[mpas-developers] mpas output file naming conventions

Sara A. Rauscher rauscher at lanl.gov
Thu Sep 8 10:22:09 MDT 2011


I mentioned this to Todd and he suggested I post my user experience to 
the developer team.

I've been running cam-mpas, and revision 983 brought up a small run-time 
hassle. Is there any way to automatically put a unique name on mpas 
output files instead of generic names like "output.nc", "ocean.nc" 
without editing namelist.input every time? For example, they could be 
time stamped by model time (YYYY-MM-DD-HH as in CESM)  or number of time 
steps) or the real-world time at which the job is running.

It's not a big deal during testing, but in production runs it starts to 
be a hassle. I have set my run script to capture the date from the 
latest CAM restart file and sed that into namelist.input so that the 
output files have a unique and meaningful name. It works fine but errors 
can still happen. In production runs, with one misnamed file, or writing 
over an output file, things get messy fast.


> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: 	[mpas-developers] /home/subversion/mpas/model revision 983
> Date: 	Wed, 7 Sep 2011 11:00:48 -0600 (MDT)
> From: 	mpas-developers at ucar.edu
> Reply-To: 	mpas-developers at ucar.edu
> To: 	mpas-developers at ucar.edu
> *ringler at lanl.gov* 2011-09-07 11:00:48 -0600 (Wed, 07 Sep 2011)
> add default naming for I/O files
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Modified: branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/namelist.input.ocean
> ===================================================================
> --- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/namelist.input.ocean	2011-09-07 15:53:33 UTC (rev 982)
> +++ branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/namelist.input.ocean	2011-09-07 17:00:48 UTC (rev 983)
> @@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
>      config_stats_interval = 100
>   /
>   &io
> +   config_input_name = 'ocean.nc'
> +   config_output_name = 'output.nc'
> +   config_restart_name = 'restart.nc'
>   /
>   &restart
>      config_restart_interval = 10000000
> <Attached Message Part.txt>

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