[ncl-talk] select sub_region

Chathurika chatu at scsio.ac.cn
Tue Dec 14 05:12:30 MST 2021

Hello Everyone,

I have a dataset and the variable summary as follows;

Variable: tauuo_ssp
Type: float
Total Size: 45809280 bytes
       11452320 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes: [time | 720] x [lat | 66] x [lon | 360]
       time: [569784..744360]
       lat: [  10..  75]
       lon: [ 180..-180]
Number Of Attributes: 7
  depth :   0
  standard_name : surface_downward_x_stress
  long_name : Surface downward x stress
  units : N m-2
  code : 548
  _FillValue : -9e+33
  missing_value : -9e+33

I want to select the pacific ocean (-120:120). However, this does not work. I tried out several ways to choose this subsection, but I always got the part that I wanted to subtract between -120:120 (means Atlantic plus the Indian Ocean instead of Pacific Ocean). 

I tried this

= f->tauuo(:,0,{10:75},{-120:120}) and vice versa. 
= f->tauuo(:,0,{10:75},300:60}) and vice versa.

Nothing selected the Pacific Ocean from 120E to 120W.

Could you please give me a hint on how I could do this? That would be a great help.

Thank you very very much and best regards,

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