres_hgt' and produce a plot with
all of my variables so I know that they are formatted properly. I am using
NCL version 6.6.2 so I don't think it is a version issue. I've pasted my
plotting code below. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Plotting Script (the script hangs on the first plot(0) call):

*  wks = gsn_open_wks("png",
"/Users/cmaloney/Other_NCL_scripts/images/zonal_avgs/diff_plots/" + runa +
"_" + runDef + "seasonal_wind_anomalies")  plot = new(2,graphic)      res =
True  res at gsnDraw = False  res at gsnFrame = False   res at cnFillOn         =
True                  res at cnLinesOn        = False
res at trYMinF          = 1.0    res at cnFillPalette     = "BlueDarkRed18"
  res at lbTitleString    = "Delta (m/sec)"    res at lbTitlePosition  = "Bottom"
     res at tiYAxisString     = "Pressure (hPa)"    res at tmYLMode = "Explicit"
  res at tmYLValues = (/ 850, 500, 300, 200, 150, 100, 70, 50, 30, 10, 1 /)
res at tmYLLabels = (/ "850", "500", "300", "200", "150", "100", "70", "50",
"30", "10", "1" /)    res at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"
res at cnMaxLevelValF       = 2    res at cnMinLevelValF       = -2
res at cnLevelSpacingF      = 0.1    res at pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = 0.025
res at vcMapDirection = False    res at vcGlyphStyle    = "CurlyVector"      ;
turn on curly vectors       plot(0) = gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector(wks,
Zonal_DJF_U_anomaly, Zonal_DJF_vstar_anomaly, Zonal_DJF_wstar_anomaly,
res)        plot(1) = gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector(wks, Zonal_JJA_U_anomaly,
Zonal_JJA_vstar_anomaly, Zonal_JJA_wstar_anomaly, res)  resP
   = True  resP at gsnFrame         = False
resP at gsnPanelLabelBar = True                    resP at lbLabelFontHeightF =
0.015   resP at gsnPanelBottom   = 0.2   resP at gsnPanelTop      = 0
resP at gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent = 5.  resP at gsnPanelXWhiteSpacePercent = 5.
resP at gsnPanelMainString = "Wind Anomalies"
gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/1,2/),resP) *

*    draw(plot)*
*    frame(wks)*

Thanks for your help,
- Chris

Christopher Maloney
Professional Research Associate
CIRES at the University of Colorado/NOAA Chemical Sciences Lab
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