[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #69403] History for MET with ECMWF GRIB files

John Halley Gotway via RT met_help at ucar.edu
Fri Oct 24 10:33:08 MDT 2014

  Initial Request


I would like to verify ECMWF GRIB-1 files, but the problem is that the
GRIB-table of ECMWF is different from NCEP. I have found this one-year-old
ticket on the web:


I just wanted to ask whether there is a solution since then to use ECMWF
GRIB files with MET. I am currently using METv4.1 , but I am ready to
install a newer version is this is necessary to solve my problem.

Thanks a lot in advance,
Balazs Szintai

  Complete Ticket History

Subject: MET with ECMWF GRIB files
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Thu Oct 16 14:17:52 2014


met-5.0 does not include support for the ECMWF usage of GRIB.  In
previous versions of MET, the GRIB tables were harded-coded, but the
code is now reading them from a flat-file at runtime.  That flat file
can be found here:

And in met-5.0, it's reading it from the installed met-5.0 directory

The difference really is just in the GRIB code abbreviations and
units.  I would expect that MET can read ECMWF GRIB1 files, but that
it just uses the wrong names for the variables.  Is that the behavior
you're seeing?

If you'd like to change MET's behavior, you could edit that flat file
to use whichever abbreviations and units you'd like.  The next time
you run the MET tools, it'll just read in the updated strings and use

I agree that it would be preferable to more full support ECMWF GRIB
data without putting this onus on the user, but we don't currently get
any ECMWF data.  So it's difficult to support.

Hope that helps.

On Thu Oct 16 10:30:46 2014, johnhg wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to verify ECMWF GRIB-1 files, but the problem is that
> GRIB-table of ECMWF is different from NCEP. I have found this one-
> ticket on the web:
> http://mailman.ucar.edu/pipermail/met_help/2013-October/002024.html
> I just wanted to ask whether there is a solution since then to use
> GRIB files with MET. I am currently using METv4.1 , but I am ready
> install a newer version is this is necessary to solve my problem.
> Thanks a lot in advance,
> Balazs Szintai

Subject: MET with ECMWF GRIB files
From: Balazs Szintai
Time: Wed Oct 22 08:00:52 2014

Dear John,

Many thanks for your answer. I have tried to modify the flat-file
to the ECMWF GRIB table. MET can now read the ECMWF GRIB file,
however, all
the observations are rejected due to the GRIB code:

DEBUG 2: Reading data for TMP/P850.
DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found range match for
VarInfo "TMP/P850" in GRIB record 1 of GRIB file
DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found 1 GRIB records
matching VarInfo "TMP/P850" in GRIB file
DEBUG 4: parse_grid_mask() -> parsing grid mask "FULL"
DEBUG 2: For TMP/P850 found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology
DEBUG 2: Searching 26836 observations from 4062 messages.
DEBUG 2: Processing TMP/P850 versus TMP/P850, for observation type
over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0 pairs.
DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 26836
DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 26836
DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0

I have tried two versions of the flat_file. In 'ecmwftab_flat.txt' I
only retained the lines about temperature (for this test I only want
verify temperature at 850 hPa, this is the only field in my ECMWF
file) and
changed these lines according to ECMWF GRIB table. In the file
'ecmwftab_flat_new.txt' I kept the original ncep file and only changed
lines containing "TMP". With both flat-files I have the same error
described above.

I attach the two flat files and the log file.

Do you have perhaps any idea what is going wrong?

Thanks and best regards,

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:17 PM, John Halley Gotway via RT <
met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:

> Balazs,
> met-5.0 does not include support for the ECMWF usage of GRIB.  In
> versions of MET, the GRIB tables were harded-coded, but the code is
> reading them from a flat-file at runtime.  That flat file can be
found here:
>    METv4.1/data/table_files/nceptab_flat.txt
> And in met-5.0, it's reading it from the installed met-5.0 directory
> "share/met/table_files/nceptab_flat.txt".
> The difference really is just in the GRIB code abbreviations and
units.  I
> would expect that MET can read ECMWF GRIB1 files, but that it just
uses the
> wrong names for the variables.  Is that the behavior you're seeing?
> If you'd like to change MET's behavior, you could edit that flat
file to
> use whichever abbreviations and units you'd like.  The next time you
> the MET tools, it'll just read in the updated strings and use them.
> I agree that it would be preferable to more full support ECMWF GRIB
> without putting this onus on the user, but we don't currently get
> data.  So it's difficult to support.
> Hope that helps.
> On Thu Oct 16 10:30:46 2014, johnhg wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I would like to verify ECMWF GRIB-1 files, but the problem is that
> > GRIB-table of ECMWF is different from NCEP. I have found this
> one-year-old
> > ticket on the web:
> >
> > http://mailman.ucar.edu/pipermail/met_help/2013-
> >
> > I just wanted to ask whether there is a solution since then to use
> > GRIB files with MET. I am currently using METv4.1 , but I am ready
> > install a newer version is this is necessary to solve my problem.
> >
> > Thanks a lot in advance,
> > Balazs Szintai

Subject: MET with ECMWF GRIB files
From: Balazs Szintai
Time: Wed Oct 22 08:00:52 2014

130 2 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
130 128 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
130 129 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
130 130 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
130 131 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
130 133 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
130 140 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
130 141 "TMP" "Temp." "K"

Subject: MET with ECMWF GRIB files
From: Balazs Szintai
Time: Wed Oct 22 08:00:52 2014

