[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #74196] History for regridding WRF-ARW to NEP Stage II grid

John Halley Gotway via RT met_help at ucar.edu
Mon Nov 30 15:59:49 MST 2015

  Initial Request

Hi METHelp,

I'm trying to re-grid my WRF outputs to the NCEP Stage II precipitation grid, using the copygb utility under the UPPv3.0.

I have given custom grid specification as follows:

export copygb_opt="custom"
export custom_gds="255 5 1160 880 22774 120376 8 105000 4763 4763 0 64"

But, I cannot able to create re-gridded WRF outputs, files names were created but no contents.

I'd appreciate if you could help me what could be causing it. FYI, I was able to re-grid for latlon grid that I specified, but not for polar steroid grid.

Thanks, NTsengel

  Complete Ticket History

Subject: regridding WRF-ARW to NEP Stage II grid
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Wed Nov 25 08:03:20 2015

Hello Tsengel,

I see that you're having trouble with a copygb command to regrid to
StageII domain.  I just pulled a StageII file and used wgrib to print
the following grid definition:

polar stereo: Lat1 23.117000 Long1 -119.023000 Orient -105.000000
north pole (1121 x 881) Dx 4763 Dy 4763 scan 64 mode 8

Then I followed the instructions from the MET online tutorial for
stereographic grids:


That yields this grid definition string:
   255 5 1121 881 23117 -119023 8 -105000 4763 4763 0 64

Please try using this grid definition.  I suspect the problem was that
longitude values were positive instead of negative... which would put
on the other side of the globe.

Hopefully that helps.


On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 9:56 PM, Nergui, Tsengel via RT
<met_help at ucar.edu>

> Mon Nov 23 20:56:53 2015: Request 74196 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by tsengel.nergui at wsu.edu
>        Queue: met_help
>      Subject: regridding WRF-ARW to NEP Stage II grid
>        Owner: Nobody
>   Requestors: tsengel.nergui at wsu.edu
>       Status: new
>  Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=74196 >
> Hi METHelp,
> I'm trying to re-grid my WRF outputs to the NCEP Stage II
> grid, using the copygb utility under the UPPv3.0.
> I have given custom grid specification as follows:
> export copygb_opt="custom"
> export custom_gds="255 5 1160 880 22774 120376 8 105000 4763 4763 0
> But, I cannot able to create re-gridded WRF outputs, files names
> created but no contents.
> I'd appreciate if you could help me what could be causing it. FYI, I
> able to re-grid for latlon grid that I specified, but not for polar
> grid.
> Thanks, NTsengel

Subject: RE: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #74196] regridding WRF-ARW to NEP Stage II grid
From: Nergui, Tsengel
Time: Wed Nov 25 12:33:52 2015

Hi John,

I believe you may have pulled a StageIV data.

I got the StageII data for 1997 from http://data.eol.ucar.edu/cgi-
bin/codiac/fgr_form/id=21.048 link.

When I do wgrib on a data file, it informs me following:
wgrib -V gag4.19971010.04
rec 1:0:date 1997101003 APCP kpds5=61 kpds6=1 kpds7=0 levels=(0,0)
grid=240 sfc 0-1hr acc: bitmap: 686697 undef
  APCP=Total precipitation [kg/m^2]
  timerange 4 P1 0 P2 1 TimeU 1  nx 1160 ny 880 GDS grid 5 num_in_ave
0 missing 0
  center 7 subcenter 0 process 152 Table 2 scan: WE:SN winds(grid)
  polar stereo: Lat1 22.774000 Long1 239.624000 Orient 255.000000
     north pole (1160 x 880) Dx 4763 Dy 4763 scan 64 mode 8
  min/max data 0 73.375  num bits 11  BDS_Ref 0  DecScale 0 BinScale

Thus, I tried 4+1(you have suggested) different grid strings, but none
is produced Polar Sterio projected wrf outputs.

custom_gds="255 5 1160 880 22774 239624 8 255000 4763 4763 0 64"
custom_gds="255 5 1160 880 22774 120376 8 105000 4763 4763 0 64"
custom_gds="255 5 1160 880 22774 120376 8 -105000 4763 4763 0 64"
custom_gds="255 5 1160 880 22774 -120376 8 -105000 4763 4763 0 64"

custom_gds="255 5 1121 881 23117 -119023 8 -105000 4763 4763 0 64"

Any idea how to make it work for StageII datasets.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Halley Gotway via RT [mailto:met_help at ucar.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 7:03 AM
To: Nergui, Tsengel
Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #74196] regridding WRF-ARW to NEP Stage
II grid

Hello Tsengel,

I see that you're having trouble with a copygb command to regrid to
the StageII domain.  I just pulled a StageII file and used wgrib to
print to the following grid definition:

polar stereo: Lat1 23.117000 Long1 -119.023000 Orient -105.000000
north pole (1121 x 881) Dx 4763 Dy 4763 scan 64 mode 8

Then I followed the instructions from the MET online tutorial for
polar stereographic grids:


That yields this grid definition string:
   255 5 1121 881 23117 -119023 8 -105000 4763 4763 0 64

Please try using this grid definition.  I suspect the problem was that
your longitude values were positive instead of negative... which would
put them on the other side of the globe.

