[NARCCAP-discuss] Driving AOGCMs

Pryor, Sara C. spryor at indiana.edu
Mon Jul 22 08:33:22 MDT 2013

Hi- Apologies if this is not an appropriate question for this forum.

Do you have the output from the driving AOGCMs... the specific ones I am after are;
CCSM    Community Climate System Model<http://www-pcmdi.llnl.gov/ipcc/model_documentation/CCSM3.htm>    b30.030e (ctl), b30.042e (fut)
CGCM3   Third Generation Coupled Global Climate Model<http://www.ec.gc.ca/ccmac-cccma/default.asp?lang=En&n=1299529F-1> CGCM #4
GFDL    Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory GCM<http://www-pcmdi.llnl.gov/ipcc/model_documentation/GFDL-cm2.htm>      20C3M, run2; sresa2, run1
But I only see the HadCM3 output (since it was specific to NARCCAP) on NARCCAP.

I am Ok if you say go off and get it from the CMIP3 archive! (I believe they are there I will just need to remember how to get them!!)


S.C. Pryor

Department of Geological Sciences
MultiDisciplinary Science Building II
702 North Walnut Grove
Indiana University
Bloomington IN47405
Tel: 1-812-855-5155
Email: spryor at indiana.edu

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