0 2 "var0" "undefined" ""
1 2 "PRES" "Pressure" "Pa"
2 2 "PRMSL" "Pressure reduced to MSL" "Pa"
3 2 "PTEND" "Pressure tendency" "Pa/s"
4 2 "PVORT" "Pot. vorticity" "km^2/kg/s"
5 2 "ICAHT" "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height" "M"
6 2 "GP" "Geopotential" "m^2/s^2"
7 2 "HGT" "Geopotential height" "gpm"
8 2 "DIST" "Geometric height" "m"
9 2 "HSTDV" "Std dev of height" "m"
10 2 "TOZNE" "Total ozone" "Dobson"
130 2 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
12 2 "VTMP" "Virtual temp." "K"
13 2 "POT" "Potential temp." "K"
14 2 "EPOT" "Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp." "K"
15 2 "TMAX" "Max. temp." "K"
16 2 "TMIN" "Min. temp." "K"
17 2 "DPT" "Dew point temp." "K"
18 2 "DEPR" "Dew point depression" "K"
19 2 "LAPR" "Lapse rate" "K/m"
20 2 "VIS" "Visibility" "m"
21 2 "RDSP1" "Radar spectra (1)" "non-dim"
22 2 "RDSP2" "Radar spectra (2)" "non-dim"
23 2 "RDSP3" "Radar spectra (3)" "non-dim"
24 2 "PLI" "Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
25 2 "TMPA" "Temp. anomaly" "K"
26 2 "PRESA" "Pressure anomaly" "Pa"
27 2 "GPA" "Geopotential height anomaly" "gpm"
28 2 "WVSP1" "Wave spectra (1)" "non-dim"
29 2 "WVSP2" "Wave spectra (2)" "non-dim"
30 2 "WVSP3" "Wave spectra (3)" "non-dim"
31 2 "WDIR" "Wind direction" "deg"
32 2 "WIND" "Wind speed" "m/s"
33 2 "UGRD" "u wind" "m/s"
34 2 "VGRD" "v wind" "m/s"
35 2 "STRM" "Stream function" "m^2/s"
36 2 "VPOT" "Velocity potential" "m^2/s"
37 2 "MNTSF" "Montgomery stream function" "m^2/s^2"
38 2 "SGCVV" "Sigma coord. vertical velocity" "/s"
39 2 "VVEL" "Pressure vertical velocity" "Pa/s"
40 2 "DZDT" "Geometric vertical velocity" "m/s"
41 2 "ABSV" "Absolute vorticity" "/s"
42 2 "ABSD" "Absolute divergence" "/s"
43 2 "RELV" "Relative vorticity" "/s"
44 2 "RELD" "Relative divergence" "/s"
45 2 "VUCSH" "Vertical u shear" "/s"
46 2 "VVCSH" "Vertical v shear" "/s"
47 2 "DIRC" "Direction of current" "deg"
48 2 "SPC" "Speed of current" "m/s"
49 2 "UOGRD" "u of current" "m/s"
50 2 "VOGRD" "v of current" "m/s"
51 2 "SPFH" "Specific humidity" "kg/kg"
52 2 "RH" "Relative humidity" "%"
53 2 "MIXR" "Humidity mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
54 2 "PWAT" "Precipitable water" "kg/m^2"
55 2 "VAPP" "Vapor pressure" "Pa"
56 2 "SATD" "Saturation deficit" "Pa"
57 2 "EVP" "Evaporation" "kg/m^2"
58 2 "CICE" "Cloud Ice" "kg/m^2"
59 2 "PRATE" "Precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
60 2 "TSTM" "Thunderstorm probability" "%"
61 2 "APCP" "Total precipitation" "kg/m^2"
62 2 "NCPCP" "Large scale precipitation" "kg/m^2"
63 2 "ACPCP" "Convective precipitation" "kg/m^2"
64 2 "SRWEQ" "Snowfall rate water equiv." "kg/m^2/s"
65 2 "WEASD" "Accum. snow" "kg/m^2"
66 2 "SNOD" "Snow depth" "m"
67 2 "MIXHT" "Mixed layer depth" "m"
68 2 "TTHDP" "Transient thermocline depth" "m"
69 2 "MTHD" "Main thermocline depth" "m"
70 2 "MTHA" "Main thermocline anomaly" "m"
71 2 "TCDC" "Total cloud cover" "%"
72 2 "CDCON" "Convective cloud cover" "%"
73 2 "LCDC" "Low level cloud cover" "%"
74 2 "MCDC" "Mid level cloud cover" "%"
75 2 "HCDC" "High level cloud cover" "%"
76 2 "CWAT" "Cloud water" "kg/m^2"
77 2 "BLI" "Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
78 2 "SNOC" "Convective snow" "kg/m^2"
79 2 "SNOL" "Large scale snow" "kg/m^2"
80 2 "WTMP" "Water temp." "K"
81 2 "LAND" "Land cover (land=1;sea=0)" "fraction"
82 2 "DSLM" "Deviation of sea level from mean" "m"
83 2 "SFCR" "Surface roughness" "m"
84 2 "ALBDO" "Albedo" "%"
85 2 "TSOIL" "Soil temp." "K"
86 2 "SOILM" "Soil moisture content" "kg/m^2"
87 2 "VEG" "Vegetation" "%"
88 2 "SALTY" "Salinity" "kg/kg"
89 2 "DEN" "Density" "kg/m^3"
90 2 "WATR" "Water runoff" "kg/m^2"
91 2 "ICEC" "Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)" "fraction"
92 2 "ICETK" "Ice thickness" "m"
93 2 "DICED" "Direction of ice drift" "deg"
94 2 "SICED" "Speed of ice drift" "m/s"
95 2 "UICE" "u of ice drift" "m/s"
96 2 "VICE" "v of ice drift" "m/s"
97 2 "ICEG" "Ice growth rate" "m/s"
98 2 "ICED" "Ice divergence" "/s"
99 2 "SNOM" "Snow melt" "kg/m^2"
100 2 "HTSGW" "Sig height of wind waves and swell" "m"
101 2 "WVDIR" "Direction of wind waves" "deg"
102 2 "WVHGT" "Sig height of wind waves" "m"
103 2 "WVPER" "Mean period of wind waves" "s"
104 2 "SWDIR" "Direction of swell waves" "deg"
105 2 "SWELL" "Sig height of swell waves" "m"
106 2 "SWPER" "Mean period of swell waves" "s"
107 2 "DIRPW" "Primary wave direction" "deg"
108 2 "PERPW" "Primary wave mean period" "s"
109 2 "DIRSW" "Secondary wave direction" "deg"
110 2 "PERSW" "Secondary wave mean period" "s"
111 2 "NSWRS" "Net short wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
112 2 "NLWRS" "Net long wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
113 2 "NSWRT" "Net short wave (top)" "W/m^2"
114 2 "NLWRT" "Net long wave (top)" "W/m^2"
115 2 "LWAVR" "Long wave" "W/m^2"
116 2 "SWAVR" "Short wave" "W/m^2"
117 2 "GRAD" "Global radiation" "W/m^2"
118 2 "BRTMP" "Brightness temperature" "K"
119 2 "LWRAD" "Radiance with respect to wave no." "W/m/sr"
120 2 "SWRAD" "Radiance with respect ot wave len." "W/m^3/sr"
121 2 "LHTFL" "Latent heat flux" "W/m^2"
122 2 "SHTFL" "Sensible heat flux" "W/m^2"
123 2 "BLYDP" "Boundary layer dissipation" "W/m^2"
124 2 "UFLX" "Zonal momentum flux" "N/m^2"
125 2 "VFLX" "Meridional momentum flux" "N/m^2"
126 2 "WMIXE" "Wind mixing energy" "J"
127 2 "IMGD" "Image data" ""
128 2 "MSLSA" "Mean sea level pressure (Std Atm)" "Pa"
129 2 "MSLMA" "Mean sea level pressure (MAPS)" "Pa"
130 2 "MSLET" "Mean sea level pressure (ETA model)" "Pa"
131 2 "LFTX" "Surface lifted index" "K"
132 2 "4LFTX" "Best (4-layer) lifted index" "K"
133 2 "KX" "K index" "K"
134 2 "SX" "Sweat index" "K"
135 2 "MCONV" "Horizontal moisture divergence" "kg/kg/s"
136 2 "VWSH" "Vertical speed shear" "1/s"
137 2 "TSLSA" "3-hr pressure tendency (Std Atmos Red)" "Pa/s"
138 2 "BVF2" "Brunt-Vaisala frequency^2" "1/s^2"
139 2 "PVMW" "Potential vorticity (mass-weighted)" "1/s/m"
140 2 "CRAIN" "Categorical rain" "yes=1;no=0"
141 2 "CFRZR" "Categorical freezing rain" "yes=1;no=0"
142 2 "CICEP" "Categorical ice pellets" "yes=1;no=0"
143 2 "CSNOW" "Categorical snow" "yes=1;no=0"
144 2 "SOILW" "Volumetric soil moisture" "fraction"
145 2 "PEVPR" "Potential evaporation rate" "W/m^2"
146 2 "CWORK" "Cloud work function" "J/kg"
147 2 "U-GWD" "Zonal gravity wave stress" "N/m^2"
148 2 "V-GWD" "Meridional gravity wave stress" "N/m^2"
149 2 "PV" "Potential vorticity" "m^2/s/kg"
150 2 "COVMZ" "Covariance between u and v" "m^2/s^2"
151 2 "COVTZ" "Covariance between u and T" "K*m/s"
152 2 "COVTM" "Covariance between v and T" "K*m/s"
153 2 "CLWMR" "Cloud water" "kg/kg"
154 2 "O3MR" "Ozone mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
155 2 "GFLUX" "Ground heat flux" "W/m^2"
156 2 "CIN" "Convective inhibition" "J/kg"
157 2 "CAPE" "Convective Avail. Pot. Energy" "J/kg"
158 2 "TKE" "Turbulent kinetic energy" "J/kg"
159 2 "CONDP" "Lifted parcel condensation pressure" "Pa"
160 2 "CSUSF" "Clear sky upward solar flux" "W/m^2"
161 2 "CSDSF" "Clear sky downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
162 2 "CSULF" "Clear sky upward long wave flux" "W/m^2"
163 2 "CSDLF" "Clear sky downward long wave flux" "W/m^2"
164 2 "CFNSF" "Cloud forcing net solar flux" "W/m^2"
165 2 "CFNLF" "Cloud forcing net long wave flux" "W/m^2"
166 2 "VBDSF" "Visible beam downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
167 2 "VDDSF" "Visible diffuse downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
168 2 "NBDSF" "Near IR beam downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
169 2 "NDDSF" "Near IR diffuse downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
170 2 "RWMR" "Rain water mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
171 2 "SNMR" "Snow mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
172 2 "MFLX" "Momentum flux" "N/m^2"
173 2 "LMH" "Mass point model surface" "non-dim"
174 2 "LMV" "Velocity point model surface" "non-dim"
175 2 "MLYNO" "Model layer number (from bottom up)" "non-dim"
176 2 "NLAT" "Latitude (-90 to +90)" "deg"
177 2 "ELON" "East longitude (0-360)" "deg"
178 2 "ICMR" "Ice mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
179 2 "GRMR" "Graupel mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
180 2 "GUST" "Surface wind gust" "m/s"
181 2 "LPSX" "x-gradient of log pressure" "1/m"
182 2 "LPSY" "y-gradient of log pressure" "1/m"
183 2 "HGTX" "x-gradient of height" "m/m"
184 2 "HGTY" "y-gradient of height" "m/m"
185 2 "TURB" "Turbulence SIGMET/AIRMET" "non-dim"
186 2 "ICNG" "Icing SIGMET/AIRMET" "non-dim"
187 2 "LTNG" "Lightning" "non-dim"
188 2 "DRIP" "Rate of water dropping from canopy to gnd" "kg/m^2"
189 2 "VPTMP" "Virtual pot. temp." "K"
190 2 "HLCY" "Storm relative helicity" "m^2/s^2"
191 2 "PROB" "Prob. from ensemble" "non-dim"
192 2 "PROBN" "Prob. from ensemble norm. to clim. expect." "non-dim"
193 2 "POP" "Prob. of precipitation" "%"
194 2 "CPOFP" "Prob. of frozen precipitation" "%"
195 2 "CPOZP" "Prob. of freezing precipitation" "%"
196 2 "USTM" "u-component of storm motion" "m/s"
197 2 "VSTM" "v-component of storm motion" "m/s"
198 2 "NCIP" "No. concen. ice particles" ""
199 2 "EVBS" "Direct evaporation from bare soil" "W/m^2"
200 2 "EVCW" "Canopy water evaporation" "W/m^2"
201 2 "ICWAT" "Ice-free water surface" "%"
202 2 "CWDI" "Convective weather detection index" ""
203 2 "VAFTAD" "VAFTAD??" "??"
204 2 "DSWRF" "Downward short wave flux" "W/m^2"
205 2 "DLWRF" "Downward long wave flux" "W/m^2"
206 2 "UVI" "Ultraviolet index" "W/m^2"
207 2 "MSTAV" "Moisture availability" "%"
208 2 "SFEXC" "Exchange coefficient" "(kg/m^3)(m/s)"
209 2 "MIXLY" "No. of mixed layers next to surface" "integer"
210 2 "TRANS" "Transpiration" "W/m^2"
211 2 "USWRF" "Upward short wave flux" "W/m^2"
212 2 "ULWRF" "Upward long wave flux" "W/m^2"
213 2 "CDLYR" "Non-convective cloud" "%"
214 2 "CPRAT" "Convective precip. rate" "kg/m^2/s"
215 2 "TTDIA" "Temp. tendency by all physics" "K/s"
216 2 "TTRAD" "Temp. tendency by all radiation" "K/s"
217 2 "TTPHY" "Temp. tendency by non-radiation physics" "K/s"
218 2 "PREIX" "Precip index (0.0-1.00)" "fraction"
219 2 "TSD1D" "Std. dev. of IR T over 1x1 deg area" "K"
220 2 "NLGSP" "Natural log of surface pressure" "ln(kPa)"
221 2 "HPBL" "Planetary boundary layer height" "m"
222 2 "5WAVH" "5-wave geopotential height" "gpm"
223 2 "CNWAT" "Plant canopy surface water" "kg/m^2"
224 2 "SOTYP" "Soil type (Zobler)" "0..9"
225 2 "VGTYP" "Vegetation type (as in SiB)" "0..13"
226 2 "BMIXL" "Blackadar's mixing length scale" "m"
227 2 "AMIXL" "Asymptotic mixing length scale" "m"
228 2 "PEVAP" "Pot. evaporation" "kg/m^2"
229 2 "SNOHF" "Snow phase-change heat flux" "W/m^2"
230 2 "5WAVA" "5-wave geopot. height anomaly" "gpm"
231 2 "MFLUX" "Convective cloud mass flux" "Pa/s"
232 2 "DTRF" "Downward total radiation flux" "W/m^2"
233 2 "UTRF" "Upward total radiation flux" "W/m^2"
234 2 "BGRUN" "Baseflow-groundwater runoff" "kg/m^2"
235 2 "SSRUN" "Storm surface runoff" "kg/m^2"
236 2 "SIPD" "Supercooled large droplet (SLD) icing pot. diagn." ""
237 2 "O3TOT" "Total ozone" "kg/m^2"
238 2 "SNOWC" "Snow cover" "%"
239 2 "SNOT" "Snow temp." "K"
240 2 "COVTW" "Covariance T and w" "K*m/s"
241 2 "LRGHR" "Large scale condensation heating" "K/s"
242 2 "CNVHR" "Deep convective heating" "K/s"
243 2 "CNVMR" "Deep convective moistening" "kg/kg/s"
244 2 "SHAHR" "Shallow convective heating" "K/s"
245 2 "SHAMR" "Shallow convective moistening" "kg/kg/s"
246 2 "VDFHR" "Vertical diffusion heating" "K/s"
247 2 "VDFUA" "Vertical diffusion zonal accel" "m/s^2"
248 2 "VDFVA" "Vertical diffusion meridional accel" "m/s^2"
249 2 "VDFMR" "Vertical diffusion moistening" "kg/kg/s"
250 2 "SWHR" "Solar radiative heating" "K/s"
251 2 "LWHR" "Longwave radiative heating" "K/s"
252 2 "CD" "Drag coefficient" "non-dim"
253 2 "FRICV" "Friction velocity" "m/s"
254 2 "RI" "Richardson number" "non-dim"
255 2 "var255" "undefined" ""
0 128 "var0" "undefined" ""
1 128 "PRES" "Pressure" "Pa"
2 128 "PRMSL" "Pressure reduced to MSL" "Pa"
3 128 "PTEND" "Pressure tendency" "Pa/s"
4 128 "PVORT" "Pot. vorticity" "km^2/kg/s"
5 128 "ICAHT" "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height" "M"
6 128 "GP" "Geopotential" "m^2/s^2"
7 128 "HGT" "Geopotential height" "gpm"
8 128 "DIST" "Geometric height" "m"
9 128 "HSTDV" "Std dev of height" "m"
10 128 "TOZNE" "Total ozone" "Dobson"
130 128 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
12 128 "VTMP" "Virtual temp." "K"
13 128 "POT" "Potential temp." "K"
14 128 "EPOT" "Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp." "K"
15 128 "TMAX" "Max. temp." "K"
16 128 "TMIN" "Min. temp." "K"
17 128 "DPT" "Dew point temp." "K"
18 128 "DEPR" "Dew point depression" "K"
19 128 "LAPR" "Lapse rate" "K/m"
20 128 "VIS" "Visibility" "m"
21 128 "RDSP1" "Radar spectra (1)" "non-dim"
22 128 "RDSP2" "Radar spectra (2)" "non-dim"
23 128 "RDSP3" "Radar spectra (3)" "non-dim"
24 128 "PLI" "Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
25 128 "TMPA" "Temp. anomaly" "K"
26 128 "PRESA" "Pressure anomaly" "Pa"
27 128 "GPA" "Geopotential height anomaly" "gpm"
28 128 "WVSP1" "Wave spectra (1)" "non-dim"
29 128 "WVSP2" "Wave spectra (2)" "non-dim"
30 128 "WVSP3" "Wave spectra (3)" "non-dim"
31 128 "WDIR" "Wind direction" "deg"
32 128 "WIND" "Wind speed" "m/s"
33 128 "UGRD" "u wind" "m/s"
34 128 "VGRD" "v wind" "m/s"
35 128 "STRM" "Stream function" "m^2/s"
36 128 "VPOT" "Velocity potential" "m^2/s"
37 128 "MNTSF" "Montgomery stream function" "m^2/s^2"
38 128 "SGCVV" "Sigma coord. vertical velocity" "/s"
39 128 "VVEL" "Pressure vertical velocity" "Pa/s"
40 128 "DZDT" "Geometric vertical velocity" "m/s"
41 128 "ABSV" "Absolute vorticity" "/s"
42 128 "ABSD" "Absolute divergence" "/s"
43 128 "RELV" "Relative vorticity" "/s"
44 128 "RELD" "Relative divergence" "/s"
45 128 "VUCSH" "Vertical u shear" "/s"
46 128 "VVCSH" "Vertical v shear" "/s"
47 128 "DIRC" "Direction of current" "deg"
48 128 "SPC" "Speed of current" "m/s"
49 128 "UOGRD" "u of current" "m/s"
50 128 "VOGRD" "v of current" "m/s"
51 128 "SPFH" "Specific humidity" "kg/kg"
52 128 "RH" "Relative humidity" "%"
53 128 "MIXR" "Humidity mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
54 128 "PWAT" "Precipitable water" "kg/m^2"
55 128 "VAPP" "Vapor pressure" "Pa"
56 128 "SATD" "Saturation deficit" "Pa"
57 128 "EVP" "Evaporation" "kg/m^2"
58 128 "CICE" "Cloud Ice" "kg/m^2"
59 128 "PRATE" "Precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
60 128 "TSTM" "Thunderstorm probability" "%"
61 128 "APCP" "Total precipitation" "kg/m^2"
62 128 "NCPCP" "Large scale precipitation" "kg/m^2"
63 128 "ACPCP" "Convective precipitation" "kg/m^2"
64 128 "SRWEQ" "Snowfall rate water equiv." "kg/m^2/s"
65 128 "WEASD" "Accum. snow" "kg/m^2"
66 128 "SNOD" "Snow depth" "m"
67 128 "MIXHT" "Mixed layer depth" "m"
68 128 "TTHDP" "Transient thermocline depth" "m"
69 128 "MTHD" "Main thermocline depth" "m"
70 128 "MTHA" "Main thermocline anomaly" "m"
71 128 "TCDC" "Total cloud cover" "%"
72 128 "CDCON" "Convective cloud cover" "%"
73 128 "LCDC" "Low level cloud cover" "%"
74 128 "MCDC" "Mid level cloud cover" "%"
75 128 "HCDC" "High level cloud cover" "%"
76 128 "CWAT" "Cloud water" "kg/m^2"
77 128 "BLI" "Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
78 128 "SNOC" "Convective snow" "kg/m^2"
79 128 "SNOL" "Large scale snow" "kg/m^2"
80 128 "WTMP" "Water temp." "K"
81 128 "LAND" "Land cover (land=1;sea=0)" "fraction"
82 128 "DSLM" "Deviation of sea level from mean" "m"
83 128 "SFCR" "Surface roughness" "m"
84 128 "ALBDO" "Albedo" "%"
85 128 "TSOIL" "Soil temp." "K"
86 128 "SOILM" "Soil moisture content" "kg/m^2"
87 128 "VEG" "Vegetation" "%"
88 128 "SALTY" "Salinity" "kg/kg"
89 128 "DEN" "Density" "kg/m^3"
90 128 "WATR" "Water runoff" "kg/m^2"
91 128 "ICEC" "Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)" "fraction"
92 128 "ICETK" "Ice thickness" "m"
93 128 "DICED" "Direction of ice drift" "deg"
94 128 "SICED" "Speed of ice drift" "m/s"
95 128 "UICE" "u of ice drift" "m/s"
96 128 "VICE" "v of ice drift" "m/s"
97 128 "ICEG" "Ice growth rate" "m/s"
98 128 "ICED" "Ice divergence" "/s"
99 128 "SNOM" "Snow melt" "kg/m^2"
100 128 "HTSGW" "Sig height of wind waves and swell" "m"
101 128 "WVDIR" "Direction of wind waves" "deg"
102 128 "WVHGT" "Sig height of wind waves" "m"
103 128 "WVPER" "Mean period of wind waves" "s"
104 128 "SWDIR" "Direction of swell waves" "deg"
105 128 "SWELL" "Sig height of swell waves" "m"
106 128 "SWPER" "Mean period of swell waves" "s"
107 128 "DIRPW" "Primary wave direction" "deg"
108 128 "PERPW" "Primary wave mean period" "s"
109 128 "DIRSW" "Secondary wave direction" "deg"
110 128 "PERSW" "Secondary wave mean period" "s"
111 128 "NSWRS" "Net short wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
112 128 "NLWRS" "Net long wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
113 128 "NSWRT" "Net short wave (top)" "W/m^2"
114 128 "NLWRT" "Net long wave (top)" "W/m^2"
115 128 "LWAVR" "Long wave" "W/m^2"
116 128 "SWAVR" "Short wave" "W/m^2"
117 128 "GRAD" "Global radiation" "W/m^2"
118 128 "BRTMP" "Brightness temperature" "K"
119 128 "LWRAD" "Radiance with respect to wave no." "W/m/sr"
120 128 "SWRAD" "Radiance with respect ot wave len." "W/m^3/sr"
121 128 "LHTFL" "Latent heat flux" "W/m^2"
122 128 "SHTFL" "Sensible heat flux" "W/m^2"
123 128 "BLYDP" "Boundary layer dissipation" "W/m^2"
124 128 "UFLX" "Zonal momentum flux" "N/m^2"
125 128 "VFLX" "Meridional momentum flux" "N/m^2"
126 128 "WMIXE" "Wind mixing energy" "J"
127 128 "IMGD" "Image data" ""
128 128 "AVDEPTH" "Ocean depth - mean" "m"
129 128 "DEPTH" "Ocean depth - instantaneous" "m"
130 128 "ELEV" "Ocean surface elevation relative to geoid" "m"
131 128 "MXEL24" "Max ocean surface elevation in last 24 hours" "m"
132 128 "MNEL24" "Min ocean surface elevation in last 24 hours" "m"
133 128 "var133" "undefined" ""
134 128 "var134" "undefined" ""
135 128 "O2" "Oxygen (O2 (aq))" ""
136 128 "PO4" "PO4" "Mol/kg"
137 128 "NO3" "NO3" "Mol/kg"
138 128 "SiO4" "SiO4" "Mol/kg"
139 128 "CO2aq" "CO2 (aq)" "Mol/kg"
140 128 "HCO3" "HCO3 -" "Mol/kg"
141 128 "CO3" "CO3 --" "Mol/kg"
142 128 "TCO2" "TCO2" "Mol/kg"
143 128 "TALK" "TALK" "Mol/kg"
144 128 "var144" "undefined" ""
145 128 "var145" "undefined" ""
146 128 "S11" "S11 - 1" "1 component of ice stress tensor ["
147 128 "S12" "S12 - 1" "2 component of ice stress tensor ["
148 128 "S22" "S22 - 2" "2 component of ice stress tensor ["
149 128 "INV1" "T1 - First invariant of stress tensor" ""
150 128 "INV2" "T2 - Second invariant of stress tensor" ""
151 128 "var151" "undefined" ""
152 128 "var152" "undefined" ""
153 128 "var153" "undefined" ""
154 128 "var154" "undefined" ""
155 128 "WVRGH" "Wave Roughness" " "
156 128 "WVSTRS" "Wave Stresses" ""
157 128 "WHITE" "Whitecap coverage" ""
158 128 "SWDIRWID" "Swell direction width" ""
159 128 "SWFREWID" "Swell frequency width" ""
160 128 "WVAGE" "Wave age" ""
161 128 "PWVAGE" "Physical Wave age" ""
162 128 "var162" "undefined" ""
163 128 "var163" "undefined" ""
164 128 "var164" "undefined" ""
165 128 "LTURB" "Master length scale (turbulence)" "m"
166 128 "var166" "undefined" ""
167 128 "var167" "undefined" ""
168 128 "var168" "undefined" ""
169 128 "var169" "undefined" ""
170 128 "AIHFLX" "Net Air-Ice heat flux" "W/m^2"
171 128 "AOHFLX" "Net Air-Ocean heat flux" "W/m^2"
172 128 "IOHFLX" "Net Ice-Ocean heat flux" "W/m^2"
173 128 "IOSFLX" "Net Ice-Ocean salt flux kg/s]" ""
174 128 "var174" "undefined" ""
175 128 "OMLT" "Ocean Mixed Layer Temperature" "K"
176 128 "OMLS" "Ocean Mixed Layer Salinity" "kg/kg"
177 128 "OMLPOTDEN" "Ocean Mixed Layer Potential density (Referenced
to 2000m)" "kg/m^3"
178 128 "OMLU" "U Velocity in mixed layer" "m/s"
179 128 "OMLV" "V Velocity in mixed layer" "m/s"
180 128 "ASHFL" "Assimilative Heat Flux" "W/m^2"
181 128 "ASSFL" "Assimilative Salt Flux" "mm/day"
182 128 "BOTLD" "Bottom Layer Depth" "m"
183 128 "UBARO" "Barotropic U Velocity" "m/s"
184 128 "VBARO" "Barotropic V Velocity" "m/s"
185 128 "INTFD" "Interface Depth" "m"
186 128 "WTMPC" "Temperature" "C"
187 128 "SALIN" "Salinity" "psu"
188 128 "EMNP" "Evaporation - Precipitation" "cm/day"
189 128 "var189" "undefined" ""
190 128 "KENG" "Kinetic Energy" "J/kg"
191 128 "var191" "undefined" ""
192 128 "LAYTH" "Layer Thickness" "m"
193 128 "SSTT" "Surface Temperature Trend" "K/day"
194 128 "SSST" "Surface Salinity Trend" "psu/day"
195 128 "OVHD" "Ocean vertical heat diffusivity" "m^2/s"
196 128 "OVSD" "Ocean vertical salt diffusivity" "m^2/s"
197 128 "OVMD" "Ocean vertical momementum diffusivity" "m^2/s"
198 128 "var198" "undefined" ""
199 128 "var199" "undefined" ""
200 128 "var200" "undefined" ""
201 128 "var201" "undefined" ""
202 128 "var202" "undefined" ""
203 128 "var203" "undefined" ""
204 128 "var204" "undefined" ""
205 128 "var205" "undefined" ""
206 128 "var206" "undefined" ""
207 128 "var207" "undefined" ""
208 128 "var208" "undefined" ""
209 128 "var209" "undefined" ""
210 128 "var210" "undefined" ""
211 128 "var211" "undefined" ""
212 128 "var212" "undefined" ""
213 128 "var213" "undefined" ""
214 128 "var214" "undefined" ""
215 128 "var215" "undefined" ""
216 128 "var216" "undefined" ""
217 128 "var217" "undefined" ""
218 128 "var218" "undefined" ""
219 128 "var219" "undefined" ""
220 128 "var220" "undefined" ""
221 128 "var221" "undefined" ""
222 128 "var222" "undefined" ""
223 128 "var223" "undefined" ""
224 128 "var224" "undefined" ""
225 128 "var225" "undefined" ""
226 128 "var226" "undefined" ""
227 128 "var227" "undefined" ""
228 128 "var228" "undefined" ""
229 128 "var229" "undefined" ""
230 128 "var230" "undefined" ""
231 128 "var231" "undefined" ""
232 128 "var232" "undefined" ""
233 128 "var233" "undefined" ""
234 128 "var234" "undefined" ""
235 128 "var235" "undefined" ""
236 128 "var236" "undefined" ""
237 128 "var237" "undefined" ""
238 128 "var238" "undefined" ""
239 128 "var239" "undefined" ""
240 128 "var240" "undefined" ""
241 128 "var241" "undefined" ""
242 128 "var242" "undefined" ""
243 128 "var243" "undefined" ""
244 128 "var244" "undefined" ""
245 128 "var245" "undefined" ""
246 128 "var246" "undefined" ""
247 128 "var247" "undefined" ""
248 128 "var248" "undefined" ""
249 128 "var249" "undefined" ""
250 128 "var250" "undefined" ""
251 128 "var251" "undefined" ""
252 128 "var252" "undefined" ""
253 128 "var253" "undefined" ""
254 128 "RERRVAR" "Relative Error Variance" "pure number"
255 128 "var255" "undefined" ""
0 129 "var0" "undefined" ""
1 129 "PRES" "Pressure" "Pa"
2 129 "PRMSL" "Pressure reduced to MSL" "Pa"
3 129 "PTEND" "Pressure tendency" "Pa/s"
4 129 "PVORT" "Pot. vorticity" "km^2/kg/s"
5 129 "ICAHT" "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height" "M"
6 129 "GP" "Geopotential" "m^2/s^2"
7 129 "HGT" "Geopotential height" "gpm"
8 129 "DIST" "Geometric height" "m"
9 129 "HSTDV" "Std dev of height" "m"
10 129 "TOZNE" "Total ozone" "Dobson"
130 129 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
12 129 "VTMP" "Virtual temp." "K"
13 129 "POT" "Potential temp." "K"
14 129 "EPOT" "Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp." "K"
15 129 "TMAX" "Max. temp." "K"
16 129 "TMIN" "Min. temp." "K"
17 129 "DPT" "Dew point temp." "K"
18 129 "DEPR" "Dew point depression" "K"
19 129 "LAPR" "Lapse rate" "K/m"
20 129 "VIS" "Visibility" "m"
21 129 "RDSP1" "Radar spectra (1)" "non-dim"
22 129 "RDSP2" "Radar spectra (2)" "non-dim"
23 129 "RDSP3" "Radar spectra (3)" "non-dim"
24 129 "PLI" "Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
25 129 "TMPA" "Temp. anomaly" "K"
26 129 "PRESA" "Pressure anomaly" "Pa"
27 129 "GPA" "Geopotential height anomaly" "gpm"
28 129 "WVSP1" "Wave spectra (1)" "non-dim"
29 129 "WVSP2" "Wave spectra (2)" "non-dim"
30 129 "WVSP3" "Wave spectra (3)" "non-dim"
31 129 "WDIR" "Wind direction" "deg"
32 129 "WIND" "Wind speed" "m/s"
33 129 "UGRD" "u wind" "m/s"
34 129 "VGRD" "v wind" "m/s"
35 129 "STRM" "Stream function" "m^2/s"
36 129 "VPOT" "Velocity potential" "m^2/s"
37 129 "MNTSF" "Montgomery stream function" "m^2/s^2"
38 129 "SGCVV" "Sigma coord. vertical velocity" "/s"
39 129 "VVEL" "Pressure vertical velocity" "Pa/s"
40 129 "DZDT" "Geometric vertical velocity" "m/s"
41 129 "ABSV" "Absolute vorticity" "/s"
42 129 "ABSD" "Absolute divergence" "/s"
43 129 "RELV" "Relative vorticity" "/s"
44 129 "RELD" "Relative divergence" "/s"
45 129 "VUCSH" "Vertical u shear" "/s"
46 129 "VVCSH" "Vertical v shear" "/s"
47 129 "DIRC" "Direction of current" "deg"
48 129 "SPC" "Speed of current" "m/s"
49 129 "UOGRD" "u of current" "m/s"
50 129 "VOGRD" "v of current" "m/s"
51 129 "SPFH" "Specific humidity" "kg/kg"
52 129 "RH" "Relative humidity" "%"
53 129 "MIXR" "Humidity mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
54 129 "PWAT" "Precipitable water" "kg/m^2"
55 129 "VAPP" "Vapor pressure" "Pa"
56 129 "SATD" "Saturation deficit" "Pa"
57 129 "EVP" "Evaporation" "kg/m^2"
58 129 "CICE" "Cloud Ice" "kg/m^2"
59 129 "PRATE" "Precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
60 129 "TSTM" "Thunderstorm probability" "%"
61 129 "APCP" "Total precipitation" "kg/m^2"
62 129 "NCPCP" "Large scale precipitation" "kg/m^2"
63 129 "ACPCP" "Convective precipitation" "kg/m^2"
64 129 "SRWEQ" "Snowfall rate water equiv." "kg/m^2/s"
65 129 "WEASD" "Accum. snow" "kg/m^2"
66 129 "SNOD" "Snow depth" "m"
67 129 "MIXHT" "Mixed layer depth" "m"
68 129 "TTHDP" "Transient thermocline depth" "m"
69 129 "MTHD" "Main thermocline depth" "m"
70 129 "MTHA" "Main thermocline anomaly" "m"
71 129 "TCDC" "Total cloud cover" "%"
72 129 "CDCON" "Convective cloud cover" "%"
73 129 "LCDC" "Low level cloud cover" "%"
74 129 "MCDC" "Mid level cloud cover" "%"
75 129 "HCDC" "High level cloud cover" "%"
76 129 "CWAT" "Cloud water" "kg/m^2"
77 129 "BLI" "Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
78 129 "SNOC" "Convective snow" "kg/m^2"
79 129 "SNOL" "Large scale snow" "kg/m^2"
80 129 "WTMP" "Water temp." "K"
81 129 "LAND" "Land cover (land=1;sea=0)" "fraction"
82 129 "DSLM" "Deviation of sea level from mean" "m"
83 129 "SFCR" "Surface roughness" "m"
84 129 "ALBDO" "Albedo" "%"
85 129 "TSOIL" "Soil temp." "K"
86 129 "SOILM" "Soil moisture content" "kg/m^2"
87 129 "VEG" "Vegetation" "%"
88 129 "SALTY" "Salinity" "kg/kg"
89 129 "DEN" "Density" "kg/m^3"
90 129 "WATR" "Water runoff" "kg/m^2"
91 129 "ICEC" "Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)" "fraction"
92 129 "ICETK" "Ice thickness" "m"
93 129 "DICED" "Direction of ice drift" "deg"
94 129 "SICED" "Speed of ice drift" "m/s"
95 129 "UICE" "u of ice drift" "m/s"
96 129 "VICE" "v of ice drift" "m/s"
97 129 "ICEG" "Ice growth rate" "m/s"
98 129 "ICED" "Ice divergence" "/s"
99 129 "SNOM" "Snow melt" "kg/m^2"
100 129 "HTSGW" "Sig height of wind waves and swell" "m"
101 129 "WVDIR" "Direction of wind waves" "deg"
102 129 "WVHGT" "Sig height of wind waves" "m"
103 129 "WVPER" "Mean period of wind waves" "s"
104 129 "SWDIR" "Direction of swell waves" "deg"
105 129 "SWELL" "Sig height of swell waves" "m"
106 129 "SWPER" "Mean period of swell waves" "s"
107 129 "DIRPW" "Primary wave direction" "deg"
108 129 "PERPW" "Primary wave mean period" "s"
109 129 "DIRSW" "Secondary wave direction" "deg"
110 129 "PERSW" "Secondary wave mean period" "s"
111 129 "NSWRS" "Net short wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
112 129 "NLWRS" "Net long wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
113 129 "NSWRT" "Net short wave (top)" "W/m^2"
114 129 "NLWRT" "Net long wave (top)" "W/m^2"
115 129 "LWAVR" "Long wave" "W/m^2"
116 129 "SWAVR" "Short wave" "W/m^2"
117 129 "GRAD" "Global radiation" "W/m^2"
118 129 "BRTMP" "Brightness temperature" "K"
119 129 "LWRAD" "Radiance with respect to wave no." "W/m/sr"
120 129 "SWRAD" "Radiance with respect ot wave len." "W/m^3/sr"
121 129 "LHTFL" "Latent heat flux" "W/m^2"
122 129 "SHTFL" "Sensible heat flux" "W/m^2"
123 129 "BLYDP" "Boundary layer dissipation" "W/m^2"
124 129 "UFLX" "Zonal momentum flux" "N/m^2"
125 129 "VFLX" "Meridional momentum flux" "N/m^2"
126 129 "WMIXE" "Wind mixing energy" "J"
127 129 "IMGD" "Image data" ""
128 129 "PAOT" "Probability anomaly of temp" "%"
129 129 "PAOP" "Probability anomaly of precip" "%"
130 129 "CWR" "Probability of wetting rain > 0.1 in" "%"
131 129 "FRAIN" "Rain fraction of total liquid water" ""
132 129 "FICE" "Ice fraction of total condensate" ""
133 129 "FRIME" "Rime factor" ""
134 129 "CUEFI" "Convective cloud efficiency" ""
135 129 "TCOND" "Total condensate" "kg/kg"
136 129 "TCOLW" "Total column cloud water" "kg/m/m"
137 129 "TCOLI" "Total column cloud ice" "kg/m/m"
138 129 "TCOLR" "Total column rain" "kg/m/m"
139 129 "TCOLS" "Total column snow" "kg/m/m"
140 129 "TCOLC" "Total column condensate" "kg/m/m"
141 129 "PLPL" "Pressure of level from which parcel was lifted" "Pa"
142 129 "HLPL" "Height of level from which parcel was lifted" "m"
143 129 "CEMS" "Cloud Emissivity" "fraction"
144 129 "COPD" "Cloud Optical Depth" "non-dim"
145 129 "PSIZ" "Effective Particle size" "microns"
146 129 "TCWAT" "Total Water Cloud" "%"
147 129 "TCICE" "Total Ice Cloud" "%"
148 129 "WDIF" "Wind Difference" "m/s"
149 129 "WSTP" "Wave Steepness" "non-dim"
150 129 "PTAN" "Probability of Temp. above normal" "%"
151 129 "PTNN" "Probability of Temp. near normal" "%"
152 129 "PTBN" "Probability of Temp. below normal" "%"
153 129 "PPAN" "Probability of Precip. above normal" "%"
154 129 "PPNN" "Probability of Precip. near normal" "%"
155 129 "PPBN" "Probability of Precip. below normal" "%"
156 129 "PMTC" "Particulate matter (coarse)" "ug/m^3"
157 129 "PMTF" "Particulate matter (fine)" "ug/m^3"
158 129 "AETMP" "Analysis Error of Temperature" "K"
159 129 "AEDPT" "Analysis Error of Dew Point" "K"
160 129 "AESPH" "Analysis Error of Specific Humidity" "kg/kg"
161 129 "AEUWD" "Analysis Error of U-wind" "m/s"
162 129 "AEVWD" "Analysis Error of V-wind" "m/s"
163 129 "LPMTF" "Particulate matter (fine)" "log10(ug/m^3)"
164 129 "LIPMF" "Integrated Column Particulate matter (fine)"
165 129 "REFZR" "Derived radar reflectivity backscatter from rain"
166 129 "REFZI" "Derived radar reflectivity backscatter from ice"
167 129 "REFZC" "Derived radar reflectivity backscatter from
parameterized convection" "mm^6/m^3"
168 129 "TCLSW" "Integrated supercooled liquid water" "kg/m^2"
169 129 "TCOLM" "Total Column Integrated Melting Ice" "kg/m^2"
170 129 "ELRDI" "Ellrod Index" "non-dim"
171 129 "TSEC" "Seconds prior to initial reference time" "sec"
172 129 "TSECA" "Seconds after initial reference time" "sec"
173 129 "NUM" "Number of samples/observations" "non-dim"
174 129 "AEPRS" "Analysis Error of Pressure" "Pa"
175 129 "ICSEV" "Icing Severity" "non-dim"
176 129 "ICPRB" "Icing Probability" "non-dim"
177 129 "LAVNI" "Low-level Aviation Interest" "non-dim"
178 129 "HAVNI" "High-level Aviation Interest" "non-dim"
179 129 "FLGHT" "Flight Category" "non-dim"
180 129 "OZCON" "Ozone concentration" "ppb"
181 129 "OZCAT" "Categorical ozone concentration" "?"
182 129 "VEDH" "vertical heat eddy diffusivity" "m^2/s"
183 129 "SIGV" "Sigma level value" "non-dim"
184 129 "EWGT" "Ensemble Weight" "non-dim"
185 129 "CICEL" "Confidence indicator - Ceiling" "non-dim"
186 129 "CIVIS" "Confidence indicator - Visibility" "non-dim"
187 129 "var187" "undefined" ""
188 129 "LAVV" "Latitude of V wind component of velocity" "deg"
189 129 "LOVV" "Longitude of V wind component of velocity" "deg"
190 129 "USCT" "Scatterometer est. U wind component" "m/s"
191 129 "VSCT" "Scatterometer est. V wind component" "m/s"
192 129 "LAUV" "Latitude of U wind component of velocity" "deg"
193 129 "LOUV" "Longitude of U wind component of velocity" "deg"
194 129 "TCHP" "Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential" "J/m^2"
195 129 "DBSS" "Geometric Depth Below Sea Surface" "m"
196 129 "ODHA" "Ocean Dynamic Heat Anomaly" "dynamic m"
197 129 "OHC" "Ocean Heat Content" "J/m^2"
198 129 "SSHG" "Sea Surface Height Relative to Geoid" "m"
199 129 "SLTFL" "Salt flux" "g/cm^2/s"
200 129 "DUVB" "UV-B Downward Solar Flux" "W/m^2"
201 129 "CDUVB" "Clear Sky UV-B Downward Solar Flux" "W/m^2"
202 129 "THFLX" "Total downward heat flux at surface" "W/m^2"
203 129 "UVAR" "U velocity variance" "m^2/s^2"
204 129 "VVAR" "V velocity variance" "m^2/s^2"
205 129 "UVVCC" "UV Velocity Cross Correlation" "m^2/s^2"
206 129 "MCLS" "Meteorological Correlation Length Scale" "m"
207 129 "LAPP" "Latitude of pressure point" "deg"
208 129 "LOPP" "Longitude of pressure point" "deg"
209 129 "var209" "undefined" ""
210 129 "REFO" "Observed radar reflectivity" "dbZ"
211 129 "REFD" "Derived radar reflectivity" "dbZ"
212 129 "REFC" "Maximum/Composite radar reflectivity" "dbZ"
213 129 "SBT122" "Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12" "
Channel 2 [K"
214 129 "SBT123" "Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12" "
Channel 3 [K"
215 129 "SBT124" "Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12" "
Channel 4 [K"
216 129 "SBT125" "Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12" "
Channel 5 [K"
217 129 "MINRH" "Minimum Relative Humumidity" "%"
218 129 "MAXRH" "Maximum Relative Humumidity" "%"
219 129 "CEIL" "Ceiling" "m"
220 129 "PBLREG" "Planetary boundary layer regime" ""
221 129 "SBC123" "Simulated brightness counts for GOES12" " Channel 3
222 129 "SBC124" "Simulated brightness counts for GOES12" " Channel 4
223 129 "RPRATE" "Rain precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
224 129 "SPRATE" "Snow precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
225 129 "FPRATE" "Freezing rain precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
226 129 "IPRATE" "Ice pellets precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
227 129 "UPHL" "Updraft Helicity" "m^2/s^2"
228 129 "SURGE" "Storm Surge" "m"
229 129 "ETSRG" "Extra-tropical storm Surge" "m"
230 129 "RHPW" "Relative humidity with respect to precip water" "%"
231 129 "OZMAX1" "Ozone daily max from 1-hour ave" "ppbV"
232 129 "OZMAX8" "Ozone daily max from 8-hour ave" "ppbV"
233 129 "var233" "undefined" ""
234 129 "var234" "undefined" ""
235 129 "var235" "undefined" ""
236 129 "var236" "undefined" ""
237 129 "var237" "undefined" ""
238 129 "var238" "undefined" ""
239 129 "var239" "undefined" ""
240 129 "var240" "undefined" ""
241 129 "var241" "undefined" ""
242 129 "TCSRG20" "20% tropical cyclone storm exceedance" "m"
243 129 "TCSRG30" "30% tropical cyclone storm exceedance" "m"
244 129 "TCSRG40" "40% tropical cyclone storm exceedance" "m"
245 129 "TCSRG50" "50% tropical cyclone storm exceedance" "m"
246 129 "TCSRG60" "60% tropical cyclone storm exceedance" "m"
247 129 "TCSRG70" "70% tropical cyclone storm exceedance" "m"
248 129 "TCSRG80" "80% tropical cyclone storm exceedance" "m"
249 129 "TCSRG90" "90% tropical cyclone storm exceedance" "m"
250 129 "RETOP" "Radar echo top (18.3 DBZ)" "m"
251 129 "TENV" "Total energy norm variance" ""
252 129 "var252" "undefined" ""
253 129 "var253" "undefined" ""
254 129 "var254" "undefined" ""
255 129 "var255" "undefined" ""
0 130 "var0" "undefined" ""
1 130 "PRES" "Pressure" "Pa"
2 130 "PRMSL" "Pressure reduced to MSL" "Pa"
3 130 "PTEND" "Pressure tendency" "Pa/s"
4 130 "PVORT" "Pot. vorticity" "km^2/kg/s"
5 130 "ICAHT" "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height" "M"
6 130 "GP" "Geopotential" "m^2/s^2"
7 130 "HGT" "Geopotential height" "gpm"
8 130 "DIST" "Geometric height" "m"
9 130 "HSTDV" "Std dev of height" "m"
10 130 "TOZNE" "Total ozone" "Dobson"
130 130 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
12 130 "VTMP" "Virtual temp." "K"
13 130 "POT" "Potential temp." "K"
14 130 "EPOT" "Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp." "K"
15 130 "TMAX" "Max. temp." "K"
16 130 "TMIN" "Min. temp." "K"
17 130 "DPT" "Dew point temp." "K"
18 130 "DEPR" "Dew point depression" "K"
19 130 "LAPR" "Lapse rate" "K/m"
20 130 "VIS" "Visibility" "m"
21 130 "RDSP1" "Radar spectra (1)" "non-dim"
22 130 "RDSP2" "Radar spectra (2)" "non-dim"
23 130 "RDSP3" "Radar spectra (3)" "non-dim"
24 130 "PLI" "Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
25 130 "TMPA" "Temp. anomaly" "K"
26 130 "PRESA" "Pressure anomaly" "Pa"
27 130 "GPA" "Geopotential height anomaly" "gpm"
28 130 "WVSP1" "Wave spectra (1)" "non-dim"
29 130 "WVSP2" "Wave spectra (2)" "non-dim"
30 130 "WVSP3" "Wave spectra (3)" "non-dim"
31 130 "WDIR" "Wind direction" "deg"
32 130 "WIND" "Wind speed" "m/s"
33 130 "UGRD" "u wind" "m/s"
34 130 "VGRD" "v wind" "m/s"
35 130 "STRM" "Stream function" "m^2/s"
36 130 "VPOT" "Velocity potential" "m^2/s"
37 130 "MNTSF" "Montgomery stream function" "m^2/s^2"
38 130 "SGCVV" "Sigma coord. vertical velocity" "/s"
39 130 "VVEL" "Pressure vertical velocity" "Pa/s"
40 130 "DZDT" "Geometric vertical velocity" "m/s"
41 130 "ABSV" "Absolute vorticity" "/s"
42 130 "ABSD" "Absolute divergence" "/s"
43 130 "RELV" "Relative vorticity" "/s"
44 130 "RELD" "Relative divergence" "/s"
45 130 "VUCSH" "Vertical u shear" "/s"
46 130 "VVCSH" "Vertical v shear" "/s"
47 130 "DIRC" "Direction of current" "deg"
48 130 "SPC" "Speed of current" "m/s"
49 130 "UOGRD" "u of current" "m/s"
50 130 "VOGRD" "v of current" "m/s"
51 130 "SPFH" "Specific humidity" "kg/kg"
52 130 "RH" "Relative humidity" "%"
53 130 "MIXR" "Humidity mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
54 130 "PWAT" "Precipitable water" "kg/m^2"
55 130 "VAPP" "Vapor pressure" "Pa"
56 130 "SATD" "Saturation deficit" "Pa"
57 130 "EVP" "Evaporation" "kg/m^2"
58 130 "CICE" "Cloud Ice" "kg/m^2"
59 130 "PRATE" "Precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
60 130 "TSTM" "Thunderstorm probability" "%"
61 130 "APCP" "Total precipitation" "kg/m^2"
62 130 "NCPCP" "Large scale precipitation" "kg/m^2"
63 130 "ACPCP" "Convective precipitation" "kg/m^2"
64 130 "SRWEQ" "Snowfall rate water equiv." "kg/m^2/s"
65 130 "WEASD" "Accum. snow" "kg/m^2"
66 130 "SNOD" "Snow depth" "m"
67 130 "MIXHT" "Mixed layer depth" "m"
68 130 "TTHDP" "Transient thermocline depth" "m"
69 130 "MTHD" "Main thermocline depth" "m"
70 130 "MTHA" "Main thermocline anomaly" "m"
71 130 "TCDC" "Total cloud cover" "%"
72 130 "CDCON" "Convective cloud cover" "%"
73 130 "LCDC" "Low level cloud cover" "%"
74 130 "MCDC" "Mid level cloud cover" "%"
75 130 "HCDC" "High level cloud cover" "%"
76 130 "CWAT" "Cloud water" "kg/m^2"
77 130 "BLI" "Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
78 130 "SNOC" "Convective snow" "kg/m^2"
79 130 "SNOL" "Large scale snow" "kg/m^2"
80 130 "WTMP" "Water temp." "K"
81 130 "LAND" "Land cover (land=1;sea=0)" "fraction"
82 130 "DSLM" "Deviation of sea level from mean" "m"
83 130 "SFCR" "Surface roughness" "m"
84 130 "ALBDO" "Albedo" "%"
85 130 "TSOIL" "Soil temp." "K"
86 130 "SOILM" "Soil moisture content" "kg/m^2"
87 130 "VEG" "Vegetation" "%"
88 130 "SALTY" "Salinity" "kg/kg"
89 130 "DEN" "Density" "kg/m^3"
90 130 "WATR" "Water runoff" "kg/m^2"
91 130 "ICEC" "Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)" "fraction"
92 130 "ICETK" "Ice thickness" "m"
93 130 "DICED" "Direction of ice drift" "deg"
94 130 "SICED" "Speed of ice drift" "m/s"
95 130 "UICE" "u of ice drift" "m/s"
96 130 "VICE" "v of ice drift" "m/s"
97 130 "ICEG" "Ice growth rate" "m/s"
98 130 "ICED" "Ice divergence" "/s"
99 130 "SNOM" "Snow melt" "kg/m^2"
100 130 "HTSGW" "Sig height of wind waves and swell" "m"
101 130 "WVDIR" "Direction of wind waves" "deg"
102 130 "WVHGT" "Sig height of wind waves" "m"
103 130 "WVPER" "Mean period of wind waves" "s"
104 130 "SWDIR" "Direction of swell waves" "deg"
105 130 "SWELL" "Sig height of swell waves" "m"
106 130 "SWPER" "Mean period of swell waves" "s"
107 130 "DIRPW" "Primary wave direction" "deg"
108 130 "PERPW" "Primary wave mean period" "s"
109 130 "DIRSW" "Secondary wave direction" "deg"
110 130 "PERSW" "Secondary wave mean period" "s"
111 130 "NSWRS" "Net short wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
112 130 "NLWRS" "Net long wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
113 130 "NSWRT" "Net short wave (top)" "W/m^2"
114 130 "NLWRT" "Net long wave (top)" "W/m^2"
115 130 "LWAVR" "Long wave" "W/m^2"
116 130 "SWAVR" "Short wave" "W/m^2"
117 130 "GRAD" "Global radiation" "W/m^2"
118 130 "BRTMP" "Brightness temperature" "K"
119 130 "LWRAD" "Radiance with respect to wave no." "W/m/sr"
120 130 "SWRAD" "Radiance with respect ot wave len." "W/m^3/sr"
121 130 "LHTFL" "Latent heat flux" "W/m^2"
122 130 "SHTFL" "Sensible heat flux" "W/m^2"
123 130 "BLYDP" "Boundary layer dissipation" "W/m^2"
124 130 "UFLX" "Zonal momentum flux" "N/m^2"
125 130 "VFLX" "Meridional momentum flux" "N/m^2"
126 130 "WMIXE" "Wind mixing energy" "J"
127 130 "IMGD" "Image data" ""
128 130 "var128" "undefined" ""
129 130 "var129" "undefined" ""
130 130 "var130" "undefined" ""
131 130 "var131" "undefined" ""
132 130 "var132" "undefined" ""
133 130 "var133" "undefined" ""
134 130 "var134" "undefined" ""
135 130 "var135" "undefined" ""
136 130 "var136" "undefined" ""
137 130 "var137" "undefined" ""
138 130 "var138" "undefined" ""
139 130 "var139" "undefined" ""
140 130 "var140" "undefined" ""
141 130 "var141" "undefined" ""
142 130 "var142" "undefined" ""
143 130 "var143" "undefined 143" ""
144 130 "SOILW" "Volumetric soil moisture (frozen + liquid)"
145 130 "PEVPR" "Potential evaporation rate" "W/m^2"
146 130 "VEGT" "Vegetation canopy temperature" "K"
147 130 "BARET" "Bare soil surface skin temperature" "K"
148 130 "AVSFT" "Average surface skin temperature" "K"
149 130 "RADT" "Effective radiative skin temperature" "K"
150 130 "SSTOR" "Surface water storage" "Kg/m^2"
151 130 "LSOIL" "Liquid soil moisture content (non-frozen)" "Kg/m^2"
152 130 "EWATR" "Open water evaporation (standing water)" "W/m^2"
153 130 "var153" "undefined" ""
154 130 "LSPA" "Land Surface Precipitation Accumulation" "kg/m^2"
155 130 "GFLUX" "Ground Heat Flux" "W/m^2"
156 130 "CIN" "Convective inhibition" "J/Kg"
157 130 "CAPE" "Convective available potential energy" "J/Kg"
158 130 "TKE" "Turbulent Kinetic Energy" "J/Kg"
159 130 "MXSALB" "Maximum snow albedo" "%"
160 130 "SOILL" "Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen)"
161 130 "ASNOW" "Frozen precipitation (e.g. snowfall)" "Kg/m^2"
162 130 "ARAIN" "Liquid precipitation (rainfall)" "Kg/m^2"
163 130 "GWREC" "Groundwater recharge" "Kg/m^2"
164 130 "QREC" "Flood plain recharge" "Kg/m^2"
165 130 "SNOWT" "Snow temperature" " depth-avg [K"
166 130 "VBDSF" "Visible beam downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
167 130 "VDDSF" "Visible diffuse downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
168 130 "NBDSF" "Near IR beam downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
169 130 "NDDSF" "Near IR diffuse downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
170 130 "SNFALB" "Snow-free albedo" "%"
171 130 "RLYRS" "Number of soil layers in root zone" "non-dim"
172 130 "MFLX" "Momentum flux" "N/m^2"
173 130 "var173" "undefined" ""
174 130 "var174" "undefined" ""
175 130 "var175" "undefined" ""
176 130 "NLAT" "Latitude (-90 to +90)" "deg"
177 130 "ELON" "East longitude (0-360)" "deg"
178 130 "FLDCAP" "Field capacity" "fraction"
179 130 "ACOND" "Aerodynamic conductance" "m/s"
180 130 "SNOAG" "Snow age" "s"
181 130 "CCOND" "Canopy conductance" "m/s"
182 130 "LAI" "Leaf area index (0-9)" "non-dim"
183 130 "SFCRH" "Roughness length for heat" "m"
184 130 "SALBD" "Snow albedo (over snow cover area only)" "%"
185 130 "var185" "undefined" ""
186 130 "var186" "undefined" ""
187 130 "NDVI" "Normalized Difference Vegetation Index" ""
188 130 "DRIP" "Canopy drip" "Kg/m^2"
189 130 "VBSALB" "Visible" " black sky albedo [%"
190 130 "VWSALB" "Visible" " white sky albedo [%"
191 130 "NBSALB" "Near IR" " black sky albedo [%"
192 130 "NWSALB" "Near IR" " white sky albedo [%"
193 130 "var193" "undefined" ""
194 130 "var194" "undefined" ""
195 130 "var195" "undefined" ""
196 130 "var196" "undefined" ""
197 130 "var197" "undefined" ""
198 130 "SBSNO" "Sublimation (evaporation from snow)" "W/m^2"
199 130 "EVBS" "Direct evaporation from bare soil" "W/m^2"
200 130 "EVCW" "Canopy water evaporation" "W/m^2"
201 130 "var201" "undefined" ""
202 130 "var202" "undefined" ""
203 130 "RSMIN" "Minimal stomatal resistance" "s/m"
204 130 "DSWRF" "Downward shortwave radiation flux" "W/m^2"
205 130 "DLWRF" "Downward longwave radiation flux" "W/m^2"
206 130 "var206" "undefined" ""
207 130 "MSTAV" "Moisture availability" "%"
208 130 "SFEXC" "Exchange coefficient" "(Kg/m^3)(m/s)"
209 130 "var209" "undefined" ""
210 130 "TRANS" "Transpiration" "W/m^2"
211 130 "USWRF" "Upward short wave radiation flux" "W/m^2"
212 130 "ULWRF" "Upward long wave radiation flux" "W/m^2"
213 130 "var213" "undefined" ""
214 130 "var214" "undefined" ""
215 130 "var215" "undefined" ""
216 130 "var216" "undefined" ""
217 130 "var217" "undefined" ""
218 130 "var218" "undefined" ""
219 130 "WILT" "Wilting point" "fraction"
220 130 "FLDCP" "Field Capacity" "fraction"
221 130 "HPBL" "Planetary boundary layer height" "m"
222 130 "SLTYP" "Surface slope type" "Index"
223 130 "CNWAT" "Plant canopy surface water" "Kg/m^2"
224 130 "SOTYP" "Soil type" "Index"
225 130 "VGTYP" "Vegetation type" "Index"
226 130 "BMIXL" "Blackadars mixing length scale" "m"
227 130 "AMIXL" "Asymptotic mixing length scale" "m"
228 130 "PEVAP" "Potential evaporation" "Kg/m^2"
229 130 "SNOHF" "Snow phase-change heat flux" "W/m^2"
230 130 "SMREF" "Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture)"
231 130 "SMDRY" "Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture)" "fraction"
232 130 "var232" "undefined" ""
233 130 "var233" "undefined" ""
234 130 "BGRUN" "Subsurface runoff (baseflow)" "Kg/m^2"
235 130 "SSRUN" "Surface runoff (non-infiltrating)" "Kg/m^2"
236 130 "var236" "undefined" ""
237 130 "var237" "undefined" ""
238 130 "SNOWC" "Snow cover" "%"
239 130 "SNOT" "Snow temperature" "K"
240 130 "POROS" "Soil porosity" "fraction"
241 130 "var241" "undefined" ""
242 130 "var242" "undefined" ""
243 130 "var243" "undefined" ""
244 130 "var244" "undefined" ""
245 130 "var245" "undefined" ""
246 130 "RCS" "Solar parameter in canopy conductance" "fraction"
