[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] History for SURFACE LEVEL

John Halley Gotway via RT met_help at ucar.edu
Mon Oct 14 14:24:04 MDT 2013

  Initial Request


I would like to know what level to specify when I want to check accuracy 
at surface level of metrics such as precipitation (APCP), pressure (PRES) 
and humidity (SPFH).


Vladimir A. Malabanan
 3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub

Applications Programmer
Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
 Diliman, Quezon City
IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
Global Delivery Center

+632-995-2IBM local 8639

malabava at ph.ibm.com


  Complete Ticket History

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Thu Sep 26 10:30:05 2013


I see from your earlier email that you're using little R point
observations in MET.  I assume that you're using them for doing
verification with the Point-Stat tool.  Support for little R point
observations was recently added in METv4.1, and we've only had a
handful of users try it out to my knowledge.  So I'll be interested to
hear how it goes and what issues, if any, arise.

I see that you're asking about what "level" to use when doing
verification of surface variables.  Surface fields are kind of a
special case within Point-Stat.

For upper-air variables, like 500mb temperature for example, you would
specify a range of observation pressure values that you'd like to
compare to that field.  For example, you may want to match any
observations with a pressure value between 475 and 525mb to the 500mb
forecast level.  However for surface variables, Point-Stat does not
really use the "level" value.  Instead, the matching is
controlled by the message type.  Observations with message types of
ADPSFC (over land) and SFCSHP (over water) are assumed to be at the
surface.  When verifying surface fields, like 2-m temperature or
10-m winds, you should compare them to the APDSFC and/or SFCSHP
message types.  Any observations with those message types will be
compared against the forecast at the surface.

Since you're using little R data, things may get a little messy.
Currently ascii2nc contains a mapping of little R message type to the
conventional message types used in the rest of MET (like ADPSFC
and SFCSHP).  However, I suspect that mapping may be incomplete.

Please try running ASCII2NC and Point-Stat, and if you run into
problems, just let me know.  It'll probably be easiest to just have
you send me some sample data.  That way I can run your data here and
figure out what changes, if any, will be required to get it working
more smoothly in MET.  You can post data to our anonymous ftp site by
following these instructions:

John Halley Gotway
met_help at ucar.edu

On 09/26/2013 04:25 AM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
> Thu Sep 26 04:25:01 2013: Request 63193 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by vlad.malabanan at ph.ibm.com
>         Queue: met_help
>       Subject: SURFACE LEVEL
>         Owner: Nobody
>    Requestors: vlad.malabanan at ph.ibm.com
>        Status: new
>   Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=63193 >
> Hello,
> I would like to know what level to specify when I want to check
> at surface level of metrics such as precipitation (APCP), pressure
> and humidity (SPFH).
> Thanks!
> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>   3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
> Applications Programmer
> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>   Diliman, Quezon City
> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>   Philippines
> Global Delivery Center
> Phone:
> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
> e-mail:
> malabava at ph.ibm.com

From: Vladimir A Malabanan
Time: Fri Sep 27 03:00:37 2013

Hello John,

Thanks for the response.

Yes, you are right. I am using little_r file format for my observation
file to match with my forecast file (in GRIB2 format, converted from
netcdf file using UPP).

As for my question, I would just like to know the correct level to
for the accuracy of precipitation amount (APCP) (and other surface

        name       = "APSP";
        level      = [ "__" ];
        cat_thresh = [ >=0 ];

I have already uploaded my sample data (netcdf from converted little_r
observed values and GRIB2 file from converted netcdf for the forecast
file) in the ftp site. I am just not sure if I was able to upload it

In any case, I am attaching the files here:

Thanks for your assistance! I am really new in MET (and in weather
forecasting!). I am just trying out some things for a project.

Thank you!

Vladimir A. Malabanan
 3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub

Applications Programmer
Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
 Diliman, Quezon City
IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
Global Delivery Center

+632-995-2IBM local 8639

malabava at ph.ibm.com

From:   "John Halley Gotway via RT" <met_help at ucar.edu>
To:     Vladimir A Malabanan/Philippines/IBM at IBMPH,
Date:   09/27/2013 12:28 AM
Subject:        Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL


I see from your earlier email that you're using little R point
observations in MET.  I assume that you're using them for doing
verification with the Point-Stat tool.  Support for little R point
observations was recently added in METv4.1, and we've only had a
of users try it out to my knowledge.  So I'll be interested to hear
how it
goes and what issues, if any, arise.

I see that you're asking about what "level" to use when doing
of surface variables.  Surface fields are kind of a special case

For upper-air variables, like 500mb temperature for example, you would
specify a range of observation pressure values that you'd like to
to that field.  For example, you may want to match any
observations with a pressure value between 475 and 525mb to the 500mb
forecast level.  However for surface variables, Point-Stat does not
use the "level" value.  Instead, the matching is
controlled by the message type.  Observations with message types of
(over land) and SFCSHP (over water) are assumed to be at the surface.
verifying surface fields, like 2-m temperature or
10-m winds, you should compare them to the APDSFC and/or SFCSHP
types.  Any observations with those message types will be compared
the forecast at the surface.

Since you're using little R data, things may get a little messy.
ascii2nc contains a mapping of little R message type to the
message types used in the rest of MET (like ADPSFC
and SFCSHP).  However, I suspect that mapping may be incomplete.

