[mpas-developers] suggestion for flag to avoid initial output file

Mark Petersen mpetersen at lanl.gov
Wed Mar 14 15:19:05 MDT 2012

mpas developers,

Now that we are beginning large high-rez runs, I would like to suggest 
adding the flag:

    config_write_initial_output = .true.

where .true. is default, and if .false., the code would not write an 
output file upon start-up.  There is no need to do this when restarting 
from a continued run, and it is useful to avoid initial i/o when 
debugging these large runs.  I would like to ask for feedback on this, 
since it involves the driver.  See details below.



This flag would turn off the lines

       if(config_frames_per_outfile > 0) then
          call mpas_output_state_init(output_obj, domain, "OUTPUT", 
          call mpas_output_state_init(output_obj, domain, "OUTPUT")
       end if

in mpas_subdriver.F

and the first
        call ocn_write_output_frame(output_obj, output_frame, domain)
before timestepping begins in an individual core,

                call mpas_output_state_finalize(output_obj, domain % dminfo)
the first time it is called in a timestep in each core.

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