[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #89206] History for Problem with PB2NC reading BUFR data.

John Halley Gotway via RT met_help at ucar.edu
Tue Jul 9 12:06:57 MDT 2019

  Initial Request

I'm trying to convert the Bufr data into netcdf for the point_stat tool, however, I encountered the following error:


Kayee.Wong at tfe02 obs]$ pb2nc testing/pmfine_081018_Peak.obs pmfine_081018_Peak.nc PB2NCConfig
DEBUG 1: Default Config File: /contrib/met/8.0/share/met/config/PB2NCConfig_default
DEBUG 1: User Config File: PB2NCConfig
DEBUG 1: Creating NetCDF File:        pmfine_081018_Peak.nc
DEBUG 1: Pre-processing BUFR File for variable names from testing/pmfine_081018_Peak.obs
DEBUG 1: process_pbfile_metadata() -> the number of records: 0
WARNING: process_pbfile_metadata() -> No Bufr messages to process in file: testing/pmfine_081018_Peak.obs
DEBUG 1: Processing Bufr File:    testing/pmfine_081018_Peak.obs
DEBUG 1: Blocking Bufr file to:    /tmp/tmp_pb2nc_blk_87647_0
WARNING: process_pbfile() -> No Bufr messages to process in file: testing/pmfine_081018_Peak.obs
ERROR  : write_netcdf_hdr_data() -> No PrepBufr messages retained.  Nothing to write.

Is the Bufr data I got is not compatible to the pb2nc tool?

  Complete Ticket History

Subject: Problem with PB2NC reading BUFR data.
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Wed Mar 06 13:22:32 2019


I moved the question you asked me over to the met-help queue.

I logged on to theia and took a look at the data you're trying to
process.  You're attempting to run this file through pb2nc you're
getting no observations.  This does not appear to be a BUFR file.  It
looks like it's ASCII.  I ran head -10 to see the first 10 lines:

[John.H.Gotway at tfe01 testing]$ head -10 /scratch3/BMC/wrf-
! PM2.5 Data
AGENCY,            DMC
FILENAME,          pmfine_081018_Peak.obs
DATA_VERSION,      201808111442
TZONE,             EDT,4
QC_LEVEL,          1 Set by Program QC

Binary BUFR data files start with "BUFR" as the first 4 characters,
which are definitely not present here.

I'd suggest doing some more digging to determine exactly how this data
is formatted.



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