Please try running ASCII2NC and Point-Stat, and if you run into
just let me know.  It'll probably be easiest to just have you send me
sample data.  That way I can run your data here and
figure out what changes, if any, will be required to get it working
smoothly in MET.  You can post data to our anonymous ftp site by
these instructions:

John Halley Gotway
met_help at ucar.edu

On 09/26/2013 04:25 AM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
> Thu Sep 26 04:25:01 2013: Request 63193 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by vlad.malabanan at ph.ibm.com
>         Queue: met_help
>       Subject: SURFACE LEVEL
>         Owner: Nobody
>    Requestors: vlad.malabanan at ph.ibm.com
>        Status: new
>   Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=63193 >
> Hello,
> I would like to know what level to specify when I want to check
> at surface level of metrics such as precipitation (APCP), pressure
> and humidity (SPFH).
> Thanks!
> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>   3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
> Applications Programmer
> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>   Diliman, Quezon City
> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>   Philippines
> Global Delivery Center
> Phone:
> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
> e-mail:
> malabava at ph.ibm.com

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Fri Sep 27 10:52:22 2013


I took a look at the example data you sent.  For verifying surface
fields, you should use the ADPSFC message type.  I see that that's
what you have in the NetCDF point observation file you sent.

When I run with your data, I get 711 matched pairs for 2-m temperature
for the "FULL" domain (which is just the full domain of the forecast
data).  However, I get 0 matched pairs for the U and V
components of the wind.  Running Point-Stat at verbosity level 3 (-v
3) reveals:

DEBUG 2: Processing UGRD/Z10 versus UGRD/Z10, for observation type
ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 28295
DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 28295
DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0

So we're getting 0 matched pairs because none of the observations GRIB
code matches the UGRD GRIB code, which is 33.  See GRIB table here:

I wanted to inspect your observations easily so I converted them back
to ASCII by running the following R script:
   Rscript METv4.1/scripts/Rscripts/pntnc2ascii.R
SURFACE_OBS_20130401.nc > SURFACE_OBS_20130401.txt

Looking in SURFACE_OBS_20130401.txt, I see that you have GRIB code
observations of wind speed and direction (codes 31 and 32).  You can
verify wind speed directly in Point-Stat, but for wind
direction, you'd need to U and V components.  So I modified your
config file like this:
     field = [
         name       = "TMP";
         level      = [ "Z2" ];
         cat_thresh = [ <=273, >273 ];

         name       = "WIND";
         level      = [ "Z10" ];
         cat_thresh = [ >=5 ];

Running Point-Stat again, I now get 711 matched pairs for both 2-m
temperature and 10-m wind speed.

Hope that helps.

John Halley Gotway
met_help at ucar.edu

On 09/27/2013 03:00 AM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=63193 >
> Hello John,
> Thanks for the response.
> Yes, you are right. I am using little_r file format for my
> file to match with my forecast file (in GRIB2 format, converted from
> netcdf file using UPP).
> As for my question, I would just like to know the correct level to
> for the accuracy of precipitation amount (APCP) (and other surface
> measurements)
>        {
>          name       = "APSP";
>          level      = [ "__" ];
>          cat_thresh = [ >=0 ];
>        },
> I have already uploaded my sample data (netcdf from converted
little_r for
> observed values and GRIB2 file from converted netcdf for the
> file) in the ftp site. I am just not sure if I was able to upload it
> successfully.
> In any case, I am attaching the files here:
> Thanks for your assistance! I am really new in MET (and in weather
> forecasting!). I am just trying out some things for a project.
> Thank you!
> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>   3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
> Applications Programmer
> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>   Diliman, Quezon City
> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>   Philippines
> Global Delivery Center
> Phone:
> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
> e-mail:
> malabava at ph.ibm.com
> From:   "John Halley Gotway via RT" <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To:     Vladimir A Malabanan/Philippines/IBM at IBMPH,
> Date:   09/27/2013 12:28 AM
> Subject:        Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL
> Vladimir,
> I see from your earlier email that you're using little R point
> observations in MET.  I assume that you're using them for doing
> verification with the Point-Stat tool.  Support for little R point
> observations was recently added in METv4.1, and we've only had a
> of users try it out to my knowledge.  So I'll be interested to hear
how it
> goes and what issues, if any, arise.
> I see that you're asking about what "level" to use when doing
> of surface variables.  Surface fields are kind of a special case
> Point-Stat.
> For upper-air variables, like 500mb temperature for example, you
> specify a range of observation pressure values that you'd like to
> to that field.  For example, you may want to match any
> observations with a pressure value between 475 and 525mb to the
> forecast level.  However for surface variables, Point-Stat does not
> use the "level" value.  Instead, the matching is
> controlled by the message type.  Observations with message types of
> (over land) and SFCSHP (over water) are assumed to be at the
surface. When
> verifying surface fields, like 2-m temperature or
> 10-m winds, you should compare them to the APDSFC and/or SFCSHP
> types.  Any observations with those message types will be compared
> the forecast at the surface.
> Since you're using little R data, things may get a little messy.
> ascii2nc contains a mapping of little R message type to the
> message types used in the rest of MET (like ADPSFC
> and SFCSHP).  However, I suspect that mapping may be incomplete.
> Please try running ASCII2NC and Point-Stat, and if you run into
> just let me know.  It'll probably be easiest to just have you send
me some
> sample data.  That way I can run your data here and
> figure out what changes, if any, will be required to get it working
> smoothly in MET.  You can post data to our anonymous ftp site by
> these instructions:
>      http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/met_help.php#ftp
> Thanks,
> John Halley Gotway
> met_help at ucar.edu
> On 09/26/2013 04:25 AM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
>> Thu Sep 26 04:25:01 2013: Request 63193 was acted upon.
>> Transaction: Ticket created by vlad.malabanan at ph.ibm.com
>>          Queue: met_help
>>        Subject: SURFACE LEVEL
>>          Owner: Nobody
>>     Requestors: vlad.malabanan at ph.ibm.com
>>         Status: new
>>    Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=63193 >
>> Hello,
>> I would like to know what level to specify when I want to check
>> at surface level of metrics such as precipitation (APCP), pressure
> (PRES)
>> and humidity (SPFH).
>> Thanks!
>> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>>    3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
>> Applications Programmer
>> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>>    Diliman, Quezon City
>> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>>    Philippines
>> Global Delivery Center
>> Phone:
>> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
>> e-mail:
>> malabava at ph.ibm.com

