[mpas-developers] /home/subversion/mpas/model revision 474

Jones, Philip W pwjones at lanl.gov
Wed Aug 11 14:59:11 MDT 2010


Didn't see this - but these directories should definitely not be altered as the
 comments suggest. They are only used by svn for managing the repo.
 The only conceivable need to edit these would be to
 add post-commit or pre-commit scripts (in the hooks directory).

My guess is that someone mistakenly touched these and they appeared in
 a blanket commit?


Correspondence/TSPA/DUSA EARTH
Philip Jones                                pwjones at lanl.gov
Climate, Ocean and Sea Ice Modeling
Los Alamos National Laboratory
T-3 MS B216                                 Ph: 505-500-2699
PO Box 1663                                Fax: 505-665-5926
Los Alamos, NM 87545-1663

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