[mpas-developers] time manager

Laura Fowler laura at ucar.edu
Thu Aug 12 14:40:02 MDT 2010

  Hi Todd:
In our group, we talked about the possibility to use a flux coupler for 
the land-surface parameterization using ESMF instead of having land 
surface processes called from the physics package itself (as in WRF).

At the WRF workshop, somebody shows results of a land surface 
parameterization coupled to WRF using ESMF instead of the conventional 
approach; this may be the approach we would use may be not initially but 
definitely in the long run. This would be similar to CESM1.0 and earlier 
versions of the CCSM. Adding ESMF would make sense.


On 8/11/10 2:35 PM, Todd Ringler wrote:
> Hi Developers .....
> In our ocean modeling meeting today we came to the topic of time
> management. It seems that ESMF has a robust, well-tested FORTRAN
> implementation of time management. Should we consider the possibility
> as adding this to our frameworks in order to allow cores to access and
> management events? Are there other time management utilities that we
> should consider?
> Cheers,
> Todd
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  Laura D. Fowler
  Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division (MMM)
  National Center for Atmospheric Research
  P.O. Box 3000, Boulder CO 80307-3000

  e-mail: laura at ucar.edu
  phone : 303-497-1628


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