[mpas-developers] /home/subversion/mpas/model revision 34

Michael Duda duda at ucar.edu
Fri Aug 21 15:30:04 MDT 2009

1) First pass at using the Registry to generate field-dependent code. 
Some parts of the input and output modules rely on certain fields and
dimensions being present (like cellsOnCell and other grid connectivity
metadata), but the model wouldn't work without these fields anyway. At
present, the Registry should allow for new field and dimensions to be
added, though.

2) Fix bug in compute_solve_diagnostics, where edge index for u array 
might be out of bounds when computing v velocities.

3) Fix typo in top-level Makefile.

M    swmodel/src/module_io_input.F
M    swmodel/src/module_io_output.F
M    swmodel/src/module_test_cases.F
M    swmodel/src/module_time_integration.F
M    swmodel/src/module_grid_types.F
M    swmodel/src/module_block_decomp.F
M    swmodel/src/module_configure.F
A    swmodel/Registry/registry_types.h
A    swmodel/Registry/gen_inc.c
M    swmodel/Registry/Registry
A    swmodel/Registry/gen_inc.h
M    swmodel/Registry/parse.c
M    swmodel/Registry/Makefile
M    swmodel/Makefile

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