[mpas-developers] proposed standard quasi-uniform grids

Doug Jacobsen jacobsen.douglas at gmail.com
Sat Nov 13 08:06:47 MST 2010

Also, in regards to removing the fields from the actual grid files, you can
either do that with utilities, matlab, octave, or we can run the locs.dat
file back through the updated grid generator.

Any of the above methods should allow you to remove particular fields from
the grid files. I think the easiest two are probably the nc utils and
running the locs.day file back through the generator. Since the locs.dat are
the converged centroids of the SCVT, there should be no
iterations necessary for convergence, and when you run it though you could
just set max_it to zero, causing it to just write out a new grid.

I don't know if it's really easy to do it in matlab or octave, but I know
you could copy the fields from one netcdf file to another netcdf file.


On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 4:59 PM, Jones, Philip W <pwjones at lanl.gov> wrote:

> Guys,
> The history attribute is a netCDF CF metadata standard so a CF-compliant
> file should have this attribute.  They also have optional attributes that
> provide additional detail if you think history is too messy.
> Phil
> ---
> Correspondence/TSPA/DUSA EARTH
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Philip Jones                                pwjones at lanl.gov
> Climate, Ocean and Sea Ice Modeling
> Los Alamos National Laboratory
> T-3 MS B216                                 Ph: 505-500-2699
> PO Box 1663                                Fax: 505-665-5926
> Los Alamos, NM 87545-1663
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