From: Vladimir A Malabanan
Time: Fri Sep 27 19:02:12 2013

Thanks John!

Actually, I also just figured it out that in order to compute for
for WIND, I should add WIND in the forecast fields ( instead of the
individual U and V).

However, I still don't know the proper config in order to verify rain
value/precipitation amount forecasts. Do you know how to set the
configuration file (the levels,etc) to verify this measure?

Thanks again!

Vladimir A. Malabanan
 3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub

Applications Programmer
Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
 Diliman, Quezon City
IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
Global Delivery Center

+632-995-2IBM local 8639

malabava at ph.ibm.com

From:   "John Halley Gotway via RT" <met_help at ucar.edu>
To:     Vladimir A Malabanan/Philippines/IBM at IBMPH,
Date:   09/28/2013 12:51 AM
Subject:        Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL


I took a look at the example data you sent.  For verifying surface
you should use the ADPSFC message type.  I see that that's what you
in the NetCDF point observation file you sent.

When I run with your data, I get 711 matched pairs for 2-m temperature
the "FULL" domain (which is just the full domain of the forecast
However, I get 0 matched pairs for the U and V
components of the wind.  Running Point-Stat at verbosity level 3 (-v

DEBUG 2: Processing UGRD/Z10 versus UGRD/Z10, for observation type
over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0 pairs.
DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 28295
DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 28295
DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0

So we're getting 0 matched pairs because none of the observations GRIB
code matches the UGRD GRIB code, which is 33.  See GRIB table here:

I wanted to inspect your observations easily so I converted them back
ASCII by running the following R script:
   Rscript METv4.1/scripts/Rscripts/pntnc2ascii.R
> SURFACE_OBS_20130401.txt

Looking in SURFACE_OBS_20130401.txt, I see that you have GRIB code
observations of wind speed and direction (codes 31 and 32).  You can
verify wind speed directly in Point-Stat, but for wind
direction, you'd need to U and V components.  So I modified your
file like this:
     field = [
         name       = "TMP";
         level      = [ "Z2" ];
         cat_thresh = [ <=273, >273 ];

         name       = "WIND";
         level      = [ "Z10" ];
         cat_thresh = [ >=5 ];

Running Point-Stat again, I now get 711 matched pairs for both 2-m
temperature and 10-m wind speed.

Hope that helps.

John Halley Gotway
met_help at ucar.edu

On 09/27/2013 03:00 AM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=63193 >
> Hello John,
> Thanks for the response.
> Yes, you are right. I am using little_r file format for my
> file to match with my forecast file (in GRIB2 format, converted from
> netcdf file using UPP).
> As for my question, I would just like to know the correct level to
> for the accuracy of precipitation amount (APCP) (and other surface
> measurements)
>        {
>          name       = "APSP";
>          level      = [ "__" ];
>          cat_thresh = [ >=0 ];
>        },
> I have already uploaded my sample data (netcdf from converted
> observed values and GRIB2 file from converted netcdf for the
> file) in the ftp site. I am just not sure if I was able to upload it
> successfully.
> In any case, I am attaching the files here:
> Thanks for your assistance! I am really new in MET (and in weather
> forecasting!). I am just trying out some things for a project.
> Thank you!
> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>   3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
> Applications Programmer
> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>   Diliman, Quezon City
> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>   Philippines
> Global Delivery Center
> Phone:
> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
> e-mail:
> malabava at ph.ibm.com
> From:   "John Halley Gotway via RT" <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To:     Vladimir A Malabanan/Philippines/IBM at IBMPH,
> Date:   09/27/2013 12:28 AM
> Subject:        Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL
> Vladimir,
> I see from your earlier email that you're using little R point
> observations in MET.  I assume that you're using them for doing
> verification with the Point-Stat tool.  Support for little R point
> observations was recently added in METv4.1, and we've only had a
> of users try it out to my knowledge.  So I'll be interested to hear
> goes and what issues, if any, arise.
> I see that you're asking about what "level" to use when doing
> of surface variables.  Surface fields are kind of a special case
> Point-Stat.
> For upper-air variables, like 500mb temperature for example, you
> specify a range of observation pressure values that you'd like to
> to that field.  For example, you may want to match any
> observations with a pressure value between 475 and 525mb to the
> forecast level.  However for surface variables, Point-Stat does not
> use the "level" value.  Instead, the matching is
> controlled by the message type.  Observations with message types of
> (over land) and SFCSHP (over water) are assumed to be at the
> verifying surface fields, like 2-m temperature or
> 10-m winds, you should compare them to the APDSFC and/or SFCSHP
> types.  Any observations with those message types will be compared
> the forecast at the surface.
> Since you're using little R data, things may get a little messy.
> ascii2nc contains a mapping of little R message type to the
> message types used in the rest of MET (like ADPSFC
> and SFCSHP).  However, I suspect that mapping may be incomplete.
> Please try running ASCII2NC and Point-Stat, and if you run into
> just let me know.  It'll probably be easiest to just have you send
> sample data.  That way I can run your data here and
> figure out what changes, if any, will be required to get it working
> smoothly in MET.  You can post data to our anonymous ftp site by
> these instructions:
>      http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/met_help.php#ftp
> Thanks,
> John Halley Gotway
> met_help at ucar.edu
> On 09/26/2013 04:25 AM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
>> Thu Sep 26 04:25:01 2013: Request 63193 was acted upon.
>> Transaction: Ticket created by vlad.malabanan at ph.ibm.com
>>          Queue: met_help
>>        Subject: SURFACE LEVEL
>>          Owner: Nobody
>>     Requestors: vlad.malabanan at ph.ibm.com
>>         Status: new
>>    Ticket <URL:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to know what level to specify when I want to check
>> at surface level of metrics such as precipitation (APCP), pressure
> (PRES)
>> and humidity (SPFH).
>> Thanks!
>> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>>    3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
>> Applications Programmer
>> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>>    Diliman, Quezon City
>> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>>    Philippines
>> Global Delivery Center
>> Phone:
>> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
>> e-mail:
>> malabava at ph.ibm.com

