[mpas-developers] restart works again

Michael Duda duda at ucar.edu
Tue Aug 3 15:44:32 MDT 2010

Hi, Mark.

That's great news -- since it's been quite some time, I'll test
restarts in the hydrostatic atmosphere core to verify that they
still work there.


On Tue, Aug 03, 2010 at 03:33:34PM -0600, Mark Petersen wrote:
> mpas developers,
> There was a period in June and July that restart capability did not work. 
> Upon restart we would get the error
>    block_decomp_add_halo: Somehow we don't have the right number of total
> cells.
> in the sw and ocean cores.
> The current repository now has working restart ability, in both sw and 
> ocean cores (I never tested atmosphere).  I bet it was one of those bug 
> fixes from LLNL that changed the initialization.
> Mark
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