[ncl-talk] How to convert/interpolate a variable from hybrid pressure levels to levels geopotential height

adriana.bossolasco at cnrs-orleans.fr adriana.bossolasco at cnrs-orleans.fr
Tue Sep 29 03:38:02 MDT 2020

Hi all!

I am writing because I have a doubt from so time ago.
I am working with CESM/CAM5 model. The outputs variiables  in my model 
are in function of the hybrid pressures levels and I would like to have 
the variables in function of altitude (z)
I know the function cz2ccm which calculate the geopotential height, but 
the point is that I want to have my variables in function of height.
Let say:
My variable for example CO(time,lev,lat,lon)
How I can convert to CO(time,z,lat,lon)?
Anyone know about this?

I know that the function gsn_csm_pres_hgt can do automatically plots of 
this....but doesn't give the information

For example if I have plot Pressure vs concentration (like a simple 
xy_plots) how I can have the same plot like Height vs concentration?

I really appreciate any help



Adriana Bossolasco
LPC2E UMR 7328 (CNRS, Université d'Orléans)
3A avenue de la Recherche Scientifique
45071 Orléans Cedex 2 - FRANCE
Tel  +33 (0)2 38 25 52 85
e-mail: adriana.bossolasco at cnrs-orleans.fr

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