[ncl-talk] computing the model SOI index
Sri nandini
bax8609 at uni-hamburg.de
Tue Apr 13 09:34:12 MDT 2021
Hello dear ncl-users,
I am trying to compute the model SOI index to draw a timeseries plot. I
have studies the examples on the ncl page for indices_soi_1.ncl and
indices_soi_2.ncl , and made my script as per the methods here. But each
time an error occurs when reading the time: fatal:An error occurred
reading YYYY
Variable: TIME
Type: double
Total Size: 14976 bytes
1872 values
Number of Dimensions: 1
Dimensions and sizes: [time | 1872]
time: [18500131.99444444..20051231.99444444]
Number Of Attributes: 4
standard_name : time
units : hours since 1850-01-31 23:15:00
calendar : standard
axis : T
Variable: YYYY
Type: integer
Total Size: 7488 bytes
1872 values
Number of Dimensions: 1
Dimensions and sizes: [1872]
Could someone reply to me offline, or help point me to a query or
ncl-talk which already solved this or i can also transfer my datafile
via ftp? Below is my script.
; =============================================================
latT = -17.6 ; Tahiti
lonT = 210.75
latD = -12.5 ; Darwin
lonD = 130.83
PLOT = True
pltType = "png" ; send graphics to PNG file
pltDir = "./" ; dir to which plots are sent
pltName = "indices_soi"
yrStrt = 1950 ; manually specify for convenience
yrLast = 2010 ; 20th century ends 2010
clStrt = 1950 ; reference climatology for SOI
clLast = 1979
; ======================End User
nmos = 12
nyrs = yrLast-yrStrt+1
fslp = addfile("hist_1850-2005_ens_1-100.slp.nc", "r")
slp = fslp->slp
TIME = fslp->time
;YYYYMM = cd_calendar(TIME, -1) ;error here
YYYY = cd_calendar(TIME,-2)/100
tStrt = ind(YYYY .eq. (yrStrt*100 + 1)) ; indices 20th century
tLast = ind(YYYY .eq. (yrLast*100 + 12)) ; relative to entire
yyyymm = YYYY(tStrt:tLast)
tStrtP = ind(yyyymm .eq. (yrStrtP*100+ 1)) ; relative to
yrStrt, yrLast
tLastP = ind(yyyymm .eq. (yrLastP*100+ 12))
T = short2flt(fslp->slp(1632:1871,:,{latT},{lonT}))
D = short2flt(fslp->slp(1632:1871,:,{latD},{lonD}))
T&time = yyyymm ; convenience
D&time = yyyymm
tClmStrt = ind(yyyymm.eq.(clStrt*100 + 1)) ; index for clStrt
tClmLast = ind(yyyymm.eq.(clLast*100 + 12)) ; index for clStrt
TClm = new ( nmos, typeof(T), T at _FillValue) ; monthly climatologies
DClm = new ( nmos, typeof(D), D at _FillValue)
do nmo=0,nmos-1
;do n=0,99 ; reference clm for each
month and each ensemble member?
TClm(nmo) = avg(T(tClmStrt+nmo:tClmLast:nmos))
DClm(nmo) = avg(D(tClmStrt+nmo:tClmLast:nmos))
end do
end do
TAnom = T
DAnom = D
do nmo=0,nmos-1 ; anomalies
reference clim
TAnom(nmo::nmos) = T(nmo::nmos) - TClm(nmo)
DAnom(nmo::nmos) = D(nmo::nmos) - DClm(nmo)
end do
TAnomStd = stddev(TAnom(tClmStrt:tClmLast)) ; stddev of
anomalies over clStrt & clLast
DAnomStd = stddev(DAnom(tClmStrt:tClmLast))
printVarSummary(DAnomStd) ; signal and noise
soi_signal = (TAnom/TAnomStd) - (DAnom/DAnomStd) ; (ntim)
copy_VarCoords(TAnom, soi_signal)
soi_signal at long_name = "SOI: 20th Century Reanalysis: "+yrStrt+"-"+yrLast
; lag-0 correlation
rslp = escorc(soi_signal,slp(lat|:,lon|:,ens:|,time|:))
copy_VarCoords(slp(0,:,:,:), rslp)
rslp at long_name = "Correlation: SOI-SLP: "+yrStrt+"-"+yrLast
Dr. Sri, Nandini-Weiss
Research Associate
Universität Hamburg
Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN)
Cluster of Excellence 'Climate, Climatic Change, and Society' (CLICCS)
Bundesstrasse 53, 20146 Hamburg
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