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Mon Sep 30 11:12:22 2013


For verifying precipitation, the ADPSFC message type will work fine.
But you do need to specify a level value - and that level value is the
accumulation interval of the precip.

For example, suppose you have 6-hour precip in the GRIB output of UPP.
And you have 6-hour accumulations of precip in your point
observations.  Here's how you'd set up the config file:


fcst = {
    wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
    message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];

    field = [
         name       = "APCP";
         level      = [ "A06" ];
         cat_thresh = [ >0.0 ];

obs = fcst;


Assuming you're using ASCII2NC, the ascii input to that tool would
look like this:

ADPSFC STATION_NAME 20111017_120000    34.0081  -118.4989 -9999.00  61
06 -9999.00 -9999.00 1.00

The GRIB code is 61 for accumulated precip, and the "level" value is
06 for 6-hours of accumulation.  For precip, the level is given in
HH[MMSS] format, where the minutes and seconds are optional.

Please give that a shot and let me know if you have more questions.


On 09/27/2013 07:02 PM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=63193 >
> Thanks John!
> Actually, I also just figured it out that in order to compute for
> for WIND, I should add WIND in the forecast fields ( instead of the
> individual U and V).
> However, I still don't know the proper config in order to verify
> value/precipitation amount forecasts. Do you know how to set the
> configuration file (the levels,etc) to verify this measure?
> Thanks again!
> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>   3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
> Applications Programmer
> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>   Diliman, Quezon City
> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>   Philippines
> Global Delivery Center
> Phone:
> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
> e-mail:
> malabava at ph.ibm.com
> From:   "John Halley Gotway via RT" <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To:     Vladimir A Malabanan/Philippines/IBM at IBMPH,
> Date:   09/28/2013 12:51 AM
> Subject:        Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL
> Vladimir,
> I took a look at the example data you sent.  For verifying surface
> you should use the ADPSFC message type.  I see that that's what you
> in the NetCDF point observation file you sent.
> When I run with your data, I get 711 matched pairs for 2-m
temperature for
> the "FULL" domain (which is just the full domain of the forecast
> However, I get 0 matched pairs for the U and V
> components of the wind.  Running Point-Stat at verbosity level 3 (-v
> reveals:
> DEBUG 2: Processing UGRD/Z10 versus UGRD/Z10, for observation type
> over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
> DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
> DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 28295
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 28295
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> So we're getting 0 matched pairs because none of the observations
> code matches the UGRD GRIB code, which is 33.  See GRIB table here:
> http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/table2.html
> I wanted to inspect your observations easily so I converted them
back to
> ASCII by running the following R script:
>     Rscript METv4.1/scripts/Rscripts/pntnc2ascii.R
>> SURFACE_OBS_20130401.txt
> Looking in SURFACE_OBS_20130401.txt, I see that you have GRIB code
> observations of wind speed and direction (codes 31 and 32).  You can
> verify wind speed directly in Point-Stat, but for wind
> direction, you'd need to U and V components.  So I modified your
> file like this:
>       field = [
>         {
>           name       = "TMP";
>           level      = [ "Z2" ];
>           cat_thresh = [ <=273, >273 ];
>         },
>         {
>           name       = "WIND";
>           level      = [ "Z10" ];
>           cat_thresh = [ >=5 ];
>         }
>      ];
> Running Point-Stat again, I now get 711 matched pairs for both 2-m
> temperature and 10-m wind speed.
> Hope that helps.
> Thanks,
> John Halley Gotway
> met_help at ucar.edu
> On 09/27/2013 03:00 AM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=63193 >
>> Hello John,
>> Thanks for the response.
>> Yes, you are right. I am using little_r file format for my
>> file to match with my forecast file (in GRIB2 format, converted
from WRF
>> netcdf file using UPP).
>> As for my question, I would just like to know the correct level to
> compute
>> for the accuracy of precipitation amount (APCP) (and other surface
>> measurements)
>>         {
>>           name       = "APSP";
>>           level      = [ "__" ];
>>           cat_thresh = [ >=0 ];
>>         },
>> I have already uploaded my sample data (netcdf from converted
> for
>> observed values and GRIB2 file from converted netcdf for the
>> file) in the ftp site. I am just not sure if I was able to upload
>> successfully.
>> In any case, I am attaching the files here:
>> Thanks for your assistance! I am really new in MET (and in weather
>> forecasting!). I am just trying out some things for a project.
>> Thank you!
>> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>>    3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
