[mpas-developers] trunk commit: I/O for character variables

Michael Duda duda at ucar.edu
Mon Mar 11 18:01:49 MDT 2013

Hi, All.

I have a bug fix that I'd like to commit to the trunk. The bug only
affects time-independent scalar character variables, where we try to
read or write the variable with length StrKIND, which is equal to 512,
despite defining the variable with a truncated length of 64 in the file.
Automatic truncation is handled for scalar character variables with a
time dimension, and the fix is essentially to do the same for
time-independent character variables. Here are the changes in mpas_io.F
(original on the left, new on the right):

<             pio_ierr = PIO_get_var(handle % pio_file, field_cursor % fieldhandle % field_desc, charVal)
>             start1(1) = 1
>             count1(1) = field_cursor % fieldhandle % dims(1) % dimsize
>             pio_ierr = PIO_get_var(handle % pio_file, field_cursor % fieldhandle % fieldid, start1, count1, tempchar)
>             charVal(1:count1(1)) = tempchar(1)(1:count1(1))
<             pio_ierr = PIO_put_var(handle % pio_file, field_cursor % fieldhandle % field_desc, charVal)
>             start1(1) = 1
>             count1(1) = field_cursor % fieldhandle % dims(1) % dimsize
>             pio_ierr = PIO_put_var(handle % pio_file, field_cursor % fieldhandle % fieldid, start1, count1, (/charVal/))

If anyone would like to test this by, e.g., defining a variable like

   var persistent text    foo ( ) 0 so foo mesh - -

a patch version of mpas_io.F already exists in

If there are no objections or suggestions for improvement, I'll go ahead
and commit this fix to the trunk in the next couple of days.


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