Hopefully that helps.


On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 9:56 PM, Nergui, Tsengel via RT
<met_help at ucar.edu>

> Mon Nov 23 20:56:53 2015: Request 74196 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by tsengel.nergui at wsu.edu
>        Queue: met_help
>      Subject: regridding WRF-ARW to NEP Stage II grid
>        Owner: Nobody
>   Requestors: tsengel.nergui at wsu.edu
>       Status: new
>  Ticket
> <URL:https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-
> edu_rt_Ticket_Display.html-3Fid-
> 6ZyWk4EJm8LdrrvxQb-Je7sw&r=OUixJTR1U-
> &m=_oTJT8l2oAwYpjHYOwDlpoM0vZ5lPqkp-
> hBtJCQjh_Cd5nZIb98Kybw&e= >
> Hi METHelp,
> I'm trying to re-grid my WRF outputs to the NCEP Stage II
> precipitation grid, using the copygb utility under the UPPv3.0.
> I have given custom grid specification as follows:
> export copygb_opt="custom"
> export custom_gds="255 5 1160 880 22774 120376 8 105000 4763 4763 0
> But, I cannot able to create re-gridded WRF outputs, files names
> created but no contents.
> I'd appreciate if you could help me what could be causing it. FYI, I
> was able to re-grid for latlon grid that I specified, but not for
> polar steroid grid.
> Thanks, NTsengel

Subject: regridding WRF-ARW to NEP Stage II grid
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Mon Nov 30 12:55:47 2015

Sorry for the confusion.  I had grabbed a recent StageII file which
the 1121x881 Polar Stereographic grid I mentioned.

I believe that switch the StageII grid back in 2002, but since you're
data from 1997, it's sill on the old grid.  I just pulled a 1997
file, ran it through wgrib, and see this grid definition:
  polar stereo: Lat1 22.774000 Long1 239.624000 Orient 255.000000
     north pole (1160 x 880) Dx 4763 Dy 4763 scan 64 mode 8

Again, I followed the instructions for polar stereo grids:

And that yields this grid definition string:
   255 5 1160 880 22774 -120376 8 -135000 4763 4763 0 64

For the longitude values > 180, I just subtracted 360 degrees to put
in the range of -180 to 180.

Please give that a shot and let me know how it goes.


On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 12:33 PM, Nergui, Tsengel via RT
<met_help at ucar.edu>

> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=74196 >
> Hi John,
> I believe you may have pulled a StageIV data.
> I got the StageII data for 1997 from
> http://data.eol.ucar.edu/cgi-bin/codiac/fgr_form/id=21.048 link.
> When I do wgrib on a data file, it informs me following:
> ------------
> wgrib -V gag4.19971010.04
> rec 1:0:date 1997101003 APCP kpds5=61 kpds6=1 kpds7=0 levels=(0,0)
> grid=240 sfc 0-1hr acc: bitmap: 686697 undef
>   APCP=Total precipitation [kg/m^2]
>   timerange 4 P1 0 P2 1 TimeU 1  nx 1160 ny 880 GDS grid 5
num_in_ave 0
> missing 0
>   center 7 subcenter 0 process 152 Table 2 scan: WE:SN winds(grid)
>   polar stereo: Lat1 22.774000 Long1 239.624000 Orient 255.000000
>      north pole (1160 x 880) Dx 4763 Dy 4763 scan 64 mode 8
>   min/max data 0 73.375  num bits 11  BDS_Ref 0  DecScale 0 BinScale
> Thus, I tried 4+1(you have suggested) different grid strings, but
none is
> produced Polar Sterio projected wrf outputs.
> custom_gds="255 5 1160 880 22774 239624 8 255000 4763 4763 0 64"
> custom_gds="255 5 1160 880 22774 120376 8 105000 4763 4763 0 64"
> custom_gds="255 5 1160 880 22774 120376 8 -105000 4763 4763 0 64"
> custom_gds="255 5 1160 880 22774 -120376 8 -105000 4763 4763 0 64"
> custom_gds="255 5 1121 881 23117 -119023 8 -105000 4763 4763 0 64"
> Any idea how to make it work for StageII datasets.
> NTsengel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT [mailto:met_help at ucar.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 7:03 AM
> To: Nergui, Tsengel
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #74196] regridding WRF-ARW to NEP
Stage II
> grid
> Hello Tsengel,
> I see that you're having trouble with a copygb command to regrid to
> StageII domain.  I just pulled a StageII file and used wgrib to
print to
> the following grid definition:
> polar stereo: Lat1 23.117000 Long1 -119.023000 Orient -105.000000
> pole (1121 x 881) Dx 4763 Dy 4763 scan 64 mode 8
> Then I followed the instructions from the MET online tutorial for
> stereographic grids:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-
> That yields this grid definition string:
>    255 5 1121 881 23117 -119023 8 -105000 4763 4763 0 64
> Please try using this grid definition.  I suspect the problem was
> your longitude values were positive instead of negative... which
would put
> them on the other side of the globe.
> Hopefully that helps.
> Thanks,
> John
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 9:56 PM, Nergui, Tsengel via RT
<met_help at ucar.edu
> >
> wrote:
> >
> > Mon Nov 23 20:56:53 2015: Request 74196 was acted upon.
> > Transaction: Ticket created by tsengel.nergui at wsu.edu
> >        Queue: met_help
> >      Subject: regridding WRF-ARW to NEP Stage II grid
> >        Owner: Nobody
> >   Requestors: tsengel.nergui at wsu.edu
> >       Status: new
> >  Ticket
> > <URL:https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-
> > edu_rt_Ticket_Display.html-3Fid-
> > 6ZyWk4EJm8LdrrvxQb-Je7sw&r=OUixJTR1U-
> > &m=_oTJT8l2oAwYpjHYOwDlpoM0vZ5lPqkp-
> > hBtJCQjh_Cd5nZIb98Kybw&e= >
> >
> >
> > Hi METHelp,
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm trying to re-grid my WRF outputs to the NCEP Stage II
> > precipitation grid, using the copygb utility under the UPPv3.0.
> >
> >
> >
> > I have given custom grid specification as follows:
> >
> >
> > export copygb_opt="custom"
> > export custom_gds="255 5 1160 880 22774 120376 8 105000 4763 4763
0 64"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > But, I cannot able to create re-gridded WRF outputs, files names
> > created but no contents.
> >
> >
> >
> > I'd appreciate if you could help me what could be causing it. FYI,
> > was able to re-grid for latlon grid that I specified, but not for
> > polar steroid grid.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks, NTsengel
> >
> >
> >

Subject: RE: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #74196] regridding WRF-ARW to NEP Stage II grid
From: Nergui, Tsengel
Time: Mon Nov 30 15:47:45 2015

Hi John,

Thank you for looking it up again. It worked. I did a mistake on my
part that caused unsuccessful re-gridding.
Thanks again, NT

-----Original Message-----
From: John Halley Gotway via RT [mailto:met_help at ucar.edu]
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2015 11:56 AM
To: Nergui, Tsengel
Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #74196] regridding WRF-ARW to NEP Stage
II grid

Sorry for the confusion.  I had grabbed a recent StageII file which
uses the 1121x881 Polar Stereographic grid I mentioned.

I believe that switch the StageII grid back in 2002, but since you're
using data from 1997, it's sill on the old grid.  I just pulled a 1997
StageII file, ran it through wgrib, and see this grid definition:
  polar stereo: Lat1 22.774000 Long1 239.624000 Orient 255.000000
     north pole (1160 x 880) Dx 4763 Dy 4763 scan 64 mode 8

Again, I followed the instructions for polar stereo grids:

And that yields this grid definition string:
   255 5 1160 880 22774 -120376 8 -135000 4763 4763 0 64

For the longitude values > 180, I just subtracted 360 degrees to put
them in the range of -180 to 180.

Please give that a shot and let me know how it goes.


