[NARCCAP-discuss] epsg value for CRCM-cgcm3 model
Oleksandr Huziy
guziy.sasha at gmail.com
Tue Nov 12 11:01:42 MST 2013
Hi Jianhua:
It is rotated lat/lon, the proj4string is smth like this:
+o_proj=longlat +lon_0=<your true pole longitude in this crs>-180
+o_lat_p=<your true pole latitude> +R=6370997.0 +proj=ob_tran +units=m
+o_lon_p=<longitude of the rotated pole in the true lat/lon>
those things in <> could be found in the header of the netcdf file.
Can you show me your plotting code? I've never done it in R, though tried,
and abandoned, seems to complicated))
It would be great to have a working example code with data attached to it
(just one field for one time step)
2013/11/11 Jianhua Huang <jh.eco.cas at gmail.com>
> Hi:
> I am trying to plot the netcdf file from CRCM-cgcm3 in R. There are some
> gaps between the grid cells when I used "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84" as
> projection. When I transfer the projection with the following function, it
> improves a little.
> sp.grid.proj <- spTransform(sp.grid, CRS('+init=epsg:3979'))
> Unfortunately, I don't know the exact epsg value I should for the
> CRCM-cgcm3
> model. Thank for any suggestion.
> Jianhua
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