247 130 "RCT" "Temperature parameter in canopy conductance" "fraction"
248 130 "RCQ" "Humidity parameter in canopy conductance" "fraction"
249 130 "RCSOL" "Soil moisture parameter in canopy conductance"
250 130 "var250" "undefined" ""
251 130 "var251" "undefined" ""
252 130 "CD" "Surface drag coefficient" "non-dim"
253 130 "FRICV" "Surface friction velocity" "m/s"
254 130 "RI" "Richardson number" "non-dim"
255 130 "var255" "undefined" ""
0 131 "var0" "undefined" ""
1 131 "PRES" "Pressure" "Pa"
2 131 "PRMSL" "Mean sea level pressure (Shuell method)" "Pa"
3 131 "PTEND" "Pressure tendency" "Pa/s"
4 131 "PVORT" "Pot. vorticity" "km^2/kg/s"
5 131 "ICAHT" "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height" "M"
6 131 "GP" "Geopotential" "m^2/s^2"
7 131 "HGT" "Geopotential height" "gpm"
8 131 "DIST" "Geometric height" "m"
9 131 "HSTDV" "Std dev of height" "m"
10 131 "TOZNE" "Total ozone" "Dobson"
130 131 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
12 131 "VTMP" "Virtual temp." "K"
13 131 "POT" "Potential temp." "K"
14 131 "EPOT" "Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp." "K"
15 131 "TMAX" "Max. temp." "K"
16 131 "TMIN" "Min. temp." "K"
17 131 "DPT" "Dew point temp." "K"
18 131 "DEPR" "Dew point depression" "K"
19 131 "LAPR" "Lapse rate" "K/m"
20 131 "VIS" "Visibility" "m"
21 131 "RDSP1" "Radar spectra (1)" "non-dim"
22 131 "RDSP2" "Radar spectra (2)" "non-dim"
23 131 "RDSP3" "Radar spectra (3)" "non-dim"
24 131 "PLI" "Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
25 131 "TMPA" "Temp. anomaly" "K"
26 131 "PRESA" "Pressure anomaly" "Pa"
27 131 "GPA" "Geopotential height anomaly" "gpm"
28 131 "WVSP1" "Wave spectra (1)" "non-dim"
29 131 "WVSP2" "Wave spectra (2)" "non-dim"
30 131 "WVSP3" "Wave spectra (3)" "non-dim"
31 131 "WDIR" "Wind direction" "deg"
32 131 "WIND" "Wind speed" "m/s"
33 131 "UGRD" "u wind" "m/s"
34 131 "VGRD" "v wind" "m/s"
35 131 "STRM" "Stream function" "m^2/s"
36 131 "VPOT" "Velocity potential" "m^2/s"
37 131 "MNTSF" "Montgomery stream function" "m^2/s^2"
38 131 "SGCVV" "Sigma coord. vertical velocity" "/s"
39 131 "VVEL" "Pressure vertical velocity" "Pa/s"
40 131 "DZDT" "Geometric vertical velocity" "m/s"
41 131 "ABSV" "Absolute vorticity" "/s"
42 131 "ABSD" "Absolute divergence" "/s"
43 131 "RELV" "Relative vorticity" "/s"
44 131 "RELD" "Relative divergence" "/s"
45 131 "VUCSH" "Vertical u shear" "/s"
46 131 "VVCSH" "Vertical v shear" "/s"
47 131 "DIRC" "Direction of current" "deg"
48 131 "SPC" "Speed of current" "m/s"
49 131 "UOGRD" "u of current" "m/s"
50 131 "VOGRD" "v of current" "m/s"
51 131 "SPFH" "Specific humidity" "kg/kg"
52 131 "RH" "Relative humidity" "%"
53 131 "MIXR" "Humidity mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
54 131 "PWAT" "Precipitable water" "kg/m^2"
55 131 "VAPP" "Vapor pressure" "Pa"
56 131 "SATD" "Saturation deficit" "Pa"
57 131 "EVP" "Evaporation" "kg/m^2"
58 131 "CICE" "Cloud Ice" "kg/m^2"
59 131 "PRATE" "Precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
60 131 "TSTM" "Thunderstorm probability" "%"
61 131 "APCP" "Total precipitation" "kg/m^2"
62 131 "NCPCP" "Large scale precipitation" "kg/m^2"
63 131 "ACPCP" "Convective precipitation" "kg/m^2"
64 131 "SRWEQ" "Snowfall rate water equiv." "kg/m^2/s"
65 131 "WEASD" "Accum. snow" "kg/m^2"
66 131 "SNOD" "Snow depth" "m"
67 131 "MIXHT" "Mixed layer depth" "m"
68 131 "TTHDP" "Transient thermocline depth" "m"
69 131 "MTHD" "Main thermocline depth" "m"
70 131 "MTHA" "Main thermocline anomaly" "m"
71 131 "TCDC" "Total cloud cover" "%"
72 131 "CDCON" "Convective cloud cover" "%"
73 131 "LCDC" "Low level cloud cover" "%"
74 131 "MCDC" "Mid level cloud cover" "%"
75 131 "HCDC" "High level cloud cover" "%"
76 131 "CWAT" "Cloud water" "kg/m^2"
77 131 "BLI" "Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
78 131 "SNOC" "Convective snow" "kg/m^2"
79 131 "SNOL" "Large scale snow" "kg/m^2"
80 131 "WTMP" "Water temp." "K"
81 131 "LAND" "Land cover (land=1;sea=0)" "fraction"
82 131 "DSLM" "Deviation of sea level from mean" "m"
83 131 "SFCR" "Surface roughness" "m"
84 131 "ALBDO" "Albedo" "%"
85 131 "TSOIL" "Soil temp." "K"
86 131 "SOILM" "Soil moisture content" "kg/m^2"
87 131 "VEG" "Vegetation" "%"
88 131 "SALTY" "Salinity" "kg/kg"
89 131 "DEN" "Density" "kg/m^3"
90 131 "WATR" "Water runoff" "kg/m^2"
91 131 "ICEC" "Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)" "fraction"
92 131 "ICETK" "Ice thickness" "m"
93 131 "DICED" "Direction of ice drift" "deg"
94 131 "SICED" "Speed of ice drift" "m/s"
95 131 "UICE" "u of ice drift" "m/s"
96 131 "VICE" "v of ice drift" "m/s"
97 131 "ICEG" "Ice growth rate" "m/s"
98 131 "ICED" "Ice divergence" "/s"
99 131 "SNOM" "Snow melt" "kg/m^2"
100 131 "HTSGW" "Sig height of wind waves and swell" "m"
101 131 "WVDIR" "Direction of wind waves" "deg"
102 131 "WVHGT" "Sig height of wind waves" "m"
103 131 "WVPER" "Mean period of wind waves" "s"
104 131 "SWDIR" "Direction of swell waves" "deg"
105 131 "SWELL" "Sig height of swell waves" "m"
106 131 "SWPER" "Mean period of swell waves" "s"
107 131 "DIRPW" "Primary wave direction" "deg"
108 131 "PERPW" "Primary wave mean period" "s"
109 131 "DIRSW" "Secondary wave direction" "deg"
110 131 "PERSW" "Secondary wave mean period" "s"
111 131 "NSWRS" "Net short wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
112 131 "NLWRS" "Net long wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
113 131 "NSWRT" "Net short wave (top)" "W/m^2"
114 131 "NLWRT" "Net long wave (top)" "W/m^2"
115 131 "LWAVR" "Long wave" "W/m^2"
116 131 "SWAVR" "Short wave" "W/m^2"
117 131 "GRAD" "Global radiation" "W/m^2"
118 131 "BRTMP" "Brightness temperature" "K"
119 131 "LWRAD" "Radiance with respect to wave no." "W/m/sr"
120 131 "SWRAD" "Radiance with respect ot wave len." "W/m^3/sr"
121 131 "LHTFL" "Latent heat flux" "W/m^2"
122 131 "SHTFL" "Sensible heat flux" "W/m^2"
123 131 "BLYDP" "Boundary layer dissipation" "W/m^2"
124 131 "UFLX" "Zonal momentum flux" "N/m^2"
125 131 "VFLX" "Meridional momentum flux" "N/m^2"
126 131 "WMIXE" "Wind mixing energy" "J"
127 131 "IMGD" "Image data" ""
128 131 "MSLSA" "Mean sea level pressure (Std Atm)" "Pa"
129 131 "var129" "undefined" ""
130 131 "MSLET" "Mean sea level pressure (Mesinger method)" "Pa"
131 131 "LFTX" "Surface lifted index" "K"
132 131 "4LFTX" "Best (4-layer) lifted index" "K"
133 131 "var133" "undefined" ""
134 131 "PRESN" "Pressure (nearest grid point)" "Pa"
135 131 "MCONV" "Horizontal moisture divergence" "kg/kg/s"
136 131 "VWSH" "Vertical speed shear" "1/s"
137 131 "var137" "undefined" ""
138 131 "var138" "undefined" ""
139 131 "PVMW" "Potential vorticity (mass-weighted)" "1/s/m"
140 131 "CRAIN" "Categorical rain" "yes=1;no=0"
141 131 "CFRZR" "Categorical freezing rain" "yes=1;no=0"
142 131 "CICEP" "Categorical ice pellets" "yes=1;no=0"
143 131 "CSNOW" "Categorical snow" "yes=1;no=0"
144 131 "SOILW" "Volumetric soil moisture (frozen + liquid)"
145 131 "PEVPR" "Potential evaporation rate" "W/m^2"
146 131 "VEGT" "Vegetation canopy temperature" "K"
147 131 "BARET" "Bare soil surface skin temperature" "K"
148 131 "AVSFT" "Average surface skin temperature" "K"
149 131 "RADT" "Effective radiative skin temperature" "K"
150 131 "SSTOR" "Surface water storage" "kg/m^2"
151 131 "LSOIL" "Liquid soil moisture content (non-frozen)" "kg/m^2"
152 131 "EWATR" "Open water evaporation (standing water)" "W/m^2"
153 131 "CLWMR" "Cloud water" "kg/kg"
154 131 "var154" "undefined" ""
155 131 "GFLUX" "Ground Heat Flux" "W/m^2"
156 131 "CIN" "Convective inhibition" "J/kg"
157 131 "CAPE" "Convective available potential energy" "J/kg"
158 131 "TKE" "Turbulent Kinetic Energy" "J/kg"
159 131 "MXSALB" "Maximum snow albedo" "%"
160 131 "SOILL" "Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen)"
161 131 "ASNOW" "Frozen precipitation (e.g. snowfall)" "kg/m^2"
162 131 "ARAIN" "Liquid precipitation (rainfall)" "kg/m^2"
163 131 "GWREC" "Groundwater recharge" "kg/m^2"
164 131 "QREC" "Flood plain recharge" "kg/m^2"
165 131 "SNOWT" "Snow temperature" " depth-avg [K"
166 131 "VBDSF" "Visible beam downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
167 131 "VDDSF" "Visible diffuse downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
168 131 "NBDSF" "Near IR beam downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
169 131 "NDDSF" "Near IR diffuse downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
170 131 "SNFALB" "Snow-free albedo" "%"
171 131 "RLYRS" "Number of soil layers in root zone" "non-dim"
172 131 "FLX" "Momentum flux N/m2" "M"
173 131 "LMH" "Mass point model surface" "non-dim"
174 131 "LMV" "Velocity point model surface" "non-dim"
175 131 "MLYNO" "Model layer number (from bottom up)" "non-dim"
176 131 "NLAT" "Latitude (-90 to +90)" "deg"
177 131 "ELON" "East longitude (0-360)" "deg"
178 131 "ICMR" "Ice mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
179 131 "ACOND" "Aerodynamic conductance" "m/s"
180 131 "SNOAG" "Snow age" "s"
181 131 "CCOND" "Canopy conductance" "m/s"
182 131 "LAI" "Leaf area index (0-9)" "non-dim"
183 131 "SFCRH" "Roughness length for heat" "m"
184 131 "SALBD" "Snow albedo (over snow cover area only)" "%"
185 131 "var185" "undefined" ""
186 131 "var186" "undefined" ""
187 131 "NDVI" "Normalized Difference Vegetation Index" ""
188 131 "DRIP" "Rate of water dropping from canopy to gnd" "kg/m^2"
189 131 "LANDN" "Land cover (nearest neighbor)" "sea=0,land=1"
190 131 "HLCY" "Storm relative helicity" "m^2/s^2"
191 131 "NLATN" "Latitude (nearest neigbhbor) (-90 to +90)" "deg"
192 131 "ELONN" "East longitude (nearest neigbhbor) (0-360)" "deg"
193 131 "var193" "undefined" ""
194 131 "CPOFP" "Prob. of frozen precipitation" "%"
195 131 "var195" "undefined" ""
196 131 "USTM" "u-component of storm motion" "m/s"
197 131 "VSTM" "v-component of storm motion" "m/s"
198 131 "SBSNO" "Sublimation (evaporation from snow)" "W/m^2"
199 131 "EVBS" "Direct evaporation from bare soil" "W/m^2"
200 131 "EVCW" "Canopy water evaporation" "W/m^2"
201 131 "var201" "undefined" ""
202 131 "APCPN" "Total precipitation (nearest grid point)" "kg/m^2"
203 131 "RSMIN" "Minimal stomatal resistance" "s/m"
204 131 "DSWRF" "Downward shortwave radiation flux" "W/m^2"
205 131 "DLWRF" "Downward longwave radiation flux" "W/m^2"
206 131 "ACPCPN" "Convective precipitation (nearest grid point)"
207 131 "MSTAV" "Moisture availability" "%"
208 131 "SFEXC" "Exchange coefficient" "(kg/m^3)(m/s)"
209 131 "var209" "undefined" ""
210 131 "TRANS" "Transpiration" "W/m^2"
211 131 "USWRF" "Upward short wave radiation flux" "W/m^2"
212 131 "ULWRF" "Upward long wave radiation flux" "W/m^2"
213 131 "CDLYR" "Non-convective cloud" "%"
214 131 "CPRAT" "Convective precip. rate" "kg/m^2/s"
215 131 "var215" "undefined" ""
216 131 "TTRAD" "Temp. tendency by all radiation" "K/s"
217 131 "var217" "undefined" ""
218 131 "HGTN" "Geopotential Height (nearest grid point)" "gpm"
219 131 "WILT" "Wilting point" "fraction"
220 131 "FLDCP" "Field Capacity" "fraction"
221 131 "HPBL" "Planetary boundary layer height" "m"
222 131 "SLTYP" "Surface slope type" "Index"
223 131 "CNWAT" "Plant canopy surface water" "kg/m^2"
224 131 "SOTYP" "Soil type" "Index"
225 131 "VGTYP" "Vegetation type" "Index"
226 131 "BMIXL" "Blackadars mixing length scale" "m"
227 131 "AMIXL" "Asymptotic mixing length scale" "m"
228 131 "PEVAP" "Potential evaporation" "kg/m^2"
229 131 "SNOHF" "Snow phase-change heat flux" "W/m^2"
230 131 "SMREF" "Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture)"
231 131 "SMDRY" "Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture)" "fraction"
232 131 "WVINC" "water vapor added by precip assimilation" "kg/m^2"
233 131 "WCINC" "water condensate added by precip assimilaition"
234 131 "BGRUN" "Subsurface runoff (baseflow)" "kg/m^2"
235 131 "SSRUN" "Surface runoff (non-infiltrating)" "kg/m^2"
236 131 "var236" "undefined" ""
237 131 "WVCONV" "Water vapor flux convergence (vertical int)"
238 131 "SNOWC" "Snow cover" "%"
239 131 "SNOT" "Snow temperature" "K"
240 131 "POROS" "Soil porosity" "fraction"
241 131 "WCCONV" "Water condensate flux convergence (vertical int)"
242 131 "WVUFLX" "Water vapor zonal transport (vertical int)" "kg/m"
243 131 "WVVFLX" "Water vapor meridional transport (vertical int)"
244 131 "WCUFLX" "Water condensate zonal transport (vertical int)"
245 131 "WCVFLX" "Water condensate meridional transport (vertical
int)" "kg/m"
246 131 "RCS" "Solar parameter in canopy conductance" "fraction"
247 131 "RCT" "Temperature parameter in canopy conductance" "fraction"
248 131 "RCQ" "Humidity parameter in canopy conductance" "fraction"
249 131 "RCSOL" "Soil moisture parameter in canopy conductance"
250 131 "SWHR" "Solar radiative heating" "K/s"
251 131 "LWHR" "Longwave radiative heating" "K/s"
252 131 "CD" "Surface drag coefficient" "non-dim"
253 131 "FRICV" "Surface friction velocity" "m/s"
254 131 "RI" "Richardson number" "non-dim"
255 131 "var255" "undefined" ""
0 133 "var0" "undefined" ""
1 133 "PRES" "Pressure" "Pa"
2 133 "PRMSL" "Pressure reduced to MSL" "Pa"
3 133 "PTEND" "Pressure tendency" "Pa/s"
4 133 "PVORT" "Pot. vorticity" "km^2/kg/s"
5 133 "ICAHT" "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height" "M"
6 133 "GP" "Geopotential" "m^2/s^2"
7 133 "HGT" "Geopotential height" "gpm"
8 133 "DIST" "Geometric height" "m"
9 133 "HSTDV" "Std dev of height" "m"
10 133 "TOZNE" "Total ozone" "Dobson"
130 133 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
12 133 "VTMP" "Virtual temp." "K"
13 133 "POT" "Potential temp." "K"
14 133 "EPOT" "Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp." "K"
15 133 "TMAX" "Max. temp." "K"
16 133 "TMIN" "Min. temp." "K"
17 133 "DPT" "Dew point temp." "K"
18 133 "DEPR" "Dew point depression" "K"
19 133 "LAPR" "Lapse rate" "K/m"
20 133 "VIS" "Visibility" "m"
21 133 "RDSP1" "Radar spectra (1)" "non-dim"
22 133 "RDSP2" "Radar spectra (2)" "non-dim"
23 133 "RDSP3" "Radar spectra (3)" "non-dim"
24 133 "PLI" "Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
25 133 "TMPA" "Temp. anomaly" "K"
26 133 "PRESA" "Pressure anomaly" "Pa"
27 133 "GPA" "Geopotential height anomaly" "gpm"
28 133 "WVSP1" "Wave spectra (1)" "non-dim"
29 133 "WVSP2" "Wave spectra (2)" "non-dim"
30 133 "WVSP3" "Wave spectra (3)" "non-dim"
31 133 "WDIR" "Wind direction" "deg"
32 133 "WIND" "Wind speed" "m/s"
33 133 "UGRD" "u wind" "m/s"
34 133 "VGRD" "v wind" "m/s"
35 133 "STRM" "Stream function" "m^2/s"
36 133 "VPOT" "Velocity potential" "m^2/s"
37 133 "MNTSF" "Montgomery stream function" "m^2/s^2"
38 133 "SGCVV" "Sigma coord. vertical velocity" "/s"
39 133 "VVEL" "Pressure vertical velocity" "Pa/s"
40 133 "DZDT" "Geometric vertical velocity" "m/s"
41 133 "ABSV" "Absolute vorticity" "/s"
42 133 "ABSD" "Absolute divergence" "/s"
43 133 "RELV" "Relative vorticity" "/s"
44 133 "RELD" "Relative divergence" "/s"
45 133 "VUCSH" "Vertical u shear" "/s"
46 133 "VVCSH" "Vertical v shear" "/s"
47 133 "DIRC" "Direction of current" "deg"
48 133 "SPC" "Speed of current" "m/s"
49 133 "UOGRD" "u of current" "m/s"
50 133 "VOGRD" "v of current" "m/s"
51 133 "SPFH" "Specific humidity" "kg/kg"
52 133 "RH" "Relative humidity" "%"
53 133 "MIXR" "Humidity mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
54 133 "PWAT" "Precipitable water" "kg/m^2"
55 133 "VAPP" "Vapor pressure" "Pa"
56 133 "SATD" "Saturation deficit" "Pa"
57 133 "EVP" "Evaporation" "kg/m^2"
58 133 "CICE" "Cloud Ice" "kg/m^2"
59 133 "PRATE" "Precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
60 133 "TSTM" "Thunderstorm probability" "%"
61 133 "APCP" "Total precipitation" "kg/m^2"
62 133 "NCPCP" "Large scale precipitation" "kg/m^2"
63 133 "ACPCP" "Convective precipitation" "kg/m^2"
64 133 "SRWEQ" "Snowfall rate water equiv." "kg/m^2/s"
65 133 "WEASD" "Accum. snow" "kg/m^2"
66 133 "SNOD" "Snow depth" "m"
67 133 "MIXHT" "Mixed layer depth" "m"
68 133 "TTHDP" "Transient thermocline depth" "m"
69 133 "MTHD" "Main thermocline depth" "m"
70 133 "MTHA" "Main thermocline anomaly" "m"
71 133 "TCDC" "Total cloud cover" "%"
72 133 "CDCON" "Convective cloud cover" "%"
73 133 "LCDC" "Low level cloud cover" "%"
74 133 "MCDC" "Mid level cloud cover" "%"
75 133 "HCDC" "High level cloud cover" "%"
76 133 "CWAT" "Cloud water" "kg/m^2"
77 133 "BLI" "Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
78 133 "SNOC" "Convective snow" "kg/m^2"
79 133 "SNOL" "Large scale snow" "kg/m^2"
80 133 "WTMP" "Water temp." "K"
81 133 "LAND" "Land-sea coverage (land=1;sea=0)" "fraction"
82 133 "DSLM" "Deviation of sea level from mean" "m"
83 133 "SFCR" "Surface roughness" "m"
84 133 "ALBDO" "Albedo" "%"
85 133 "TSOIL" "Soil temp." "K"
86 133 "SOILM" "Soil moisture content" "kg/m^2"
87 133 "VEG" "Vegetation" "%"
88 133 "SALTY" "Salinity" "kg/kg"
89 133 "DEN" "Density" "kg/m^3"
90 133 "WATR" "Water runoff" "kg/m^2"
91 133 "ICEC" "Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)" "fraction"
92 133 "ICETK" "Ice thickness" "m"
93 133 "DICED" "Direction of ice drift" "deg"
94 133 "SICED" "Speed of ice drift" "m/s"
95 133 "UICE" "u of ice drift" "m/s"
96 133 "VICE" "v of ice drift" "m/s"
97 133 "ICEG" "Ice growth rate" "m/s"
98 133 "ICED" "Ice divergence" "/s"
99 133 "SNOM" "Snow melt" "kg/m^2"
100 133 "HTSGW" "Sig height of wind waves and swell" "m"
101 133 "WVDIR" "Direction of wind waves" "deg"
102 133 "WVHGT" "Sig height of wind waves" "m"
103 133 "WVPER" "Mean period of wind waves" "s"
104 133 "SWDIR" "Direction of swell waves" "deg"
105 133 "SWELL" "Sig height of swell waves" "m"
106 133 "SWPER" "Mean period of swell waves" "s"
107 133 "DIRPW" "Primary wave direction" "deg"
108 133 "PERPW" "Primary wave mean period" "s"
109 133 "DIRSW" "Secondary wave direction" "deg"
110 133 "PERSW" "Secondary wave mean period" "s"
111 133 "NSWRS" "Net short wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
112 133 "NLWRS" "Net long wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
113 133 "NSWRT" "Net short wave (top)" "W/m^2"
114 133 "NLWRT" "Net long wave (top)" "W/m^2"
115 133 "LWAVR" "Long wave" "W/m^2"
116 133 "SWAVR" "Short wave" "W/m^2"
117 133 "GRAD" "Global radiation" "W/m^2"
118 133 "BRTMP" "Brightness temperature" "K"
119 133 "LWRAD" "Radiance with respect to wave no." "W/m/sr"
120 133 "SWRAD" "Radiance with respect ot wave len." "W/m^3/sr"
121 133 "LHTFL" "Latent heat flux" "W/m^2"
122 133 "SHTFL" "Sensible heat flux" "W/m^2"
123 133 "BLYDP" "Boundary layer dissipation" "W/m^2"
124 133 "UFLX" "Zonal momentum flux" "N/m^2"
125 133 "VFLX" "Meridional momentum flux" "N/m^2"
126 133 "WMIXE" "Wind mixing energy" "J"
127 133 "IMGD" "Image data" ""
128 133 "var128" "undefined" ""
129 133 "var129" "undefined" ""
130 133 "var130" "undefined" ""
131 133 "var131" "undefined" ""
132 133 "var132" "undefined" ""
133 133 "var133" "undefined" ""
134 133 "var134" "undefined" ""
135 133 "var135" "undefined" ""
136 133 "var136" "undefined" ""
137 133 "var137" "undefined" ""
138 133 "var138" "undefined" ""
139 133 "POZT" "Ozone production from T term" ""
140 133 "var140" "undefined" ""
141 133 "var141" "undefined" ""
142 133 "var142" "undefined" ""
143 133 "var143" "undefined" ""
144 133 "var144" "undefined" ""
145 133 "var145" "undefined" ""
146 133 "var146" "undefined" ""
147 133 "var147" "undefined" ""
148 133 "var148" "undefined" ""
149 133 "var149" "undefined" ""
150 133 "var150" "undefined" ""
151 133 "var151" "undefined" ""
152 133 "var152" "undefined" ""
153 133 "var153" "undefined" ""
154 133 "OMGALF" "omega divided by density" ""
155 133 "var155" "undefined" ""
156 133 "var156" "undefined" ""
157 133 "var157" "undefined" ""
158 133 "var158" "undefined" ""
159 133 "var159" "undefined" ""
160 133 "var160" "undefined" ""
161 133 "var161" "undefined" ""
162 133 "var162" "undefined" ""
163 133 "var163" "undefined" ""
164 133 "COVZZ" "Covariance between u and u" ""
165 133 "COVMM" "Covariance between v and v" ""
166 133 "COVQZ" "Covariance between q and u" ""
167 133 "COVQM" "Covariance between q and v" ""
168 133 "COVTVV" "Covariance between T and omega" ""
169 133 "COVQVV" "Covariance between q and omega" ""
170 133 "var170" "undefined" ""
171 133 "var171" "undefined" ""
172 133 "var172" "undefined" ""
173 133 "LRGMR" "Large scale moistening rate" ""
174 133 "VDFOZ" "Ozone vertical diffusion" ""
175 133 "POZ" "Ozone production" ""
176 133 "var176" "undefined" ""
177 133 "var177" "undefined" ""
178 133 "var178" "undefined" ""
179 133 "var179" "undefined" ""
180 133 "var180" "undefined" ""
181 133 "GWDU" "Gravity wave drag u acceleration" ""
182 133 "GWDV" "Gravity wave drag v acceleration" ""
183 133 "CNVU" "Convective u momentum mixing acceleration" ""
184 133 "CNVV" "Convective v momentum mixing acceleration" ""
185 133 "AKHS" "Sfc exchange coeff for T and Q divided by delta z" ""
186 133 "AKMS" "Sfc exchange coeff for U and V divided by delta z" ""
187 133 "var187" "undefined" ""
188 133 "TOZ" "Ozone tendency" ""
189 133 "var189" "undefined" ""
190 133 "var190" "undefined" ""
191 133 "SUNSD" "Sunshine duration" "s"
192 133 "MOSF" "Meridional overturning stream function" "10^6m^3/s"
193 133 "EPSR" "Radiative emiissivity" ""
194 133 "var194" "undefined" ""
195 133 "QZ0" "q at top of viscous sublayer" ""
196 133 "CNGWDU" "Convective gravity wave drag zonal acceleration" ""
197 133 "CNGWDV" "Convective gravity wave drag meridional
acceleration" ""
198 133 "var198" "undefined" ""
199 133 "var199" "undefined" ""
200 133 "var200" "undefined" ""
201 133 "THZ0" "Theta at top of viscous sublayer" ""
202 133 "CNVUMF" "Convective updraft mass flux" ""
203 133 "COVPSPS" "Covariance between psfc and psfc" ""
204 133 "QMAX" "Maximum specific humidity at 2m" ""
205 133 "QMIN" "Minimum specific humidity at 2m" ""
206 133 "COVQQ" "Covariance between q and q" ""
207 133 "var207" "undefined" ""
208 133 "var208" "undefined" ""
209 133 "CNVDMF" "Convective downdraft mass flux" ""
210 133 "var210" "undefined" ""
211 133 "var211" "undefined" ""
212 133 "var212" "undefined" ""
213 133 "var213" "undefined" ""
214 133 "var214" "undefined" ""
215 133 "var215" "undefined" ""
216 133 "var216" "undefined" ""
217 133 "var217" "undefined" ""
218 133 "var218" "undefined" ""
219 133 "CNVDEMF" "Convective detrainment mass flux" ""
220 133 "COVVVVV" "Covariance between omega and omega" ""
221 133 "var221" "undefined" ""
222 133 "var222" "undefined" ""
223 133 "var223" "undefined" ""
224 133 "var224" "undefined" ""
225 133 "var225" "undefined" ""
226 133 "var226" "undefined" ""
227 133 "var227" "undefined" ""
228 133 "var228" "undefined" ""
229 133 "var229" "undefined" ""
230 133 "var230" "undefined" ""
231 133 "var231" "undefined" ""
232 133 "var232" "undefined" ""
233 133 "var233" "undefined" ""
234 133 "COVTT" "Covariance between T and T" ""
235 133 "var235" "undefined" ""
236 133 "WTEND" "Tendency of vertical velocity" ""
237 133 "var237" "undefined" ""
238 133 "var238" "undefined" ""
239 133 "POZO" "Ozone production from col ozone term" ""
240 133 "var240" "undefined" ""
241 133 "var241" "undefined" ""
242 133 "var242" "undefined" ""
243 133 "var243" "undefined" ""
244 133 "var244" "undefined" ""
245 133 "var245" "undefined" ""
246 133 "var246" "undefined" ""
247 133 "var247" "undefined" ""
248 133 "var248" "undefined" ""
249 133 "var249" "undefined" ""
250 133 "var250" "undefined" ""
251 133 "var251" "undefined" ""
252 133 "var252" "undefined" ""
253 133 "var253" "undefined" ""
254 133 "var254" "undefined" ""
255 133 "var255" "undefined" ""
0 140 "var0" "undefined" ""
1 140 "PRES" "Pressure" "Pa"
2 140 "PRMSL" "Pressure reduced to MSL" "Pa"
3 140 "PTEND" "Pressure tendency" "Pa/s"
4 140 "PVORT" "Pot. vorticity" "km^2/kg/s"
5 140 "ICAHT" "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height" "M"
6 140 "GP" "Geopotential" "m^2/s^2"
7 140 "HGT" "Geopotential height" "gpm"
8 140 "DIST" "Geometric height" "m"
9 140 "HSTDV" "Std dev of height" "m"
10 140 "TOZNE" "Total ozone" "Dobson"
130 140 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
12 140 "VTMP" "Virtual temp." "K"
13 140 "POT" "Potential temp." "K"
14 140 "EPOT" "Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp." "K"
15 140 "TMAX" "Max. temp." "K"
16 140 "TMIN" "Min. temp." "K"
17 140 "DPT" "Dew point temp." "K"
18 140 "DEPR" "Dew point depression" "K"
19 140 "LAPR" "Lapse rate" "K/m"
20 140 "VIS" "Visibility" "m"
21 140 "RDSP1" "Radar spectra (1)" "non-dim"
22 140 "RDSP2" "Radar spectra (2)" "non-dim"
23 140 "RDSP3" "Radar spectra (3)" "non-dim"
24 140 "PLI" "Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
25 140 "TMPA" "Temp. anomaly" "K"
26 140 "PRESA" "Pressure anomaly" "Pa"
27 140 "GPA" "Geopotential height anomaly" "gpm"
28 140 "WVSP1" "Wave spectra (1)" "non-dim"
29 140 "WVSP2" "Wave spectra (2)" "non-dim"
30 140 "WVSP3" "Wave spectra (3)" "non-dim"
31 140 "WDIR" "Wind direction" "deg"
32 140 "WIND" "Wind speed" "m/s"
33 140 "UGRD" "u wind" "m/s"
34 140 "VGRD" "v wind" "m/s"
35 140 "STRM" "Stream function" "m^2/s"
36 140 "VPOT" "Velocity potential" "m^2/s"
37 140 "MNTSF" "Montgomery stream function" "m^2/s^2"
38 140 "SGCVV" "Sigma coord. vertical velocity" "/s"
39 140 "VVEL" "Pressure vertical velocity" "Pa/s"
40 140 "DZDT" "Geometric vertical velocity" "m/s"
41 140 "ABSV" "Absolute vorticity" "/s"
42 140 "ABSD" "Absolute divergence" "/s"
43 140 "RELV" "Relative vorticity" "/s"
44 140 "RELD" "Relative divergence" "/s"
45 140 "VUCSH" "Vertical u shear" "/s"
46 140 "VVCSH" "Vertical v shear" "/s"
47 140 "DIRC" "Direction of current" "deg"
48 140 "SPC" "Speed of current" "m/s"
49 140 "UOGRD" "u of current" "m/s"
50 140 "VOGRD" "v of current" "m/s"
51 140 "SPFH" "Specific humidity" "kg/kg"
52 140 "RH" "Relative humidity" "%"
53 140 "MIXR" "Humidity mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
54 140 "PWAT" "Precipitable water" "kg/m^2"
55 140 "VAPP" "Vapor pressure" "Pa"
56 140 "SATD" "Saturation deficit" "Pa"
57 140 "EVP" "Evaporation" "kg/m^2"
58 140 "CICE" "Cloud Ice" "kg/m^2"
59 140 "PRATE" "Precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
60 140 "TSTM" "Thunderstorm probability" "%"
61 140 "APCP" "Total precipitation" "kg/m^2"
62 140 "NCPCP" "Large scale precipitation" "kg/m^2"
63 140 "ACPCP" "Convective precipitation" "kg/m^2"
64 140 "SRWEQ" "Snowfall rate water equiv." "kg/m^2/s"
65 140 "WEASD" "Accum. snow" "kg/m^2"
66 140 "SNOD" "Snow depth" "m"
67 140 "MIXHT" "Mixed layer depth" "m"
68 140 "TTHDP" "Transient thermocline depth" "m"
69 140 "MTHD" "Main thermocline depth" "m"
70 140 "MTHA" "Main thermocline anomaly" "m"
71 140 "TCDC" "Total cloud cover" "%"
72 140 "CDCON" "Convective cloud cover" "%"
73 140 "LCDC" "Low level cloud cover" "%"
74 140 "MCDC" "Mid level cloud cover" "%"
75 140 "HCDC" "High level cloud cover" "%"
76 140 "CWAT" "Cloud water" "kg/m^2"
77 140 "BLI" "Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
78 140 "SNOC" "Convective snow" "kg/m^2"
79 140 "SNOL" "Large scale snow" "kg/m^2"
80 140 "WTMP" "Water temp." "K"
81 140 "LAND" "Land cover (land=1;sea=0)" "fraction"
82 140 "DSLM" "Deviation of sea level from mean" "m"
83 140 "SFCR" "Surface roughness" "m"
84 140 "ALBDO" "Albedo" "%"
85 140 "TSOIL" "Soil temp." "K"
86 140 "SOILM" "Soil moisture content" "kg/m^2"
87 140 "VEG" "Vegetation" "%"
88 140 "SALTY" "Salinity" "kg/kg"
89 140 "DEN" "Density" "kg/m^3"
90 140 "WATR" "Water runoff" "kg/m^2"
91 140 "ICEC" "Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)" "fraction"
92 140 "ICETK" "Ice thickness" "m"
93 140 "DICED" "Direction of ice drift" "deg"
94 140 "SICED" "Speed of ice drift" "m/s"
95 140 "UICE" "u of ice drift" "m/s"
96 140 "VICE" "v of ice drift" "m/s"
97 140 "ICEG" "Ice growth rate" "m/s"
98 140 "ICED" "Ice divergence" "/s"
99 140 "SNOM" "Snow melt" "kg/m^2"
100 140 "HTSGW" "Sig height of wind waves and swell" "m"
101 140 "WVDIR" "Direction of wind waves" "deg"
102 140 "WVHGT" "Sig height of wind waves" "m"
103 140 "WVPER" "Mean period of wind waves" "s"
104 140 "SWDIR" "Direction of swell waves" "deg"
105 140 "SWELL" "Sig height of swell waves" "m"
106 140 "SWPER" "Mean period of swell waves" "s"
107 140 "DIRPW" "Primary wave direction" "deg"
108 140 "PERPW" "Primary wave mean period" "s"
109 140 "DIRSW" "Secondary wave direction" "deg"
110 140 "PERSW" "Secondary wave mean period" "s"
111 140 "NSWRS" "Net short wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
112 140 "NLWRS" "Net long wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
113 140 "NSWRT" "Net short wave (top)" "W/m^2"
114 140 "NLWRT" "Net long wave (top)" "W/m^2"
115 140 "LWAVR" "Long wave" "W/m^2"
116 140 "SWAVR" "Short wave" "W/m^2"
117 140 "GRAD" "Global radiation" "W/m^2"
118 140 "BRTMP" "Brightness temperature" "K"
119 140 "LWRAD" "Radiance with respect to wave no." "W/m/sr"
120 140 "SWRAD" "Radiance with respect ot wave len." "W/m^3/sr"
121 140 "LHTFL" "Latent heat flux" "W/m^2"
122 140 "SHTFL" "Sensible heat flux" "W/m^2"
123 140 "BLYDP" "Boundary layer dissipation" "W/m^2"
124 140 "UFLX" "Zonal momentum flux" "N/m^2"
125 140 "VFLX" "Meridional momentum flux" "N/m^2"
126 140 "WMIXE" "Wind mixing energy" "J"
127 140 "IMGD" "Image data" ""
128 140 "var128" "undefined" ""
129 140 "var129" "undefined" ""
130 140 "var130" "undefined" ""
131 140 "var131" "undefined" ""
132 140 "var132" "undefined" ""
133 140 "var133" "undefined" ""
134 140 "var134" "undefined" ""
135 140 "var135" "undefined" ""
136 140 "var136" "undefined" ""
137 140 "var137" "undefined" ""
138 140 "var138" "undefined" ""
139 140 "var139" "undefined" ""
140 140 "var140" "undefined" ""
141 140 "var141" "undefined" ""
142 140 "var142" "undefined" ""
143 140 "var143" "undefined" ""
144 140 "var144" "undefined" ""
145 140 "var145" "undefined" ""
146 140 "var146" "undefined" ""
147 140 "var147" "undefined" ""
148 140 "var148" "undefined" ""
149 140 "var149" "undefined" ""
150 140 "var150" "undefined" ""
151 140 "var151" "undefined" ""
152 140 "var152" "undefined" ""
153 140 "var153" "undefined" ""
154 140 "var154" "undefined" ""
155 140 "var155" "undefined" ""
156 140 "var156" "undefined" ""
157 140 "var157" "undefined" ""
158 140 "var158" "undefined" ""
159 140 "var159" "undefined" ""
160 140 "var160" "undefined" ""
161 140 "var161" "undefined" ""
162 140 "var162" "undefined" ""
163 140 "var163" "undefined" ""
164 140 "var164" "undefined" ""
165 140 "var165" "undefined" ""
166 140 "var166" "undefined" ""
167 140 "var167" "undefined" ""
168 140 "MEIP" "Mean icing potential" ""
169 140 "MAIP" "Maximum icing potential" ""
170 140 "MECTP" "Mean in-cloud turbulence potential" ""
171 140 "MACTP" "Maximum in-cloud turbulence potential" ""
172 140 "MECAT" "Mean cloud air turbulence potential" ""
173 140 "MACAT" "Maximum cloud air turbulence potential" ""
174 140 "CBHE" "Cumulonimbus horizontal extent" "%"
175 140 "PCBB" "Pressure at cumblonimbus base" "Pa"
176 140 "PCBT" "Pressure at cumblonimbus top" "Pa"
177 140 "PECBB" "Pressure at embedded cumblonimbus base" "Pa"
178 140 "PECBT" "Pressure at embedded cumblonimbus top" "Pa"
179 140 "HCBB" "ICAO height at cumblonimbus base" "m"
180 140 "HCBT" "ICAO height at cumblonimbus top" "m"
181 140 "HECBB" "ICAO height at embedded cumblonimbus base" "m"
182 140 "HECBT" "ICAO height at embedded cumblonimbus top" "m"
183 140 "var183" "undefined" ""
184 140 "var184" "undefined" ""
185 140 "var185" "undefined" ""
186 140 "var186" "undefined" ""
187 140 "var187" "undefined" ""
188 140 "var188" "undefined" ""
189 140 "var189" "undefined" ""
190 140 "var190" "undefined" ""
191 140 "var191" "undefined" ""
192 140 "var192" "undefined" ""
193 140 "var193" "undefined" ""
194 140 "var194" "undefined" ""
195 140 "var195" "undefined" ""
196 140 "var196" "undefined" ""
197 140 "var197" "undefined" ""
198 140 "var198" "undefined" ""
199 140 "var199" "undefined" ""
200 140 "var200" "undefined" ""
201 140 "var201" "undefined" ""
202 140 "var202" "undefined" ""
203 140 "var203" "undefined" ""
204 140 "var204" "undefined" ""
205 140 "var205" "undefined" ""
206 140 "var206" "undefined" ""
207 140 "var207" "undefined" ""
208 140 "var208" "undefined" ""
209 140 "var209" "undefined" ""
210 140 "var210" "undefined" ""
211 140 "var211" "undefined" ""
212 140 "var212" "undefined" ""
213 140 "var213" "undefined" ""
214 140 "var214" "undefined" ""
215 140 "var215" "undefined" ""
216 140 "var216" "undefined" ""
217 140 "var217" "undefined" ""
218 140 "var218" "undefined" ""
219 140 "var219" "undefined" ""
220 140 "var220" "undefined" ""
221 140 "var221" "undefined" ""
222 140 "var222" "undefined" ""
223 140 "var223" "undefined" ""
224 140 "var224" "undefined" ""
225 140 "var225" "undefined" ""
226 140 "var226" "undefined" ""
227 140 "var227" "undefined" ""
228 140 "var228" "undefined" ""
229 140 "var229" "undefined" ""
230 140 "var230" "undefined" ""
231 140 "var231" "undefined" ""
232 140 "var232" "undefined" ""
233 140 "var233" "undefined" ""
234 140 "var234" "undefined" ""
235 140 "var235" "undefined" ""
236 140 "var236" "undefined" ""
237 140 "var237" "undefined" ""
238 140 "var238" "undefined" ""
239 140 "var239" "undefined" ""
240 140 "var240" "undefined" ""
241 140 "var241" "undefined" ""
242 140 "var242" "undefined" ""
243 140 "var243" "undefined" ""
244 140 "var244" "undefined" ""
245 140 "var245" "undefined" ""
246 140 "var246" "undefined" ""
247 140 "var247" "undefined" ""
248 140 "var248" "undefined" ""
249 140 "var249" "undefined" ""
250 140 "var250" "undefined" ""
251 140 "var251" "undefined" ""
252 140 "var252" "undefined" ""
253 140 "var253" "undefined" ""
254 140 "var254" "undefined" ""
255 140 "var255" "undefined" ""
0 141 "var0" "undefined" ""
1 141 "PRES" "Pressure" "Pa"
2 141 "PRMSL" "Pressure reduced to MSL" "Pa"
3 141 "PTEND" "Pressure tendency" "Pa/s"
4 141 "PVORT" "Pot. vorticity" "km^2/kg/s"
5 141 "ICAHT" "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height" "M"
6 141 "GP" "Geopotential" "m^2/s^2"
7 141 "HGT" "Geopotential height" "gpm"
8 141 "DIST" "Geometric height" "m"
9 141 "HSTDV" "Std dev of height" "m"
10 141 "TOZNE" "Total ozone" "Dobson"
130 141 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
12 141 "VTMP" "Virtual temp." "K"
13 141 "POT" "Potential temp." "K"
14 141 "EPOT" "Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp." "K"
15 141 "TMAX" "Max. temp." "K"
16 141 "TMIN" "Min. temp." "K"
17 141 "DPT" "Dew point temp." "K"
18 141 "DEPR" "Dew point depression" "K"
19 141 "LAPR" "Lapse rate" "K/m"
20 141 "VIS" "Visibility" "m"
21 141 "RDSP1" "Radar spectra (1)" "non-dim"
22 141 "RDSP2" "Radar spectra (2)" "non-dim"
23 141 "RDSP3" "Radar spectra (3)" "non-dim"
24 141 "PLI" "Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
25 141 "TMPA" "Temp. anomaly" "K"
26 141 "PRESA" "Pressure anomaly" "Pa"
27 141 "GPA" "Geopotential height anomaly" "gpm"
28 141 "WVSP1" "Wave spectra (1)" "non-dim"
29 141 "WVSP2" "Wave spectra (2)" "non-dim"
30 141 "WVSP3" "Wave spectra (3)" "non-dim"
31 141 "WDIR" "Wind direction" "deg"
32 141 "WIND" "Wind speed" "m/s"
33 141 "UGRD" "u wind" "m/s"
34 141 "VGRD" "v wind" "m/s"
35 141 "STRM" "Stream function" "m^2/s"
36 141 "VPOT" "Velocity potential" "m^2/s"
37 141 "MNTSF" "Montgomery stream function" "m^2/s^2"
38 141 "SGCVV" "Sigma coord. vertical velocity" "/s"
39 141 "VVEL" "Pressure vertical velocity" "Pa/s"
40 141 "DZDT" "Geometric vertical velocity" "m/s"
41 141 "ABSV" "Absolute vorticity" "/s"
42 141 "ABSD" "Absolute divergence" "/s"
43 141 "RELV" "Relative vorticity" "/s"
44 141 "RELD" "Relative divergence" "/s"
45 141 "VUCSH" "Vertical u shear" "/s"
46 141 "VVCSH" "Vertical v shear" "/s"
47 141 "DIRC" "Direction of current" "deg"
48 141 "SPC" "Speed of current" "m/s"
49 141 "UOGRD" "u of current" "m/s"
50 141 "VOGRD" "v of current" "m/s"
51 141 "SPFH" "Specific humidity" "kg/kg"
52 141 "RH" "Relative humidity" "%"
53 141 "MIXR" "Humidity mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
54 141 "PWAT" "Precipitable water" "kg/m^2"
55 141 "VAPP" "Vapor pressure" "Pa"
56 141 "SATD" "Saturation deficit" "Pa"
57 141 "EVP" "Evaporation" "kg/m^2"
58 141 "CICE" "Cloud Ice" "kg/m^2"
59 141 "PRATE" "Precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
60 141 "TSTM" "Thunderstorm probability" "%"
61 141 "APCP" "Total precipitation" "kg/m^2"
62 141 "NCPCP" "Large scale precipitation" "kg/m^2"
63 141 "ACPCP" "Convective precipitation" "kg/m^2"
64 141 "SRWEQ" "Snowfall rate water equiv." "kg/m^2/s"
65 141 "WEASD" "Accum. snow" "kg/m^2"
66 141 "SNOD" "Snow depth" "m"
67 141 "MIXHT" "Mixed layer depth" "m"
68 141 "TTHDP" "Transient thermocline depth" "m"
69 141 "MTHD" "Main thermocline depth" "m"
70 141 "MTHA" "Main thermocline anomaly" "m"
71 141 "TCDC" "Total cloud cover" "%"
72 141 "CDCON" "Convective cloud cover" "%"
73 141 "LCDC" "Low level cloud cover" "%"
74 141 "MCDC" "Mid level cloud cover" "%"
75 141 "HCDC" "High level cloud cover" "%"
76 141 "CWAT" "Cloud water" "kg/m^2"
77 141 "BLI" "Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
78 141 "SNOC" "Convective snow" "kg/m^2"
79 141 "SNOL" "Large scale snow" "kg/m^2"
80 141 "WTMP" "Water temp." "K"
81 141 "LAND" "Land cover (land=1;sea=0)" "fraction"
82 141 "DSLM" "Deviation of sea level from mean" "m"
83 141 "SFCR" "Surface roughness" "m"
84 141 "ALBDO" "Albedo" "%"
85 141 "TSOIL" "Soil temp." "K"
86 141 "SOILM" "Soil moisture content" "kg/m^2"
87 141 "VEG" "Vegetation" "%"
88 141 "SALTY" "Salinity" "kg/kg"
89 141 "DEN" "Density" "kg/m^3"
90 141 "WATR" "Water runoff" "kg/m^2"
91 141 "ICEC" "Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)" "fraction"
92 141 "ICETK" "Ice thickness" "m"
93 141 "DICED" "Direction of ice drift" "deg"
94 141 "SICED" "Speed of ice drift" "m/s"
95 141 "UICE" "u of ice drift" "m/s"
96 141 "VICE" "v of ice drift" "m/s"
97 141 "ICEG" "Ice growth rate" "m/s"
98 141 "ICED" "Ice divergence" "/s"
99 141 "SNOM" "Snow melt" "kg/m^2"
100 141 "HTSGW" "Sig height of wind waves and swell" "m"
101 141 "WVDIR" "Direction of wind waves" "deg"
102 141 "WVHGT" "Sig height of wind waves" "m"
103 141 "WVPER" "Mean period of wind waves" "s"
104 141 "SWDIR" "Direction of swell waves" "deg"
105 141 "SWELL" "Sig height of swell waves" "m"
106 141 "SWPER" "Mean period of swell waves" "s"
107 141 "DIRPW" "Primary wave direction" "deg"
108 141 "PERPW" "Primary wave mean period" "s"
109 141 "DIRSW" "Secondary wave direction" "deg"
110 141 "PERSW" "Secondary wave mean period" "s"
111 141 "NSWRS" "Net short wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
112 141 "NLWRS" "Net long wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
113 141 "NSWRT" "Net short wave (top)" "W/m^2"
114 141 "NLWRT" "Net long wave (top)" "W/m^2"
115 141 "LWAVR" "Long wave" "W/m^2"
116 141 "SWAVR" "Short wave" "W/m^2"
117 141 "GRAD" "Global radiation" "W/m^2"
118 141 "BRTMP" "Brightness temperature" "K"
119 141 "LWRAD" "Radiance with respect to wave no." "W/m/sr"
120 141 "SWRAD" "Radiance with respect ot wave len." "W/m^3/sr"
121 141 "LHTFL" "Latent heat flux" "W/m^2"
122 141 "SHTFL" "Sensible heat flux" "W/m^2"
123 141 "BLYDP" "Boundary layer dissipation" "W/m^2"
124 141 "UFLX" "Zonal momentum flux" "N/m^2"
125 141 "VFLX" "Meridional momentum flux" "N/m^2"
126 141 "WMIXE" "Wind mixing energy" "J"
127 141 "IMGD" "Image data" ""
128 141 "EXTNC" "Aerosol Extinction Coefficient" "1/km"
129 141 "AOD" "Aerosol Optical Depth" "-"
130 141 "ASFTR" "Aerosol Asymmetry Factor" "-"
131 141 "SSALBD" "Aerosol Single Scatter Albedo" "-"
132 141 "BSCTRS" "Aerosol Back Scattering" "1/km/sr"
133 141 "var133" "undefined" ""
134 141 "var134" "undefined" ""
135 141 "var135" "undefined" ""
136 141 "var136" "undefined" ""
137 141 "var137" "undefined" ""
138 141 "var138" "undefined" ""
139 141 "var139" "undefined" ""
140 141 "NOy" "Total Inorganic and Organic Nitrates" "ppbV"
141 141 "NO" "Nitrogen Oxide" "ppbV"
142 141 "NO2" "Nitrogen Dioxide" "ppbV"
143 141 "N2O5" "Nitrogen Pentoxide" "ppbV"
144 141 "HNO3" "Nitric Acid" "ppbV"
145 141 "NO3" "Nitrogen Trioxide" "ppbV"
146 141 "PNA" "Peroxynitric Acid" "ppbV"
147 141 "HONO" "Nitrous Acid" "ppbV"
148 141 "CO" "Carbon Monoxide" "ppbV"
149 141 "NH3" "Ammonia" "ppbV"
150 141 "HCL" "Hydrogen Chloride" "ppbV"
151 141 "var151" "undefined" ""
152 141 "var152" "undefined" ""
153 141 "var153" "undefined" ""
154 141 "var154" "undefined" ""
155 141 "var155" "undefined" ""
156 141 "var156" "undefined" ""
157 141 "var157" "undefined" ""
158 141 "var158" "undefined" ""
159 141 "PAR" "Lumped Single-Bond Carbon Specie" "ppbV"
160 141 "ETHE" "Ethene" "ppbV"
161 141 "OLE" "Lumped Double-Bond Carbon Species Less Ethene" "ppbV"
162 141 "TOL" "Toluene" "ppbV"
163 141 "XYL" "Xylene" "ppbV"
164 141 "ISOP" "Isoprene" "ppbV"
165 141 "var165" "undefined" ""
166 141 "FORM" "Formaldehyde" "ppbV"
167 141 "ALD2" "Acetaldehyde & Higher Aldehydes" "ppbV"
168 141 "MGLY" "Methyl Glyoxal" "ppbV"
169 141 "CRES" "Cresol and Higher Molecular Weight Phenols" "ppbV"
170 141 "var170" "undefined" ""
171 141 "var171" "undefined" ""
172 141 "PAN" "Peroxyacyl Nitrate" "ppbV"
173 141 "NTR" "Lumped Gaseous Organic Nitrate" "ppbV"
174 141 "var174" "undefined" ""
175 141 "var175" "undefined" ""
176 141 "var176" "undefined" ""
177 141 "ROOH" "Esters" "ppbV"
178 141 "ETHOH" "Ethanol" "ppbV"
179 141 "METHOH" "Methanol" "ppbV"
180 141 "var180" "undefined" ""
181 141 "var181" "undefined" ""
182 141 "var182" "undefined" ""
183 141 "var183" "undefined" ""
184 141 "var184" "undefined" ""
185 141 "var185" "undefined" ""
186 141 "H2O2" "Hydrogen Peroxide" "ppbV"
187 141 "OH" "Hydroxyl Radical" "ppbV"
188 141 "HO2" "Hydroperoxyl Radical" "ppbV"
189 141 "var189" "undefined" ""
190 141 "var190" "undefined" ""
191 141 "var191" "undefined" ""
192 141 "var192" "undefined" ""
193 141 "var193" "undefined" ""
194 141 "var194" "undefined" ""
195 141 "var195" "undefined" ""
196 141 "var196" "undefined" ""
197 141 "var197" "undefined" ""
198 141 "var198" "undefined" ""
199 141 "var199" "undefined" ""
200 141 "ASO4" "Sulfate (SO4) Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer Diameter"
201 141 "ANH4" "Ammonia (NH4) Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer Diameter"
202 141 "ANO3" "Nitrate (NO3) Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer Diameter"
203 141 "AORGA" "Organic Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer Diameter"
204 141 "AORGPA" "Primarily Organic Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer
Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
205 141 "AORGB" "Biogenically Originated Particulates <= 2.5
micrometer Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
206 141 "AEC" "Elemental Carbon Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer
Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
207 141 "A25" "Unspecified Anthropogenic Particulates <= 2.5
micrometer Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
208 141 "AH2O" "Water Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer Diameter"
209 141 "ANA" "Sodium Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer Diameter"
210 141 "ACL" "Chloride Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer Diameter"
211 141 "var211" "undefined" ""
212 141 "var212" "undefined" ""
213 141 "var213" "undefined" ""
214 141 "var214" "undefined" ""
215 141 "var215" "undefined" ""
216 141 "ASO4K" "Sulfate (SO4) Particulates between 2.5 and 10
micrometer Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
217 141 "ANAK" "Sodium (NA) Particulates between 2.5 and 10 micrometer
Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
218 141 "ACLK" "Chloride (CL) Particulates between 2.5 and 10
micrometer Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
219 141 "ASEAS" "Sea Salt Originated Particulates between 2.5 and 10
micrometer Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
220 141 "ASOIL" "Crustal Material Orginated Particulates between 2.5
and 10 micrometer Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
221 141 "ACORS" "Particulates between 2.5 and 10 micrometer Diameter"
222 141 "NUMATKN" "Number Concentration Particulates between 2.5 and
0.1 micrometer Diameter" "number/m^3"
223 141 "NUMACC" "Number Concentration Particulates between 2.5 and
2.5 micrometer Diameter" "number/m^3"
224 141 "NUMCOR" "Number Concentration Particulates between 2.5 and 10
micrometer Diameter" "number/m^3"
225 141 "var225" "undefined" ""
226 141 "var226" "undefined" ""
227 141 "var227" "undefined" ""
228 141 "SRFATKN" "Surface Area Contributed by Particulates <= 0.1
micrometer Diameter" "m2/m^3"
229 141 "SRFACC" "Surface Area Contributed by Particulates between 0.1
and 2.5 micrometer Diameter" "m2/m^3"
230 141 "var230" "undefined" ""
231 141 "var231" "undefined" ""
232 141 "SO2" "Sulfur Dioxide" "ppbV"
233 141 "MSA" "Methanesulfonic Acid" "Kg/Kg"
234 141 "TSO4" "Total Sulfate Particulates (Fine ands Coarse)"
235 141 "DMS" "Dimethylsulfide" "Kg/Kg"
236 141 "var236" "undefined" ""
237 141 "var237" "undefined" ""
238 141 "var238" "undefined" ""
239 141 "var239" "undefined" ""
240 141 "DU1" "Dust Particulates between 0.2 - 2.0 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
241 141 "DU2" "Dust Particulates between 2.0 - 3.6 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
242 141 "DU3" "Dust Particulates between 3.6 - 6.0 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
243 141 "DU4" "Dust Particulates between 6.0 - 12.0 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
244 141 "DU5" "Dust Particulates between 12.0 - 20.0 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
245 141 "SS1" "Sea Salt Particulates between 0.2 - 1.0 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
246 141 "SS2" "Sea Salt Particulates between 1.0 - 3.0 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
247 141 "SS3" "Sea Salt Particulates between 3.0 - 10.0 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
248 141 "SS4" "Sea Salt Particulates between 10.0 - 20.0 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
249 141 "OCDRY" "Hydrophobic Organic Carbon" "Kg/Kg"
250 141 "OCWET" "Hydrophilic Organic Carbon" "Kg/Kg"
251 141 "BCDRY" "Hydrophobic Black Carbon" "Kg/Kg"
252 141 "BCWET" "Hydrophilic Black Carbon" "Kg/Kg"
253 141 "var253" "undefined" ""
254 141 "var254" "undefined" ""
255 141 "var255" "undefined" ""

