[mpas-developers] COMMIT CHECK: Don't fail if variables and/or dimensions are not present in input file
Doug Jacobsen
jacobsen.douglas at gmail.com
Tue Oct 23 09:21:49 MDT 2012
Hi Again All,
I figured I'd give everyone another chance to review this.
If I don't hear anything, I'll commit it tomorrow morning.
On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Doug Jacobsen
<jacobsen.douglas at gmail.com>wrote:
> After talking with Michael yesterday, we decided that the proposed method
> was not the cleanest for handling variable and dimensions that were not
> present in an input file.
> I have attached a new proposal for this change. This includes a modified
> mpas_io.F and mpas_dmpar.F.
> Within mpas_io.F warnings are output to log.0000.err if a dimension or
> variable is marked as input but not present in the input file.
> Within mpas_dmpar.F the dimensions of a field are checked prior to
> performing a halo exchange. If any of the dimensions are <= 0 the halo
> exchange exits (meaning it doesn't cause the model to fail). Any use of
> variables will still throw segfaults because you will be accessing an array
> with a junk size, but the framework won't hinder your ability to have them
> present.
> Please let me know if anyone has any questions or comments about it. If
> not I'll commit it tomorrow afternoon.
> Thanks,
> Doug
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