On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 12:33 PM, Nergui, Tsengel via RT
<met_help at ucar.edu>

> <URL:https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-
> edu_rt_Ticket_Display.html-3Fid-
> 6ZyWk4EJm8LdrrvxQb-Je7sw&r=OUixJTR1U-
> UPHbMu8w1tqByVBNZQYjFI&e= >
> Hi John,
> I believe you may have pulled a StageIV data.
> I got the StageII data for 1997 from
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-
GbCI5bLkO0b1SDjf_3_ZjzfUXG7jTCA&e=  link.
> When I do wgrib on a data file, it informs me following:
> ------------
> wgrib -V gag4.19971010.04
> rec 1:0:date 1997101003 APCP kpds5=61 kpds6=1 kpds7=0 levels=(0,0)
> grid=240 sfc 0-1hr acc: bitmap: 686697 undef
>   APCP=Total precipitation [kg/m^2]
>   timerange 4 P1 0 P2 1 TimeU 1  nx 1160 ny 880 GDS grid 5
> 0 missing 0
>   center 7 subcenter 0 process 152 Table 2 scan: WE:SN winds(grid)
>   polar stereo: Lat1 22.774000 Long1 239.624000 Orient 255.000000
>      north pole (1160 x 880) Dx 4763 Dy 4763 scan 64 mode 8
>   min/max data 0 73.375  num bits 11  BDS_Ref 0  DecScale 0 BinScale
> -4
> Thus, I tried 4+1(you have suggested) different grid strings, but
> is produced Polar Sterio projected wrf outputs.
> custom_gds="255 5 1160 880 22774 239624 8 255000 4763 4763 0 64"
> custom_gds="255 5 1160 880 22774 120376 8 105000 4763 4763 0 64"
> custom_gds="255 5 1160 880 22774 120376 8 -105000 4763 4763 0 64"
> custom_gds="255 5 1160 880 22774 -120376 8 -105000 4763 4763 0 64"
> custom_gds="255 5 1121 881 23117 -119023 8 -105000 4763 4763 0 64"
> Any idea how to make it work for StageII datasets.
> NTsengel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT [mailto:met_help at ucar.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 7:03 AM
> To: Nergui, Tsengel
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #74196] regridding WRF-ARW to NEP
> II grid
> Hello Tsengel,
> I see that you're having trouble with a copygb command to regrid to
> the StageII domain.  I just pulled a StageII file and used wgrib to
> print to the following grid definition:
> polar stereo: Lat1 23.117000 Long1 -119.023000 Orient -105.000000
> north pole (1121 x 881) Dx 4763 Dy 4763 scan 64 mode 8
> Then I followed the instructions from the MET online tutorial for
> polar stereographic grids:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-
> et_users_support_online-
> C3yme8gMkxg_ihJNXS06ZyWk4EJm8LdrrvxQb-Je7sw&r=OUixJTR1U-
> 8A03YgZoNOMgJhE5JYE&m=_oTJT8l2oAwYpjHYOwDlpoM0vZ5lPqkp-
> H9KEYqwx3yDuTpX_0R3FP4EWLirWrK4Od3c-ipiyI&e=
> That yields this grid definition string:
>    255 5 1121 881 23117 -119023 8 -105000 4763 4763 0 64
> Please try using this grid definition.  I suspect the problem was
> your longitude values were positive instead of negative... which
> put them on the other side of the globe.
> Hopefully that helps.
> Thanks,
> John
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 9:56 PM, Nergui, Tsengel via RT
> <met_help at ucar.edu
> >
> wrote:
> >
> > Mon Nov 23 20:56:53 2015: Request 74196 was acted upon.
> > Transaction: Ticket created by tsengel.nergui at wsu.edu
> >        Queue: met_help
> >      Subject: regridding WRF-ARW to NEP Stage II grid
> >        Owner: Nobody
> >   Requestors: tsengel.nergui at wsu.edu
> >       Status: new
> >  Ticket
> > <URL:https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-
> > r
.> > edu_rt_Ticket_Display.html-3Fid-
> > 6ZyWk4EJm8LdrrvxQb-Je7sw&r=OUixJTR1U-
> > YE
> > &m=_oTJT8l2oAwYpjHYOwDlpoM0vZ5lPqkp-
> > D8
> > hBtJCQjh_Cd5nZIb98Kybw&e= >
> >
> >
> > Hi METHelp,
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm trying to re-grid my WRF outputs to the NCEP Stage II
> > precipitation grid, using the copygb utility under the UPPv3.0.
> >
> >
> >
> > I have given custom grid specification as follows:
> >
> >
> > export copygb_opt="custom"
> > export custom_gds="255 5 1160 880 22774 120376 8 105000 4763 4763
0 64"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > But, I cannot able to create re-gridded WRF outputs, files names
> > were created but no contents.
> >
> >
> >
> > I'd appreciate if you could help me what could be causing it. FYI,
> > was able to re-grid for latlon grid that I specified, but not for
> > polar steroid grid.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks, NTsengel
> >
> >
> >


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