>> Applications Programmer
>> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>>    Diliman, Quezon City
>> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>>    Philippines
>> Global Delivery Center
>> Phone:
>> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
>> e-mail:
>> malabava at ph.ibm.com
>> From:   "John Halley Gotway via RT" <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To:     Vladimir A Malabanan/Philippines/IBM at IBMPH,
>> Date:   09/27/2013 12:28 AM
>> Subject:        Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL
>> Vladimir,
>> I see from your earlier email that you're using little R point
>> observations in MET.  I assume that you're using them for doing
>> verification with the Point-Stat tool.  Support for little R point
>> observations was recently added in METv4.1, and we've only had a
>> of users try it out to my knowledge.  So I'll be interested to hear
> it
>> goes and what issues, if any, arise.
>> I see that you're asking about what "level" to use when doing
> verification
>> of surface variables.  Surface fields are kind of a special case
>> Point-Stat.
>> For upper-air variables, like 500mb temperature for example, you
>> specify a range of observation pressure values that you'd like to
> compare
>> to that field.  For example, you may want to match any
>> observations with a pressure value between 475 and 525mb to the
>> forecast level.  However for surface variables, Point-Stat does not
> really
>> use the "level" value.  Instead, the matching is
>> controlled by the message type.  Observations with message types of
>> (over land) and SFCSHP (over water) are assumed to be at the
> When
>> verifying surface fields, like 2-m temperature or
>> 10-m winds, you should compare them to the APDSFC and/or SFCSHP
>> types.  Any observations with those message types will be compared
> against
>> the forecast at the surface.
>> Since you're using little R data, things may get a little messy.
> Currently
>> ascii2nc contains a mapping of little R message type to the
>> message types used in the rest of MET (like ADPSFC
>> and SFCSHP).  However, I suspect that mapping may be incomplete.
>> Please try running ASCII2NC and Point-Stat, and if you run into
> problems,
>> just let me know.  It'll probably be easiest to just have you send
> some
>> sample data.  That way I can run your data here and
>> figure out what changes, if any, will be required to get it working
>> smoothly in MET.  You can post data to our anonymous ftp site by
> following
>> these instructions:
>>       http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/met_help.php#ftp
>> Thanks,
>> John Halley Gotway
>> met_help at ucar.edu
>> On 09/26/2013 04:25 AM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
>>> Thu Sep 26 04:25:01 2013: Request 63193 was acted upon.
>>> Transaction: Ticket created by vlad.malabanan at ph.ibm.com
>>>           Queue: met_help
>>>         Subject: SURFACE LEVEL
>>>           Owner: Nobody
>>>      Requestors: vlad.malabanan at ph.ibm.com
>>>          Status: new
>>>     Ticket <URL:
>>> Hello,
>>> I would like to know what level to specify when I want to check
> accuracy
>>> at surface level of metrics such as precipitation (APCP), pressure
>> (PRES)
>>> and humidity (SPFH).
>>> Thanks!
>>> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>>>     3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
>>> Applications Programmer
>>> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>>>     Diliman, Quezon City
>>> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>>>     Philippines
>>> Global Delivery Center
>>> Phone:
>>> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
>>> e-mail:
>>> malabava at ph.ibm.com

From: Vladimir A Malabanan
Time: Tue Oct 01 03:30:06 2013

Hi John,

I have applied the configuration that you provided to be able to
for accuracy for rain value/precipitation. However, I am getting this

DEBUG 2: Reading data for APCP/A01.
DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found 0 GRIB records
matching VarInfo "APCP/A01" in GRIB file "../INPUT/WRFPRS_d01.00".
WARNING: process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching APCP/A01
in file: ../INPUT/WRFPRS_d01.00

It seems like precipitation was not found in my forecast file. My
file is a grib2 file for one forecast time converted from WRF netcdf

I have another question though. I tried working on other metrics
(pressure, humidity).

For Pressure (PRES), I am not sure at which level do I need to
specify. I
tried P500 but I was not able to find it in my forecast file. How can
know what are the valid levels for a specific measure? Is there a
reference table for that? I specifically would like to make an
report for the forecast for pressure (PSFC in WRF netcdf file).

DEBUG 2: Reading data for PRES/P500.
DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found 0 GRIB records
matching VarInfo "PRES/P500" in GRIB file "../INPUT/WRFPRS_d01.00".
WARNING: process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching PRES/P500
in file: ../INPUT/WRFPRS_d01.00

I also tried checking on relative humidity. It was found in the
file but was not able to make any matches against the observed file. I
received a message that point were rejected due to GRIB Code.

