[ncl-talk] Plot ind_resolve output

Wang, Jiali jialiwang at anl.gov
Sat Dec 12 22:44:40 MST 2020

Dear NCL users,

I am trying to find out the first and last day of precip greater than 0.1inch for all the grid cells over a study area. My data is at daily scale. I use ind_resolve and was able to print out the (time, lat, lon) information for all the grid cells that meet the threshold.

However, I am not sure how to move forward.. basically I’d like to make a map, showing the first (or last) day of 0.1’’ over all the grid cells.

Here is my short script (data is too large to share here). Can anyone please help?

a = addfile("rain1995.nc.CA.wy","r")
rain1 = wrf_user_getvar(a,"RAINC",-1)
rain2 = wrf_user_getvar(a,"RAINNC",-1)
rain  = rain1 + rain2

a1D      = ndtooned(rain)
dsizes_a = dimsizes(rain)
i  = ind_resolve(ind(a1D.ge.2.54),dsizes_a)
print(i(:,0) +"  "+ i(:,1) +"  "+i(:,2))

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