Subject: MET with ECMWF GRIB files
From: Balazs Szintai
Time: Wed Oct 22 08:00:52 2014

DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
DEBUG 1: User Config File: test_szb_ecm/PointStatConfig_szb
DEBUG 4: Met2dDataFileFactory::new_met_2d_data_file() -> created new
Met2dDataFile object of type "FileType_Gb1".
Filename ...
|    Nelements  = 3
|    Nalloc     = 50
|    MaxLength  = 64
|    IgnoreCase = 0
|    |    Element # 0 =
|    |    Element # 1 =
|    |    Element # 2 = "test_szb_ecm/PointStatConfig_szb"

Debug    = false
Config File Entries ...
|    Nentries = 53
|    Address  = 0x7e52b0
|    Parent   = 0
|    IsArray  = false
|    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    Name  = TRUE
|    |    Type  = BooleanType
|    |    Boolean Value = true
|    Dictionary Entry[1] ...
|    |    Name  = FALSE
|    |    Type  = BooleanType
|    |    Boolean Value = false
|    Dictionary Entry[2] ...
|    |    Name  = GRIB1
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 1
|    Dictionary Entry[3] ...
|    |    Name  = GRIB2
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 2
|    Dictionary Entry[4] ...
|    |    Name  = NETCDF_MET
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 3
|    Dictionary Entry[5] ...
|    |    Name  = NETCDF_PINT
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 4
|    Dictionary Entry[6] ...
|    |    Name  = MIN
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 1
|    Dictionary Entry[7] ...
|    |    Name  = MAX
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 2
|    Dictionary Entry[8] ...
|    |    Name  = MEDIAN
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 3
|    Dictionary Entry[9] ...
|    |    Name  = UW_MEAN
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 4
|    Dictionary Entry[10] ...
|    |    Name  = DW_MEAN
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 5
|    Dictionary Entry[11] ...
|    |    Name  = LS_FIT
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 6
|    Dictionary Entry[12] ...
|    |    Name  = BILIN
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 7
|    Dictionary Entry[13] ...
|    |    Name  = NONE
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 1
|    Dictionary Entry[14] ...
|    |    Name  = BOTH
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 2
|    Dictionary Entry[15] ...
|    |    Name  = FCST
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 3
|    Dictionary Entry[16] ...
|    |    Name  = OBS
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 4
|    Dictionary Entry[17] ...
|    |    Name  = STAT
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 3
|    Dictionary Entry[18] ...
|    |    Name  = PCTILE
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 1
|    Dictionary Entry[19] ...
|    |    Name  = BCA
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 2
|    Dictionary Entry[20] ...
|    |    Name  = UNIQUE
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 2
|    Dictionary Entry[21] ...
|    |    Name  = SINGLE
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 3
|    Dictionary Entry[22] ...
|    |    Name  = AUTO
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 2
|    Dictionary Entry[23] ...
|    |    Name  = TILE
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 3
|    Dictionary Entry[24] ...
|    |    Name  = PAD
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 4
|    Dictionary Entry[25] ...
|    |    Name  = HAAR
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 2
|    Dictionary Entry[26] ...
|    |    Name  = HAAR_CNTR
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 3
|    Dictionary Entry[27] ...
|    |    Name  = DAUB
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 4
|    Dictionary Entry[28] ...
|    |    Name  = DAUB_CNTR
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 5
|    Dictionary Entry[29] ...
|    |    Name  = BSPLINE
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 6
|    Dictionary Entry[30] ...
|    |    Name  = BSPLINE_CNTR
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 7
|    Dictionary Entry[31] ...
|    |    Name  = THRESH
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 3
|    Dictionary Entry[32] ...
|    |    Name  = ENGINE
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 4
|    Dictionary Entry[33] ...
|    |    Name  = MERGE_BOTH
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 2
|    Dictionary Entry[34] ...
|    |    Name  = MERGE_FCST
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 3
|    Dictionary Entry[35] ...
|    |    Name  = NO_MERGE
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 4
|    Dictionary Entry[36] ...
|    |    Name  = TOP
|    |    Type  = BooleanType
|    |    Boolean Value = true
|    Dictionary Entry[37] ...
|    |    Name  = BOTTOM
|    |    Type  = BooleanType
|    |    Boolean Value = false
|    Dictionary Entry[38] ...
|    |    Name  = model
|    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    String Value = "WRF"
|    Dictionary Entry[39] ...
|    |    Name  = fcst
|    |    Type  = DictionaryType
|    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    Nentries = 3
|    |    |    Address  = 0xfcb9e0
|    |    |    Parent   = 0x7e52b0
|    |    |    IsArray  = false
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = wind_thresh
|    |    |    |    Type  = ArrayType
|    |    |    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    |    |    Nentries = 1
|    |    |    |    |    Address  = 0xfc6fa0
|    |    |    |    |    Parent   = 0xfcb9e0
|    |    |    |    |    IsArray  = true
|    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = ThresholdType
|    |    |    |    |    |    Thresh Value =
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    thresh = 0
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    type   = 0
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[1] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = message_type
|    |    |    |    Type  = ArrayType
|    |    |    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    |    |    Nentries = 5
|    |    |    |    |    Address  = 0xfcaf10
|    |    |    |    |    Parent   = 0xfcb9e0
|    |    |    |    |    IsArray  = true
|    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    |    |    |    |    String Value = "ADPUPA"
|    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[1] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    |    |    |    |    String Value = "ADPSFC"
|    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[2] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    |    |    |    |    String Value = "AIRCFT"
|    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[3] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    |    |    |    |    String Value = "SATWND"
|    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[4] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    |    |    |    |    String Value = "SFCSHP"
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[2] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = field
|    |    |    |    Type  = ArrayType
|    |    |    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    |    |    Nentries = 1
|    |    |    |    |    Address  = 0xfca9a0
|    |    |    |    |    Parent   = 0xfcb9e0
|    |    |    |    |    IsArray  = true
|    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = DictionaryType
|    |    |    |    |    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    Nentries = 3
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    Address  = 0xfd5e20
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    Parent   = 0xfca9a0
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    IsArray  = false
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = name
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    String Value = "TMP"
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[1] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = level
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = ArrayType
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Nentries = 1
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Address  = 0xfd69f0
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Parent   = 0xfd5e20
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    IsArray  = true
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    String Value =
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[2] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = cat_thresh
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = ArrayType
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Nentries = 1
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Address  = 0xfd6450
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Parent   = 0xfd5e20
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    IsArray  = true
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Type  =
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Thresh Value =
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    thresh = 0
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    type   = 6
|    Dictionary Entry[40] ...
|    |    Name  = obs
|    |    Type  = DictionaryType
|    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    Nentries = 3
|    |    |    Address  = 0xfcf520
|    |    |    Parent   = 0x7e52b0
|    |    |    IsArray  = false
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = wind_thresh
|    |    |    |    Type  = ArrayType
|    |    |    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    |    |    Nentries = 1
|    |    |    |    |    Address  = 0xfc1700
|    |    |    |    |    Parent   = 0xfcf520
|    |    |    |    |    IsArray  = true
|    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = ThresholdType
|    |    |    |    |    |    Thresh Value =
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    thresh = 0
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    type   = 0
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[1] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = message_type
|    |    |    |    Type  = ArrayType
|    |    |    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    |    |    Nentries = 5
|    |    |    |    |    Address  = 0xfcbf50
|    |    |    |    |    Parent   = 0xfcf520
|    |    |    |    |    IsArray  = true
|    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    |    |    |    |    String Value = "ADPUPA"
|    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[1] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    |    |    |    |    String Value = "ADPSFC"
|    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[2] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    |    |    |    |    String Value = "AIRCFT"
|    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[3] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    |    |    |    |    String Value = "SATWND"
|    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[4] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    |    |    |    |    String Value = "SFCSHP"
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[2] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = field
|    |    |    |    Type  = ArrayType
|    |    |    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    |    |    Nentries = 1
|    |    |    |    |    Address  = 0xfc6be0
|    |    |    |    |    Parent   = 0xfcf520
|    |    |    |    |    IsArray  = true
|    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = DictionaryType
|    |    |    |    |    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    Nentries = 3
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    Address  = 0xfce950
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    Parent   = 0xfc6be0
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    IsArray  = false
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = name
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    String Value = "TMP"
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[1] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = level
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = ArrayType
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Nentries = 1
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Address  = 0xfcafe0
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Parent   = 0xfce950
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    IsArray  = true
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    String Value =
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[2] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = cat_thresh
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = ArrayType
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Nentries = 1
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Address  = 0xfb7eb0
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Parent   = 0xfce950
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    IsArray  = true
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Type  =
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Thresh Value =
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    thresh = 0
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    type   = 6
|    Dictionary Entry[41] ...
|    |    Name  = obs_window
|    |    Type  = DictionaryType
|    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    Nentries = 2
|    |    |    Address  = 0xfb1f50
|    |    |    Parent   = 0x7e52b0
|    |    |    IsArray  = false
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = beg
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = -5400
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[1] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = end
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 5400
|    Dictionary Entry[42] ...
|    |    Name  = mask
|    |    Type  = DictionaryType
|    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    Nentries = 3
|    |    |    Address  = 0xfd0e40
|    |    |    Parent   = 0x7e52b0
|    |    |    IsArray  = false
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = grid
|    |    |    |    Type  = ArrayType
|    |    |    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    |    |    Nentries = 1
|    |    |    |    |    Address  = 0xfd2a50
|    |    |    |    |    Parent   = 0xfd0e40
|    |    |    |    |    IsArray  = true
|    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    |    |    |    |    String Value = "FULL"
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[1] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = poly
|    |    |    |    Type  = ArrayType
|    |    |    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    |    |    Nentries = 0
|    |    |    |    |    Address  = 0xfd34f0
|    |    |    |    |    Parent   = 0xfd0e40
|    |    |    |    |    IsArray  = true
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[2] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = sid
|    |    |    |    Type  = ArrayType
|    |    |    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    |    |    Nentries = 0
|    |    |    |    |    Address  = 0xfcfe00
|    |    |    |    |    Parent   = 0xfd0e40
|    |    |    |    |    IsArray  = true
|    Dictionary Entry[43] ...
|    |    Name  = ci_alpha
|    |    Type  = ArrayType
|    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    Nentries = 1
|    |    |    Address  = 0xfd1e80
|    |    |    Parent   = 0x7e52b0
|    |    |    IsArray  = true
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    Type  = FloatType
|    |    |    |    Float Value = 0.05
|    Dictionary Entry[44] ...
|    |    Name  = boot
|    |    Type  = DictionaryType
|    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    Nentries = 5
|    |    |    Address  = 0xfa9670
|    |    |    Parent   = 0x7e52b0
|    |    |    IsArray  = false
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = interval
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 1
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[1] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = rep_prop
|    |    |    |    Type  = FloatType
|    |    |    |    Float Value = 1
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[2] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = n_rep
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 1000
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[3] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = rng
|    |    |    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    |    |    String Value = "mt19937"
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[4] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = seed
|    |    |    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    |    |    String Value = (nul)
|    Dictionary Entry[45] ...
|    |    Name  = interp
|    |    Type  = DictionaryType
|    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    Nentries = 2
|    |    |    Address  = 0xfd3a90
|    |    |    Parent   = 0x7e52b0
|    |    |    IsArray  = false
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = vld_thresh
|    |    |    |    Type  = FloatType
|    |    |    |    Float Value = 1
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[1] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = type
|    |    |    |    Type  = ArrayType
|    |    |    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    |    |    Nentries = 1
|    |    |    |    |    Address  = 0xfd2ec0
|    |    |    |    |    Parent   = 0xfd3a90
|    |    |    |    |    IsArray  = true
|    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = (nul)
|    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = DictionaryType
|    |    |    |    |    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    Nentries = 2
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    Address  = 0xfac410
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    Parent   = 0xfd2ec0
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    IsArray  = false
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = method
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Integer Value = 4
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    Dictionary Entry[1] ...
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Name  = width
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    Integer Value = 1
|    Dictionary Entry[46] ...
|    |    Name  = output_flag
|    |    Type  = DictionaryType
|    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    Nentries = 15
|    |    |    Address  = 0xfd1a10
|    |    |    Parent   = 0x7e52b0
|    |    |    IsArray  = false
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[0] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = fho
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 2
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[1] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = ctc
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 2
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[2] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = cts
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 2
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[3] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = mctc
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 2
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[4] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = mcts
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 2
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[5] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = cnt
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 2
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[6] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = sl1l2
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 2
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[7] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = sal1l2
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 2
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[8] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = vl1l2
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 2
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[9] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = val1l2
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 2
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[10] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = pct
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 2
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[11] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = pstd
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 2
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[12] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = pjc
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 2
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[13] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = prc
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 2
|    |    |    Dictionary Entry[14] ...
|    |    |    |    Name  = mpr
|    |    |    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    |    |    Integer Value = 2
|    Dictionary Entry[47] ...
|    |    Name  = obs_quality
|    |    Type  = ArrayType
|    |    Dict/Array Value =
|    |    |    Nentries = 0
|    |    |    Address  = 0xfd4530
|    |    |    Parent   = 0x7e52b0
|    |    |    IsArray  = true
|    Dictionary Entry[48] ...
|    |    Name  = duplicate_flag
|    |    Type  = IntegerType
|    |    Integer Value = 1
|    Dictionary Entry[49] ...
|    |    Name  = rank_corr_flag
|    |    Type  = BooleanType
|    |    Boolean Value = true
|    Dictionary Entry[50] ...
|    |    Name  = tmp_dir
|    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    String Value = "/tmp"
|    Dictionary Entry[51] ...
|    |    Name  = output_prefix
|    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    String Value = (nul)
|    Dictionary Entry[52] ...
|    |    Name  = version
|    |    Type  = StringType
|    |    String Value = "V4.1"
DEBUG 4: VarInfoFactory::new_var_info() -> created new VarInfo object
of type "FileType_Gb1".
DEBUG 5: Parsed forecast field number 1:
  PTV     = 2
  Code    = 130
  LvlType = -9999
  PCode   = -9999
DEBUG 5: Parsed observation field number 1:
  PTV     = 2
  Code    = 130
  LvlType = -9999
  PCode   = -9999
DEBUG 5: Parsed thresholds for forecast field number 1:
Nelements = 1
Nalloc    = 10
|    Element # 0 = ">=0.000"
DEBUG 5: Parsed thresholds for observation field number 1:
Nelements = 1
Nalloc    = 10
|    Element # 0 = ">=0.000"
DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
DEBUG 1: Climatology File: none
DEBUG 1: Observation File:
DEBUG 2: Reading data for TMP/P850.
DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found range match for
VarInfo "TMP/P850" in GRIB record 1 of GRIB file
DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found 1 GRIB records
matching VarInfo "TMP/P850" in GRIB file
DEBUG 4: parse_grid_mask() -> parsing grid mask "FULL"
DEBUG 2: For TMP/P850 found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology
DEBUG 2: Searching 26836 observations from 4062 messages.
DEBUG 2: Processing TMP/P850 versus TMP/P850, for observation type
ADPUPA, over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 26836
DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 26836
DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
DEBUG 2: Processing TMP/P850 versus TMP/P850, for observation type
ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 26836
DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 26836
DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
DEBUG 2: Processing TMP/P850 versus TMP/P850, for observation type
AIRCFT, over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 26836
DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 26836
DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
DEBUG 2: Processing TMP/P850 versus TMP/P850, for observation type
SATWND, over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 26836
DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 26836
DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
DEBUG 2: Processing TMP/P850 versus TMP/P850, for observation type
SFCSHP, over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 26836
DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 26836
DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
DEBUG 1: Output file:
DEBUG 1: Output file:
DEBUG 1: Output file:
DEBUG 1: Output file:
DEBUG 1: Output file:
DEBUG 1: Output file:
DEBUG 1: Output file:
DEBUG 1: Output file:
DEBUG 1: Output file:
DEBUG 1: Output file:
DEBUG 1: Output file:
DEBUG 1: Output file:
DEBUG 1: Output file:
DEBUG 1: Output file:
DEBUG 1: Output file:
DEBUG 1: Output file:

Subject: MET with ECMWF GRIB files
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Wed Oct 22 10:31:20 2014


Remind me, are you using the PB2NC tool to process PREPBUFR files?
assume that you are.

The Point-Stat tool needs some way of defining which point
observations go
with which forecast fields.  Rather than creating our own convention,
adopted the existing GRIB1 conventions.  Each point observation value
be associated with a particular GRIB1 record which defines the type of
observation it is.

For example, when verifying pressure fields (whose GRIB number is 1),
observations with a GRIB code of 1 will be used.

When you run PB2NC, it reads observations from the input PREPBUFR file
writes out a NetCDF file that includes the mapping to GRIB code.  But
mapping is hard-coded using the definitions in this source code file:

In particular, the GRIB code or temperature is defined to be 11.

When you run Point-Stat using ECMWF data, it contains records of
temperature for GRIB code 130 while the observation's GRIB code is 11.
that leads to the mis-match.

There are two ways to solve this... one by recompiling and another by

(1) You could edit that "grib_constants.h" file and and change
   FROM: static const int tmp_grib_code  = 11; // Temperature
        TO: static const int tmp_grib_code  = 130; // Temperature
And then recompile MET and rerun PB2NC.  That will permanently change
behavior of MET and basically limit you to using ECMWF data.

(2) Or you could set up your Point-Stat configuration file by
separate sections for the forecast and observation fields:

fcst = {
   wind_thresh  = [ NA ];

   field = [
        name        = "TMP";
        level          = [ "Z2" ];
        cat_thresh = [ >273 ];

obs = {
   wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
   message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
   sid_exc           = [];

   field = [
        GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
        GRIB1_rec  = 11;
        level          = [ "Z2" ];
        cat_thresh = [ >273 ];

Rather than specifying a "name" in the "obs" section, I'm listing an
explicit parameter table version number and record number.  Not sure
without being able to test with an actual ECMWF file, but that might
do the

Hope that helps clarify.

I think the better solution would be for us to enhance the PB2NC tool.
Rather than using hard-coded numbers for those observations GRIB
codes, we
should look them up from the GRIB table at runtime.


On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Balazs Szintai via RT
<met_help at ucar.edu>

> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=69403 >
> Dear John,
> Many thanks for your answer. I have tried to modify the flat-file
> to the ECMWF GRIB table. MET can now read the ECMWF GRIB file,
however, all
> the observations are rejected due to the GRIB code:
> ##############################################
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for TMP/P850.
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found range match
> VarInfo "TMP/P850" in GRIB record 1 of GRIB file
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found 1 GRIB
> matching VarInfo "TMP/P850" in GRIB file
> DEBUG 4: parse_grid_mask() -> parsing grid mask "FULL"
> DEBUG 2: For TMP/P850 found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Searching 26836 observations from 4062 messages.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Processing TMP/P850 versus TMP/P850, for observation type
> over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
> DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
> DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 26836
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 26836
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> ##############################################
> I have tried two versions of the flat_file. In 'ecmwftab_flat.txt' I
> only retained the lines about temperature (for this test I only want
> verify temperature at 850 hPa, this is the only field in my ECMWF
file) and
> changed these lines according to ECMWF GRIB table. In the file
> 'ecmwftab_flat_new.txt' I kept the original ncep file and only
changed the
> lines containing "TMP". With both flat-files I have the same error
> described above.
> I attach the two flat files and the log file.
> Do you have perhaps any idea what is going wrong?
> Thanks and best regards,
> Balazs
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:17 PM, John Halley Gotway via RT <
> met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> > Balazs,
> >
> > met-5.0 does not include support for the ECMWF usage of GRIB.  In
> previous
> > versions of MET, the GRIB tables were harded-coded, but the code
is now
> > reading them from a flat-file at runtime.  That flat file can be
> here:
> >    METv4.1/data/table_files/nceptab_flat.txt
> >
> > And in met-5.0, it's reading it from the installed met-5.0
> > "share/met/table_files/nceptab_flat.txt".
> >
> > The difference really is just in the GRIB code abbreviations and
> I
> > would expect that MET can read ECMWF GRIB1 files, but that it just
> the
> > wrong names for the variables.  Is that the behavior you're
> >
> > If you'd like to change MET's behavior, you could edit that flat
file to
> > use whichever abbreviations and units you'd like.  The next time
you run
> > the MET tools, it'll just read in the updated strings and use
> >
> > I agree that it would be preferable to more full support ECMWF
GRIB data
> > without putting this onus on the user, but we don't currently get
> > data.  So it's difficult to support.
> >
> > Hope that helps.
> >
> > On Thu Oct 16 10:30:46 2014, johnhg wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > I would like to verify ECMWF GRIB-1 files, but the problem is
that the
> > > GRIB-table of ECMWF is different from NCEP. I have found this
> > one-year-old
> > > ticket on the web:
> > >
> > > http://mailman.ucar.edu/pipermail/met_help/2013-
> > >
> > > I just wanted to ask whether there is a solution since then to
> > > GRIB files with MET. I am currently using METv4.1 , but I am
ready to
> > > install a newer version is this is necessary to solve my
> > >
> > > Thanks a lot in advance,
> > > Balazs Szintai
> >
> >
> >

Subject: MET with ECMWF GRIB files
From: Balazs Szintai
Time: Thu Oct 23 09:56:42 2014

Dear John,

Thanks a lot for your answer.

I have tried option (2) first. So I used the ECMWF GRIB file, the
nceptab_flat.txt file which has code 130 for TMP and I have modified
Point-Stat configuration file as you descibed. I get the following

i) when I set in the Point-Stat configuration file:

obs = {
   wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
   message_type = [ "ADPUPA", "ADPSFC", "AIRCFT", "SATWND", "SFCSHP"
   sid_exc           = [];

   field = [
        GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
        GRIB1_rec  = 11;
        level          = [ "P850" ];
        cat_thresh = [ >273 ];

then the error is:
ERROR  : VarInfoGrib::set_dict() - no parameter found with matching
GRIB1_ptv (2) GRIB1_rec (11)

ii) when I set in the Point-Stat configuration file:
obs = {
   wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
   message_type = [ "ADPUPA", "ADPSFC", "AIRCFT", "SATWND", "SFCSHP"
   sid_exc           = [];

   field = [
        GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
        GRIB1_rec  = 130;
        level          = [ "P850" ];
        cat_thresh = [ >273 ];

then the error is (all obs rejected):
DEBUG 2: Processing TMP/P850 versus TMP/P850, for observation type
over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0 pairs.
DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 26836
DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 26836
DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0

I think the problem is that in my obs netcdf I have code 11 for
but in my nceptab_flat.txt I have code 130 for TMP.

So next I tried option (1). I have recompiled MET, run pb2nc with the
modified include file, and it works (for temperature at 850hPa)! There
only two problems:

1a) in the ECMWF GRIB file there are different codes for upper-level
temperature (code 130) and 2m temperature (code 167). So I should have
another MET binary for 2m temperature (and same is for eg. upper level
and 10m wind).

1b) originally I was not using pb2nc, because I have downloaded my obs
files in netcdf format from here:
http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds337.0/index.html#!access , using the
subsetting option . There is an option to download prepbufr files as
but these do not contain the same message types as the netcdf files
ADPSFC is missing in the prepbufr). I have now contacted Thomas Cram
CISL about this.

Do you have perhaps any suggestions how the problem of option (2)
could be

Thanks and best regards,

On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 6:31 PM, John Halley Gotway via RT <
met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:

> Balazs,
> Remind me, are you using the PB2NC tool to process PREPBUFR files?
> assume that you are.
> The Point-Stat tool needs some way of defining which point
observations go
> with which forecast fields.  Rather than creating our own
convention, we
> adopted the existing GRIB1 conventions.  Each point observation
value must
> be associated with a particular GRIB1 record which defines the type
> observation it is.
> For example, when verifying pressure fields (whose GRIB number is
1), only
> observations with a GRIB code of 1 will be used.
> When you run PB2NC, it reads observations from the input PREPBUFR
file and
> writes out a NetCDF file that includes the mapping to GRIB code.
But that
> mapping is hard-coded using the definitions in this source code
>    met-5.0/src/basic/vx_util/grib_constants.h
> In particular, the GRIB code or temperature is defined to be 11.
> When you run Point-Stat using ECMWF data, it contains records of
> temperature for GRIB code 130 while the observation's GRIB code is
11.  And
> that leads to the mis-match.
> There are two ways to solve this... one by recompiling and another
> reconfiguring.
> (1) You could edit that "grib_constants.h" file and and change
>    FROM: static const int tmp_grib_code  = 11; // Temperature
>         TO: static const int tmp_grib_code  = 130; // Temperature
> And then recompile MET and rerun PB2NC.  That will permanently
change the
> behavior of MET and basically limit you to using ECMWF data.
> (2) Or you could set up your Point-Stat configuration file by
> separate sections for the forecast and observation fields:
> fcst = {
>    wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
>    field = [
>       {
>         name        = "TMP";
>         level          = [ "Z2" ];
>         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
>       }
>    ];
> }
> obs = {
>    wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
>    message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
>    sid_exc           = [];
>    field = [
>       {
>         GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
>         GRIB1_rec  = 11;
>         level          = [ "Z2" ];
>         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
>       }
>    ];
> }
> Rather than specifying a "name" in the "obs" section, I'm listing an
> explicit parameter table version number and record number.  Not sure
> without being able to test with an actual ECMWF file, but that might
do the
> trick.
> Hope that helps clarify.
> I think the better solution would be for us to enhance the PB2NC
> Rather than using hard-coded numbers for those observations GRIB
codes, we
> should look them up from the GRIB table at runtime.
> John
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Balazs Szintai via RT
<met_help at ucar.edu>
> wrote:
> >
> > <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=69403 >
> >
> > Dear John,
> >
> > Many thanks for your answer. I have tried to modify the flat-file
> according
> > to the ECMWF GRIB table. MET can now read the ECMWF GRIB file,
> all
> > the observations are rejected due to the GRIB code:
> >
> > ##############################################
> > DEBUG 2: Reading data for TMP/P850.
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found range match
> > VarInfo "TMP/P850" in GRIB record 1 of GRIB file
> >
> >
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found 1 GRIB
> > matching VarInfo "TMP/P850" in GRIB file
> >
> >
> > DEBUG 4: parse_grid_mask() -> parsing grid mask "FULL"
> > DEBUG 2: For TMP/P850 found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2: Searching 26836 observations from 4062 messages.
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2: Processing TMP/P850 versus TMP/P850, for observation type
> > over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
> > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 26836
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 26836
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> > ##############################################
> >
> > I have tried two versions of the flat_file. In 'ecmwftab_flat.txt'
I have
> > only retained the lines about temperature (for this test I only
want to
> > verify temperature at 850 hPa, this is the only field in my ECMWF
> and
> > changed these lines according to ECMWF GRIB table. In the file
> > 'ecmwftab_flat_new.txt' I kept the original ncep file and only
> the
> > lines containing "TMP". With both flat-files I have the same error
> > described above.
> >
> > I attach the two flat files and the log file.
> >
> > Do you have perhaps any idea what is going wrong?
> >
> > Thanks and best regards,
> > Balazs
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:17 PM, John Halley Gotway via RT <
> > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> >
> > > Balazs,
> > >
> > > met-5.0 does not include support for the ECMWF usage of GRIB.
> > previous
> > > versions of MET, the GRIB tables were harded-coded, but the code
is now
> > > reading them from a flat-file at runtime.  That flat file can be
> > here:
> > >    METv4.1/data/table_files/nceptab_flat.txt
> > >
> > > And in met-5.0, it's reading it from the installed met-5.0
> > > "share/met/table_files/nceptab_flat.txt".
> > >
> > > The difference really is just in the GRIB code abbreviations and
> > I
> > > would expect that MET can read ECMWF GRIB1 files, but that it
just uses
> > the
> > > wrong names for the variables.  Is that the behavior you're
> > >
> > > If you'd like to change MET's behavior, you could edit that flat
> to
> > > use whichever abbreviations and units you'd like.  The next time
> run
> > > the MET tools, it'll just read in the updated strings and use
> > >
> > > I agree that it would be preferable to more full support ECMWF
> data
> > > without putting this onus on the user, but we don't currently
get any
> > > data.  So it's difficult to support.
> > >
> > > Hope that helps.
> > >
> > > On Thu Oct 16 10:30:46 2014, johnhg wrote:
> > > > Hello,
> > > >
> > > > I would like to verify ECMWF GRIB-1 files, but the problem is
> the
> > > > GRIB-table of ECMWF is different from NCEP. I have found this
> > > one-year-old
> > > > ticket on the web:
> > > >
> > > > http://mailman.ucar.edu/pipermail/met_help/2013-
> > > >
> > > > I just wanted to ask whether there is a solution since then to
> > > > GRIB files with MET. I am currently using METv4.1 , but I am
ready to
> > > > install a newer version is this is necessary to solve my
> > > >
> > > > Thanks a lot in advance,
> > > > Balazs Szintai
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Subject: MET with ECMWF GRIB files
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Thu Oct 23 10:06:30 2014


Having multiple binaries of the same code with different functionality
not a good solution.  I still think option 1 should work, but with a
slightly different version of that table file.

It looks like you took the original version of the table file,
searched for
instances of TMP and substituted in the ECMWF GRIB numbers.

Instead of doing that, try this..
 - start with the original version of the table file
 - for each entry in that table you sent me (shown below), find the
line in
the file where the first two number match.  Replace the existing usage
the ECMWF usage.

130 2 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
130 128 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
130 129 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
130 130 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
130 131 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
130 133 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
130 140 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
130 141 "TMP" "Temp." "K"

- for example, for the first entry in that table make this change:
OLD: 130 2 "MSLET" "Mean Sea Level Pressure (NAM Model Reduction)"
NEW: 130 2 "TMP" "Temp." "K"

Hopefully, editing the table in this way will enable option 1 to work.


On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 9:56 AM, Balazs Szintai via RT
<met_help at ucar.edu>

> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=69403 >
> Dear John,
> Thanks a lot for your answer.
> I have tried option (2) first. So I used the ECMWF GRIB file, the
> nceptab_flat.txt file which has code 130 for TMP and I have modified
> Point-Stat configuration file as you descibed. I get the following
> i) when I set in the Point-Stat configuration file:
> obs = {
>    wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
>    message_type = [ "ADPUPA", "ADPSFC", "AIRCFT", "SATWND", "SFCSHP"
>    sid_exc           = [];
>    field = [
>       {
>         GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
>         GRIB1_rec  = 11;
>         level          = [ "P850" ];
>         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
>       }
>    ];
> }
> then the error is:
> ERROR  : VarInfoGrib::set_dict() - no parameter found with matching
> GRIB1_ptv (2) GRIB1_rec (11)
> ii) when I set in the Point-Stat configuration file:
> obs = {
>    wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
>    message_type = [ "ADPUPA", "ADPSFC", "AIRCFT", "SATWND", "SFCSHP"
>    sid_exc           = [];
>    field = [
>       {
>         GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
>         GRIB1_rec  = 130;
>         level          = [ "P850" ];
>         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
>       }
>    ];
> }
> then the error is (all obs rejected):
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Processing TMP/P850 versus TMP/P850, for observation type
> over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
> DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
> DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 26836
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 26836
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> I think the problem is that in my obs netcdf I have code 11 for
> but in my nceptab_flat.txt I have code 130 for TMP.
> So next I tried option (1). I have recompiled MET, run pb2nc with
> modified include file, and it works (for temperature at 850hPa)!
There are
> only two problems:
> 1a) in the ECMWF GRIB file there are different codes for upper-level
> temperature (code 130) and 2m temperature (code 167). So I should
> another MET binary for 2m temperature (and same is for eg. upper
level wind
> and 10m wind).
> 1b) originally I was not using pb2nc, because I have downloaded my
> files in netcdf format from here:
> http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds337.0/index.html#!access , using the
> subsetting option . There is an option to download prepbufr files as
> but these do not contain the same message types as the netcdf files
> ADPSFC is missing in the prepbufr). I have now contacted Thomas Cram
> CISL about this.
> Do you have perhaps any suggestions how the problem of option (2)
could be
> solved?
> Thanks and best regards,
> Balazs
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 6:31 PM, John Halley Gotway via RT <
> met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> > Balazs,
> >
> > Remind me, are you using the PB2NC tool to process PREPBUFR files?
> > assume that you are.
> >
> > The Point-Stat tool needs some way of defining which point
> go
> > with which forecast fields.  Rather than creating our own
convention, we
> > adopted the existing GRIB1 conventions.  Each point observation
> must
> > be associated with a particular GRIB1 record which defines the
type of
> > observation it is.
> >
> > For example, when verifying pressure fields (whose GRIB number is
> only
> > observations with a GRIB code of 1 will be used.
> >
> > When you run PB2NC, it reads observations from the input PREPBUFR
> and
> > writes out a NetCDF file that includes the mapping to GRIB code.
> that
> > mapping is hard-coded using the definitions in this source code
> >    met-5.0/src/basic/vx_util/grib_constants.h
> >
> > In particular, the GRIB code or temperature is defined to be 11.
> >
> > When you run Point-Stat using ECMWF data, it contains records of
> > temperature for GRIB code 130 while the observation's GRIB code is
> And
> > that leads to the mis-match.
> >
> > There are two ways to solve this... one by recompiling and another
> > reconfiguring.
> >
> > (1) You could edit that "grib_constants.h" file and and change
> >    FROM: static const int tmp_grib_code  = 11; // Temperature
> >         TO: static const int tmp_grib_code  = 130; // Temperature
> > And then recompile MET and rerun PB2NC.  That will permanently
change the
> > behavior of MET and basically limit you to using ECMWF data.
> >
> > (2) Or you could set up your Point-Stat configuration file by
> > separate sections for the forecast and observation fields:
> >
> > fcst = {
> >    wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
> >
> >    field = [
> >       {
> >         name        = "TMP";
> >         level          = [ "Z2" ];
> >         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
> >       }
> >    ];
> > }
> >
> > obs = {
> >    wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
> >    message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
> >    sid_exc           = [];
> >
> >    field = [
> >       {
> >         GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
> >         GRIB1_rec  = 11;
> >         level          = [ "Z2" ];
> >         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
> >       }
> >    ];
> > }
> >
> > Rather than specifying a "name" in the "obs" section, I'm listing
> > explicit parameter table version number and record number.  Not
> > without being able to test with an actual ECMWF file, but that
might do
> the
> > trick.
> >
> > Hope that helps clarify.
> >
> > I think the better solution would be for us to enhance the PB2NC
> > Rather than using hard-coded numbers for those observations GRIB
> we
> > should look them up from the GRIB table at runtime.
> >
> > John
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Balazs Szintai via RT <
> met_help at ucar.edu>
> > wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=69403 >
> > >
> > > Dear John,
> > >
> > > Many thanks for your answer. I have tried to modify the flat-
> > according
> > > to the ECMWF GRIB table. MET can now read the ECMWF GRIB file,
> > all
> > > the observations are rejected due to the GRIB code:
> > >
> > > ##############################################
> > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for TMP/P850.
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found range
match for
> > > VarInfo "TMP/P850" in GRIB record 1 of GRIB file
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found 1 GRIB
> > > matching VarInfo "TMP/P850" in GRIB file
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > DEBUG 4: parse_grid_mask() -> parsing grid mask "FULL"
> > > DEBUG 2: For TMP/P850 found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2: Searching 26836 observations from 4062 messages.
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2: Processing TMP/P850 versus TMP/P850, for observation
> > > over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 26836
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 26836
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> > > ##############################################
> > >
> > > I have tried two versions of the flat_file. In
'ecmwftab_flat.txt' I
> have
> > > only retained the lines about temperature (for this test I only
want to
> > > verify temperature at 850 hPa, this is the only field in my
ECMWF file)
> > and
> > > changed these lines according to ECMWF GRIB table. In the file
> > > 'ecmwftab_flat_new.txt' I kept the original ncep file and only
> > the
> > > lines containing "TMP". With both flat-files I have the same
> > > described above.
> > >
> > > I attach the two flat files and the log file.
> > >
> > > Do you have perhaps any idea what is going wrong?
> > >
> > > Thanks and best regards,
> > > Balazs
> > >
> > >
> > > On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:17 PM, John Halley Gotway via RT <
> > > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Balazs,
> > > >
> > > > met-5.0 does not include support for the ECMWF usage of GRIB.
> > > previous
> > > > versions of MET, the GRIB tables were harded-coded, but the
code is
> now
> > > > reading them from a flat-file at runtime.  That flat file can
> found
> > > here:
> > > >    METv4.1/data/table_files/nceptab_flat.txt
> > > >
> > > > And in met-5.0, it's reading it from the installed met-5.0
> > > > "share/met/table_files/nceptab_flat.txt".
> > > >
> > > > The difference really is just in the GRIB code abbreviations
> units.
> > > I
> > > > would expect that MET can read ECMWF GRIB1 files, but that it
> uses
> > > the
> > > > wrong names for the variables.  Is that the behavior you're
> > > >
> > > > If you'd like to change MET's behavior, you could edit that
flat file
> > to
> > > > use whichever abbreviations and units you'd like.  The next
time you
> > run
> > > > the MET tools, it'll just read in the updated strings and use
> > > >
> > > > I agree that it would be preferable to more full support ECMWF
> > data
> > > > without putting this onus on the user, but we don't currently
get any
> > > ECMWF
> > > > data.  So it's difficult to support.
> > > >
> > > > Hope that helps.
> > > >
> > > > On Thu Oct 16 10:30:46 2014, johnhg wrote:
> > > > > Hello,
> > > > >
> > > > > I would like to verify ECMWF GRIB-1 files, but the problem
is that
> > the
> > > > > GRIB-table of ECMWF is different from NCEP. I have found
> > > > one-year-old
> > > > > ticket on the web:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> http://mailman.ucar.edu/pipermail/met_help/2013-October/002024.html
> > > > >
> > > > > I just wanted to ask whether there is a solution since then
to use
> > > ECMWF
> > > > > GRIB files with MET. I am currently using METv4.1 , but I am
> to
> > > > > install a newer version is this is necessary to solve my
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks a lot in advance,
> > > > > Balazs Szintai
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Subject: MET with ECMWF GRIB files
From: Balazs Szintai
Time: Thu Oct 23 10:26:29 2014

Dear John,

Thanks for your quick suggestion.