DEBUG 2: Processing SPFH/P500 versus SPFH/P500, for observation type
ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 28295
DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 28295

I have another question on my plate regarding little_r support. I will
just send a separate ticket regarding that.

Thanks John! I really appreciate your help!

Vladimir A. Malabanan
 3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub

Applications Programmer
Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
 Diliman, Quezon City
IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
Global Delivery Center

+632-995-2IBM local 8639

malabava at ph.ibm.com

From:   "John Halley Gotway via RT" <met_help at ucar.edu>
To:     Vladimir A Malabanan/Philippines/IBM at IBMPH,
Date:   10/01/2013 02:13 AM
Subject:        Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL


For verifying precipitation, the ADPSFC message type will work fine.
you do need to specify a level value - and that level value is the
accumulation interval of the precip.

For example, suppose you have 6-hour precip in the GRIB output of UPP.
you have 6-hour accumulations of precip in your point observations.
how you'd set up the config file:


fcst = {
    wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
    message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];

    field = [
         name       = "APCP";
         level      = [ "A06" ];
         cat_thresh = [ >0.0 ];

obs = fcst;


Assuming you're using ASCII2NC, the ascii input to that tool would
like this:

ADPSFC STATION_NAME 20111017_120000    34.0081  -118.4989 -9999.00  61
-9999.00 -9999.00 1.00

The GRIB code is 61 for accumulated precip, and the "level" value is
for 6-hours of accumulation.  For precip, the level is given in
format, where the minutes and seconds are optional.

Please give that a shot and let me know if you have more questions.


On 09/27/2013 07:02 PM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=63193 >
> Thanks John!
> Actually, I also just figured it out that in order to compute for
> for WIND, I should add WIND in the forecast fields ( instead of the
> individual U and V).
> However, I still don't know the proper config in order to verify
> value/precipitation amount forecasts. Do you know how to set the
> configuration file (the levels,etc) to verify this measure?
> Thanks again!
> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>   3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
> Applications Programmer
> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>   Diliman, Quezon City
> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>   Philippines
> Global Delivery Center
> Phone:
> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
> e-mail:
> malabava at ph.ibm.com
> From:   "John Halley Gotway via RT" <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To:     Vladimir A Malabanan/Philippines/IBM at IBMPH,
> Date:   09/28/2013 12:51 AM
> Subject:        Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL
> Vladimir,
> I took a look at the example data you sent.  For verifying surface
> you should use the ADPSFC message type.  I see that that's what you
> in the NetCDF point observation file you sent.
> When I run with your data, I get 711 matched pairs for 2-m
> the "FULL" domain (which is just the full domain of the forecast
> However, I get 0 matched pairs for the U and V
> components of the wind.  Running Point-Stat at verbosity level 3 (-v
> reveals:
> DEBUG 2: Processing UGRD/Z10 versus UGRD/Z10, for observation type
> over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
> DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
> DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 28295
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 28295
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> So we're getting 0 matched pairs because none of the observations
> code matches the UGRD GRIB code, which is 33.  See GRIB table here:
> http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/table2.html
> I wanted to inspect your observations easily so I converted them
back to
> ASCII by running the following R script:
>     Rscript METv4.1/scripts/Rscripts/pntnc2ascii.R
>> SURFACE_OBS_20130401.txt
> Looking in SURFACE_OBS_20130401.txt, I see that you have GRIB code
> observations of wind speed and direction (codes 31 and 32).  You can
> verify wind speed directly in Point-Stat, but for wind
> direction, you'd need to U and V components.  So I modified your
> file like this:
>       field = [
>         {
>           name       = "TMP";
>           level      = [ "Z2" ];
>           cat_thresh = [ <=273, >273 ];
>         },
>         {
>           name       = "WIND";
>           level      = [ "Z10" ];
>           cat_thresh = [ >=5 ];
>         }
>      ];
> Running Point-Stat again, I now get 711 matched pairs for both 2-m
> temperature and 10-m wind speed.
