[ncl-install] Problems to compile ncarg + pgi

Mary Haley haley at ucar.edu
Wed May 15 10:36:28 MDT 2013

Hi Marcia,

The Makefile in the $NCARG/ni/src/ncl is hard-coded to use g++, which is something we need to fix.

If you look at the error message:

g++: k8-64: No such file or directory
g++: unrecognized option '-tp'
g++: unrecognized option '-Msignextend'
g++: unrecognized option '-Mreentrant'
g++: unrecognized option '-pgf90libs'

you'll note it's complaining about "g++" not recognizing any options.

I think the fix is:

1. cd $NCARG/ni/src/ncl
2. Edit "yMakefile" and 

change any line that reads:

CC_LD           = g\+\+

to the appropriate C++ compiler for PGI.

Save the file.

3. cd $NCARG

4. run "make Everything" again


On May 14, 2013, at 11:20 AM, Márcia M. Schubert Dolbrowolsky wrote:

>     Hello
>     I have problems to compile with the compiler nacrg of portland.
>     The ncl binary file is not generated. I used the file LINUX.64.PGI.
>     Attached files used.
>     Please can you help me.
>     I thank you.
>     Marcia
> -- 
> Marcia Maria Schubert Dolbrowolsky
> marcia.schubert at cptec.inpe.br
> Analista de Suporte
> Serviço de Supercomputação e Suporte - SSS
> Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos - CPTEC
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