I have made the new table file (I attach it). It gives now the

WARNING: Multiple GRIB1 table entries match lookup criteria (parm_name
TMP, table_number = 2):
WARNING:   parm_name: TMP, table_number = 2, code = 11
WARNING:   parm_name: TMP, table_number = 2, code = 130
WARNING: Using:   parm_name: TMP, table_number = 2, code = 11
WARNING: process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching TMP/P850
found in

Seems like it is problematic that in grib table 2 I have two codes for


On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 6:06 PM, John Halley Gotway via RT <
met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:

> Balazs,
> Having multiple binaries of the same code with different
functionality is
> not a good solution.  I still think option 1 should work, but with a
> slightly different version of that table file.
> It looks like you took the original version of the table file,
searched for
> instances of TMP and substituted in the ECMWF GRIB numbers.
> Instead of doing that, try this..
>  - start with the original version of the table file
>  - for each entry in that table you sent me (shown below), find the
line in
> the file where the first two number match.  Replace the existing
usage with
> the ECMWF usage.
> 130 2 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> 130 128 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> 130 129 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> 130 130 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> 130 131 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> 130 133 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> 130 140 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> 130 141 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> - for example, for the first entry in that table make this change:
> OLD: 130 2 "MSLET" "Mean Sea Level Pressure (NAM Model Reduction)"
> NEW: 130 2 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> Hopefully, editing the table in this way will enable option 1 to
> Thanks,
> John
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 9:56 AM, Balazs Szintai via RT
<met_help at ucar.edu>
> wrote:
> >
> > <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=69403 >
> >
> > Dear John,
> >
> > Thanks a lot for your answer.
> >
> > I have tried option (2) first. So I used the ECMWF GRIB file, the
> modified
> > nceptab_flat.txt file which has code 130 for TMP and I have
modified the
> > Point-Stat configuration file as you descibed. I get the following
> errors:
> >
> > i) when I set in the Point-Stat configuration file:
> >
> > obs = {
> >    wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
> >    message_type = [ "ADPUPA", "ADPSFC", "AIRCFT", "SATWND",
> >    sid_exc           = [];
> >
> >    field = [
> >       {
> >         GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
> >         GRIB1_rec  = 11;
> >         level          = [ "P850" ];
> >         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
> >       }
> >    ];
> > }
> >
> > then the error is:
> > ERROR  : VarInfoGrib::set_dict() - no parameter found with
> > GRIB1_ptv (2) GRIB1_rec (11)
> >
> > ii) when I set in the Point-Stat configuration file:
> > obs = {
> >    wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
> >    message_type = [ "ADPUPA", "ADPSFC", "AIRCFT", "SATWND",
> >    sid_exc           = [];
> >
> >    field = [
> >       {
> >         GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
> >         GRIB1_rec  = 130;
> >         level          = [ "P850" ];
> >         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
> >       }
> >    ];
> > }
> >
> > then the error is (all obs rejected):
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2: Processing TMP/P850 versus TMP/P850, for observation type
> > over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
> > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 26836
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 26836
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> >
> >
> > I think the problem is that in my obs netcdf I have code 11 for
> temperature
> > but in my nceptab_flat.txt I have code 130 for TMP.
> >
> > So next I tried option (1). I have recompiled MET, run pb2nc with
> > modified include file, and it works (for temperature at 850hPa)!
> are
> > only two problems:
> >
> > 1a) in the ECMWF GRIB file there are different codes for upper-
> > temperature (code 130) and 2m temperature (code 167). So I should
> > another MET binary for 2m temperature (and same is for eg. upper
> wind
> > and 10m wind).
> >
> > 1b) originally I was not using pb2nc, because I have downloaded my
> > files in netcdf format from here:
> > http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds337.0/index.html#!access , using
> > subsetting option . There is an option to download prepbufr files
> well,
> > but these do not contain the same message types as the netcdf
files (eg.
> > ADPSFC is missing in the prepbufr). I have now contacted Thomas
Cram from
> > CISL about this.
> >
> > Do you have perhaps any suggestions how the problem of option (2)
> be
> > solved?
> >
> > Thanks and best regards,
> > Balazs
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 6:31 PM, John Halley Gotway via RT <
> > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> >
> > > Balazs,
> > >
> > > Remind me, are you using the PB2NC tool to process PREPBUFR
> I'll
> > > assume that you are.
> > >
> > > The Point-Stat tool needs some way of defining which point
> > go
> > > with which forecast fields.  Rather than creating our own
> we
> > > adopted the existing GRIB1 conventions.  Each point observation
> > must
> > > be associated with a particular GRIB1 record which defines the
type of
> > > observation it is.
> > >
> > > For example, when verifying pressure fields (whose GRIB number
is 1),
> > only
> > > observations with a GRIB code of 1 will be used.
> > >
> > > When you run PB2NC, it reads observations from the input
> > and
> > > writes out a NetCDF file that includes the mapping to GRIB code.
> > that
> > > mapping is hard-coded using the definitions in this source code
> > >    met-5.0/src/basic/vx_util/grib_constants.h
> > >
> > > In particular, the GRIB code or temperature is defined to be 11.
> > >
> > > When you run Point-Stat using ECMWF data, it contains records of
> > > temperature for GRIB code 130 while the observation's GRIB code
is 11.
> > And
> > > that leads to the mis-match.
> > >
> > > There are two ways to solve this... one by recompiling and
another by
> > > reconfiguring.
> > >
> > > (1) You could edit that "grib_constants.h" file and and change
> > >    FROM: static const int tmp_grib_code  = 11; // Temperature
> > >         TO: static const int tmp_grib_code  = 130; //
> > > And then recompile MET and rerun PB2NC.  That will permanently
> the
> > > behavior of MET and basically limit you to using ECMWF data.
> > >
> > > (2) Or you could set up your Point-Stat configuration file by
> specifying
> > > separate sections for the forecast and observation fields:
> > >
> > > fcst = {
> > >    wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
> > >
> > >    field = [
> > >       {
> > >         name        = "TMP";
> > >         level          = [ "Z2" ];
> > >         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
> > >       }
> > >    ];
> > > }
> > >
> > > obs = {
> > >    wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
> > >    message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
> > >    sid_exc           = [];
> > >
> > >    field = [
> > >       {
> > >         GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
> > >         GRIB1_rec  = 11;
> > >         level          = [ "Z2" ];
> > >         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
> > >       }
> > >    ];
> > > }
> > >
> > > Rather than specifying a "name" in the "obs" section, I'm
listing an
> > > explicit parameter table version number and record number.  Not
> > > without being able to test with an actual ECMWF file, but that
might do
> > the
> > > trick.
> > >
> > > Hope that helps clarify.
> > >
> > > I think the better solution would be for us to enhance the PB2NC
> > > Rather than using hard-coded numbers for those observations GRIB
> > we
> > > should look them up from the GRIB table at runtime.
> > >
> > > John
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Balazs Szintai via RT <
> > met_help at ucar.edu>
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > > <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=69403
> > > >
> > > > Dear John,
> > > >
> > > > Many thanks for your answer. I have tried to modify the flat-
> > > according
> > > > to the ECMWF GRIB table. MET can now read the ECMWF GRIB file,
> however,
> > > all
> > > > the observations are rejected due to the GRIB code:
> > > >
> > > > ##############################################
> > > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for TMP/P850.
> > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found range
> for
> > > > VarInfo "TMP/P850" in GRIB record 1 of GRIB file
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found 1 GRIB
> > > > matching VarInfo "TMP/P850" in GRIB file
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > DEBUG 4: parse_grid_mask() -> parsing grid mask "FULL"
> > > > DEBUG 2: For TMP/P850 found 1 forecast levels and 0
> levels.
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > DEBUG 2: Searching 26836 observations from 4062 messages.
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > DEBUG 2: Processing TMP/P850 versus TMP/P850, for observation
> > > ADPUPA,
> > > > over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 26836
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 26836
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> > > > ##############################################
> > > >
> > > > I have tried two versions of the flat_file. In
'ecmwftab_flat.txt' I
> > have
> > > > only retained the lines about temperature (for this test I
only want
> to
> > > > verify temperature at 850 hPa, this is the only field in my
> file)
> > > and
> > > > changed these lines according to ECMWF GRIB table. In the file
> > > > 'ecmwftab_flat_new.txt' I kept the original ncep file and only
> changed
> > > the
> > > > lines containing "TMP". With both flat-files I have the same
> > > > described above.
> > > >
> > > > I attach the two flat files and the log file.
> > > >
> > > > Do you have perhaps any idea what is going wrong?
> > > >
> > > > Thanks and best regards,
> > > > Balazs
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:17 PM, John Halley Gotway via RT <
> > > > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Balazs,
> > > > >
> > > > > met-5.0 does not include support for the ECMWF usage of
> > > > previous
> > > > > versions of MET, the GRIB tables were harded-coded, but the
code is
> > now
> > > > > reading them from a flat-file at runtime.  That flat file
can be
> > found
> > > > here:
> > > > >    METv4.1/data/table_files/nceptab_flat.txt
> > > > >
> > > > > And in met-5.0, it's reading it from the installed met-5.0
> directory
> > > > > "share/met/table_files/nceptab_flat.txt".
> > > > >
> > > > > The difference really is just in the GRIB code abbreviations
> > units.
> > > > I
> > > > > would expect that MET can read ECMWF GRIB1 files, but that
it just
> > uses
> > > > the
> > > > > wrong names for the variables.  Is that the behavior you're
> > > > >
> > > > > If you'd like to change MET's behavior, you could edit that
> file
> > > to
> > > > > use whichever abbreviations and units you'd like.  The next
> you
> > > run
> > > > > the MET tools, it'll just read in the updated strings and
use them.
> > > > >
> > > > > I agree that it would be preferable to more full support
> > > data
> > > > > without putting this onus on the user, but we don't
currently get
> any
> > > > ECMWF
> > > > > data.  So it's difficult to support.
> > > > >
> > > > > Hope that helps.
> > > > >
> > > > > On Thu Oct 16 10:30:46 2014, johnhg wrote:
> > > > > > Hello,
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I would like to verify ECMWF GRIB-1 files, but the problem
> that
> > > the
> > > > > > GRIB-table of ECMWF is different from NCEP. I have found
> > > > > one-year-old
> > > > > > ticket on the web:
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > http://mailman.ucar.edu/pipermail/met_help/2013-
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I just wanted to ask whether there is a solution since
then to
> use
> > > > ECMWF
> > > > > > GRIB files with MET. I am currently using METv4.1 , but I
> ready
> > to
> > > > > > install a newer version is this is necessary to solve my
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Thanks a lot in advance,
> > > > > > Balazs Szintai
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Subject: MET with ECMWF GRIB files
From: Balazs Szintai
Time: Thu Oct 23 10:26:29 2014