> Hope that helps.
> Thanks,
> John Halley Gotway
> met_help at ucar.edu
> On 09/27/2013 03:00 AM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=63193 >
>> Hello John,
>> Thanks for the response.
>> Yes, you are right. I am using little_r file format for my
>> file to match with my forecast file (in GRIB2 format, converted
>> netcdf file using UPP).
>> As for my question, I would just like to know the correct level to
> compute
>> for the accuracy of precipitation amount (APCP) (and other surface
>> measurements)
>>         {
>>           name       = "APSP";
>>           level      = [ "__" ];
>>           cat_thresh = [ >=0 ];
>>         },
>> I have already uploaded my sample data (netcdf from converted
> for
>> observed values and GRIB2 file from converted netcdf for the
>> file) in the ftp site. I am just not sure if I was able to upload
>> successfully.
>> In any case, I am attaching the files here:
>> Thanks for your assistance! I am really new in MET (and in weather
>> forecasting!). I am just trying out some things for a project.
>> Thank you!
>> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>>    3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
>> Applications Programmer
>> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>>    Diliman, Quezon City
>> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>>    Philippines
>> Global Delivery Center
>> Phone:
>> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
>> e-mail:
>> malabava at ph.ibm.com
>> From:   "John Halley Gotway via RT" <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To:     Vladimir A Malabanan/Philippines/IBM at IBMPH,
>> Date:   09/27/2013 12:28 AM
>> Subject:        Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL
>> Vladimir,
>> I see from your earlier email that you're using little R point
>> observations in MET.  I assume that you're using them for doing
>> verification with the Point-Stat tool.  Support for little R point
>> observations was recently added in METv4.1, and we've only had a
>> of users try it out to my knowledge.  So I'll be interested to hear
> it
>> goes and what issues, if any, arise.
>> I see that you're asking about what "level" to use when doing
> verification
>> of surface variables.  Surface fields are kind of a special case
>> Point-Stat.
>> For upper-air variables, like 500mb temperature for example, you
>> specify a range of observation pressure values that you'd like to
> compare
>> to that field.  For example, you may want to match any
>> observations with a pressure value between 475 and 525mb to the
>> forecast level.  However for surface variables, Point-Stat does not
> really
>> use the "level" value.  Instead, the matching is
>> controlled by the message type.  Observations with message types of
>> (over land) and SFCSHP (over water) are assumed to be at the
> When
>> verifying surface fields, like 2-m temperature or
>> 10-m winds, you should compare them to the APDSFC and/or SFCSHP
>> types.  Any observations with those message types will be compared
> against
>> the forecast at the surface.
>> Since you're using little R data, things may get a little messy.
> Currently
>> ascii2nc contains a mapping of little R message type to the
>> message types used in the rest of MET (like ADPSFC
>> and SFCSHP).  However, I suspect that mapping may be incomplete.
>> Please try running ASCII2NC and Point-Stat, and if you run into
> problems,
>> just let me know.  It'll probably be easiest to just have you send
> some
>> sample data.  That way I can run your data here and
>> figure out what changes, if any, will be required to get it working
>> smoothly in MET.  You can post data to our anonymous ftp site by
> following
>> these instructions:
>>       http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/met_help.php#ftp
>> Thanks,
>> John Halley Gotway
>> met_help at ucar.edu
>> On 09/26/2013 04:25 AM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
>>> Thu Sep 26 04:25:01 2013: Request 63193 was acted upon.
>>> Transaction: Ticket created by vlad.malabanan at ph.ibm.com
>>>           Queue: met_help
>>>         Subject: SURFACE LEVEL
>>>           Owner: Nobody
>>>      Requestors: vlad.malabanan at ph.ibm.com
>>>          Status: new
>>>     Ticket <URL:
>>> Hello,
>>> I would like to know what level to specify when I want to check
> accuracy
>>> at surface level of metrics such as precipitation (APCP), pressure
>> (PRES)
>>> and humidity (SPFH).
>>> Thanks!
>>> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>>>     3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
>>> Applications Programmer
>>> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>>>     Diliman, Quezon City
>>> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>>>     Philippines
>>> Global Delivery Center
>>> Phone:
>>> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
>>> e-mail:
>>> malabava at ph.ibm.com

