[NARCCAP-discuss] Observed Gridded Climate Data

Sho Kawazoe shomtm62 at iastate.edu
Wed Jul 11 10:30:04 MDT 2012


 When I've used UW data in the past, I've cut out my domain on NCL.

You can also do this using the NCO command ncks (kitchen sink), or the CDO
(Climate data operator) sellonlatbox. Try CDO first. ncks may be a bit
tricky for something like this.

If NCL is something you prefer, I have a code written that I can send you
as well.

Hope this helps,

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 2:18 PM, S.Z.Samadi <zahra.samadi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear All,
> have you used NARCCAP gridded observed data (see below link)? I
> opened gridded data in Panoply and it did very good job. I need to extract
> the data for specific lat and long of my sub-basin. So how I can extract
> the specific lat and long grided observed data, I need to develop a code
> for that? which software do you recommend?
> http://www.engr.scu.edu/~emaurer/gridded_obs/index_gridded_obs.html
> Thanks,
> Samadi
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Sho Kawazoe
Graduate Student (Ph.D candidate)

Dept of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences
3019 Agronomy
Ames, IA 50010
Iowa State University
shomtm62 at iastate.edu

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