[ncl-install] NCL installation issue on Linux

Mahesh Kovilakam mkmvarma at gmail.com
Tue Feb 20 10:58:38 MST 2024

I am trying to install NCL on a linux server. I have conda version 23.10.0.
This is what I get when I execute conda create -n ncl -c conda-forge ncl


 - conda-forge

 - defaults

Platform: linux-64

Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done

Solving environment: done

## Package Plan ##

  environment location: /home/mmundakk/.conda/envs/ncl

  added / updated specs:

    - ncl

The following packages will be downloaded:

*It then lists the packages to be installed. I proceeded with installation
and it shows:*

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

Downloading and Extracting Packages:

Preparing transaction: done

Verifying transaction: done

Executing transaction: done


# To activate this environment, use


#     $ conda activate ncl


# To deactivate an active environment, use


#     $ conda deactivate

I* then tried this:*

[mmundakk at LADRL2023060931 ~]$ conda activate ncl

usage: conda [-h] [-v] [--no-plugins] [-V] COMMAND ...

conda: error: argument COMMAND: invalid choice: 'activate' (choose from
'clean', 'compare', 'config', 'create', 'info', 'init', 'install', 'list',
'notices', 'package', 'remove', 'uninstall', 'rename', 'run', 'search',
'update', 'upgrade', 'build', 'content-trust', 'convert', 'debug',
'develop', 'doctor', 'index', 'inspect', 'metapackage', 'render',
'repoquery', 'skeleton', 'repo', 'pack', 'env', 'server', 'token',

[mmundakk at LADRL2023060931 ~]$ source activate ncl


[mmundakk at LADRL2023060931 ~]$ ncl -V

bash: ncl: command not found...

^CInstall package 'ncl' to provide command 'ncl'? [N/y]

[1]+  Stopped                 ncl -V

[mmundakk at LADRL2023060931 ~]$ conda list -n ncl_stable


[mmundakk at LADRL2023060931 ~]$ conda list -n ncl


[mmundakk at LADRL2023060931 ~]$ which ncl

/usr/bin/which: no ncl in

[mmundakk at LADRL2023060931 ~]$ env  | grep NCARG

[mmundakk at LADRL2023060931 ~]$ conda list -n ncl

*Not sure why it says "no ncl" *

Any help will be appreciated.
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