[mpas-developers] geodesic grids used in GCM app on the Mac App Store

Ringler, Todd D ringler at lanl.gov
Thu Apr 18 11:16:41 MDT 2013

just having a spherical voronoi tessellation on my dock makes it worth installing (if you can). has particle tracking. pretty neat!

On Apr 18, 2013, at 11:05 AM, "Chen, Qingshan" <qchen at lanl.gov<mailto:qchen at lanl.gov>>

I guess Apple App reviewers/approvers are amused by this. Bad if it really requires OS X 10.8.3. None of my machine has it.

On Apr 18, 2013, at 11:00 AM, Ringler, Todd D wrote:

thought that folks might be interested in this. i have yet to give it a try.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Brad Marston <john_marston at brown.edu<mailto:john_marston at brown.edu>>
Subject: geodesic grids used in GCM app on the Mac App Store
Date: April 18, 2013 7:15:12 AM MDT
To: <ringler at lanl.gov<mailto:ringler at lanl.gov>>, David Randall <randall at atmos.colostate.edu<mailto:randall at atmos.colostate.edu>>, <ross at atmos.colostate.edu<mailto:ross at atmos.colostate.edu>>

Dear Dave, Todd, and Ross:

You may be interested or amused by this:  I've uploaded my "GCM" program to the Mac App Store -- it generates and uses spherical geodesic grids for (highly idealized) general circulation models (1- and 2-layers).  (Dave -- this is the program that I showed you at NSF last summer.)

See <https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gcm/id592404494?mt=12>


Brad Marston                       Brad_Marston at brown.edu<mailto:Brad_Marston at brown.edu>
Professor of Physics            phone: (401) 863-2061
Brown University                  FAX:     (401) 863-2024


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