[mpas-developers] Block Decomposition Revision

Todd Ringler ringler at lanl.gov
Thu Jan 26 11:12:13 MST 2012

Hi Michael,

A critical part of making sure that we implement useful, robust solutions is gathering feedback on the design docs. So thanks for taking the time to look at the doc.

My reading of the document came up with several of the points you raised. The hope is to get this revised and sent back out for another review by the end of the week.

Thanks again.


On Jan 26, 2012, at 11:01 AM, Michael Duda wrote:

> Hi, Doug.
> Thanks very much for the document. I'm still thinking through the design
> section, but I have a couple of quick comments on the requirements.
> First, I think we need to be careful about including implementation
> details in the requirements themselves. For example, the requirement
>   "Domain decomposition information needs to be read from a file based on 
>    number of total blocks as opposed to number of MPI tasks."
> says quite a bit about how this should be implemented ("needs to be read
> from a file"). Secondly, even though the initial design may take the
> simplest approach to assigning multiple blocks to a task, I think it
> will be good to ensure that the requirements describe our long-term
> requirements for the module.
> Two of the requirements could be something along the lines of:
> 1) the user must be able to specify the number of blocks to be owned by
>   each task; and
> 2) the block_decomp module must return information describing the cells
>   contained in the specified number of blocks for the task.
> As for additional requirements, we could consider whether it is the case
> that we ultimately want to be able to specify a different number of
> blocks for each MPI task, and if we want to be able to place additional
> constraints on which blocks are assigned to a task (much harder, I
> think; e.g., preference should be given for contiguously located blocks
> to maximize shared-memory copies, or for blocks that are spread as
> evenly around the global domain as possible to help with load balancing).
> I apologize for taking so long to have a look through the document; I'll
> send along any other comments that might come up as soon as I can.
> Regards,
> Michael
> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 01:26:53PM -0700, Doug Jacobsen wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Continuing with the work that Michale previously proposed before the
>> derived data type revision, I am starting work on revisions to the block
>> decomposition module to support multiple blocks per mpi process. As a
>> refresher, this item was previously described as
>> 4) Modify the block_decomp module to enable a task to get a list of
>>    cells in more than one block that it is to be the owner of.
>>    Implemented in the simplest way, there could simply be a namelist
>>    option to specify how many blocks each task should own, and the
>>    block_decomp module could look for a graph.info.part.n file, with
>>    n=num_blocks_per_task*num_tasks, and assign blocks k, 2k, 3k, ...,
>>    num_blocks_per_task*k to task k.
>> I have attached a design document (pdf and latex) related to this task.
>> Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions. I would like to
>> have this implemented by the end of the week. Thanks for any feedback.
>> Doug
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