[ncl-talk] fatal:Dimension (lon) of (tprec) does not have an associated coordinate variable

Dennis Shea shea at ucar.edu
Sun Apr 11 19:22:32 MDT 2021

@ is for attributes
& is for coordinates

tprec at lat=lat
tprec at lon=lon

should be


On Sun, Apr 11, 2021 at 2:28 PM Jayant via ncl-talk <
ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:

> Hi Adam,
> I am reading time-lat-lon data from a binary file. Next, I create
> coordinate variables based on the accompanying CTL file. The CTL file
> indicates the binary to be sequential. I assign the coordinates to a
> variable. But, I am getting an error. Below is a working example:
>  nlat=192
>  nlon=384
>  ntim=24
>  ;
>  lon = lonGlobeF(nlon, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east")
>  lat = latGau(nlat, "lat", "latitude", "degrees_north")
>  ;
>  tim=new(ntim,integer)
>  tim!0         = "time"
>  tim at long_name = "time"
>  tim at units     = "hours"
>  tim&time      = tim
>  tim=0
>  ;
>  tprec=new((/ntim,nlat,nlon/),float)    ; surface variable
>  tprec!0="time"
>  tprec!1="lat"
>  tprec!2="lon"
>  tprec at time=tim
>  tprec at lat=lat
>  tprec at lon=lon
>  tprec at long_name="total precipitation"
>  tprec at units="kg m**-2 day**-1"
>  tprec=0.0
>  tprec=lonFlip(tprec)
> ;--- executing the above
> ncl 29>  print(tprec(16,{-5.0:-3.0},{-90:-85}))
> fatal:Dimension (lon) of (tprec) does not have an associated coordinate
> variable
> fatal:["Execute.c":7741]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 29
> ;
> ncl 30>  print(tprec(16,{-5.0:-3.0},:))
> fatal:Dimension (lat) of (tprec) does not have an associated coordinate
> variable
> fatal:["Execute.c":7741]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 30
> ;
> ncl 31> printVarSummary(tprec)
> Variable: tprec
> Type: float
> Total Size: 7077888 bytes
>             1769472 values
> Number of Dimensions: 3
> Dimensions and sizes: [time | 24] x [lat | 192] x [lon | 384]
> Coordinates:
> Number Of Attributes: 7
>   lonFlip : longitude coordinate variable has been reordered via lonFlip
>   time : <ARRAY of 24 elements>
>   lat : <ARRAY of 192 elements>
>   lon : <ARRAY of 384 elements>
>   long_name : total precipitation
>   units : kg m**-2 day**-1
>   _FillValue : 9.96921e+36
> ncl 32> print(isdimnamed(prec,ispan(0,2,1)))
>     True
>     True
>     True
> ;
> ncl 33>  if(all(iscoord(tprec,(/"time","lat","lon"/)))) then
>     print("min/max tprec&lat = " + min(tprec&lat) + "/" + max(tprec&lat))
>     print("min/max tprec&lon = " + min(tprec&lon) + "/" + max(tprec&lon))
>          end if
> ncl 34>
> What am I missing?
> Also, the warnings (below) that appears when plotting (ignoring the print
> statements) related to the above issue with coordinate variables?
> (0) check_for_y_lat_coord: Warning: Data either does not contain a valid
> latitude coordinate array or doesn't contain one at all.
> (0) A valid latitude coordinate array should have a 'units' attribute
> equal to one of the following values:
> (0)    'degrees_north' 'degrees-north' 'degree_north' 'degrees north'
> 'degrees_N' 'Degrees_north' 'degree_N' 'degreeN' 'degreesN' 'deg north'
> (0) check_for_lon_coord: Warning: Data either does not contain a valid
> longitude coordinate array or doesn't contain one at all.
> (0) A valid longitude coordinate array should have a 'units' attribute
> equal to one of the following values:
> (0)    'degrees_east' 'degrees-east' 'degree_east' 'degrees east'
> 'degrees_E' 'Degrees_east' 'degree_E' 'degreeE' 'degreesE' 'deg east'
> Best,
> Jayant
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