[ncl-talk] Filter dates

Lyndz olagueralyndonmark429 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 11:05:39 MDT 2020

Dear NCL-experts,

Reforwarding my previous email.

I would like to filter dates where the U component of winds is above 3 m/s
between 12.5N-20N and 120E.

*[What I have so far]*
Attached is the sample script.


My approach is to subset first the uwnd data between the said latitudes and
longitude, but I can't find examples on how to extract the uwnd data at a
specific longitude:

  latS = 12.5

  latN = 20.0

  lonL = 120.0

  u_region = u(:,{latS:latN},lonL)

This part does not work.

Then, apply the dim_avg_Wrap to get the average along the latitudes.

I will then filter the dates with the average uwnd exceeding 3 m/s.

I would like to ask for help on how to do this correctly in NCL or maybe
there is a better approach to do this.

I'll appreciate any help.


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