[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #81644] History for Adjusting Line Widths on Reliability Diagrams

Tatiana Burek via RT met_help at ucar.edu
Thu Aug 17 11:38:05 MDT 2017

  Initial Request


I was wondering if it is currently possible to adjust the line width of the
max skill line on reliability diagrams.  I tried to make it larger by
setting lwd = 3 in the Rscript (see below).  I ran the Rscript on the NCEP
METViewer server but the line width stayed the same - an example plot is
attached.  I also tried changing the color from gray to black just to see
what would happen but the line remained gray.  Perhaps these settings
cannot be modified or they are being overwritten somewhere?

# draw the max-skill line
a=0, # intercept
b=1, # slope
lty=1, # line type - 0: blank, 1: solid, 2: dashed, 3: dotted, 4: dotdash,
5: longdash, 6: twodash
col="gray", # line color
lend=1, # line end style - 0: rounded, 1: butt, 2: square
cex=1, # line magnification
lwd=1.5, # line width
xpd=FALSE # plot clipping - FALSE: plot, TRUE: figure, NA: device

I was also interested in increasing the line width of the reliability
curves themselves to ~5 but it looks like the largest they can be increased
to is 3.

Ben Blake

  Complete Ticket History

Subject: Adjusting Line Widths on Reliability Diagrams
From: Tatiana Burek
Time: Thu Aug 17 11:10:37 2017

METViewer doesn't allow to adjust the max-skill line properties with
UI or XML file.
Rscript is the only place to do that.
You should be able to  change the color and width of the line with
your modifications:
And, of course, you need to rerun Rscript:
Rscript <rscript_file.R>
The new image should be where 'strPlotFile' variable points to.
If it doesn't work please send me the path to your Rscript  - I will
take a look.

Rscript that creates the reliability plot prevents to draw plot lines
wider than 3. You can change it by changing the value of "listLwd"
variable and comment out this line in Rscript:
listLwdLeg[listLwdLeg > 3] = 3;


On Thu Aug 17 06:58:24 2017, benjamin.blake at noaa.gov wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if it is currently possible to adjust the line width
of the
> max skill line on reliability diagrams.  I tried to make it larger
> setting lwd = 3 in the Rscript (see below).  I ran the Rscript on
the NCEP
> METViewer server but the line width stayed the same - an example
plot is
> attached.  I also tried changing the color from gray to black just
to see
> what would happen but the line remained gray.  Perhaps these
> cannot be modified or they are being overwritten somewhere?
> # draw the max-skill line
> abline(
> a=0, # intercept
> b=1, # slope
> lty=1, # line type - 0: blank, 1: solid, 2: dashed, 3: dotted, 4:
> 5: longdash, 6: twodash
> col="gray", # line color
> lend=1, # line end style - 0: rounded, 1: butt, 2: square
> cex=1, # line magnification
> lwd=1.5, # line width
> xpd=FALSE # plot clipping - FALSE: plot, TRUE: figure, NA: device
> );
> I was also interested in increasing the line width of the
> curves themselves to ~5 but it looks like the largest they can be
> to is 3.
> Thanks!
> Ben Blake

Subject: Adjusting Line Widths on Reliability Diagrams
From: Benjamin Blake - NOAA Affiliate
Time: Thu Aug 17 11:35:31 2017

Hi Tatiana,

I'm not sure what I did wrong the first time with the max-skill line
after I downloaded the R script from the METViewer GUI and tried
running it
again with those modifications I got it to work.  I attached an

I was also able to increase the line widths to 5 by commenting out
listLwdLeg line.

Thanks for the help!

On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 1:10 PM, Tatiana Burek via RT
<met_help at ucar.edu>

> Ben,
> METViewer doesn't allow to adjust the max-skill line properties with
UI or
> XML file.
> Rscript is the only place to do that.
> You should be able to  change the color and width of the line with
> modifications:
> col="black",
> lwd=3,
> And, of course, you need to rerun Rscript:
> Rscript <rscript_file.R>
> The new image should be where 'strPlotFile' variable points to.
> If it doesn't work please send me the path to your Rscript  - I will
> a look.
> Rscript that creates the reliability plot prevents to draw plot
> wider than 3. You can change it by changing the value of "listLwd"
> and comment out this line in Rscript:
> listLwdLeg[listLwdLeg > 3] = 3;
> Tatiana
> On Thu Aug 17 06:58:24 2017, benjamin.blake at noaa.gov wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I was wondering if it is currently possible to adjust the line
width of
> the
> > max skill line on reliability diagrams.  I tried to make it larger
> > setting lwd = 3 in the Rscript (see below).  I ran the Rscript on
> > METViewer server but the line width stayed the same - an example
plot is
> > attached.  I also tried changing the color from gray to black just
to see
> > what would happen but the line remained gray.  Perhaps these
> > cannot be modified or they are being overwritten somewhere?
> >
> > # draw the max-skill line
> > abline(
> > a=0, # intercept
> > b=1, # slope
> > lty=1, # line type - 0: blank, 1: solid, 2: dashed, 3: dotted, 4:
> dotdash,
> > 5: longdash, 6: twodash
> > col="gray", # line color
> > lend=1, # line end style - 0: rounded, 1: butt, 2: square
> > cex=1, # line magnification
> > lwd=1.5, # line width
> > xpd=FALSE # plot clipping - FALSE: plot, TRUE: figure, NA: device
> > );
> >
> > I was also interested in increasing the line width of the
> > curves themselves to ~5 but it looks like the largest they can be
> increased
> > to is 3.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Ben Blake


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