0 2 "var0" "undefined" ""
1 2 "PRES" "Pressure" "Pa"
2 2 "PRMSL" "Pressure reduced to MSL" "Pa"
3 2 "PTEND" "Pressure tendency" "Pa/s"
4 2 "PVORT" "Pot. vorticity" "km^2/kg/s"
5 2 "ICAHT" "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height" "M"
6 2 "GP" "Geopotential" "m^2/s^2"
7 2 "HGT" "Geopotential height" "gpm"
8 2 "DIST" "Geometric height" "m"
9 2 "HSTDV" "Std dev of height" "m"
10 2 "TOZNE" "Total ozone" "Dobson"
11 2 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
12 2 "VTMP" "Virtual temp." "K"
13 2 "POT" "Potential temp." "K"
14 2 "EPOT" "Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp." "K"
15 2 "TMAX" "Max. temp." "K"
16 2 "TMIN" "Min. temp." "K"
17 2 "DPT" "Dew point temp." "K"
18 2 "DEPR" "Dew point depression" "K"
19 2 "LAPR" "Lapse rate" "K/m"
20 2 "VIS" "Visibility" "m"
21 2 "RDSP1" "Radar spectra (1)" "non-dim"
22 2 "RDSP2" "Radar spectra (2)" "non-dim"
23 2 "RDSP3" "Radar spectra (3)" "non-dim"
24 2 "PLI" "Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
25 2 "TMPA" "Temp. anomaly" "K"
26 2 "PRESA" "Pressure anomaly" "Pa"
27 2 "GPA" "Geopotential height anomaly" "gpm"
28 2 "WVSP1" "Wave spectra (1)" "non-dim"
29 2 "WVSP2" "Wave spectra (2)" "non-dim"
30 2 "WVSP3" "Wave spectra (3)" "non-dim"
31 2 "WDIR" "Wind direction" "deg"
32 2 "WIND" "Wind speed" "m/s"
33 2 "UGRD" "u wind" "m/s"
34 2 "VGRD" "v wind" "m/s"
35 2 "STRM" "Stream function" "m^2/s"
36 2 "VPOT" "Velocity potential" "m^2/s"
37 2 "MNTSF" "Montgomery stream function" "m^2/s^2"
38 2 "SGCVV" "Sigma coord. vertical velocity" "/s"
39 2 "VVEL" "Pressure vertical velocity" "Pa/s"
40 2 "DZDT" "Geometric vertical velocity" "m/s"
41 2 "ABSV" "Absolute vorticity" "/s"
42 2 "ABSD" "Absolute divergence" "/s"
43 2 "RELV" "Relative vorticity" "/s"
44 2 "RELD" "Relative divergence" "/s"
45 2 "VUCSH" "Vertical u shear" "/s"
46 2 "VVCSH" "Vertical v shear" "/s"
47 2 "DIRC" "Direction of current" "deg"
48 2 "SPC" "Speed of current" "m/s"
49 2 "UOGRD" "u of current" "m/s"
50 2 "VOGRD" "v of current" "m/s"
51 2 "SPFH" "Specific humidity" "kg/kg"
52 2 "RH" "Relative humidity" "%"
53 2 "MIXR" "Humidity mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
54 2 "PWAT" "Precipitable water" "kg/m^2"
55 2 "VAPP" "Vapor pressure" "Pa"
56 2 "SATD" "Saturation deficit" "Pa"
57 2 "EVP" "Evaporation" "kg/m^2"
58 2 "CICE" "Cloud Ice" "kg/m^2"
59 2 "PRATE" "Precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
60 2 "TSTM" "Thunderstorm probability" "%"
61 2 "APCP" "Total precipitation" "kg/m^2"
62 2 "NCPCP" "Large scale precipitation" "kg/m^2"
63 2 "ACPCP" "Convective precipitation" "kg/m^2"
64 2 "SRWEQ" "Snowfall rate water equiv." "kg/m^2/s"
65 2 "WEASD" "Accum. snow" "kg/m^2"
66 2 "SNOD" "Snow depth" "m"
67 2 "MIXHT" "Mixed layer depth" "m"
68 2 "TTHDP" "Transient thermocline depth" "m"
69 2 "MTHD" "Main thermocline depth" "m"
70 2 "MTHA" "Main thermocline anomaly" "m"
71 2 "TCDC" "Total cloud cover" "%"
72 2 "CDCON" "Convective cloud cover" "%"
73 2 "LCDC" "Low level cloud cover" "%"
74 2 "MCDC" "Mid level cloud cover" "%"
75 2 "HCDC" "High level cloud cover" "%"
76 2 "CWAT" "Cloud water" "kg/m^2"
77 2 "BLI" "Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
78 2 "SNOC" "Convective snow" "kg/m^2"
79 2 "SNOL" "Large scale snow" "kg/m^2"
80 2 "WTMP" "Water temp." "K"
81 2 "LAND" "Land cover (land=1;sea=0)" "fraction"
82 2 "DSLM" "Deviation of sea level from mean" "m"
83 2 "SFCR" "Surface roughness" "m"
84 2 "ALBDO" "Albedo" "%"
85 2 "TSOIL" "Soil temp." "K"
86 2 "SOILM" "Soil moisture content" "kg/m^2"
87 2 "VEG" "Vegetation" "%"
88 2 "SALTY" "Salinity" "kg/kg"
89 2 "DEN" "Density" "kg/m^3"
90 2 "WATR" "Water runoff" "kg/m^2"
91 2 "ICEC" "Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)" "fraction"
92 2 "ICETK" "Ice thickness" "m"
93 2 "DICED" "Direction of ice drift" "deg"
94 2 "SICED" "Speed of ice drift" "m/s"
95 2 "UICE" "u of ice drift" "m/s"
96 2 "VICE" "v of ice drift" "m/s"
97 2 "ICEG" "Ice growth rate" "m/s"
98 2 "ICED" "Ice divergence" "/s"
99 2 "SNOM" "Snow melt" "kg/m^2"
100 2 "HTSGW" "Sig height of wind waves and swell" "m"
101 2 "WVDIR" "Direction of wind waves" "deg"
102 2 "WVHGT" "Sig height of wind waves" "m"
103 2 "WVPER" "Mean period of wind waves" "s"
104 2 "SWDIR" "Direction of swell waves" "deg"
105 2 "SWELL" "Sig height of swell waves" "m"
106 2 "SWPER" "Mean period of swell waves" "s"
107 2 "DIRPW" "Primary wave direction" "deg"
108 2 "PERPW" "Primary wave mean period" "s"
109 2 "DIRSW" "Secondary wave direction" "deg"
110 2 "PERSW" "Secondary wave mean period" "s"
111 2 "NSWRS" "Net short wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
112 2 "NLWRS" "Net long wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
113 2 "NSWRT" "Net short wave (top)" "W/m^2"
114 2 "NLWRT" "Net long wave (top)" "W/m^2"
115 2 "LWAVR" "Long wave" "W/m^2"
116 2 "SWAVR" "Short wave" "W/m^2"
117 2 "GRAD" "Global radiation" "W/m^2"
118 2 "BRTMP" "Brightness temperature" "K"
119 2 "LWRAD" "Radiance with respect to wave no." "W/m/sr"
120 2 "SWRAD" "Radiance with respect ot wave len." "W/m^3/sr"
121 2 "LHTFL" "Latent heat flux" "W/m^2"
122 2 "SHTFL" "Sensible heat flux" "W/m^2"
123 2 "BLYDP" "Boundary layer dissipation" "W/m^2"
124 2 "UFLX" "Zonal momentum flux" "N/m^2"
125 2 "VFLX" "Meridional momentum flux" "N/m^2"
126 2 "WMIXE" "Wind mixing energy" "J"
127 2 "IMGD" "Image data" ""
128 2 "MSLSA" "Mean sea level pressure (Std Atm)" "Pa"
129 2 "MSLMA" "Mean sea level pressure (MAPS)" "Pa"
130 2 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
131 2 "LFTX" "Surface lifted index" "K"
132 2 "4LFTX" "Best (4-layer) lifted index" "K"
133 2 "KX" "K index" "K"
134 2 "SX" "Sweat index" "K"
135 2 "MCONV" "Horizontal moisture divergence" "kg/kg/s"
136 2 "VWSH" "Vertical speed shear" "1/s"
137 2 "TSLSA" "3-hr pressure tendency (Std Atmos Red)" "Pa/s"
138 2 "BVF2" "Brunt-Vaisala frequency^2" "1/s^2"
139 2 "PVMW" "Potential vorticity (mass-weighted)" "1/s/m"
140 2 "CRAIN" "Categorical rain" "yes=1;no=0"
141 2 "CFRZR" "Categorical freezing rain" "yes=1;no=0"
142 2 "CICEP" "Categorical ice pellets" "yes=1;no=0"
143 2 "CSNOW" "Categorical snow" "yes=1;no=0"
144 2 "SOILW" "Volumetric soil moisture" "fraction"
145 2 "PEVPR" "Potential evaporation rate" "W/m^2"
146 2 "CWORK" "Cloud work function" "J/kg"
147 2 "U-GWD" "Zonal gravity wave stress" "N/m^2"
148 2 "V-GWD" "Meridional gravity wave stress" "N/m^2"
149 2 "PV" "Potential vorticity" "m^2/s/kg"
150 2 "COVMZ" "Covariance between u and v" "m^2/s^2"
151 2 "COVTZ" "Covariance between u and T" "K*m/s"
152 2 "COVTM" "Covariance between v and T" "K*m/s"
153 2 "CLWMR" "Cloud water" "kg/kg"
154 2 "O3MR" "Ozone mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
155 2 "GFLUX" "Ground heat flux" "W/m^2"
156 2 "CIN" "Convective inhibition" "J/kg"
157 2 "CAPE" "Convective Avail. Pot. Energy" "J/kg"
158 2 "TKE" "Turbulent kinetic energy" "J/kg"
159 2 "CONDP" "Lifted parcel condensation pressure" "Pa"
160 2 "CSUSF" "Clear sky upward solar flux" "W/m^2"
161 2 "CSDSF" "Clear sky downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
162 2 "CSULF" "Clear sky upward long wave flux" "W/m^2"
163 2 "CSDLF" "Clear sky downward long wave flux" "W/m^2"
164 2 "CFNSF" "Cloud forcing net solar flux" "W/m^2"
165 2 "CFNLF" "Cloud forcing net long wave flux" "W/m^2"
166 2 "VBDSF" "Visible beam downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
167 2 "VDDSF" "Visible diffuse downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
168 2 "NBDSF" "Near IR beam downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
169 2 "NDDSF" "Near IR diffuse downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
170 2 "RWMR" "Rain water mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
171 2 "SNMR" "Snow mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
172 2 "MFLX" "Momentum flux" "N/m^2"
173 2 "LMH" "Mass point model surface" "non-dim"
174 2 "LMV" "Velocity point model surface" "non-dim"
175 2 "MLYNO" "Model layer number (from bottom up)" "non-dim"
176 2 "NLAT" "Latitude (-90 to +90)" "deg"
177 2 "ELON" "East longitude (0-360)" "deg"
178 2 "ICMR" "Ice mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
179 2 "GRMR" "Graupel mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
180 2 "GUST" "Surface wind gust" "m/s"
181 2 "LPSX" "x-gradient of log pressure" "1/m"
182 2 "LPSY" "y-gradient of log pressure" "1/m"
183 2 "HGTX" "x-gradient of height" "m/m"
184 2 "HGTY" "y-gradient of height" "m/m"
185 2 "TURB" "Turbulence SIGMET/AIRMET" "non-dim"
186 2 "ICNG" "Icing SIGMET/AIRMET" "non-dim"
187 2 "LTNG" "Lightning" "non-dim"
188 2 "DRIP" "Rate of water dropping from canopy to gnd" "kg/m^2"
189 2 "VPTMP" "Virtual pot. temp." "K"
190 2 "HLCY" "Storm relative helicity" "m^2/s^2"
191 2 "PROB" "Prob. from ensemble" "non-dim"
192 2 "PROBN" "Prob. from ensemble norm. to clim. expect." "non-dim"
193 2 "POP" "Prob. of precipitation" "%"
194 2 "CPOFP" "Prob. of frozen precipitation" "%"
195 2 "CPOZP" "Prob. of freezing precipitation" "%"
196 2 "USTM" "u-component of storm motion" "m/s"
197 2 "VSTM" "v-component of storm motion" "m/s"
198 2 "NCIP" "No. concen. ice particles" ""
199 2 "EVBS" "Direct evaporation from bare soil" "W/m^2"
200 2 "EVCW" "Canopy water evaporation" "W/m^2"
201 2 "ICWAT" "Ice-free water surface" "%"
202 2 "CWDI" "Convective weather detection index" ""
203 2 "VAFTAD" "VAFTAD??" "??"
204 2 "DSWRF" "Downward short wave flux" "W/m^2"
205 2 "DLWRF" "Downward long wave flux" "W/m^2"
206 2 "UVI" "Ultraviolet index" "W/m^2"
207 2 "MSTAV" "Moisture availability" "%"
208 2 "SFEXC" "Exchange coefficient" "(kg/m^3)(m/s)"
209 2 "MIXLY" "No. of mixed layers next to surface" "integer"
210 2 "TRANS" "Transpiration" "W/m^2"
211 2 "USWRF" "Upward short wave flux" "W/m^2"
212 2 "ULWRF" "Upward long wave flux" "W/m^2"
213 2 "CDLYR" "Non-convective cloud" "%"
214 2 "CPRAT" "Convective precip. rate" "kg/m^2/s"
215 2 "TTDIA" "Temp. tendency by all physics" "K/s"
216 2 "TTRAD" "Temp. tendency by all radiation" "K/s"
217 2 "TTPHY" "Temp. tendency by non-radiation physics" "K/s"
218 2 "PREIX" "Precip index (0.0-1.00)" "fraction"
219 2 "TSD1D" "Std. dev. of IR T over 1x1 deg area" "K"
220 2 "NLGSP" "Natural log of surface pressure" "ln(kPa)"
221 2 "HPBL" "Planetary boundary layer height" "m"
222 2 "5WAVH" "5-wave geopotential height" "gpm"
223 2 "CNWAT" "Plant canopy surface water" "kg/m^2"
224 2 "SOTYP" "Soil type (Zobler)" "0..9"
225 2 "VGTYP" "Vegetation type (as in SiB)" "0..13"
226 2 "BMIXL" "Blackadar's mixing length scale" "m"
227 2 "AMIXL" "Asymptotic mixing length scale" "m"
228 2 "PEVAP" "Pot. evaporation" "kg/m^2"
229 2 "SNOHF" "Snow phase-change heat flux" "W/m^2"
230 2 "5WAVA" "5-wave geopot. height anomaly" "gpm"
231 2 "MFLUX" "Convective cloud mass flux" "Pa/s"
232 2 "DTRF" "Downward total radiation flux" "W/m^2"
233 2 "UTRF" "Upward total radiation flux" "W/m^2"
234 2 "BGRUN" "Baseflow-groundwater runoff" "kg/m^2"
235 2 "SSRUN" "Storm surface runoff" "kg/m^2"
236 2 "SIPD" "Supercooled large droplet (SLD) icing pot. diagn." ""
237 2 "O3TOT" "Total ozone" "kg/m^2"
238 2 "SNOWC" "Snow cover" "%"
239 2 "SNOT" "Snow temp." "K"
240 2 "COVTW" "Covariance T and w" "K*m/s"
241 2 "LRGHR" "Large scale condensation heating" "K/s"
242 2 "CNVHR" "Deep convective heating" "K/s"
243 2 "CNVMR" "Deep convective moistening" "kg/kg/s"
244 2 "SHAHR" "Shallow convective heating" "K/s"
245 2 "SHAMR" "Shallow convective moistening" "kg/kg/s"
246 2 "VDFHR" "Vertical diffusion heating" "K/s"
247 2 "VDFUA" "Vertical diffusion zonal accel" "m/s^2"
248 2 "VDFVA" "Vertical diffusion meridional accel" "m/s^2"
249 2 "VDFMR" "Vertical diffusion moistening" "kg/kg/s"
250 2 "SWHR" "Solar radiative heating" "K/s"
251 2 "LWHR" "Longwave radiative heating" "K/s"
252 2 "CD" "Drag coefficient" "non-dim"
253 2 "FRICV" "Friction velocity" "m/s"
254 2 "RI" "Richardson number" "non-dim"
255 2 "var255" "undefined" ""
0 128 "var0" "undefined" ""
1 128 "PRES" "Pressure" "Pa"
2 128 "PRMSL" "Pressure reduced to MSL" "Pa"
3 128 "PTEND" "Pressure tendency" "Pa/s"
4 128 "PVORT" "Pot. vorticity" "km^2/kg/s"
5 128 "ICAHT" "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height" "M"
6 128 "GP" "Geopotential" "m^2/s^2"
7 128 "HGT" "Geopotential height" "gpm"
8 128 "DIST" "Geometric height" "m"
9 128 "HSTDV" "Std dev of height" "m"
10 128 "TOZNE" "Total ozone" "Dobson"
11 128 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
12 128 "VTMP" "Virtual temp." "K"
13 128 "POT" "Potential temp." "K"
14 128 "EPOT" "Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp." "K"
15 128 "TMAX" "Max. temp." "K"
16 128 "TMIN" "Min. temp." "K"
17 128 "DPT" "Dew point temp." "K"
18 128 "DEPR" "Dew point depression" "K"
19 128 "LAPR" "Lapse rate" "K/m"
20 128 "VIS" "Visibility" "m"
21 128 "RDSP1" "Radar spectra (1)" "non-dim"
22 128 "RDSP2" "Radar spectra (2)" "non-dim"
23 128 "RDSP3" "Radar spectra (3)" "non-dim"
24 128 "PLI" "Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
25 128 "TMPA" "Temp. anomaly" "K"
26 128 "PRESA" "Pressure anomaly" "Pa"
27 128 "GPA" "Geopotential height anomaly" "gpm"
28 128 "WVSP1" "Wave spectra (1)" "non-dim"
29 128 "WVSP2" "Wave spectra (2)" "non-dim"
30 128 "WVSP3" "Wave spectra (3)" "non-dim"
31 128 "WDIR" "Wind direction" "deg"
32 128 "WIND" "Wind speed" "m/s"
33 128 "UGRD" "u wind" "m/s"
34 128 "VGRD" "v wind" "m/s"
35 128 "STRM" "Stream function" "m^2/s"
36 128 "VPOT" "Velocity potential" "m^2/s"
37 128 "MNTSF" "Montgomery stream function" "m^2/s^2"
38 128 "SGCVV" "Sigma coord. vertical velocity" "/s"
39 128 "VVEL" "Pressure vertical velocity" "Pa/s"
40 128 "DZDT" "Geometric vertical velocity" "m/s"
41 128 "ABSV" "Absolute vorticity" "/s"
42 128 "ABSD" "Absolute divergence" "/s"
43 128 "RELV" "Relative vorticity" "/s"
44 128 "RELD" "Relative divergence" "/s"
45 128 "VUCSH" "Vertical u shear" "/s"
46 128 "VVCSH" "Vertical v shear" "/s"
47 128 "DIRC" "Direction of current" "deg"
48 128 "SPC" "Speed of current" "m/s"
49 128 "UOGRD" "u of current" "m/s"
50 128 "VOGRD" "v of current" "m/s"
51 128 "SPFH" "Specific humidity" "kg/kg"
52 128 "RH" "Relative humidity" "%"
53 128 "MIXR" "Humidity mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
54 128 "PWAT" "Precipitable water" "kg/m^2"
55 128 "VAPP" "Vapor pressure" "Pa"
56 128 "SATD" "Saturation deficit" "Pa"
57 128 "EVP" "Evaporation" "kg/m^2"
58 128 "CICE" "Cloud Ice" "kg/m^2"
59 128 "PRATE" "Precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
60 128 "TSTM" "Thunderstorm probability" "%"
61 128 "APCP" "Total precipitation" "kg/m^2"
62 128 "NCPCP" "Large scale precipitation" "kg/m^2"
63 128 "ACPCP" "Convective precipitation" "kg/m^2"
64 128 "SRWEQ" "Snowfall rate water equiv." "kg/m^2/s"
65 128 "WEASD" "Accum. snow" "kg/m^2"
66 128 "SNOD" "Snow depth" "m"
67 128 "MIXHT" "Mixed layer depth" "m"
68 128 "TTHDP" "Transient thermocline depth" "m"
69 128 "MTHD" "Main thermocline depth" "m"
70 128 "MTHA" "Main thermocline anomaly" "m"
71 128 "TCDC" "Total cloud cover" "%"
72 128 "CDCON" "Convective cloud cover" "%"
73 128 "LCDC" "Low level cloud cover" "%"
74 128 "MCDC" "Mid level cloud cover" "%"
75 128 "HCDC" "High level cloud cover" "%"
76 128 "CWAT" "Cloud water" "kg/m^2"
77 128 "BLI" "Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
78 128 "SNOC" "Convective snow" "kg/m^2"
79 128 "SNOL" "Large scale snow" "kg/m^2"
80 128 "WTMP" "Water temp." "K"
81 128 "LAND" "Land cover (land=1;sea=0)" "fraction"
82 128 "DSLM" "Deviation of sea level from mean" "m"
83 128 "SFCR" "Surface roughness" "m"
84 128 "ALBDO" "Albedo" "%"
85 128 "TSOIL" "Soil temp." "K"
86 128 "SOILM" "Soil moisture content" "kg/m^2"
87 128 "VEG" "Vegetation" "%"
88 128 "SALTY" "Salinity" "kg/kg"
89 128 "DEN" "Density" "kg/m^3"
90 128 "WATR" "Water runoff" "kg/m^2"
91 128 "ICEC" "Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)" "fraction"
92 128 "ICETK" "Ice thickness" "m"
93 128 "DICED" "Direction of ice drift" "deg"
94 128 "SICED" "Speed of ice drift" "m/s"
95 128 "UICE" "u of ice drift" "m/s"
96 128 "VICE" "v of ice drift" "m/s"
97 128 "ICEG" "Ice growth rate" "m/s"
98 128 "ICED" "Ice divergence" "/s"
99 128 "SNOM" "Snow melt" "kg/m^2"
100 128 "HTSGW" "Sig height of wind waves and swell" "m"
101 128 "WVDIR" "Direction of wind waves" "deg"
102 128 "WVHGT" "Sig height of wind waves" "m"
103 128 "WVPER" "Mean period of wind waves" "s"
104 128 "SWDIR" "Direction of swell waves" "deg"
105 128 "SWELL" "Sig height of swell waves" "m"
106 128 "SWPER" "Mean period of swell waves" "s"
107 128 "DIRPW" "Primary wave direction" "deg"
108 128 "PERPW" "Primary wave mean period" "s"
109 128 "DIRSW" "Secondary wave direction" "deg"
110 128 "PERSW" "Secondary wave mean period" "s"
111 128 "NSWRS" "Net short wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
112 128 "NLWRS" "Net long wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
113 128 "NSWRT" "Net short wave (top)" "W/m^2"
114 128 "NLWRT" "Net long wave (top)" "W/m^2"
115 128 "LWAVR" "Long wave" "W/m^2"
116 128 "SWAVR" "Short wave" "W/m^2"
117 128 "GRAD" "Global radiation" "W/m^2"
118 128 "BRTMP" "Brightness temperature" "K"
119 128 "LWRAD" "Radiance with respect to wave no." "W/m/sr"
120 128 "SWRAD" "Radiance with respect ot wave len." "W/m^3/sr"
121 128 "LHTFL" "Latent heat flux" "W/m^2"
122 128 "SHTFL" "Sensible heat flux" "W/m^2"
123 128 "BLYDP" "Boundary layer dissipation" "W/m^2"
124 128 "UFLX" "Zonal momentum flux" "N/m^2"
125 128 "VFLX" "Meridional momentum flux" "N/m^2"
126 128 "WMIXE" "Wind mixing energy" "J"
127 128 "IMGD" "Image data" ""
128 128 "AVDEPTH" "Ocean depth - mean" "m"
129 128 "DEPTH" "Ocean depth - instantaneous" "m"
130 128 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
131 128 "MXEL24" "Max ocean surface elevation in last 24 hours" "m"
132 128 "MNEL24" "Min ocean surface elevation in last 24 hours" "m"
133 128 "var133" "undefined" ""
134 128 "var134" "undefined" ""
135 128 "O2" "Oxygen (O2 (aq))" ""
136 128 "PO4" "PO4" "Mol/kg"
137 128 "NO3" "NO3" "Mol/kg"
138 128 "SiO4" "SiO4" "Mol/kg"
139 128 "CO2aq" "CO2 (aq)" "Mol/kg"
140 128 "HCO3" "HCO3 -" "Mol/kg"
141 128 "CO3" "CO3 --" "Mol/kg"
142 128 "TCO2" "TCO2" "Mol/kg"
143 128 "TALK" "TALK" "Mol/kg"
144 128 "var144" "undefined" ""
145 128 "var145" "undefined" ""
146 128 "S11" "S11 - 1" "1 component of ice stress tensor ["
147 128 "S12" "S12 - 1" "2 component of ice stress tensor ["
148 128 "S22" "S22 - 2" "2 component of ice stress tensor ["
149 128 "INV1" "T1 - First invariant of stress tensor" ""
150 128 "INV2" "T2 - Second invariant of stress tensor" ""
151 128 "var151" "undefined" ""
152 128 "var152" "undefined" ""
153 128 "var153" "undefined" ""
154 128 "var154" "undefined" ""
155 128 "WVRGH" "Wave Roughness" " "
156 128 "WVSTRS" "Wave Stresses" ""
157 128 "WHITE" "Whitecap coverage" ""
158 128 "SWDIRWID" "Swell direction width" ""
159 128 "SWFREWID" "Swell frequency width" ""
160 128 "WVAGE" "Wave age" ""
161 128 "PWVAGE" "Physical Wave age" ""
162 128 "var162" "undefined" ""
163 128 "var163" "undefined" ""
164 128 "var164" "undefined" ""
165 128 "LTURB" "Master length scale (turbulence)" "m"
166 128 "var166" "undefined" ""
167 128 "var167" "undefined" ""
168 128 "var168" "undefined" ""
169 128 "var169" "undefined" ""
170 128 "AIHFLX" "Net Air-Ice heat flux" "W/m^2"
171 128 "AOHFLX" "Net Air-Ocean heat flux" "W/m^2"
172 128 "IOHFLX" "Net Ice-Ocean heat flux" "W/m^2"
173 128 "IOSFLX" "Net Ice-Ocean salt flux kg/s]" ""
174 128 "var174" "undefined" ""
175 128 "OMLT" "Ocean Mixed Layer Temperature" "K"
176 128 "OMLS" "Ocean Mixed Layer Salinity" "kg/kg"
177 128 "OMLPOTDEN" "Ocean Mixed Layer Potential density (Referenced
to 2000m)" "kg/m^3"
178 128 "OMLU" "U Velocity in mixed layer" "m/s"
179 128 "OMLV" "V Velocity in mixed layer" "m/s"
180 128 "ASHFL" "Assimilative Heat Flux" "W/m^2"
181 128 "ASSFL" "Assimilative Salt Flux" "mm/day"
182 128 "BOTLD" "Bottom Layer Depth" "m"
183 128 "UBARO" "Barotropic U Velocity" "m/s"
184 128 "VBARO" "Barotropic V Velocity" "m/s"
185 128 "INTFD" "Interface Depth" "m"
186 128 "WTMPC" "Temperature" "C"
187 128 "SALIN" "Salinity" "psu"
188 128 "EMNP" "Evaporation - Precipitation" "cm/day"
189 128 "var189" "undefined" ""
190 128 "KENG" "Kinetic Energy" "J/kg"
191 128 "var191" "undefined" ""
192 128 "LAYTH" "Layer Thickness" "m"
193 128 "SSTT" "Surface Temperature Trend" "K/day"
194 128 "SSST" "Surface Salinity Trend" "psu/day"
195 128 "OVHD" "Ocean vertical heat diffusivity" "m^2/s"
196 128 "OVSD" "Ocean vertical salt diffusivity" "m^2/s"
197 128 "OVMD" "Ocean vertical momementum diffusivity" "m^2/s"
198 128 "var198" "undefined" ""
199 128 "var199" "undefined" ""
200 128 "var200" "undefined" ""
201 128 "var201" "undefined" ""
202 128 "var202" "undefined" ""
203 128 "var203" "undefined" ""
204 128 "var204" "undefined" ""
205 128 "var205" "undefined" ""
206 128 "var206" "undefined" ""
207 128 "var207" "undefined" ""
208 128 "var208" "undefined" ""
209 128 "var209" "undefined" ""
210 128 "var210" "undefined" ""
211 128 "var211" "undefined" ""
212 128 "var212" "undefined" ""
213 128 "var213" "undefined" ""
214 128 "var214" "undefined" ""
215 128 "var215" "undefined" ""
216 128 "var216" "undefined" ""
217 128 "var217" "undefined" ""
218 128 "var218" "undefined" ""
219 128 "var219" "undefined" ""
220 128 "var220" "undefined" ""
221 128 "var221" "undefined" ""
222 128 "var222" "undefined" ""
223 128 "var223" "undefined" ""
224 128 "var224" "undefined" ""
225 128 "var225" "undefined" ""
226 128 "var226" "undefined" ""
227 128 "var227" "undefined" ""
228 128 "var228" "undefined" ""
229 128 "var229" "undefined" ""
230 128 "var230" "undefined" ""
231 128 "var231" "undefined" ""
232 128 "var232" "undefined" ""
233 128 "var233" "undefined" ""
234 128 "var234" "undefined" ""
235 128 "var235" "undefined" ""
236 128 "var236" "undefined" ""
237 128 "var237" "undefined" ""
238 128 "var238" "undefined" ""
239 128 "var239" "undefined" ""
240 128 "var240" "undefined" ""
241 128 "var241" "undefined" ""
242 128 "var242" "undefined" ""
243 128 "var243" "undefined" ""
244 128 "var244" "undefined" ""
245 128 "var245" "undefined" ""
246 128 "var246" "undefined" ""
247 128 "var247" "undefined" ""
248 128 "var248" "undefined" ""
249 128 "var249" "undefined" ""
250 128 "var250" "undefined" ""
251 128 "var251" "undefined" ""
252 128 "var252" "undefined" ""
253 128 "var253" "undefined" ""
254 128 "RERRVAR" "Relative Error Variance" "pure number"
255 128 "var255" "undefined" ""
0 129 "var0" "undefined" ""
1 129 "PRES" "Pressure" "Pa"
2 129 "PRMSL" "Pressure reduced to MSL" "Pa"
3 129 "PTEND" "Pressure tendency" "Pa/s"
4 129 "PVORT" "Pot. vorticity" "km^2/kg/s"
5 129 "ICAHT" "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height" "M"
6 129 "GP" "Geopotential" "m^2/s^2"
7 129 "HGT" "Geopotential height" "gpm"
8 129 "DIST" "Geometric height" "m"
9 129 "HSTDV" "Std dev of height" "m"
10 129 "TOZNE" "Total ozone" "Dobson"
11 129 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
12 129 "VTMP" "Virtual temp." "K"
13 129 "POT" "Potential temp." "K"
14 129 "EPOT" "Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp." "K"
15 129 "TMAX" "Max. temp." "K"
16 129 "TMIN" "Min. temp." "K"
17 129 "DPT" "Dew point temp." "K"
18 129 "DEPR" "Dew point depression" "K"
19 129 "LAPR" "Lapse rate" "K/m"
20 129 "VIS" "Visibility" "m"
21 129 "RDSP1" "Radar spectra (1)" "non-dim"
22 129 "RDSP2" "Radar spectra (2)" "non-dim"
23 129 "RDSP3" "Radar spectra (3)" "non-dim"
24 129 "PLI" "Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
25 129 "TMPA" "Temp. anomaly" "K"
26 129 "PRESA" "Pressure anomaly" "Pa"
27 129 "GPA" "Geopotential height anomaly" "gpm"
28 129 "WVSP1" "Wave spectra (1)" "non-dim"
29 129 "WVSP2" "Wave spectra (2)" "non-dim"
30 129 "WVSP3" "Wave spectra (3)" "non-dim"
31 129 "WDIR" "Wind direction" "deg"
32 129 "WIND" "Wind speed" "m/s"
33 129 "UGRD" "u wind" "m/s"
34 129 "VGRD" "v wind" "m/s"
35 129 "STRM" "Stream function" "m^2/s"
36 129 "VPOT" "Velocity potential" "m^2/s"
37 129 "MNTSF" "Montgomery stream function" "m^2/s^2"
38 129 "SGCVV" "Sigma coord. vertical velocity" "/s"
39 129 "VVEL" "Pressure vertical velocity" "Pa/s"
40 129 "DZDT" "Geometric vertical velocity" "m/s"
41 129 "ABSV" "Absolute vorticity" "/s"
42 129 "ABSD" "Absolute divergence" "/s"
43 129 "RELV" "Relative vorticity" "/s"
44 129 "RELD" "Relative divergence" "/s"
45 129 "VUCSH" "Vertical u shear" "/s"
46 129 "VVCSH" "Vertical v shear" "/s"
47 129 "DIRC" "Direction of current" "deg"
48 129 "SPC" "Speed of current" "m/s"
49 129 "UOGRD" "u of current" "m/s"
50 129 "VOGRD" "v of current" "m/s"
51 129 "SPFH" "Specific humidity" "kg/kg"
52 129 "RH" "Relative humidity" "%"
53 129 "MIXR" "Humidity mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
54 129 "PWAT" "Precipitable water" "kg/m^2"
55 129 "VAPP" "Vapor pressure" "Pa"
56 129 "SATD" "Saturation deficit" "Pa"
57 129 "EVP" "Evaporation" "kg/m^2"
58 129 "CICE" "Cloud Ice" "kg/m^2"
59 129 "PRATE" "Precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
60 129 "TSTM" "Thunderstorm probability" "%"
61 129 "APCP" "Total precipitation" "kg/m^2"
62 129 "NCPCP" "Large scale precipitation" "kg/m^2"
63 129 "ACPCP" "Convective precipitation" "kg/m^2"
64 129 "SRWEQ" "Snowfall rate water equiv." "kg/m^2/s"
65 129 "WEASD" "Accum. snow" "kg/m^2"
66 129 "SNOD" "Snow depth" "m"
67 129 "MIXHT" "Mixed layer depth" "m"
68 129 "TTHDP" "Transient thermocline depth" "m"
69 129 "MTHD" "Main thermocline depth" "m"
70 129 "MTHA" "Main thermocline anomaly" "m"
71 129 "TCDC" "Total cloud cover" "%"
72 129 "CDCON" "Convective cloud cover" "%"
73 129 "LCDC" "Low level cloud cover" "%"
74 129 "MCDC" "Mid level cloud cover" "%"
75 129 "HCDC" "High level cloud cover" "%"
76 129 "CWAT" "Cloud water" "kg/m^2"
77 129 "BLI" "Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
78 129 "SNOC" "Convective snow" "kg/m^2"
79 129 "SNOL" "Large scale snow" "kg/m^2"
80 129 "WTMP" "Water temp." "K"
81 129 "LAND" "Land cover (land=1;sea=0)" "fraction"
82 129 "DSLM" "Deviation of sea level from mean" "m"
83 129 "SFCR" "Surface roughness" "m"
84 129 "ALBDO" "Albedo" "%"
85 129 "TSOIL" "Soil temp." "K"
86 129 "SOILM" "Soil moisture content" "kg/m^2"
87 129 "VEG" "Vegetation" "%"
88 129 "SALTY" "Salinity" "kg/kg"
89 129 "DEN" "Density" "kg/m^3"
90 129 "WATR" "Water runoff" "kg/m^2"
91 129 "ICEC" "Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)" "fraction"
92 129 "ICETK" "Ice thickness" "m"
93 129 "DICED" "Direction of ice drift" "deg"
94 129 "SICED" "Speed of ice drift" "m/s"
95 129 "UICE" "u of ice drift" "m/s"
96 129 "VICE" "v of ice drift" "m/s"
97 129 "ICEG" "Ice growth rate" "m/s"
98 129 "ICED" "Ice divergence" "/s"
99 129 "SNOM" "Snow melt" "kg/m^2"
100 129 "HTSGW" "Sig height of wind waves and swell" "m"
101 129 "WVDIR" "Direction of wind waves" "deg"
102 129 "WVHGT" "Sig height of wind waves" "m"
103 129 "WVPER" "Mean period of wind waves" "s"
104 129 "SWDIR" "Direction of swell waves" "deg"
105 129 "SWELL" "Sig height of swell waves" "m"
106 129 "SWPER" "Mean period of swell waves" "s"
107 129 "DIRPW" "Primary wave direction" "deg"
108 129 "PERPW" "Primary wave mean period" "s"
109 129 "DIRSW" "Secondary wave direction" "deg"
110 129 "PERSW" "Secondary wave mean period" "s"
111 129 "NSWRS" "Net short wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
112 129 "NLWRS" "Net long wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
113 129 "NSWRT" "Net short wave (top)" "W/m^2"
114 129 "NLWRT" "Net long wave (top)" "W/m^2"
115 129 "LWAVR" "Long wave" "W/m^2"
116 129 "SWAVR" "Short wave" "W/m^2"
117 129 "GRAD" "Global radiation" "W/m^2"
118 129 "BRTMP" "Brightness temperature" "K"
119 129 "LWRAD" "Radiance with respect to wave no." "W/m/sr"
120 129 "SWRAD" "Radiance with respect ot wave len." "W/m^3/sr"
121 129 "LHTFL" "Latent heat flux" "W/m^2"
122 129 "SHTFL" "Sensible heat flux" "W/m^2"
123 129 "BLYDP" "Boundary layer dissipation" "W/m^2"
124 129 "UFLX" "Zonal momentum flux" "N/m^2"
125 129 "VFLX" "Meridional momentum flux" "N/m^2"
126 129 "WMIXE" "Wind mixing energy" "J"
127 129 "IMGD" "Image data" ""
128 129 "PAOT" "Probability anomaly of temp" "%"
129 129 "PAOP" "Probability anomaly of precip" "%"
130 129 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
131 129 "FRAIN" "Rain fraction of total liquid water" ""
132 129 "FICE" "Ice fraction of total condensate" ""
133 129 "FRIME" "Rime factor" ""
134 129 "CUEFI" "Convective cloud efficiency" ""
135 129 "TCOND" "Total condensate" "kg/kg"
136 129 "TCOLW" "Total column cloud water" "kg/m/m"
137 129 "TCOLI" "Total column cloud ice" "kg/m/m"
138 129 "TCOLR" "Total column rain" "kg/m/m"
139 129 "TCOLS" "Total column snow" "kg/m/m"
140 129 "TCOLC" "Total column condensate" "kg/m/m"
141 129 "PLPL" "Pressure of level from which parcel was lifted" "Pa"
142 129 "HLPL" "Height of level from which parcel was lifted" "m"
143 129 "CEMS" "Cloud Emissivity" "fraction"
144 129 "COPD" "Cloud Optical Depth" "non-dim"
145 129 "PSIZ" "Effective Particle size" "microns"
146 129 "TCWAT" "Total Water Cloud" "%"
147 129 "TCICE" "Total Ice Cloud" "%"
148 129 "WDIF" "Wind Difference" "m/s"
149 129 "WSTP" "Wave Steepness" "non-dim"
150 129 "PTAN" "Probability of Temp. above normal" "%"
151 129 "PTNN" "Probability of Temp. near normal" "%"
152 129 "PTBN" "Probability of Temp. below normal" "%"
153 129 "PPAN" "Probability of Precip. above normal" "%"
154 129 "PPNN" "Probability of Precip. near normal" "%"
155 129 "PPBN" "Probability of Precip. below normal" "%"
156 129 "PMTC" "Particulate matter (coarse)" "ug/m^3"
157 129 "PMTF" "Particulate matter (fine)" "ug/m^3"
158 129 "AETMP" "Analysis Error of Temperature" "K"
159 129 "AEDPT" "Analysis Error of Dew Point" "K"
160 129 "AESPH" "Analysis Error of Specific Humidity" "kg/kg"
161 129 "AEUWD" "Analysis Error of U-wind" "m/s"
162 129 "AEVWD" "Analysis Error of V-wind" "m/s"
163 129 "LPMTF" "Particulate matter (fine)" "log10(ug/m^3)"
164 129 "LIPMF" "Integrated Column Particulate matter (fine)"
165 129 "REFZR" "Derived radar reflectivity backscatter from rain"
166 129 "REFZI" "Derived radar reflectivity backscatter from ice"
167 129 "REFZC" "Derived radar reflectivity backscatter from
parameterized convection" "mm^6/m^3"
168 129 "TCLSW" "Integrated supercooled liquid water" "kg/m^2"
169 129 "TCOLM" "Total Column Integrated Melting Ice" "kg/m^2"
170 129 "ELRDI" "Ellrod Index" "non-dim"
171 129 "TSEC" "Seconds prior to initial reference time" "sec"
172 129 "TSECA" "Seconds after initial reference time" "sec"
173 129 "NUM" "Number of samples/observations" "non-dim"
174 129 "AEPRS" "Analysis Error of Pressure" "Pa"
175 129 "ICSEV" "Icing Severity" "non-dim"
176 129 "ICPRB" "Icing Probability" "non-dim"
177 129 "LAVNI" "Low-level Aviation Interest" "non-dim"
178 129 "HAVNI" "High-level Aviation Interest" "non-dim"
179 129 "FLGHT" "Flight Category" "non-dim"
180 129 "OZCON" "Ozone concentration" "ppb"
181 129 "OZCAT" "Categorical ozone concentration" "?"
182 129 "VEDH" "vertical heat eddy diffusivity" "m^2/s"
183 129 "SIGV" "Sigma level value" "non-dim"
184 129 "EWGT" "Ensemble Weight" "non-dim"
185 129 "CICEL" "Confidence indicator - Ceiling" "non-dim"
186 129 "CIVIS" "Confidence indicator - Visibility" "non-dim"
187 129 "var187" "undefined" ""
188 129 "LAVV" "Latitude of V wind component of velocity" "deg"
189 129 "LOVV" "Longitude of V wind component of velocity" "deg"
190 129 "USCT" "Scatterometer est. U wind component" "m/s"
191 129 "VSCT" "Scatterometer est. V wind component" "m/s"
192 129 "LAUV" "Latitude of U wind component of velocity" "deg"
193 129 "LOUV" "Longitude of U wind component of velocity" "deg"
194 129 "TCHP" "Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential" "J/m^2"
195 129 "DBSS" "Geometric Depth Below Sea Surface" "m"
196 129 "ODHA" "Ocean Dynamic Heat Anomaly" "dynamic m"
197 129 "OHC" "Ocean Heat Content" "J/m^2"
198 129 "SSHG" "Sea Surface Height Relative to Geoid" "m"
199 129 "SLTFL" "Salt flux" "g/cm^2/s"
200 129 "DUVB" "UV-B Downward Solar Flux" "W/m^2"
201 129 "CDUVB" "Clear Sky UV-B Downward Solar Flux" "W/m^2"
202 129 "THFLX" "Total downward heat flux at surface" "W/m^2"
203 129 "UVAR" "U velocity variance" "m^2/s^2"
204 129 "VVAR" "V velocity variance" "m^2/s^2"
205 129 "UVVCC" "UV Velocity Cross Correlation" "m^2/s^2"
206 129 "MCLS" "Meteorological Correlation Length Scale" "m"
207 129 "LAPP" "Latitude of pressure point" "deg"
208 129 "LOPP" "Longitude of pressure point" "deg"
209 129 "var209" "undefined" ""
210 129 "REFO" "Observed radar reflectivity" "dbZ"
211 129 "REFD" "Derived radar reflectivity" "dbZ"
212 129 "REFC" "Maximum/Composite radar reflectivity" "dbZ"
213 129 "SBT122" "Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12" "
Channel 2 [K"
214 129 "SBT123" "Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12" "
Channel 3 [K"
215 129 "SBT124" "Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12" "
Channel 4 [K"
216 129 "SBT125" "Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12" "
Channel 5 [K"
217 129 "MINRH" "Minimum Relative Humumidity" "%"
218 129 "MAXRH" "Maximum Relative Humumidity" "%"
219 129 "CEIL" "Ceiling" "m"
220 129 "PBLREG" "Planetary boundary layer regime" ""
221 129 "SBC123" "Simulated brightness counts for GOES12" " Channel 3
222 129 "SBC124" "Simulated brightness counts for GOES12" " Channel 4
223 129 "RPRATE" "Rain precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
224 129 "SPRATE" "Snow precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
225 129 "FPRATE" "Freezing rain precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
226 129 "IPRATE" "Ice pellets precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
227 129 "UPHL" "Updraft Helicity" "m^2/s^2"
228 129 "SURGE" "Storm Surge" "m"
229 129 "ETSRG" "Extra-tropical storm Surge" "m"
230 129 "RHPW" "Relative humidity with respect to precip water" "%"
231 129 "OZMAX1" "Ozone daily max from 1-hour ave" "ppbV"
232 129 "OZMAX8" "Ozone daily max from 8-hour ave" "ppbV"
233 129 "var233" "undefined" ""
234 129 "var234" "undefined" ""
235 129 "var235" "undefined" ""
236 129 "var236" "undefined" ""
237 129 "var237" "undefined" ""
238 129 "var238" "undefined" ""
239 129 "var239" "undefined" ""
240 129 "var240" "undefined" ""
241 129 "var241" "undefined" ""
242 129 "TCSRG20" "20% tropical cyclone storm exceedance" "m"
243 129 "TCSRG30" "30% tropical cyclone storm exceedance" "m"
244 129 "TCSRG40" "40% tropical cyclone storm exceedance" "m"
245 129 "TCSRG50" "50% tropical cyclone storm exceedance" "m"
246 129 "TCSRG60" "60% tropical cyclone storm exceedance" "m"
247 129 "TCSRG70" "70% tropical cyclone storm exceedance" "m"
248 129 "TCSRG80" "80% tropical cyclone storm exceedance" "m"
249 129 "TCSRG90" "90% tropical cyclone storm exceedance" "m"
250 129 "RETOP" "Radar echo top (18.3 DBZ)" "m"
251 129 "TENV" "Total energy norm variance" ""
252 129 "var252" "undefined" ""
253 129 "var253" "undefined" ""
254 129 "var254" "undefined" ""
255 129 "var255" "undefined" ""
0 130 "var0" "undefined" ""
1 130 "PRES" "Pressure" "Pa"
2 130 "PRMSL" "Pressure reduced to MSL" "Pa"
3 130 "PTEND" "Pressure tendency" "Pa/s"
4 130 "PVORT" "Pot. vorticity" "km^2/kg/s"
5 130 "ICAHT" "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height" "M"
6 130 "GP" "Geopotential" "m^2/s^2"
7 130 "HGT" "Geopotential height" "gpm"
8 130 "DIST" "Geometric height" "m"
9 130 "HSTDV" "Std dev of height" "m"
10 130 "TOZNE" "Total ozone" "Dobson"
11 130 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
12 130 "VTMP" "Virtual temp." "K"
13 130 "POT" "Potential temp." "K"
14 130 "EPOT" "Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp." "K"
15 130 "TMAX" "Max. temp." "K"
16 130 "TMIN" "Min. temp." "K"
17 130 "DPT" "Dew point temp." "K"
18 130 "DEPR" "Dew point depression" "K"
19 130 "LAPR" "Lapse rate" "K/m"
20 130 "VIS" "Visibility" "m"
21 130 "RDSP1" "Radar spectra (1)" "non-dim"
22 130 "RDSP2" "Radar spectra (2)" "non-dim"
23 130 "RDSP3" "Radar spectra (3)" "non-dim"
24 130 "PLI" "Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
25 130 "TMPA" "Temp. anomaly" "K"
26 130 "PRESA" "Pressure anomaly" "Pa"
27 130 "GPA" "Geopotential height anomaly" "gpm"
28 130 "WVSP1" "Wave spectra (1)" "non-dim"
29 130 "WVSP2" "Wave spectra (2)" "non-dim"
30 130 "WVSP3" "Wave spectra (3)" "non-dim"
31 130 "WDIR" "Wind direction" "deg"
32 130 "WIND" "Wind speed" "m/s"
33 130 "UGRD" "u wind" "m/s"
34 130 "VGRD" "v wind" "m/s"
35 130 "STRM" "Stream function" "m^2/s"
36 130 "VPOT" "Velocity potential" "m^2/s"
37 130 "MNTSF" "Montgomery stream function" "m^2/s^2"
38 130 "SGCVV" "Sigma coord. vertical velocity" "/s"
39 130 "VVEL" "Pressure vertical velocity" "Pa/s"
40 130 "DZDT" "Geometric vertical velocity" "m/s"
41 130 "ABSV" "Absolute vorticity" "/s"
42 130 "ABSD" "Absolute divergence" "/s"
43 130 "RELV" "Relative vorticity" "/s"
44 130 "RELD" "Relative divergence" "/s"
45 130 "VUCSH" "Vertical u shear" "/s"
46 130 "VVCSH" "Vertical v shear" "/s"
47 130 "DIRC" "Direction of current" "deg"
48 130 "SPC" "Speed of current" "m/s"
49 130 "UOGRD" "u of current" "m/s"
50 130 "VOGRD" "v of current" "m/s"
51 130 "SPFH" "Specific humidity" "kg/kg"
52 130 "RH" "Relative humidity" "%"
53 130 "MIXR" "Humidity mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
54 130 "PWAT" "Precipitable water" "kg/m^2"
55 130 "VAPP" "Vapor pressure" "Pa"
56 130 "SATD" "Saturation deficit" "Pa"
57 130 "EVP" "Evaporation" "kg/m^2"
58 130 "CICE" "Cloud Ice" "kg/m^2"
59 130 "PRATE" "Precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
60 130 "TSTM" "Thunderstorm probability" "%"
61 130 "APCP" "Total precipitation" "kg/m^2"
62 130 "NCPCP" "Large scale precipitation" "kg/m^2"
63 130 "ACPCP" "Convective precipitation" "kg/m^2"
64 130 "SRWEQ" "Snowfall rate water equiv." "kg/m^2/s"
65 130 "WEASD" "Accum. snow" "kg/m^2"
66 130 "SNOD" "Snow depth" "m"
67 130 "MIXHT" "Mixed layer depth" "m"
68 130 "TTHDP" "Transient thermocline depth" "m"
69 130 "MTHD" "Main thermocline depth" "m"
70 130 "MTHA" "Main thermocline anomaly" "m"
71 130 "TCDC" "Total cloud cover" "%"
72 130 "CDCON" "Convective cloud cover" "%"
73 130 "LCDC" "Low level cloud cover" "%"
74 130 "MCDC" "Mid level cloud cover" "%"
75 130 "HCDC" "High level cloud cover" "%"
76 130 "CWAT" "Cloud water" "kg/m^2"
77 130 "BLI" "Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
78 130 "SNOC" "Convective snow" "kg/m^2"
79 130 "SNOL" "Large scale snow" "kg/m^2"
80 130 "WTMP" "Water temp." "K"
81 130 "LAND" "Land cover (land=1;sea=0)" "fraction"
82 130 "DSLM" "Deviation of sea level from mean" "m"
83 130 "SFCR" "Surface roughness" "m"
84 130 "ALBDO" "Albedo" "%"
85 130 "TSOIL" "Soil temp." "K"
86 130 "SOILM" "Soil moisture content" "kg/m^2"
87 130 "VEG" "Vegetation" "%"
88 130 "SALTY" "Salinity" "kg/kg"
89 130 "DEN" "Density" "kg/m^3"
90 130 "WATR" "Water runoff" "kg/m^2"
91 130 "ICEC" "Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)" "fraction"
92 130 "ICETK" "Ice thickness" "m"
93 130 "DICED" "Direction of ice drift" "deg"
94 130 "SICED" "Speed of ice drift" "m/s"
95 130 "UICE" "u of ice drift" "m/s"
96 130 "VICE" "v of ice drift" "m/s"
97 130 "ICEG" "Ice growth rate" "m/s"
98 130 "ICED" "Ice divergence" "/s"
99 130 "SNOM" "Snow melt" "kg/m^2"
100 130 "HTSGW" "Sig height of wind waves and swell" "m"
101 130 "WVDIR" "Direction of wind waves" "deg"
102 130 "WVHGT" "Sig height of wind waves" "m"
103 130 "WVPER" "Mean period of wind waves" "s"
104 130 "SWDIR" "Direction of swell waves" "deg"
105 130 "SWELL" "Sig height of swell waves" "m"
106 130 "SWPER" "Mean period of swell waves" "s"
107 130 "DIRPW" "Primary wave direction" "deg"
108 130 "PERPW" "Primary wave mean period" "s"
109 130 "DIRSW" "Secondary wave direction" "deg"
110 130 "PERSW" "Secondary wave mean period" "s"
111 130 "NSWRS" "Net short wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
112 130 "NLWRS" "Net long wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
113 130 "NSWRT" "Net short wave (top)" "W/m^2"
114 130 "NLWRT" "Net long wave (top)" "W/m^2"
115 130 "LWAVR" "Long wave" "W/m^2"
116 130 "SWAVR" "Short wave" "W/m^2"
117 130 "GRAD" "Global radiation" "W/m^2"
118 130 "BRTMP" "Brightness temperature" "K"
119 130 "LWRAD" "Radiance with respect to wave no." "W/m/sr"
120 130 "SWRAD" "Radiance with respect ot wave len." "W/m^3/sr"
121 130 "LHTFL" "Latent heat flux" "W/m^2"
122 130 "SHTFL" "Sensible heat flux" "W/m^2"
123 130 "BLYDP" "Boundary layer dissipation" "W/m^2"
124 130 "UFLX" "Zonal momentum flux" "N/m^2"
125 130 "VFLX" "Meridional momentum flux" "N/m^2"
126 130 "WMIXE" "Wind mixing energy" "J"
127 130 "IMGD" "Image data" ""
128 130 "var128" "undefined" ""
129 130 "var129" "undefined" ""
130 130 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
131 130 "var131" "undefined" ""
132 130 "var132" "undefined" ""
133 130 "var133" "undefined" ""
134 130 "var134" "undefined" ""
135 130 "var135" "undefined" ""
136 130 "var136" "undefined" ""
137 130 "var137" "undefined" ""
138 130 "var138" "undefined" ""
139 130 "var139" "undefined" ""
140 130 "var140" "undefined" ""
141 130 "var141" "undefined" ""
142 130 "var142" "undefined" ""
143 130 "var143" "undefined 143" ""
144 130 "SOILW" "Volumetric soil moisture (frozen + liquid)"
145 130 "PEVPR" "Potential evaporation rate" "W/m^2"
146 130 "VEGT" "Vegetation canopy temperature" "K"
147 130 "BARET" "Bare soil surface skin temperature" "K"
148 130 "AVSFT" "Average surface skin temperature" "K"
149 130 "RADT" "Effective radiative skin temperature" "K"
150 130 "SSTOR" "Surface water storage" "Kg/m^2"
151 130 "LSOIL" "Liquid soil moisture content (non-frozen)" "Kg/m^2"
152 130 "EWATR" "Open water evaporation (standing water)" "W/m^2"
153 130 "var153" "undefined" ""
154 130 "LSPA" "Land Surface Precipitation Accumulation" "kg/m^2"
155 130 "GFLUX" "Ground Heat Flux" "W/m^2"
156 130 "CIN" "Convective inhibition" "J/Kg"
157 130 "CAPE" "Convective available potential energy" "J/Kg"
158 130 "TKE" "Turbulent Kinetic Energy" "J/Kg"
159 130 "MXSALB" "Maximum snow albedo" "%"
160 130 "SOILL" "Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen)"
161 130 "ASNOW" "Frozen precipitation (e.g. snowfall)" "Kg/m^2"
162 130 "ARAIN" "Liquid precipitation (rainfall)" "Kg/m^2"
163 130 "GWREC" "Groundwater recharge" "Kg/m^2"
164 130 "QREC" "Flood plain recharge" "Kg/m^2"
165 130 "SNOWT" "Snow temperature" " depth-avg [K"
166 130 "VBDSF" "Visible beam downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
167 130 "VDDSF" "Visible diffuse downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
168 130 "NBDSF" "Near IR beam downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
169 130 "NDDSF" "Near IR diffuse downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
170 130 "SNFALB" "Snow-free albedo" "%"
171 130 "RLYRS" "Number of soil layers in root zone" "non-dim"
172 130 "MFLX" "Momentum flux" "N/m^2"
173 130 "var173" "undefined" ""
174 130 "var174" "undefined" ""
175 130 "var175" "undefined" ""
176 130 "NLAT" "Latitude (-90 to +90)" "deg"
177 130 "ELON" "East longitude (0-360)" "deg"
178 130 "FLDCAP" "Field capacity" "fraction"
179 130 "ACOND" "Aerodynamic conductance" "m/s"
180 130 "SNOAG" "Snow age" "s"
181 130 "CCOND" "Canopy conductance" "m/s"
182 130 "LAI" "Leaf area index (0-9)" "non-dim"
183 130 "SFCRH" "Roughness length for heat" "m"
184 130 "SALBD" "Snow albedo (over snow cover area only)" "%"
185 130 "var185" "undefined" ""
186 130 "var186" "undefined" ""
187 130 "NDVI" "Normalized Difference Vegetation Index" ""
188 130 "DRIP" "Canopy drip" "Kg/m^2"
189 130 "VBSALB" "Visible" " black sky albedo [%"
190 130 "VWSALB" "Visible" " white sky albedo [%"
191 130 "NBSALB" "Near IR" " black sky albedo [%"
192 130 "NWSALB" "Near IR" " white sky albedo [%"
193 130 "var193" "undefined" ""
194 130 "var194" "undefined" ""
195 130 "var195" "undefined" ""
196 130 "var196" "undefined" ""
197 130 "var197" "undefined" ""
198 130 "SBSNO" "Sublimation (evaporation from snow)" "W/m^2"
199 130 "EVBS" "Direct evaporation from bare soil" "W/m^2"
200 130 "EVCW" "Canopy water evaporation" "W/m^2"
201 130 "var201" "undefined" ""
202 130 "var202" "undefined" ""
203 130 "RSMIN" "Minimal stomatal resistance" "s/m"
204 130 "DSWRF" "Downward shortwave radiation flux" "W/m^2"
205 130 "DLWRF" "Downward longwave radiation flux" "W/m^2"
206 130 "var206" "undefined" ""
207 130 "MSTAV" "Moisture availability" "%"
208 130 "SFEXC" "Exchange coefficient" "(Kg/m^3)(m/s)"
209 130 "var209" "undefined" ""
210 130 "TRANS" "Transpiration" "W/m^2"
211 130 "USWRF" "Upward short wave radiation flux" "W/m^2"
212 130 "ULWRF" "Upward long wave radiation flux" "W/m^2"
213 130 "var213" "undefined" ""
214 130 "var214" "undefined" ""
215 130 "var215" "undefined" ""
216 130 "var216" "undefined" ""
217 130 "var217" "undefined" ""
218 130 "var218" "undefined" ""
219 130 "WILT" "Wilting point" "fraction"
220 130 "FLDCP" "Field Capacity" "fraction"
221 130 "HPBL" "Planetary boundary layer height" "m"
222 130 "SLTYP" "Surface slope type" "Index"
223 130 "CNWAT" "Plant canopy surface water" "Kg/m^2"
224 130 "SOTYP" "Soil type" "Index"
225 130 "VGTYP" "Vegetation type" "Index"
226 130 "BMIXL" "Blackadars mixing length scale" "m"
227 130 "AMIXL" "Asymptotic mixing length scale" "m"
228 130 "PEVAP" "Potential evaporation" "Kg/m^2"
229 130 "SNOHF" "Snow phase-change heat flux" "W/m^2"
230 130 "SMREF" "Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture)"
231 130 "SMDRY" "Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture)" "fraction"
232 130 "var232" "undefined" ""
233 130 "var233" "undefined" ""
234 130 "BGRUN" "Subsurface runoff (baseflow)" "Kg/m^2"
235 130 "SSRUN" "Surface runoff (non-infiltrating)" "Kg/m^2"
236 130 "var236" "undefined" ""
237 130 "var237" "undefined" ""
238 130 "SNOWC" "Snow cover" "%"
239 130 "SNOT" "Snow temperature" "K"
240 130 "POROS" "Soil porosity" "fraction"
241 130 "var241" "undefined" ""
242 130 "var242" "undefined" ""
243 130 "var243" "undefined" ""
244 130 "var244" "undefined" ""
245 130 "var245" "undefined" ""
