[mpas-developers] proposed standard quasi-uniform grids

Todd Ringler ringler at lanl.gov
Mon Nov 8 14:52:32 MST 2010

Hi All,

I am proposing that we produce "standard" quasi-uniform global SCVT grids for general use and distribution. Lately we have run across a couple of examples where confusion arose due to using different meshes with same number of grid cells.

Here are the links to the meshes that we have produced:

480 km: 2562: https://files.me.com/todd.ringler/002lh9
240 km: 10242: https://files.me.com/todd.ringler/t9tker
120 km: 40962: https://files.me.com/todd.ringler/qqy336
60 km: 163842: https://files.me.com/todd.ringler/ghlhxu
30 km: 655362: https://files.me.com/todd.ringler/r4hkk4

Each of these meshes were produced from the trunk/grid_gen/global_scvt directory, rev 572 by Doug Jacobsen at FSU. Each mesh was iterated to a level of converge of 1.0e-11 (this represents the average grid point movement on the unit sphere on each iteration).

Each of the x1.grid.*.nc files have been given global attributes related to when they were generated, from what revision # and that they are considered the "standard" mesh for that resolution.

Each *.tar.gz files contains the locs.dat file, graph.info file and a wide assortment of graph.info.part.* files.

I am requesting feedback on these meshes and the files that are included in the *.tar.gz package. My proposal is to push these out to the sourceforge site once the vetting process is complete.

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