[mpas-developers] COMMIT CHECK: branches/scratch_indication

Michael Duda duda at ucar.edu
Thu Mar 21 14:08:26 MDT 2013

Hi, Doug.

These changes look good to me.


On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 10:46:09AM -0600, Doug Jacobsen wrote:
> Hello All,
> I would like to commit my branch located at branches/scratch_indication to
> the trunk. This branch contains modifications to registry and shared
> framework that make fields have additional logicals that determine if they
> are scratch variables or not.
> In addition, it allows persistent variables to be passed into the scratch
> allocation and deallocation routines without any negative consequences. If
> someone passes a persistent variable into the scratch routines, they simply
> return without any action.
> This allows developers the ability to change a scratch variable into a
> persistent variable, and write it to an output file without having to
> change code. Then after debugging is finished, the variable can be moved
> back to a scratch variable again without changing any code.
> The additions to the field type are:
> logical :: isPersistent
> where Registry sets the value of this.
> As this has no negative impact on any cores currently, I would like to push
> it onto the trunk tomorrow prior to my xml_registry merge.
> If anyone has any comments or questions please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Doug

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