246 130 "RCS" "Solar parameter in canopy conductance" "fraction"
247 130 "RCT" "Temperature parameter in canopy conductance" "fraction"
248 130 "RCQ" "Humidity parameter in canopy conductance" "fraction"
249 130 "RCSOL" "Soil moisture parameter in canopy conductance"
250 130 "var250" "undefined" ""
251 130 "var251" "undefined" ""
252 130 "CD" "Surface drag coefficient" "non-dim"
253 130 "FRICV" "Surface friction velocity" "m/s"
254 130 "RI" "Richardson number" "non-dim"
255 130 "var255" "undefined" ""
0 131 "var0" "undefined" ""
1 131 "PRES" "Pressure" "Pa"
2 131 "PRMSL" "Mean sea level pressure (Shuell method)" "Pa"
3 131 "PTEND" "Pressure tendency" "Pa/s"
4 131 "PVORT" "Pot. vorticity" "km^2/kg/s"
5 131 "ICAHT" "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height" "M"
6 131 "GP" "Geopotential" "m^2/s^2"
7 131 "HGT" "Geopotential height" "gpm"
8 131 "DIST" "Geometric height" "m"
9 131 "HSTDV" "Std dev of height" "m"
10 131 "TOZNE" "Total ozone" "Dobson"
11 131 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
12 131 "VTMP" "Virtual temp." "K"
13 131 "POT" "Potential temp." "K"
14 131 "EPOT" "Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp." "K"
15 131 "TMAX" "Max. temp." "K"
16 131 "TMIN" "Min. temp." "K"
17 131 "DPT" "Dew point temp." "K"
18 131 "DEPR" "Dew point depression" "K"
19 131 "LAPR" "Lapse rate" "K/m"
20 131 "VIS" "Visibility" "m"
21 131 "RDSP1" "Radar spectra (1)" "non-dim"
22 131 "RDSP2" "Radar spectra (2)" "non-dim"
23 131 "RDSP3" "Radar spectra (3)" "non-dim"
24 131 "PLI" "Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
25 131 "TMPA" "Temp. anomaly" "K"
26 131 "PRESA" "Pressure anomaly" "Pa"
27 131 "GPA" "Geopotential height anomaly" "gpm"
28 131 "WVSP1" "Wave spectra (1)" "non-dim"
29 131 "WVSP2" "Wave spectra (2)" "non-dim"
30 131 "WVSP3" "Wave spectra (3)" "non-dim"
31 131 "WDIR" "Wind direction" "deg"
32 131 "WIND" "Wind speed" "m/s"
33 131 "UGRD" "u wind" "m/s"
34 131 "VGRD" "v wind" "m/s"
35 131 "STRM" "Stream function" "m^2/s"
36 131 "VPOT" "Velocity potential" "m^2/s"
37 131 "MNTSF" "Montgomery stream function" "m^2/s^2"
38 131 "SGCVV" "Sigma coord. vertical velocity" "/s"
39 131 "VVEL" "Pressure vertical velocity" "Pa/s"
40 131 "DZDT" "Geometric vertical velocity" "m/s"
41 131 "ABSV" "Absolute vorticity" "/s"
42 131 "ABSD" "Absolute divergence" "/s"
43 131 "RELV" "Relative vorticity" "/s"
44 131 "RELD" "Relative divergence" "/s"
45 131 "VUCSH" "Vertical u shear" "/s"
46 131 "VVCSH" "Vertical v shear" "/s"
47 131 "DIRC" "Direction of current" "deg"
48 131 "SPC" "Speed of current" "m/s"
49 131 "UOGRD" "u of current" "m/s"
50 131 "VOGRD" "v of current" "m/s"
51 131 "SPFH" "Specific humidity" "kg/kg"
52 131 "RH" "Relative humidity" "%"
53 131 "MIXR" "Humidity mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
54 131 "PWAT" "Precipitable water" "kg/m^2"
55 131 "VAPP" "Vapor pressure" "Pa"
56 131 "SATD" "Saturation deficit" "Pa"
57 131 "EVP" "Evaporation" "kg/m^2"
58 131 "CICE" "Cloud Ice" "kg/m^2"
59 131 "PRATE" "Precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
60 131 "TSTM" "Thunderstorm probability" "%"
61 131 "APCP" "Total precipitation" "kg/m^2"
62 131 "NCPCP" "Large scale precipitation" "kg/m^2"
63 131 "ACPCP" "Convective precipitation" "kg/m^2"
64 131 "SRWEQ" "Snowfall rate water equiv." "kg/m^2/s"
65 131 "WEASD" "Accum. snow" "kg/m^2"
66 131 "SNOD" "Snow depth" "m"
67 131 "MIXHT" "Mixed layer depth" "m"
68 131 "TTHDP" "Transient thermocline depth" "m"
69 131 "MTHD" "Main thermocline depth" "m"
70 131 "MTHA" "Main thermocline anomaly" "m"
71 131 "TCDC" "Total cloud cover" "%"
72 131 "CDCON" "Convective cloud cover" "%"
73 131 "LCDC" "Low level cloud cover" "%"
74 131 "MCDC" "Mid level cloud cover" "%"
75 131 "HCDC" "High level cloud cover" "%"
76 131 "CWAT" "Cloud water" "kg/m^2"
77 131 "BLI" "Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
78 131 "SNOC" "Convective snow" "kg/m^2"
79 131 "SNOL" "Large scale snow" "kg/m^2"
80 131 "WTMP" "Water temp." "K"
81 131 "LAND" "Land cover (land=1;sea=0)" "fraction"
82 131 "DSLM" "Deviation of sea level from mean" "m"
83 131 "SFCR" "Surface roughness" "m"
84 131 "ALBDO" "Albedo" "%"
85 131 "TSOIL" "Soil temp." "K"
86 131 "SOILM" "Soil moisture content" "kg/m^2"
87 131 "VEG" "Vegetation" "%"
88 131 "SALTY" "Salinity" "kg/kg"
89 131 "DEN" "Density" "kg/m^3"
90 131 "WATR" "Water runoff" "kg/m^2"
91 131 "ICEC" "Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)" "fraction"
92 131 "ICETK" "Ice thickness" "m"
93 131 "DICED" "Direction of ice drift" "deg"
94 131 "SICED" "Speed of ice drift" "m/s"
95 131 "UICE" "u of ice drift" "m/s"
96 131 "VICE" "v of ice drift" "m/s"
97 131 "ICEG" "Ice growth rate" "m/s"
98 131 "ICED" "Ice divergence" "/s"
99 131 "SNOM" "Snow melt" "kg/m^2"
100 131 "HTSGW" "Sig height of wind waves and swell" "m"
101 131 "WVDIR" "Direction of wind waves" "deg"
102 131 "WVHGT" "Sig height of wind waves" "m"
103 131 "WVPER" "Mean period of wind waves" "s"
104 131 "SWDIR" "Direction of swell waves" "deg"
105 131 "SWELL" "Sig height of swell waves" "m"
106 131 "SWPER" "Mean period of swell waves" "s"
107 131 "DIRPW" "Primary wave direction" "deg"
108 131 "PERPW" "Primary wave mean period" "s"
109 131 "DIRSW" "Secondary wave direction" "deg"
110 131 "PERSW" "Secondary wave mean period" "s"
111 131 "NSWRS" "Net short wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
112 131 "NLWRS" "Net long wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
113 131 "NSWRT" "Net short wave (top)" "W/m^2"
114 131 "NLWRT" "Net long wave (top)" "W/m^2"
115 131 "LWAVR" "Long wave" "W/m^2"
116 131 "SWAVR" "Short wave" "W/m^2"
117 131 "GRAD" "Global radiation" "W/m^2"
118 131 "BRTMP" "Brightness temperature" "K"
119 131 "LWRAD" "Radiance with respect to wave no." "W/m/sr"
120 131 "SWRAD" "Radiance with respect ot wave len." "W/m^3/sr"
121 131 "LHTFL" "Latent heat flux" "W/m^2"
122 131 "SHTFL" "Sensible heat flux" "W/m^2"
123 131 "BLYDP" "Boundary layer dissipation" "W/m^2"
124 131 "UFLX" "Zonal momentum flux" "N/m^2"
125 131 "VFLX" "Meridional momentum flux" "N/m^2"
126 131 "WMIXE" "Wind mixing energy" "J"
127 131 "IMGD" "Image data" ""
128 131 "MSLSA" "Mean sea level pressure (Std Atm)" "Pa"
129 131 "var129" "undefined" ""
130 131 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
131 131 "LFTX" "Surface lifted index" "K"
132 131 "4LFTX" "Best (4-layer) lifted index" "K"
133 131 "var133" "undefined" ""
134 131 "PRESN" "Pressure (nearest grid point)" "Pa"
135 131 "MCONV" "Horizontal moisture divergence" "kg/kg/s"
136 131 "VWSH" "Vertical speed shear" "1/s"
137 131 "var137" "undefined" ""
138 131 "var138" "undefined" ""
139 131 "PVMW" "Potential vorticity (mass-weighted)" "1/s/m"
140 131 "CRAIN" "Categorical rain" "yes=1;no=0"
141 131 "CFRZR" "Categorical freezing rain" "yes=1;no=0"
142 131 "CICEP" "Categorical ice pellets" "yes=1;no=0"
143 131 "CSNOW" "Categorical snow" "yes=1;no=0"
144 131 "SOILW" "Volumetric soil moisture (frozen + liquid)"
145 131 "PEVPR" "Potential evaporation rate" "W/m^2"
146 131 "VEGT" "Vegetation canopy temperature" "K"
147 131 "BARET" "Bare soil surface skin temperature" "K"
148 131 "AVSFT" "Average surface skin temperature" "K"
149 131 "RADT" "Effective radiative skin temperature" "K"
150 131 "SSTOR" "Surface water storage" "kg/m^2"
151 131 "LSOIL" "Liquid soil moisture content (non-frozen)" "kg/m^2"
152 131 "EWATR" "Open water evaporation (standing water)" "W/m^2"
153 131 "CLWMR" "Cloud water" "kg/kg"
154 131 "var154" "undefined" ""
155 131 "GFLUX" "Ground Heat Flux" "W/m^2"
156 131 "CIN" "Convective inhibition" "J/kg"
157 131 "CAPE" "Convective available potential energy" "J/kg"
158 131 "TKE" "Turbulent Kinetic Energy" "J/kg"
159 131 "MXSALB" "Maximum snow albedo" "%"
160 131 "SOILL" "Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen)"
161 131 "ASNOW" "Frozen precipitation (e.g. snowfall)" "kg/m^2"
162 131 "ARAIN" "Liquid precipitation (rainfall)" "kg/m^2"
163 131 "GWREC" "Groundwater recharge" "kg/m^2"
164 131 "QREC" "Flood plain recharge" "kg/m^2"
165 131 "SNOWT" "Snow temperature" " depth-avg [K"
166 131 "VBDSF" "Visible beam downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
167 131 "VDDSF" "Visible diffuse downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
168 131 "NBDSF" "Near IR beam downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
169 131 "NDDSF" "Near IR diffuse downward solar flux" "W/m^2"
170 131 "SNFALB" "Snow-free albedo" "%"
171 131 "RLYRS" "Number of soil layers in root zone" "non-dim"
172 131 "FLX" "Momentum flux N/m2" "M"
173 131 "LMH" "Mass point model surface" "non-dim"
174 131 "LMV" "Velocity point model surface" "non-dim"
175 131 "MLYNO" "Model layer number (from bottom up)" "non-dim"
176 131 "NLAT" "Latitude (-90 to +90)" "deg"
177 131 "ELON" "East longitude (0-360)" "deg"
178 131 "ICMR" "Ice mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
179 131 "ACOND" "Aerodynamic conductance" "m/s"
180 131 "SNOAG" "Snow age" "s"
181 131 "CCOND" "Canopy conductance" "m/s"
182 131 "LAI" "Leaf area index (0-9)" "non-dim"
183 131 "SFCRH" "Roughness length for heat" "m"
184 131 "SALBD" "Snow albedo (over snow cover area only)" "%"
185 131 "var185" "undefined" ""
186 131 "var186" "undefined" ""
187 131 "NDVI" "Normalized Difference Vegetation Index" ""
188 131 "DRIP" "Rate of water dropping from canopy to gnd" "kg/m^2"
189 131 "LANDN" "Land cover (nearest neighbor)" "sea=0,land=1"
190 131 "HLCY" "Storm relative helicity" "m^2/s^2"
191 131 "NLATN" "Latitude (nearest neigbhbor) (-90 to +90)" "deg"
192 131 "ELONN" "East longitude (nearest neigbhbor) (0-360)" "deg"
193 131 "var193" "undefined" ""
194 131 "CPOFP" "Prob. of frozen precipitation" "%"
195 131 "var195" "undefined" ""
196 131 "USTM" "u-component of storm motion" "m/s"
197 131 "VSTM" "v-component of storm motion" "m/s"
198 131 "SBSNO" "Sublimation (evaporation from snow)" "W/m^2"
199 131 "EVBS" "Direct evaporation from bare soil" "W/m^2"
200 131 "EVCW" "Canopy water evaporation" "W/m^2"
201 131 "var201" "undefined" ""
202 131 "APCPN" "Total precipitation (nearest grid point)" "kg/m^2"
203 131 "RSMIN" "Minimal stomatal resistance" "s/m"
204 131 "DSWRF" "Downward shortwave radiation flux" "W/m^2"
205 131 "DLWRF" "Downward longwave radiation flux" "W/m^2"
206 131 "ACPCPN" "Convective precipitation (nearest grid point)"
207 131 "MSTAV" "Moisture availability" "%"
208 131 "SFEXC" "Exchange coefficient" "(kg/m^3)(m/s)"
209 131 "var209" "undefined" ""
210 131 "TRANS" "Transpiration" "W/m^2"
211 131 "USWRF" "Upward short wave radiation flux" "W/m^2"
212 131 "ULWRF" "Upward long wave radiation flux" "W/m^2"
213 131 "CDLYR" "Non-convective cloud" "%"
214 131 "CPRAT" "Convective precip. rate" "kg/m^2/s"
215 131 "var215" "undefined" ""
216 131 "TTRAD" "Temp. tendency by all radiation" "K/s"
217 131 "var217" "undefined" ""
218 131 "HGTN" "Geopotential Height (nearest grid point)" "gpm"
219 131 "WILT" "Wilting point" "fraction"
220 131 "FLDCP" "Field Capacity" "fraction"
221 131 "HPBL" "Planetary boundary layer height" "m"
222 131 "SLTYP" "Surface slope type" "Index"
223 131 "CNWAT" "Plant canopy surface water" "kg/m^2"
224 131 "SOTYP" "Soil type" "Index"
225 131 "VGTYP" "Vegetation type" "Index"
226 131 "BMIXL" "Blackadars mixing length scale" "m"
227 131 "AMIXL" "Asymptotic mixing length scale" "m"
228 131 "PEVAP" "Potential evaporation" "kg/m^2"
229 131 "SNOHF" "Snow phase-change heat flux" "W/m^2"
230 131 "SMREF" "Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture)"
231 131 "SMDRY" "Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture)" "fraction"
232 131 "WVINC" "water vapor added by precip assimilation" "kg/m^2"
233 131 "WCINC" "water condensate added by precip assimilaition"
234 131 "BGRUN" "Subsurface runoff (baseflow)" "kg/m^2"
235 131 "SSRUN" "Surface runoff (non-infiltrating)" "kg/m^2"
236 131 "var236" "undefined" ""
237 131 "WVCONV" "Water vapor flux convergence (vertical int)"
238 131 "SNOWC" "Snow cover" "%"
239 131 "SNOT" "Snow temperature" "K"
240 131 "POROS" "Soil porosity" "fraction"
241 131 "WCCONV" "Water condensate flux convergence (vertical int)"
242 131 "WVUFLX" "Water vapor zonal transport (vertical int)" "kg/m"
243 131 "WVVFLX" "Water vapor meridional transport (vertical int)"
244 131 "WCUFLX" "Water condensate zonal transport (vertical int)"
245 131 "WCVFLX" "Water condensate meridional transport (vertical
int)" "kg/m"
246 131 "RCS" "Solar parameter in canopy conductance" "fraction"
247 131 "RCT" "Temperature parameter in canopy conductance" "fraction"
248 131 "RCQ" "Humidity parameter in canopy conductance" "fraction"
249 131 "RCSOL" "Soil moisture parameter in canopy conductance"
250 131 "SWHR" "Solar radiative heating" "K/s"
251 131 "LWHR" "Longwave radiative heating" "K/s"
252 131 "CD" "Surface drag coefficient" "non-dim"
253 131 "FRICV" "Surface friction velocity" "m/s"
254 131 "RI" "Richardson number" "non-dim"
255 131 "var255" "undefined" ""
0 133 "var0" "undefined" ""
1 133 "PRES" "Pressure" "Pa"
2 133 "PRMSL" "Pressure reduced to MSL" "Pa"
3 133 "PTEND" "Pressure tendency" "Pa/s"
4 133 "PVORT" "Pot. vorticity" "km^2/kg/s"
5 133 "ICAHT" "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height" "M"
6 133 "GP" "Geopotential" "m^2/s^2"
7 133 "HGT" "Geopotential height" "gpm"
8 133 "DIST" "Geometric height" "m"
9 133 "HSTDV" "Std dev of height" "m"
10 133 "TOZNE" "Total ozone" "Dobson"
11 133 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
12 133 "VTMP" "Virtual temp." "K"
13 133 "POT" "Potential temp." "K"
14 133 "EPOT" "Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp." "K"
15 133 "TMAX" "Max. temp." "K"
16 133 "TMIN" "Min. temp." "K"
17 133 "DPT" "Dew point temp." "K"
18 133 "DEPR" "Dew point depression" "K"
19 133 "LAPR" "Lapse rate" "K/m"
20 133 "VIS" "Visibility" "m"
21 133 "RDSP1" "Radar spectra (1)" "non-dim"
22 133 "RDSP2" "Radar spectra (2)" "non-dim"
23 133 "RDSP3" "Radar spectra (3)" "non-dim"
24 133 "PLI" "Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
25 133 "TMPA" "Temp. anomaly" "K"
26 133 "PRESA" "Pressure anomaly" "Pa"
27 133 "GPA" "Geopotential height anomaly" "gpm"
28 133 "WVSP1" "Wave spectra (1)" "non-dim"
29 133 "WVSP2" "Wave spectra (2)" "non-dim"
30 133 "WVSP3" "Wave spectra (3)" "non-dim"
31 133 "WDIR" "Wind direction" "deg"
32 133 "WIND" "Wind speed" "m/s"
33 133 "UGRD" "u wind" "m/s"
34 133 "VGRD" "v wind" "m/s"
35 133 "STRM" "Stream function" "m^2/s"
36 133 "VPOT" "Velocity potential" "m^2/s"
37 133 "MNTSF" "Montgomery stream function" "m^2/s^2"
38 133 "SGCVV" "Sigma coord. vertical velocity" "/s"
39 133 "VVEL" "Pressure vertical velocity" "Pa/s"
40 133 "DZDT" "Geometric vertical velocity" "m/s"
41 133 "ABSV" "Absolute vorticity" "/s"
42 133 "ABSD" "Absolute divergence" "/s"
43 133 "RELV" "Relative vorticity" "/s"
44 133 "RELD" "Relative divergence" "/s"
45 133 "VUCSH" "Vertical u shear" "/s"
46 133 "VVCSH" "Vertical v shear" "/s"
47 133 "DIRC" "Direction of current" "deg"
48 133 "SPC" "Speed of current" "m/s"
49 133 "UOGRD" "u of current" "m/s"
50 133 "VOGRD" "v of current" "m/s"
51 133 "SPFH" "Specific humidity" "kg/kg"
52 133 "RH" "Relative humidity" "%"
53 133 "MIXR" "Humidity mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
54 133 "PWAT" "Precipitable water" "kg/m^2"
55 133 "VAPP" "Vapor pressure" "Pa"
56 133 "SATD" "Saturation deficit" "Pa"
57 133 "EVP" "Evaporation" "kg/m^2"
58 133 "CICE" "Cloud Ice" "kg/m^2"
59 133 "PRATE" "Precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
60 133 "TSTM" "Thunderstorm probability" "%"
61 133 "APCP" "Total precipitation" "kg/m^2"
62 133 "NCPCP" "Large scale precipitation" "kg/m^2"
63 133 "ACPCP" "Convective precipitation" "kg/m^2"
64 133 "SRWEQ" "Snowfall rate water equiv." "kg/m^2/s"
65 133 "WEASD" "Accum. snow" "kg/m^2"
66 133 "SNOD" "Snow depth" "m"
67 133 "MIXHT" "Mixed layer depth" "m"
68 133 "TTHDP" "Transient thermocline depth" "m"
69 133 "MTHD" "Main thermocline depth" "m"
70 133 "MTHA" "Main thermocline anomaly" "m"
71 133 "TCDC" "Total cloud cover" "%"
72 133 "CDCON" "Convective cloud cover" "%"
73 133 "LCDC" "Low level cloud cover" "%"
74 133 "MCDC" "Mid level cloud cover" "%"
75 133 "HCDC" "High level cloud cover" "%"
76 133 "CWAT" "Cloud water" "kg/m^2"
77 133 "BLI" "Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
78 133 "SNOC" "Convective snow" "kg/m^2"
79 133 "SNOL" "Large scale snow" "kg/m^2"
80 133 "WTMP" "Water temp." "K"
81 133 "LAND" "Land-sea coverage (land=1;sea=0)" "fraction"
82 133 "DSLM" "Deviation of sea level from mean" "m"
83 133 "SFCR" "Surface roughness" "m"
84 133 "ALBDO" "Albedo" "%"
85 133 "TSOIL" "Soil temp." "K"
86 133 "SOILM" "Soil moisture content" "kg/m^2"
87 133 "VEG" "Vegetation" "%"
88 133 "SALTY" "Salinity" "kg/kg"
89 133 "DEN" "Density" "kg/m^3"
90 133 "WATR" "Water runoff" "kg/m^2"
91 133 "ICEC" "Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)" "fraction"
92 133 "ICETK" "Ice thickness" "m"
93 133 "DICED" "Direction of ice drift" "deg"
94 133 "SICED" "Speed of ice drift" "m/s"
95 133 "UICE" "u of ice drift" "m/s"
96 133 "VICE" "v of ice drift" "m/s"
97 133 "ICEG" "Ice growth rate" "m/s"
98 133 "ICED" "Ice divergence" "/s"
99 133 "SNOM" "Snow melt" "kg/m^2"
100 133 "HTSGW" "Sig height of wind waves and swell" "m"
101 133 "WVDIR" "Direction of wind waves" "deg"
102 133 "WVHGT" "Sig height of wind waves" "m"
103 133 "WVPER" "Mean period of wind waves" "s"
104 133 "SWDIR" "Direction of swell waves" "deg"
105 133 "SWELL" "Sig height of swell waves" "m"
106 133 "SWPER" "Mean period of swell waves" "s"
107 133 "DIRPW" "Primary wave direction" "deg"
108 133 "PERPW" "Primary wave mean period" "s"
109 133 "DIRSW" "Secondary wave direction" "deg"
110 133 "PERSW" "Secondary wave mean period" "s"
111 133 "NSWRS" "Net short wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
112 133 "NLWRS" "Net long wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
113 133 "NSWRT" "Net short wave (top)" "W/m^2"
114 133 "NLWRT" "Net long wave (top)" "W/m^2"
115 133 "LWAVR" "Long wave" "W/m^2"
116 133 "SWAVR" "Short wave" "W/m^2"
117 133 "GRAD" "Global radiation" "W/m^2"
118 133 "BRTMP" "Brightness temperature" "K"
119 133 "LWRAD" "Radiance with respect to wave no." "W/m/sr"
120 133 "SWRAD" "Radiance with respect ot wave len." "W/m^3/sr"
121 133 "LHTFL" "Latent heat flux" "W/m^2"
122 133 "SHTFL" "Sensible heat flux" "W/m^2"
123 133 "BLYDP" "Boundary layer dissipation" "W/m^2"
124 133 "UFLX" "Zonal momentum flux" "N/m^2"
125 133 "VFLX" "Meridional momentum flux" "N/m^2"
126 133 "WMIXE" "Wind mixing energy" "J"
127 133 "IMGD" "Image data" ""
128 133 "var128" "undefined" ""
129 133 "var129" "undefined" ""
130 133 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
131 133 "var131" "undefined" ""
132 133 "var132" "undefined" ""
133 133 "var133" "undefined" ""
134 133 "var134" "undefined" ""
135 133 "var135" "undefined" ""
136 133 "var136" "undefined" ""
137 133 "var137" "undefined" ""
138 133 "var138" "undefined" ""
139 133 "POZT" "Ozone production from T term" ""
140 133 "var140" "undefined" ""
141 133 "var141" "undefined" ""
142 133 "var142" "undefined" ""
143 133 "var143" "undefined" ""
144 133 "var144" "undefined" ""
145 133 "var145" "undefined" ""
146 133 "var146" "undefined" ""
147 133 "var147" "undefined" ""
148 133 "var148" "undefined" ""
149 133 "var149" "undefined" ""
150 133 "var150" "undefined" ""
151 133 "var151" "undefined" ""
152 133 "var152" "undefined" ""
153 133 "var153" "undefined" ""
154 133 "OMGALF" "omega divided by density" ""
155 133 "var155" "undefined" ""
156 133 "var156" "undefined" ""
157 133 "var157" "undefined" ""
158 133 "var158" "undefined" ""
159 133 "var159" "undefined" ""
160 133 "var160" "undefined" ""
161 133 "var161" "undefined" ""
162 133 "var162" "undefined" ""
163 133 "var163" "undefined" ""
164 133 "COVZZ" "Covariance between u and u" ""
165 133 "COVMM" "Covariance between v and v" ""
166 133 "COVQZ" "Covariance between q and u" ""
167 133 "COVQM" "Covariance between q and v" ""
168 133 "COVTVV" "Covariance between T and omega" ""
169 133 "COVQVV" "Covariance between q and omega" ""
170 133 "var170" "undefined" ""
171 133 "var171" "undefined" ""
172 133 "var172" "undefined" ""
173 133 "LRGMR" "Large scale moistening rate" ""
174 133 "VDFOZ" "Ozone vertical diffusion" ""
175 133 "POZ" "Ozone production" ""
176 133 "var176" "undefined" ""
177 133 "var177" "undefined" ""
178 133 "var178" "undefined" ""
179 133 "var179" "undefined" ""
180 133 "var180" "undefined" ""
181 133 "GWDU" "Gravity wave drag u acceleration" ""
182 133 "GWDV" "Gravity wave drag v acceleration" ""
183 133 "CNVU" "Convective u momentum mixing acceleration" ""
184 133 "CNVV" "Convective v momentum mixing acceleration" ""
185 133 "AKHS" "Sfc exchange coeff for T and Q divided by delta z" ""
186 133 "AKMS" "Sfc exchange coeff for U and V divided by delta z" ""
187 133 "var187" "undefined" ""
188 133 "TOZ" "Ozone tendency" ""
189 133 "var189" "undefined" ""
190 133 "var190" "undefined" ""
191 133 "SUNSD" "Sunshine duration" "s"
192 133 "MOSF" "Meridional overturning stream function" "10^6m^3/s"
193 133 "EPSR" "Radiative emiissivity" ""
194 133 "var194" "undefined" ""
195 133 "QZ0" "q at top of viscous sublayer" ""
196 133 "CNGWDU" "Convective gravity wave drag zonal acceleration" ""
197 133 "CNGWDV" "Convective gravity wave drag meridional
acceleration" ""
198 133 "var198" "undefined" ""
199 133 "var199" "undefined" ""
200 133 "var200" "undefined" ""
201 133 "THZ0" "Theta at top of viscous sublayer" ""
202 133 "CNVUMF" "Convective updraft mass flux" ""
203 133 "COVPSPS" "Covariance between psfc and psfc" ""
204 133 "QMAX" "Maximum specific humidity at 2m" ""
205 133 "QMIN" "Minimum specific humidity at 2m" ""
206 133 "COVQQ" "Covariance between q and q" ""
207 133 "var207" "undefined" ""
208 133 "var208" "undefined" ""
209 133 "CNVDMF" "Convective downdraft mass flux" ""
210 133 "var210" "undefined" ""
211 133 "var211" "undefined" ""
212 133 "var212" "undefined" ""
213 133 "var213" "undefined" ""
214 133 "var214" "undefined" ""
215 133 "var215" "undefined" ""
216 133 "var216" "undefined" ""
217 133 "var217" "undefined" ""
218 133 "var218" "undefined" ""
219 133 "CNVDEMF" "Convective detrainment mass flux" ""
220 133 "COVVVVV" "Covariance between omega and omega" ""
221 133 "var221" "undefined" ""
222 133 "var222" "undefined" ""
223 133 "var223" "undefined" ""
224 133 "var224" "undefined" ""
225 133 "var225" "undefined" ""
226 133 "var226" "undefined" ""
227 133 "var227" "undefined" ""
228 133 "var228" "undefined" ""
229 133 "var229" "undefined" ""
230 133 "var230" "undefined" ""
231 133 "var231" "undefined" ""
232 133 "var232" "undefined" ""
233 133 "var233" "undefined" ""
234 133 "COVTT" "Covariance between T and T" ""
235 133 "var235" "undefined" ""
236 133 "WTEND" "Tendency of vertical velocity" ""
237 133 "var237" "undefined" ""
238 133 "var238" "undefined" ""
239 133 "POZO" "Ozone production from col ozone term" ""
240 133 "var240" "undefined" ""
241 133 "var241" "undefined" ""
242 133 "var242" "undefined" ""
243 133 "var243" "undefined" ""
244 133 "var244" "undefined" ""
245 133 "var245" "undefined" ""
246 133 "var246" "undefined" ""
247 133 "var247" "undefined" ""
248 133 "var248" "undefined" ""
249 133 "var249" "undefined" ""
250 133 "var250" "undefined" ""
251 133 "var251" "undefined" ""
252 133 "var252" "undefined" ""
253 133 "var253" "undefined" ""
254 133 "var254" "undefined" ""
255 133 "var255" "undefined" ""
0 140 "var0" "undefined" ""
1 140 "PRES" "Pressure" "Pa"
2 140 "PRMSL" "Pressure reduced to MSL" "Pa"
3 140 "PTEND" "Pressure tendency" "Pa/s"
4 140 "PVORT" "Pot. vorticity" "km^2/kg/s"
5 140 "ICAHT" "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height" "M"
6 140 "GP" "Geopotential" "m^2/s^2"
7 140 "HGT" "Geopotential height" "gpm"
8 140 "DIST" "Geometric height" "m"
9 140 "HSTDV" "Std dev of height" "m"
10 140 "TOZNE" "Total ozone" "Dobson"
11 140 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
12 140 "VTMP" "Virtual temp." "K"
13 140 "POT" "Potential temp." "K"
14 140 "EPOT" "Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp." "K"
15 140 "TMAX" "Max. temp." "K"
16 140 "TMIN" "Min. temp." "K"
17 140 "DPT" "Dew point temp." "K"
18 140 "DEPR" "Dew point depression" "K"
19 140 "LAPR" "Lapse rate" "K/m"
20 140 "VIS" "Visibility" "m"
21 140 "RDSP1" "Radar spectra (1)" "non-dim"
22 140 "RDSP2" "Radar spectra (2)" "non-dim"
23 140 "RDSP3" "Radar spectra (3)" "non-dim"
24 140 "PLI" "Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
25 140 "TMPA" "Temp. anomaly" "K"
26 140 "PRESA" "Pressure anomaly" "Pa"
27 140 "GPA" "Geopotential height anomaly" "gpm"
28 140 "WVSP1" "Wave spectra (1)" "non-dim"
29 140 "WVSP2" "Wave spectra (2)" "non-dim"
30 140 "WVSP3" "Wave spectra (3)" "non-dim"
31 140 "WDIR" "Wind direction" "deg"
32 140 "WIND" "Wind speed" "m/s"
33 140 "UGRD" "u wind" "m/s"
34 140 "VGRD" "v wind" "m/s"
35 140 "STRM" "Stream function" "m^2/s"
36 140 "VPOT" "Velocity potential" "m^2/s"
37 140 "MNTSF" "Montgomery stream function" "m^2/s^2"
38 140 "SGCVV" "Sigma coord. vertical velocity" "/s"
39 140 "VVEL" "Pressure vertical velocity" "Pa/s"
40 140 "DZDT" "Geometric vertical velocity" "m/s"
41 140 "ABSV" "Absolute vorticity" "/s"
42 140 "ABSD" "Absolute divergence" "/s"
43 140 "RELV" "Relative vorticity" "/s"
44 140 "RELD" "Relative divergence" "/s"
45 140 "VUCSH" "Vertical u shear" "/s"
46 140 "VVCSH" "Vertical v shear" "/s"
47 140 "DIRC" "Direction of current" "deg"
48 140 "SPC" "Speed of current" "m/s"
49 140 "UOGRD" "u of current" "m/s"
50 140 "VOGRD" "v of current" "m/s"
51 140 "SPFH" "Specific humidity" "kg/kg"
52 140 "RH" "Relative humidity" "%"
53 140 "MIXR" "Humidity mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
54 140 "PWAT" "Precipitable water" "kg/m^2"
55 140 "VAPP" "Vapor pressure" "Pa"
56 140 "SATD" "Saturation deficit" "Pa"
57 140 "EVP" "Evaporation" "kg/m^2"
58 140 "CICE" "Cloud Ice" "kg/m^2"
59 140 "PRATE" "Precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
60 140 "TSTM" "Thunderstorm probability" "%"
61 140 "APCP" "Total precipitation" "kg/m^2"
62 140 "NCPCP" "Large scale precipitation" "kg/m^2"
63 140 "ACPCP" "Convective precipitation" "kg/m^2"
64 140 "SRWEQ" "Snowfall rate water equiv." "kg/m^2/s"
65 140 "WEASD" "Accum. snow" "kg/m^2"
66 140 "SNOD" "Snow depth" "m"
67 140 "MIXHT" "Mixed layer depth" "m"
68 140 "TTHDP" "Transient thermocline depth" "m"
69 140 "MTHD" "Main thermocline depth" "m"
70 140 "MTHA" "Main thermocline anomaly" "m"
71 140 "TCDC" "Total cloud cover" "%"
72 140 "CDCON" "Convective cloud cover" "%"
73 140 "LCDC" "Low level cloud cover" "%"
74 140 "MCDC" "Mid level cloud cover" "%"
75 140 "HCDC" "High level cloud cover" "%"
76 140 "CWAT" "Cloud water" "kg/m^2"
77 140 "BLI" "Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
78 140 "SNOC" "Convective snow" "kg/m^2"
79 140 "SNOL" "Large scale snow" "kg/m^2"
80 140 "WTMP" "Water temp." "K"
81 140 "LAND" "Land cover (land=1;sea=0)" "fraction"
82 140 "DSLM" "Deviation of sea level from mean" "m"
83 140 "SFCR" "Surface roughness" "m"
84 140 "ALBDO" "Albedo" "%"
85 140 "TSOIL" "Soil temp." "K"
86 140 "SOILM" "Soil moisture content" "kg/m^2"
87 140 "VEG" "Vegetation" "%"
88 140 "SALTY" "Salinity" "kg/kg"
89 140 "DEN" "Density" "kg/m^3"
90 140 "WATR" "Water runoff" "kg/m^2"
91 140 "ICEC" "Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)" "fraction"
92 140 "ICETK" "Ice thickness" "m"
93 140 "DICED" "Direction of ice drift" "deg"
94 140 "SICED" "Speed of ice drift" "m/s"
95 140 "UICE" "u of ice drift" "m/s"
96 140 "VICE" "v of ice drift" "m/s"
97 140 "ICEG" "Ice growth rate" "m/s"
98 140 "ICED" "Ice divergence" "/s"
99 140 "SNOM" "Snow melt" "kg/m^2"
100 140 "HTSGW" "Sig height of wind waves and swell" "m"
101 140 "WVDIR" "Direction of wind waves" "deg"
102 140 "WVHGT" "Sig height of wind waves" "m"
103 140 "WVPER" "Mean period of wind waves" "s"
104 140 "SWDIR" "Direction of swell waves" "deg"
105 140 "SWELL" "Sig height of swell waves" "m"
106 140 "SWPER" "Mean period of swell waves" "s"
107 140 "DIRPW" "Primary wave direction" "deg"
108 140 "PERPW" "Primary wave mean period" "s"
109 140 "DIRSW" "Secondary wave direction" "deg"
110 140 "PERSW" "Secondary wave mean period" "s"
111 140 "NSWRS" "Net short wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
112 140 "NLWRS" "Net long wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
113 140 "NSWRT" "Net short wave (top)" "W/m^2"
114 140 "NLWRT" "Net long wave (top)" "W/m^2"
115 140 "LWAVR" "Long wave" "W/m^2"
116 140 "SWAVR" "Short wave" "W/m^2"
117 140 "GRAD" "Global radiation" "W/m^2"
118 140 "BRTMP" "Brightness temperature" "K"
119 140 "LWRAD" "Radiance with respect to wave no." "W/m/sr"
120 140 "SWRAD" "Radiance with respect ot wave len." "W/m^3/sr"
121 140 "LHTFL" "Latent heat flux" "W/m^2"
122 140 "SHTFL" "Sensible heat flux" "W/m^2"
123 140 "BLYDP" "Boundary layer dissipation" "W/m^2"
124 140 "UFLX" "Zonal momentum flux" "N/m^2"
125 140 "VFLX" "Meridional momentum flux" "N/m^2"
126 140 "WMIXE" "Wind mixing energy" "J"
127 140 "IMGD" "Image data" ""
128 140 "var128" "undefined" ""
129 140 "var129" "undefined" ""
130 140 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
131 140 "var131" "undefined" ""
132 140 "var132" "undefined" ""
133 140 "var133" "undefined" ""
134 140 "var134" "undefined" ""
135 140 "var135" "undefined" ""
136 140 "var136" "undefined" ""
137 140 "var137" "undefined" ""
138 140 "var138" "undefined" ""
139 140 "var139" "undefined" ""
140 140 "var140" "undefined" ""
141 140 "var141" "undefined" ""
142 140 "var142" "undefined" ""
143 140 "var143" "undefined" ""
144 140 "var144" "undefined" ""
145 140 "var145" "undefined" ""
146 140 "var146" "undefined" ""
147 140 "var147" "undefined" ""
148 140 "var148" "undefined" ""
149 140 "var149" "undefined" ""
150 140 "var150" "undefined" ""
151 140 "var151" "undefined" ""
152 140 "var152" "undefined" ""
153 140 "var153" "undefined" ""
154 140 "var154" "undefined" ""
155 140 "var155" "undefined" ""
156 140 "var156" "undefined" ""
157 140 "var157" "undefined" ""
158 140 "var158" "undefined" ""
159 140 "var159" "undefined" ""
160 140 "var160" "undefined" ""
161 140 "var161" "undefined" ""
162 140 "var162" "undefined" ""
163 140 "var163" "undefined" ""
164 140 "var164" "undefined" ""
165 140 "var165" "undefined" ""
166 140 "var166" "undefined" ""
167 140 "var167" "undefined" ""
168 140 "MEIP" "Mean icing potential" ""
169 140 "MAIP" "Maximum icing potential" ""
170 140 "MECTP" "Mean in-cloud turbulence potential" ""
171 140 "MACTP" "Maximum in-cloud turbulence potential" ""
172 140 "MECAT" "Mean cloud air turbulence potential" ""
173 140 "MACAT" "Maximum cloud air turbulence potential" ""
174 140 "CBHE" "Cumulonimbus horizontal extent" "%"
175 140 "PCBB" "Pressure at cumblonimbus base" "Pa"
176 140 "PCBT" "Pressure at cumblonimbus top" "Pa"
177 140 "PECBB" "Pressure at embedded cumblonimbus base" "Pa"
178 140 "PECBT" "Pressure at embedded cumblonimbus top" "Pa"
179 140 "HCBB" "ICAO height at cumblonimbus base" "m"
180 140 "HCBT" "ICAO height at cumblonimbus top" "m"
181 140 "HECBB" "ICAO height at embedded cumblonimbus base" "m"
182 140 "HECBT" "ICAO height at embedded cumblonimbus top" "m"
183 140 "var183" "undefined" ""
184 140 "var184" "undefined" ""
185 140 "var185" "undefined" ""
186 140 "var186" "undefined" ""
187 140 "var187" "undefined" ""
188 140 "var188" "undefined" ""
189 140 "var189" "undefined" ""
190 140 "var190" "undefined" ""
191 140 "var191" "undefined" ""
192 140 "var192" "undefined" ""
193 140 "var193" "undefined" ""
194 140 "var194" "undefined" ""
195 140 "var195" "undefined" ""
196 140 "var196" "undefined" ""
197 140 "var197" "undefined" ""
198 140 "var198" "undefined" ""
199 140 "var199" "undefined" ""
200 140 "var200" "undefined" ""
201 140 "var201" "undefined" ""
202 140 "var202" "undefined" ""
203 140 "var203" "undefined" ""
204 140 "var204" "undefined" ""
205 140 "var205" "undefined" ""
206 140 "var206" "undefined" ""
207 140 "var207" "undefined" ""
208 140 "var208" "undefined" ""
209 140 "var209" "undefined" ""
210 140 "var210" "undefined" ""
211 140 "var211" "undefined" ""
212 140 "var212" "undefined" ""
213 140 "var213" "undefined" ""
214 140 "var214" "undefined" ""
215 140 "var215" "undefined" ""
216 140 "var216" "undefined" ""
217 140 "var217" "undefined" ""
218 140 "var218" "undefined" ""
219 140 "var219" "undefined" ""
220 140 "var220" "undefined" ""
221 140 "var221" "undefined" ""
222 140 "var222" "undefined" ""
223 140 "var223" "undefined" ""
224 140 "var224" "undefined" ""
225 140 "var225" "undefined" ""
226 140 "var226" "undefined" ""
227 140 "var227" "undefined" ""
228 140 "var228" "undefined" ""
229 140 "var229" "undefined" ""
230 140 "var230" "undefined" ""
231 140 "var231" "undefined" ""
232 140 "var232" "undefined" ""
233 140 "var233" "undefined" ""
234 140 "var234" "undefined" ""
235 140 "var235" "undefined" ""
236 140 "var236" "undefined" ""
237 140 "var237" "undefined" ""
238 140 "var238" "undefined" ""
239 140 "var239" "undefined" ""
240 140 "var240" "undefined" ""
241 140 "var241" "undefined" ""
242 140 "var242" "undefined" ""
243 140 "var243" "undefined" ""
244 140 "var244" "undefined" ""
245 140 "var245" "undefined" ""
246 140 "var246" "undefined" ""
247 140 "var247" "undefined" ""
248 140 "var248" "undefined" ""
249 140 "var249" "undefined" ""
250 140 "var250" "undefined" ""
251 140 "var251" "undefined" ""
252 140 "var252" "undefined" ""
253 140 "var253" "undefined" ""
254 140 "var254" "undefined" ""
255 140 "var255" "undefined" ""
0 141 "var0" "undefined" ""
1 141 "PRES" "Pressure" "Pa"
2 141 "PRMSL" "Pressure reduced to MSL" "Pa"
3 141 "PTEND" "Pressure tendency" "Pa/s"
4 141 "PVORT" "Pot. vorticity" "km^2/kg/s"
5 141 "ICAHT" "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height" "M"
6 141 "GP" "Geopotential" "m^2/s^2"
7 141 "HGT" "Geopotential height" "gpm"
8 141 "DIST" "Geometric height" "m"
9 141 "HSTDV" "Std dev of height" "m"
10 141 "TOZNE" "Total ozone" "Dobson"
11 141 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
12 141 "VTMP" "Virtual temp." "K"
13 141 "POT" "Potential temp." "K"
14 141 "EPOT" "Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp." "K"
15 141 "TMAX" "Max. temp." "K"
16 141 "TMIN" "Min. temp." "K"
17 141 "DPT" "Dew point temp." "K"
18 141 "DEPR" "Dew point depression" "K"
19 141 "LAPR" "Lapse rate" "K/m"
20 141 "VIS" "Visibility" "m"
21 141 "RDSP1" "Radar spectra (1)" "non-dim"
22 141 "RDSP2" "Radar spectra (2)" "non-dim"
23 141 "RDSP3" "Radar spectra (3)" "non-dim"
24 141 "PLI" "Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
25 141 "TMPA" "Temp. anomaly" "K"
26 141 "PRESA" "Pressure anomaly" "Pa"
27 141 "GPA" "Geopotential height anomaly" "gpm"
28 141 "WVSP1" "Wave spectra (1)" "non-dim"
29 141 "WVSP2" "Wave spectra (2)" "non-dim"
30 141 "WVSP3" "Wave spectra (3)" "non-dim"
31 141 "WDIR" "Wind direction" "deg"
32 141 "WIND" "Wind speed" "m/s"
33 141 "UGRD" "u wind" "m/s"
34 141 "VGRD" "v wind" "m/s"
35 141 "STRM" "Stream function" "m^2/s"
36 141 "VPOT" "Velocity potential" "m^2/s"
37 141 "MNTSF" "Montgomery stream function" "m^2/s^2"
38 141 "SGCVV" "Sigma coord. vertical velocity" "/s"
39 141 "VVEL" "Pressure vertical velocity" "Pa/s"
40 141 "DZDT" "Geometric vertical velocity" "m/s"
41 141 "ABSV" "Absolute vorticity" "/s"
42 141 "ABSD" "Absolute divergence" "/s"
43 141 "RELV" "Relative vorticity" "/s"
44 141 "RELD" "Relative divergence" "/s"
45 141 "VUCSH" "Vertical u shear" "/s"
46 141 "VVCSH" "Vertical v shear" "/s"
47 141 "DIRC" "Direction of current" "deg"
48 141 "SPC" "Speed of current" "m/s"
49 141 "UOGRD" "u of current" "m/s"
50 141 "VOGRD" "v of current" "m/s"
51 141 "SPFH" "Specific humidity" "kg/kg"
52 141 "RH" "Relative humidity" "%"
53 141 "MIXR" "Humidity mixing ratio" "kg/kg"
54 141 "PWAT" "Precipitable water" "kg/m^2"
55 141 "VAPP" "Vapor pressure" "Pa"
56 141 "SATD" "Saturation deficit" "Pa"
57 141 "EVP" "Evaporation" "kg/m^2"
58 141 "CICE" "Cloud Ice" "kg/m^2"
59 141 "PRATE" "Precipitation rate" "kg/m^2/s"
60 141 "TSTM" "Thunderstorm probability" "%"
61 141 "APCP" "Total precipitation" "kg/m^2"
62 141 "NCPCP" "Large scale precipitation" "kg/m^2"
63 141 "ACPCP" "Convective precipitation" "kg/m^2"
64 141 "SRWEQ" "Snowfall rate water equiv." "kg/m^2/s"
65 141 "WEASD" "Accum. snow" "kg/m^2"
66 141 "SNOD" "Snow depth" "m"
67 141 "MIXHT" "Mixed layer depth" "m"
68 141 "TTHDP" "Transient thermocline depth" "m"
69 141 "MTHD" "Main thermocline depth" "m"
70 141 "MTHA" "Main thermocline anomaly" "m"
71 141 "TCDC" "Total cloud cover" "%"
72 141 "CDCON" "Convective cloud cover" "%"
73 141 "LCDC" "Low level cloud cover" "%"
74 141 "MCDC" "Mid level cloud cover" "%"
75 141 "HCDC" "High level cloud cover" "%"
76 141 "CWAT" "Cloud water" "kg/m^2"
77 141 "BLI" "Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)" "K"
78 141 "SNOC" "Convective snow" "kg/m^2"
79 141 "SNOL" "Large scale snow" "kg/m^2"
80 141 "WTMP" "Water temp." "K"
81 141 "LAND" "Land cover (land=1;sea=0)" "fraction"
82 141 "DSLM" "Deviation of sea level from mean" "m"
83 141 "SFCR" "Surface roughness" "m"
84 141 "ALBDO" "Albedo" "%"
85 141 "TSOIL" "Soil temp." "K"
86 141 "SOILM" "Soil moisture content" "kg/m^2"
87 141 "VEG" "Vegetation" "%"
88 141 "SALTY" "Salinity" "kg/kg"
89 141 "DEN" "Density" "kg/m^3"
90 141 "WATR" "Water runoff" "kg/m^2"
91 141 "ICEC" "Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)" "fraction"
92 141 "ICETK" "Ice thickness" "m"
93 141 "DICED" "Direction of ice drift" "deg"
94 141 "SICED" "Speed of ice drift" "m/s"
95 141 "UICE" "u of ice drift" "m/s"
96 141 "VICE" "v of ice drift" "m/s"
97 141 "ICEG" "Ice growth rate" "m/s"
98 141 "ICED" "Ice divergence" "/s"
99 141 "SNOM" "Snow melt" "kg/m^2"
100 141 "HTSGW" "Sig height of wind waves and swell" "m"
101 141 "WVDIR" "Direction of wind waves" "deg"
102 141 "WVHGT" "Sig height of wind waves" "m"
103 141 "WVPER" "Mean period of wind waves" "s"
104 141 "SWDIR" "Direction of swell waves" "deg"
105 141 "SWELL" "Sig height of swell waves" "m"
106 141 "SWPER" "Mean period of swell waves" "s"
107 141 "DIRPW" "Primary wave direction" "deg"
108 141 "PERPW" "Primary wave mean period" "s"
109 141 "DIRSW" "Secondary wave direction" "deg"
110 141 "PERSW" "Secondary wave mean period" "s"
111 141 "NSWRS" "Net short wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
112 141 "NLWRS" "Net long wave (surface)" "W/m^2"
113 141 "NSWRT" "Net short wave (top)" "W/m^2"
114 141 "NLWRT" "Net long wave (top)" "W/m^2"
115 141 "LWAVR" "Long wave" "W/m^2"
116 141 "SWAVR" "Short wave" "W/m^2"
117 141 "GRAD" "Global radiation" "W/m^2"
118 141 "BRTMP" "Brightness temperature" "K"
119 141 "LWRAD" "Radiance with respect to wave no." "W/m/sr"
120 141 "SWRAD" "Radiance with respect ot wave len." "W/m^3/sr"
121 141 "LHTFL" "Latent heat flux" "W/m^2"
122 141 "SHTFL" "Sensible heat flux" "W/m^2"
123 141 "BLYDP" "Boundary layer dissipation" "W/m^2"
124 141 "UFLX" "Zonal momentum flux" "N/m^2"
125 141 "VFLX" "Meridional momentum flux" "N/m^2"
126 141 "WMIXE" "Wind mixing energy" "J"
127 141 "IMGD" "Image data" ""
128 141 "EXTNC" "Aerosol Extinction Coefficient" "1/km"
129 141 "AOD" "Aerosol Optical Depth" "-"
130 141 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
131 141 "SSALBD" "Aerosol Single Scatter Albedo" "-"
132 141 "BSCTRS" "Aerosol Back Scattering" "1/km/sr"
133 141 "var133" "undefined" ""
134 141 "var134" "undefined" ""
135 141 "var135" "undefined" ""
136 141 "var136" "undefined" ""
137 141 "var137" "undefined" ""
138 141 "var138" "undefined" ""
139 141 "var139" "undefined" ""
140 141 "NOy" "Total Inorganic and Organic Nitrates" "ppbV"
141 141 "NO" "Nitrogen Oxide" "ppbV"
142 141 "NO2" "Nitrogen Dioxide" "ppbV"
143 141 "N2O5" "Nitrogen Pentoxide" "ppbV"
144 141 "HNO3" "Nitric Acid" "ppbV"
145 141 "NO3" "Nitrogen Trioxide" "ppbV"
146 141 "PNA" "Peroxynitric Acid" "ppbV"
147 141 "HONO" "Nitrous Acid" "ppbV"
148 141 "CO" "Carbon Monoxide" "ppbV"
149 141 "NH3" "Ammonia" "ppbV"
150 141 "HCL" "Hydrogen Chloride" "ppbV"
151 141 "var151" "undefined" ""
152 141 "var152" "undefined" ""
153 141 "var153" "undefined" ""
154 141 "var154" "undefined" ""
155 141 "var155" "undefined" ""
156 141 "var156" "undefined" ""
157 141 "var157" "undefined" ""
158 141 "var158" "undefined" ""
159 141 "PAR" "Lumped Single-Bond Carbon Specie" "ppbV"
160 141 "ETHE" "Ethene" "ppbV"
161 141 "OLE" "Lumped Double-Bond Carbon Species Less Ethene" "ppbV"
162 141 "TOL" "Toluene" "ppbV"
163 141 "XYL" "Xylene" "ppbV"
164 141 "ISOP" "Isoprene" "ppbV"
165 141 "var165" "undefined" ""
166 141 "FORM" "Formaldehyde" "ppbV"
167 141 "ALD2" "Acetaldehyde & Higher Aldehydes" "ppbV"
168 141 "MGLY" "Methyl Glyoxal" "ppbV"
169 141 "CRES" "Cresol and Higher Molecular Weight Phenols" "ppbV"
170 141 "var170" "undefined" ""
171 141 "var171" "undefined" ""
172 141 "PAN" "Peroxyacyl Nitrate" "ppbV"
173 141 "NTR" "Lumped Gaseous Organic Nitrate" "ppbV"
174 141 "var174" "undefined" ""
175 141 "var175" "undefined" ""
176 141 "var176" "undefined" ""
177 141 "ROOH" "Esters" "ppbV"
178 141 "ETHOH" "Ethanol" "ppbV"
179 141 "METHOH" "Methanol" "ppbV"
180 141 "var180" "undefined" ""
181 141 "var181" "undefined" ""
182 141 "var182" "undefined" ""
183 141 "var183" "undefined" ""
184 141 "var184" "undefined" ""
185 141 "var185" "undefined" ""
186 141 "H2O2" "Hydrogen Peroxide" "ppbV"
187 141 "OH" "Hydroxyl Radical" "ppbV"
188 141 "HO2" "Hydroperoxyl Radical" "ppbV"
189 141 "var189" "undefined" ""
190 141 "var190" "undefined" ""
191 141 "var191" "undefined" ""
192 141 "var192" "undefined" ""
193 141 "var193" "undefined" ""
194 141 "var194" "undefined" ""
195 141 "var195" "undefined" ""
196 141 "var196" "undefined" ""
197 141 "var197" "undefined" ""
198 141 "var198" "undefined" ""
199 141 "var199" "undefined" ""
200 141 "ASO4" "Sulfate (SO4) Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer Diameter"
201 141 "ANH4" "Ammonia (NH4) Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer Diameter"
202 141 "ANO3" "Nitrate (NO3) Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer Diameter"
203 141 "AORGA" "Organic Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer Diameter"
204 141 "AORGPA" "Primarily Organic Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer
Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
205 141 "AORGB" "Biogenically Originated Particulates <= 2.5
micrometer Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
206 141 "AEC" "Elemental Carbon Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer
Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
207 141 "A25" "Unspecified Anthropogenic Particulates <= 2.5
micrometer Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
208 141 "AH2O" "Water Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer Diameter"
209 141 "ANA" "Sodium Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer Diameter"
210 141 "ACL" "Chloride Particulates <= 2.5 micrometer Diameter"
211 141 "var211" "undefined" ""
212 141 "var212" "undefined" ""
213 141 "var213" "undefined" ""
214 141 "var214" "undefined" ""
215 141 "var215" "undefined" ""
216 141 "ASO4K" "Sulfate (SO4) Particulates between 2.5 and 10
micrometer Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
217 141 "ANAK" "Sodium (NA) Particulates between 2.5 and 10 micrometer
Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
218 141 "ACLK" "Chloride (CL) Particulates between 2.5 and 10
micrometer Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
219 141 "ASEAS" "Sea Salt Originated Particulates between 2.5 and 10
micrometer Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
220 141 "ASOIL" "Crustal Material Orginated Particulates between 2.5
and 10 micrometer Diameter" "mcg/m^3"
221 141 "ACORS" "Particulates between 2.5 and 10 micrometer Diameter"
222 141 "NUMATKN" "Number Concentration Particulates between 2.5 and
0.1 micrometer Diameter" "number/m^3"
223 141 "NUMACC" "Number Concentration Particulates between 2.5 and
2.5 micrometer Diameter" "number/m^3"
224 141 "NUMCOR" "Number Concentration Particulates between 2.5 and 10
micrometer Diameter" "number/m^3"
225 141 "var225" "undefined" ""
226 141 "var226" "undefined" ""
227 141 "var227" "undefined" ""
228 141 "SRFATKN" "Surface Area Contributed by Particulates <= 0.1
micrometer Diameter" "m2/m^3"
229 141 "SRFACC" "Surface Area Contributed by Particulates between 0.1
and 2.5 micrometer Diameter" "m2/m^3"
230 141 "var230" "undefined" ""
231 141 "var231" "undefined" ""
232 141 "SO2" "Sulfur Dioxide" "ppbV"
233 141 "MSA" "Methanesulfonic Acid" "Kg/Kg"
234 141 "TSO4" "Total Sulfate Particulates (Fine ands Coarse)"
235 141 "DMS" "Dimethylsulfide" "Kg/Kg"
236 141 "var236" "undefined" ""
237 141 "var237" "undefined" ""
238 141 "var238" "undefined" ""
239 141 "var239" "undefined" ""
240 141 "DU1" "Dust Particulates between 0.2 - 2.0 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
241 141 "DU2" "Dust Particulates between 2.0 - 3.6 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
242 141 "DU3" "Dust Particulates between 3.6 - 6.0 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
243 141 "DU4" "Dust Particulates between 6.0 - 12.0 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
244 141 "DU5" "Dust Particulates between 12.0 - 20.0 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
245 141 "SS1" "Sea Salt Particulates between 0.2 - 1.0 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
246 141 "SS2" "Sea Salt Particulates between 1.0 - 3.0 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
247 141 "SS3" "Sea Salt Particulates between 3.0 - 10.0 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
248 141 "SS4" "Sea Salt Particulates between 10.0 - 20.0 micrometer
Diameter" "Kg/Kg"
249 141 "OCDRY" "Hydrophobic Organic Carbon" "Kg/Kg"
250 141 "OCWET" "Hydrophilic Organic Carbon" "Kg/Kg"
251 141 "BCDRY" "Hydrophobic Black Carbon" "Kg/Kg"
252 141 "BCWET" "Hydrophilic Black Carbon" "Kg/Kg"
253 141 "var253" "undefined" ""
254 141 "var254" "undefined" ""
255 141 "var255" "undefined" ""

