[NARCCAP-discuss] gfdl timeslice pressure coordinates

Thibeault, Jeanne jeanne.thibeault at uconn.edu
Thu Apr 12 14:13:30 MDT 2012

Hello NARCCAP users,

I am analyzing the GFDL timeslice experiments and need to convert the pressure coordinates from hybrid sigma coordinates to pressure levels (hPa).  I have a fortran code that I downloaded from GFDL (http://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/narccap-am2--data, see attachment), but I received an error message trying to run the program.  

 Invalid argument 
STOP 111 

The fortran code seems to fail at this line: 
 istat = NF90_OPEN (trim(file_in), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid_in) 
 if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) 

Does anyone know if there is a contact at GFDL that can help with this?  Is there another way I can interpolate the data to pressure levels?

Thank you for your help,
Jeanne Thibeault
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