[mpas-developers] cellTangentPlane

Michael Duda duda at ucar.edu
Thu Feb 28 10:25:07 MST 2013

Hi, Folks.

While trying to track down a problem in our MPAS-A initialization, I
noticed that in the registry files for all cores on the trunk, we have
the cellTangentPlane field dimensioned as ( R3 TWO nEdges ). At least as
far as I can tell -- and as indicated by the name of this field --
cellTangentPlane should be a cell-based field rather than an edge-based

I'm planning to test our core after switching the dimensions for
cellTangentPlane to ( R3 TWO nCells ), but I thought I'd let everyone
else know about this issue, and perhaps to see whether anyone else
agrees or disagrees with this switch.


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