Subject: MET with ECMWF GRIB files
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Thu Oct 23 10:55:50 2014


What happens when you try the following in the config file?  Then we
do the lookup by the "TMP" string, but explicitly specify the
table version number and GRIB record:

fcst = {
   wind_thresh  = [ NA ];

   field = [
        GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
        GRIB1_rec  = 130;
        level          = [ "Z2" ];
        cat_thresh = [ >273 ];

obs = {
   wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
   message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
   sid_exc           = [];

   field = [
        GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
        GRIB1_rec  = 11;
        level          = [ "Z2" ];
        cat_thresh = [ >273 ];

On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Balazs Szintai via RT
<met_help at ucar.edu>

> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=69403 >
> Dear John,
> Thanks for your quick suggestion.
> I have made the new table file (I attach it). It gives now the
> error:
> WARNING: Multiple GRIB1 table entries match lookup criteria
(parm_name =
> TMP, table_number = 2):
> WARNING:   parm_name: TMP, table_number = 2, code = 11
> WARNING:   parm_name: TMP, table_number = 2, code = 130
> WARNING: Using:   parm_name: TMP, table_number = 2, code = 11
> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> GSL_RNG_SEED=18446744072403765588
> WARNING: process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching TMP/P850
found in
> file:
> Seems like it is problematic that in grib table 2 I have two codes
for TMP.
> Thanks,
> Balazs
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 6:06 PM, John Halley Gotway via RT <
> met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> > Balazs,
> >
> > Having multiple binaries of the same code with different
functionality is
> > not a good solution.  I still think option 1 should work, but with
> > slightly different version of that table file.
> >
> > It looks like you took the original version of the table file,
> for
> > instances of TMP and substituted in the ECMWF GRIB numbers.
> >
> > Instead of doing that, try this..
> >  - start with the original version of the table file
> >  - for each entry in that table you sent me (shown below), find
the line
> in
> > the file where the first two number match.  Replace the existing
> with
> > the ECMWF usage.
> >
> > GRIB1
> > 130 2 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> > 130 128 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> > 130 129 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> > 130 130 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> > 130 131 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> > 130 133 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> > 130 140 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> > 130 141 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> >
> >
> > - for example, for the first entry in that table make this change:
> > OLD: 130 2 "MSLET" "Mean Sea Level Pressure (NAM Model Reduction)"
> > NEW: 130 2 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> >
> > Hopefully, editing the table in this way will enable option 1 to
> >
> > Thanks,
> > John
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 9:56 AM, Balazs Szintai via RT <
> met_help at ucar.edu>
> > wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=69403 >
> > >
> > > Dear John,
> > >
> > > Thanks a lot for your answer.
> > >
> > > I have tried option (2) first. So I used the ECMWF GRIB file,
> > modified
> > > nceptab_flat.txt file which has code 130 for TMP and I have
> the
> > > Point-Stat configuration file as you descibed. I get the
> > errors:
> > >
> > > i) when I set in the Point-Stat configuration file:
> > >
> > > obs = {
> > >    wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
> > >    message_type = [ "ADPUPA", "ADPSFC", "AIRCFT", "SATWND",
> > >    sid_exc           = [];
> > >
> > >    field = [
> > >       {
> > >         GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
> > >         GRIB1_rec  = 11;
> > >         level          = [ "P850" ];
> > >         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
> > >       }
> > >    ];
> > > }
> > >
> > > then the error is:
> > > ERROR  : VarInfoGrib::set_dict() - no parameter found with
> > > GRIB1_ptv (2) GRIB1_rec (11)
> > >
> > > ii) when I set in the Point-Stat configuration file:
> > > obs = {
> > >    wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
> > >    message_type = [ "ADPUPA", "ADPSFC", "AIRCFT", "SATWND",
> > >    sid_exc           = [];
> > >
> > >    field = [
> > >       {
> > >         GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
> > >         GRIB1_rec  = 130;
> > >         level          = [ "P850" ];
> > >         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
> > >       }
> > >    ];
> > > }
> > >
> > > then the error is (all obs rejected):
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2: Processing TMP/P850 versus TMP/P850, for observation
> > > over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 26836
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 26836
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> > >
> > >
> > > I think the problem is that in my obs netcdf I have code 11 for
> > temperature
> > > but in my nceptab_flat.txt I have code 130 for TMP.
> > >
> > > So next I tried option (1). I have recompiled MET, run pb2nc
with the
> > > modified include file, and it works (for temperature at 850hPa)!
> > are
> > > only two problems:
> > >
> > > 1a) in the ECMWF GRIB file there are different codes for upper-
> > > temperature (code 130) and 2m temperature (code 167). So I
should have
> > > another MET binary for 2m temperature (and same is for eg. upper
> > wind
> > > and 10m wind).
> > >
> > > 1b) originally I was not using pb2nc, because I have downloaded
my obs
> > > files in netcdf format from here:
> > > http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds337.0/index.html#!access , using
> > > subsetting option . There is an option to download prepbufr
files as
> > well,
> > > but these do not contain the same message types as the netcdf
> (eg.
> > > ADPSFC is missing in the prepbufr). I have now contacted Thomas
> from
> > > CISL about this.
> > >
> > > Do you have perhaps any suggestions how the problem of option
(2) could
> > be
> > > solved?
> > >
> > > Thanks and best regards,
> > > Balazs
> > >
> > >
> > > On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 6:31 PM, John Halley Gotway via RT <
> > > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Balazs,
> > > >
> > > > Remind me, are you using the PB2NC tool to process PREPBUFR
> > I'll
> > > > assume that you are.
> > > >
> > > > The Point-Stat tool needs some way of defining which point
> observations
> > > go
> > > > with which forecast fields.  Rather than creating our own
> > we
> > > > adopted the existing GRIB1 conventions.  Each point
observation value
> > > must
> > > > be associated with a particular GRIB1 record which defines the
> of
> > > > observation it is.
> > > >
> > > > For example, when verifying pressure fields (whose GRIB number
is 1),
> > > only
> > > > observations with a GRIB code of 1 will be used.
> > > >
> > > > When you run PB2NC, it reads observations from the input
> file
> > > and
> > > > writes out a NetCDF file that includes the mapping to GRIB
code.  But
> > > that
> > > > mapping is hard-coded using the definitions in this source
code file:
> > > >    met-5.0/src/basic/vx_util/grib_constants.h
> > > >
> > > > In particular, the GRIB code or temperature is defined to be
> > > >
> > > > When you run Point-Stat using ECMWF data, it contains records
> > > > temperature for GRIB code 130 while the observation's GRIB
code is
> 11.
> > > And
> > > > that leads to the mis-match.
> > > >
> > > > There are two ways to solve this... one by recompiling and
another by
> > > > reconfiguring.
> > > >
> > > > (1) You could edit that "grib_constants.h" file and and change
> > > >    FROM: static const int tmp_grib_code  = 11; // Temperature
> > > >         TO: static const int tmp_grib_code  = 130; //
> > > > And then recompile MET and rerun PB2NC.  That will permanently
> > the
> > > > behavior of MET and basically limit you to using ECMWF data.
> > > >
> > > > (2) Or you could set up your Point-Stat configuration file by
> > specifying
> > > > separate sections for the forecast and observation fields:
> > > >
> > > > fcst = {
> > > >    wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
> > > >
> > > >    field = [
> > > >       {
> > > >         name        = "TMP";
> > > >         level          = [ "Z2" ];
> > > >         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
> > > >       }
> > > >    ];
> > > > }
> > > >
> > > > obs = {
> > > >    wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
> > > >    message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
> > > >    sid_exc           = [];
> > > >
> > > >    field = [
> > > >       {
> > > >         GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
> > > >         GRIB1_rec  = 11;
> > > >         level          = [ "Z2" ];
> > > >         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
> > > >       }
> > > >    ];
> > > > }
> > > >
> > > > Rather than specifying a "name" in the "obs" section, I'm
listing an
> > > > explicit parameter table version number and record number.
Not sure
> > > > without being able to test with an actual ECMWF file, but that
> do
> > > the
> > > > trick.
> > > >
> > > > Hope that helps clarify.
> > > >
> > > > I think the better solution would be for us to enhance the
> tool.
> > > > Rather than using hard-coded numbers for those observations
> codes,
> > > we
> > > > should look them up from the GRIB table at runtime.
> > > >
> > > > John
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Balazs Szintai via RT <
> > > met_help at ucar.edu>
> > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=69403 >
> > > > >
> > > > > Dear John,
> > > > >
> > > > > Many thanks for your answer. I have tried to modify the
> > > > according
> > > > > to the ECMWF GRIB table. MET can now read the ECMWF GRIB
> > however,
> > > > all
> > > > > the observations are rejected due to the GRIB code:
> > > > >
> > > > > ##############################################
> > > > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for TMP/P850.
> > > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found range
> > for
> > > > > VarInfo "TMP/P850" in GRIB record 1 of GRIB file
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found 1
> records
> > > > > matching VarInfo "TMP/P850" in GRIB file
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > > DEBUG 4: parse_grid_mask() -> parsing grid mask "FULL"
> > > > > DEBUG 2: For TMP/P850 found 1 forecast levels and 0
> > levels.
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > > DEBUG 2: Searching 26836 observations from 4062 messages.
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > > DEBUG 2: Processing TMP/P850 versus TMP/P850, for
observation type
> > > > ADPUPA,
> > > > > over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using
> pairs.
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 26836
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 26836
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> > > > > ##############################################
> > > > >
> > > > > I have tried two versions of the flat_file. In
> I
> > > have
> > > > > only retained the lines about temperature (for this test I
> want
> > to
> > > > > verify temperature at 850 hPa, this is the only field in my
> > file)
> > > > and
> > > > > changed these lines according to ECMWF GRIB table. In the
> > > > > 'ecmwftab_flat_new.txt' I kept the original ncep file and
> > changed
> > > > the
> > > > > lines containing "TMP". With both flat-files I have the same
> > > > > described above.
> > > > >
> > > > > I attach the two flat files and the log file.
> > > > >
> > > > > Do you have perhaps any idea what is going wrong?
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks and best regards,
> > > > > Balazs
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:17 PM, John Halley Gotway via RT
> > > > > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > > Balazs,
> > > > > >
> > > > > > met-5.0 does not include support for the ECMWF usage of
> > > > > previous
> > > > > > versions of MET, the GRIB tables were harded-coded, but
the code
> is
> > > now
> > > > > > reading them from a flat-file at runtime.  That flat file
can be
> > > found
> > > > > here:
> > > > > >    METv4.1/data/table_files/nceptab_flat.txt
> > > > > >
> > > > > > And in met-5.0, it's reading it from the installed met-5.0
> > directory
> > > > > > "share/met/table_files/nceptab_flat.txt".
> > > > > >
> > > > > > The difference really is just in the GRIB code
abbreviations and
> > > units.
> > > > > I
> > > > > > would expect that MET can read ECMWF GRIB1 files, but that
> just
> > > uses
> > > > > the
> > > > > > wrong names for the variables.  Is that the behavior
> seeing?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > If you'd like to change MET's behavior, you could edit
that flat
> > file
> > > > to
> > > > > > use whichever abbreviations and units you'd like.  The
next time
> > you
> > > > run
> > > > > > the MET tools, it'll just read in the updated strings and
> them.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I agree that it would be preferable to more full support
> > > > data
> > > > > > without putting this onus on the user, but we don't
currently get
> > any
> > > > > ECMWF
> > > > > > data.  So it's difficult to support.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Hope that helps.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On Thu Oct 16 10:30:46 2014, johnhg wrote:
> > > > > > > Hello,
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > I would like to verify ECMWF GRIB-1 files, but the
problem is
> > that
> > > > the
> > > > > > > GRIB-table of ECMWF is different from NCEP. I have found
> > > > > > one-year-old
> > > > > > > ticket on the web:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > http://mailman.ucar.edu/pipermail/met_help/2013-
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > I just wanted to ask whether there is a solution since
then to
> > use
> > > > > ECMWF
> > > > > > > GRIB files with MET. I am currently using METv4.1 , but
I am
> > ready
> > > to
> > > > > > > install a newer version is this is necessary to solve my
> problem.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Thanks a lot in advance,
> > > > > > > Balazs Szintai
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Subject: MET with ECMWF GRIB files
From: Balazs Szintai
Time: Fri Oct 24 00:42:28 2014

Dear John,

Thanks a lot for all your help, it is working now and produces

Best regards,

On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 6:55 PM, John Halley Gotway via RT <
met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:

> Balazs,
> What happens when you try the following in the config file?  Then we
> do the lookup by the "TMP" string, but explicitly specify the
> table version number and GRIB record:
> fcst = {
>    wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
>    field = [
>       {
>         GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
>         GRIB1_rec  = 130;
>         level          = [ "Z2" ];
>         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
>       }
>    ];
> }
> obs = {
>    wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
>    message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
>    sid_exc           = [];
>    field = [
>       {
>         GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
>         GRIB1_rec  = 11;
>         level          = [ "Z2" ];
>         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
>       }
>    ];
> }
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Balazs Szintai via RT
<met_help at ucar.edu
> >
> wrote:
> >
> > <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=69403 >
> >
> > Dear John,
> >
> > Thanks for your quick suggestion.
> >
> > I have made the new table file (I attach it). It gives now the
> > error:
> >
> > WARNING: Multiple GRIB1 table entries match lookup criteria
(parm_name =
> > TMP, table_number = 2):
> > WARNING:   parm_name: TMP, table_number = 2, code = 11
> > WARNING:   parm_name: TMP, table_number = 2, code = 130
> > WARNING: Using:   parm_name: TMP, table_number = 2, code = 11
> > GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> > GSL_RNG_SEED=18446744072403765588
> > WARNING: process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching TMP/P850
> in
> > file:
> >
> >
> >
> > Seems like it is problematic that in grib table 2 I have two codes
> TMP.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Balazs
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 6:06 PM, John Halley Gotway via RT <
> > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> >
> > > Balazs,
> > >
> > > Having multiple binaries of the same code with different
> is
> > > not a good solution.  I still think option 1 should work, but
with a
> > > slightly different version of that table file.
> > >
> > > It looks like you took the original version of the table file,
> > for
> > > instances of TMP and substituted in the ECMWF GRIB numbers.
> > >
> > > Instead of doing that, try this..
> > >  - start with the original version of the table file
> > >  - for each entry in that table you sent me (shown below), find
> line
> > in
> > > the file where the first two number match.  Replace the existing
> > with
> > > the ECMWF usage.
> > >
> > > GRIB1
> > > 130 2 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> > > 130 128 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> > > 130 129 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> > > 130 130 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> > > 130 131 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> > > 130 133 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> > > 130 140 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> > > 130 141 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> > >
> > >
> > > - for example, for the first entry in that table make this
> > > OLD: 130 2 "MSLET" "Mean Sea Level Pressure (NAM Model
Reduction)" "Pa"
> > > NEW: 130 2 "TMP" "Temp." "K"
> > >
> > > Hopefully, editing the table in this way will enable option 1 to
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > John
> > >
> > >
> > > On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 9:56 AM, Balazs Szintai via RT <
> > met_help at ucar.edu>
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > > <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=69403
> > > >
> > > > Dear John,
> > > >
> > > > Thanks a lot for your answer.
> > > >
> > > > I have tried option (2) first. So I used the ECMWF GRIB file,
> > > modified
> > > > nceptab_flat.txt file which has code 130 for TMP and I have
> > the
> > > > Point-Stat configuration file as you descibed. I get the
> > > errors:
> > > >
> > > > i) when I set in the Point-Stat configuration file:
> > > >
> > > > obs = {
> > > >    wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
> > > >    message_type = [ "ADPUPA", "ADPSFC", "AIRCFT", "SATWND",
> ];
> > > >    sid_exc           = [];
> > > >
> > > >    field = [
> > > >       {
> > > >         GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
> > > >         GRIB1_rec  = 11;
> > > >         level          = [ "P850" ];
> > > >         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
> > > >       }
> > > >    ];
> > > > }
> > > >
> > > > then the error is:
> > > > ERROR  : VarInfoGrib::set_dict() - no parameter found with
> > > > GRIB1_ptv (2) GRIB1_rec (11)
> > > >
> > > > ii) when I set in the Point-Stat configuration file:
> > > > obs = {
> > > >    wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
> > > >    message_type = [ "ADPUPA", "ADPSFC", "AIRCFT", "SATWND",
> ];
> > > >    sid_exc           = [];
> > > >
> > > >    field = [
> > > >       {
> > > >         GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
> > > >         GRIB1_rec  = 130;
> > > >         level          = [ "P850" ];
> > > >         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
> > > >       }
> > > >    ];
> > > > }
> > > >
> > > > then the error is (all obs rejected):
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > DEBUG 2: Processing TMP/P850 versus TMP/P850, for observation
> > > ADPUPA,
> > > > over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 26836
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 26836
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > I think the problem is that in my obs netcdf I have code 11
> > > temperature
> > > > but in my nceptab_flat.txt I have code 130 for TMP.
> > > >
> > > > So next I tried option (1). I have recompiled MET, run pb2nc
with the
> > > > modified include file, and it works (for temperature at
> There
> > > are
> > > > only two problems:
> > > >
> > > > 1a) in the ECMWF GRIB file there are different codes for
> > > > temperature (code 130) and 2m temperature (code 167). So I
> have
> > > > another MET binary for 2m temperature (and same is for eg.
> level
> > > wind
> > > > and 10m wind).
> > > >
> > > > 1b) originally I was not using pb2nc, because I have
downloaded my
> obs
> > > > files in netcdf format from here:
> > > > http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds337.0/index.html#!access ,
using the
> > > > subsetting option . There is an option to download prepbufr
files as
> > > well,
> > > > but these do not contain the same message types as the netcdf
> > (eg.
> > > > ADPSFC is missing in the prepbufr). I have now contacted
Thomas Cram
> > from
> > > > CISL about this.
> > > >
> > > > Do you have perhaps any suggestions how the problem of option
> could
> > > be
> > > > solved?
> > > >
> > > > Thanks and best regards,
> > > > Balazs
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 6:31 PM, John Halley Gotway via RT <
> > > > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Balazs,
> > > > >
> > > > > Remind me, are you using the PB2NC tool to process PREPBUFR
> > > I'll
> > > > > assume that you are.
> > > > >
> > > > > The Point-Stat tool needs some way of defining which point
> > observations
> > > > go
> > > > > with which forecast fields.  Rather than creating our own
> convention,
> > > we
> > > > > adopted the existing GRIB1 conventions.  Each point
> value
> > > > must
> > > > > be associated with a particular GRIB1 record which defines
the type
> > of
> > > > > observation it is.
> > > > >
> > > > > For example, when verifying pressure fields (whose GRIB
number is
> 1),
> > > > only
> > > > > observations with a GRIB code of 1 will be used.
> > > > >
> > > > > When you run PB2NC, it reads observations from the input
> > file
> > > > and
> > > > > writes out a NetCDF file that includes the mapping to GRIB
> But
> > > > that
> > > > > mapping is hard-coded using the definitions in this source
> file:
> > > > >    met-5.0/src/basic/vx_util/grib_constants.h
> > > > >
> > > > > In particular, the GRIB code or temperature is defined to be
> > > > >
> > > > > When you run Point-Stat using ECMWF data, it contains
records of
> > > > > temperature for GRIB code 130 while the observation's GRIB
code is
> > 11.
> > > > And
> > > > > that leads to the mis-match.
> > > > >
> > > > > There are two ways to solve this... one by recompiling and
> by
> > > > > reconfiguring.
> > > > >
> > > > > (1) You could edit that "grib_constants.h" file and and
> > > > >    FROM: static const int tmp_grib_code  = 11; //
> > > > >         TO: static const int tmp_grib_code  = 130; //
> > > > > And then recompile MET and rerun PB2NC.  That will
> change
> > > the
> > > > > behavior of MET and basically limit you to using ECMWF data.
> > > > >
> > > > > (2) Or you could set up your Point-Stat configuration file
> > > specifying
> > > > > separate sections for the forecast and observation fields:
> > > > >
> > > > > fcst = {
> > > > >    wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
> > > > >
> > > > >    field = [
> > > > >       {
> > > > >         name        = "TMP";
> > > > >         level          = [ "Z2" ];
> > > > >         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
> > > > >       }
> > > > >    ];
> > > > > }
> > > > >
> > > > > obs = {
> > > > >    wind_thresh     = [ NA ];
> > > > >    message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
> > > > >    sid_exc           = [];
> > > > >
> > > > >    field = [
> > > > >       {
> > > > >         GRIB1_ptv  = 2;
> > > > >         GRIB1_rec  = 11;
> > > > >         level          = [ "Z2" ];
> > > > >         cat_thresh = [ >273 ];
> > > > >       }
> > > > >    ];
> > > > > }
> > > > >
> > > > > Rather than specifying a "name" in the "obs" section, I'm
> an
> > > > > explicit parameter table version number and record number.
> sure
> > > > > without being able to test with an actual ECMWF file, but
> might
> > do
> > > > the
> > > > > trick.
> > > > >
> > > > > Hope that helps clarify.
> > > > >
> > > > > I think the better solution would be for us to enhance the
> > tool.
> > > > > Rather than using hard-coded numbers for those observations
> > codes,
> > > > we
> > > > > should look them up from the GRIB table at runtime.
> > > > >
> > > > > John
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Balazs Szintai via RT <
> > > > met_help at ucar.edu>
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=69403 >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Dear John,
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Many thanks for your answer. I have tried to modify the
> > > > > according
> > > > > > to the ECMWF GRIB table. MET can now read the ECMWF GRIB
> > > however,
> > > > > all
> > > > > > the observations are rejected due to the GRIB code:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > ##############################################
> > > > > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for TMP/P850.
> > > > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found
> match
> > > for
> > > > > > VarInfo "TMP/P850" in GRIB record 1 of GRIB file
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found 1
> > records
> > > > > > matching VarInfo "TMP/P850" in GRIB file
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > > > DEBUG 4: parse_grid_mask() -> parsing grid mask "FULL"
> > > > > > DEBUG 2: For TMP/P850 found 1 forecast levels and 0
> > > levels.
> > > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > > > DEBUG 2: Searching 26836 observations from 4062 messages.
> > > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > > > DEBUG 2: Processing TMP/P850 versus TMP/P850, for
> type
> > > > > ADPUPA,
> > > > > > over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1),
using 0
> > pairs.
> > > > > > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
> > > > > > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 26836
> > > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 26836
> > > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
> > > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
> > > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> > > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> > > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> > > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
> > > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> > > > > > ##############################################
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I have tried two versions of the flat_file. In
> 'ecmwftab_flat.txt'
> > I
> > > > have
> > > > > > only retained the lines about temperature (for this test I
> > want
> > > to
> > > > > > verify temperature at 850 hPa, this is the only field in
> > > file)
> > > > > and
> > > > > > changed these lines according to ECMWF GRIB table. In the
> > > > > > 'ecmwftab_flat_new.txt' I kept the original ncep file and
> > > changed
> > > > > the
> > > > > > lines containing "TMP". With both flat-files I have the
> error
> > > > > > described above.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I attach the two flat files and the log file.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Do you have perhaps any idea what is going wrong?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Thanks and best regards,
> > > > > > Balazs
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:17 PM, John Halley Gotway via
RT <
> > > > > > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > > Balazs,
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > met-5.0 does not include support for the ECMWF usage of
> In
> > > > > > previous
> > > > > > > versions of MET, the GRIB tables were harded-coded, but
> code
> > is
> > > > now
> > > > > > > reading them from a flat-file at runtime.  That flat
file can
> be
> > > > found
> > > > > > here:
> > > > > > >    METv4.1/data/table_files/nceptab_flat.txt
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > And in met-5.0, it's reading it from the installed met-
> > > directory
> > > > > > > "share/met/table_files/nceptab_flat.txt".
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > The difference really is just in the GRIB code
> and
> > > > units.
> > > > > > I
> > > > > > > would expect that MET can read ECMWF GRIB1 files, but
that it
> > just
> > > > uses
> > > > > > the
> > > > > > > wrong names for the variables.  Is that the behavior
> > seeing?
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > If you'd like to change MET's behavior, you could edit
> flat
> > > file
> > > > > to
> > > > > > > use whichever abbreviations and units you'd like.  The
> time
> > > you
> > > > > run
> > > > > > > the MET tools, it'll just read in the updated strings
and use
> > them.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > I agree that it would be preferable to more full support
> > GRIB
> > > > > data
> > > > > > > without putting this onus on the user, but we don't
> get
> > > any
> > > > > > ECMWF
> > > > > > > data.  So it's difficult to support.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Hope that helps.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > On Thu Oct 16 10:30:46 2014, johnhg wrote:
> > > > > > > > Hello,
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > I would like to verify ECMWF GRIB-1 files, but the
problem is
> > > that
> > > > > the
> > > > > > > > GRIB-table of ECMWF is different from NCEP. I have
found this
> > > > > > > one-year-old
> > > > > > > > ticket on the web:
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >
> > > > http://mailman.ucar.edu/pipermail/met_help/2013-
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > I just wanted to ask whether there is a solution since
> to
> > > use
> > > > > > ECMWF
> > > > > > > > GRIB files with MET. I am currently using METv4.1 ,
but I am
> > > ready
> > > > to
> > > > > > > > install a newer version is this is necessary to solve
> > problem.
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Thanks a lot in advance,
> > > > > > > > Balazs Szintai
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >


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