[mpas-developers] adding user-friendliness to MPAS trunk

Michael Duda duda at ucar.edu
Thu Apr 22 15:25:49 MDT 2010

Hi, All.

I'd like to add a small bit of code in
src/framework/module_io_input.F that will inform the user when the
input grid file (either input or restart) is missing. Without this
change, the errors generated by the code when a grid.nc or
restart.nc file isn't present don't give any specific indication
of what caused the crash. At least in my case, it's sometimes
taken me a minute or two to realize that it's not a problem with
the code, but just a missing input file that caused a run to fail.

The change is simply to add this bit of code

>       if (nferr /= NF_NOERR) then
>          write(0,*) ' '
>          if (config_do_restart) then
>             write(0,*) 'Error opening restart file ''', trim(input_obj % filename), ''''
>          else
>             write(0,*) 'Error opening input file ''', trim(input_obj % filename), ''''
>          end if
>          write(0,*) ' '
>          call dmpar_abort(dminfo)
>       end if

below the call to nf_open(...) in module_io_input.F.

If anyone has any suggestions for improvement or objections,
please let me know.


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