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Tue Oct 01 14:43:25 2013


You're trying to retrieve an hour's worth of accumulated precipitation
from the file named "WRFPRS_d01.00".  I assume that's an analysis file
- meaning that it's the 0-hour forecast.  There cannot be
a 1-hour accumulation in the 0-hour forecast file because the model
has just begun.  It's not possible to verify accumulated precipitation
at analysis time - but you could evaluate the state
variables, like temperature and winds, since those are instantaneous
values rather than accumulated ones.

I'd suggest using the wgrib utility to inventory your GRIB files to
see what they contain.  For example:
   wgrib WRFPRS_d01.00 | grep PRES

That will tell you the levels at which you have pressure available.
If you want data at other pressure levels, you can modify the
configuration you're using when running the Unified Post Processor
(UPP).  There's a file called wrf_cntrl.parm that specifies which
variables/levels you'd like in the GRIB output.

Regarding you're point observations, you just need to take a look at
them.  If you have observations of relative humidity, you can use them
in the verification step.  If not, you can't.  Since you're
using ASCII observations, it's up to you look at them and figure out
what comparisons you'd like to make.

Hope that helps.


On 10/01/2013 03:30 AM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=63193 >
> Hi John,
> I have applied the configuration that you provided to be able to
> for accuracy for rain value/precipitation. However, I am getting
> warning:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for APCP/A01.
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found 0 GRIB
> matching VarInfo "APCP/A01" in GRIB file "../INPUT/WRFPRS_d01.00".
> WARNING: process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching APCP/A01
> in file: ../INPUT/WRFPRS_d01.00
> It seems like precipitation was not found in my forecast file. My
> file is a grib2 file for one forecast time converted from WRF netcdf
> I have another question though. I tried working on other metrics
> (pressure, humidity).
> For Pressure (PRES), I am not sure at which level do I need to
specify. I
> tried P500 but I was not able to find it in my forecast file. How
can I
> know what are the valid levels for a specific measure? Is there a
> reference table for that? I specifically would like to make an
> report for the forecast for pressure (PSFC in WRF netcdf file).
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for PRES/P500.
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found 0 GRIB
> matching VarInfo "PRES/P500" in GRIB file "../INPUT/WRFPRS_d01.00".
> WARNING: process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching PRES/P500
> in file: ../INPUT/WRFPRS_d01.00
> I also tried checking on relative humidity. It was found in the
> file but was not able to make any matches against the observed file.
> received a message that point were rejected due to GRIB Code.
> DEBUG 2: Processing SPFH/P500 versus SPFH/P500, for observation type
> ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using
> pairs.
> DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
> DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 28295
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 28295
> I have another question on my plate regarding little_r support. I
> just send a separate ticket regarding that.
> Thanks John! I really appreciate your help!
> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>   3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
> Applications Programmer
> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>   Diliman, Quezon City
> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>   Philippines
> Global Delivery Center
> Phone:
> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
> e-mail:
> malabava at ph.ibm.com
> From:   "John Halley Gotway via RT" <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To:     Vladimir A Malabanan/Philippines/IBM at IBMPH,
> Date:   10/01/2013 02:13 AM
> Subject:        Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL
> Vladimir,
> For verifying precipitation, the ADPSFC message type will work fine.
> you do need to specify a level value - and that level value is the
> accumulation interval of the precip.
> For example, suppose you have 6-hour precip in the GRIB output of
UPP. And
> you have 6-hour accumulations of precip in your point observations.
> how you'd set up the config file:
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> fcst = {
>      wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
>      message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
>      field = [
>         {
>           name       = "APCP";
>           level      = [ "A06" ];
>           cat_thresh = [ >0.0 ];
>         }
>      ];
> };
> obs = fcst;
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Assuming you're using ASCII2NC, the ascii input to that tool would
> like this:
> ADPSFC STATION_NAME 20111017_120000    34.0081  -118.4989 -9999.00
61  06
> -9999.00 -9999.00 1.00
> The GRIB code is 61 for accumulated precip, and the "level" value is
> for 6-hours of accumulation.  For precip, the level is given in
> format, where the minutes and seconds are optional.
> Please give that a shot and let me know if you have more questions.
> Thanks,
> John
> On 09/27/2013 07:02 PM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=63193 >
>> Thanks John!
>> Actually, I also just figured it out that in order to compute for
> accuracy
>> for WIND, I should add WIND in the forecast fields ( instead of the
>> individual U and V).
>> However, I still don't know the proper config in order to verify
>> value/precipitation amount forecasts. Do you know how to set the
>> configuration file (the levels,etc) to verify this measure?
>> Thanks again!
>> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>>    3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
>> Applications Programmer
>> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>>    Diliman, Quezon City
>> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>>    Philippines
>> Global Delivery Center
>> Phone:
>> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
>> e-mail:
>> malabava at ph.ibm.com
>> From:   "John Halley Gotway via RT" <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To:     Vladimir A Malabanan/Philippines/IBM at IBMPH,
>> Date:   09/28/2013 12:51 AM
>> Subject:        Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL
>> Vladimir,
>> I took a look at the example data you sent.  For verifying surface
> fields,
>> you should use the ADPSFC message type.  I see that that's what you
>> in the NetCDF point observation file you sent.
>> When I run with your data, I get 711 matched pairs for 2-m
> for
>> the "FULL" domain (which is just the full domain of the forecast
>> However, I get 0 matched pairs for the U and V
>> components of the wind.  Running Point-Stat at verbosity level 3 (-
v 3)
>> reveals:
>> DEBUG 2: Processing UGRD/Z10 versus UGRD/Z10, for observation type
>> over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
>> DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 28295
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 28295
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
>> So we're getting 0 matched pairs because none of the observations
>> code matches the UGRD GRIB code, which is 33.  See GRIB table here:
>> http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/table2.html
>> I wanted to inspect your observations easily so I converted them
back to
>> ASCII by running the following R script:
>>      Rscript METv4.1/scripts/Rscripts/pntnc2ascii.R
> SURFACE_OBS_20130401.nc
>>> SURFACE_OBS_20130401.txt
>> Looking in SURFACE_OBS_20130401.txt, I see that you have GRIB code
>> observations of wind speed and direction (codes 31 and 32).  You
>> verify wind speed directly in Point-Stat, but for wind
>> direction, you'd need to U and V components.  So I modified your
>> file like this:
>>        field = [
>>          {
>>            name       = "TMP";
>>            level      = [ "Z2" ];
>>            cat_thresh = [ <=273, >273 ];
>>          },
>>          {
>>            name       = "WIND";
>>            level      = [ "Z10" ];
>>            cat_thresh = [ >=5 ];
>>          }
>>       ];
>> Running Point-Stat again, I now get 711 matched pairs for both 2-m
>> temperature and 10-m wind speed.
>> Hope that helps.
>> Thanks,
>> John Halley Gotway
>> met_help at ucar.edu
>> On 09/27/2013 03:00 AM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=63193 >
>>> Hello John,
>>> Thanks for the response.
>>> Yes, you are right. I am using little_r file format for my
>>> file to match with my forecast file (in GRIB2 format, converted
>>> netcdf file using UPP).
>>> As for my question, I would just like to know the correct level to
>> compute
>>> for the accuracy of precipitation amount (APCP) (and other surface
>>> measurements)
>>>          {
>>>            name       = "APSP";
>>>            level      = [ "__" ];
>>>            cat_thresh = [ >=0 ];
>>>          },
>>> I have already uploaded my sample data (netcdf from converted
>> for
>>> observed values and GRIB2 file from converted netcdf for the
>>> file) in the ftp site. I am just not sure if I was able to upload
>>> successfully.
>>> In any case, I am attaching the files here:
>>> Thanks for your assistance! I am really new in MET (and in weather
>>> forecasting!). I am just trying out some things for a project.
>>> Thank you!
>>> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>>>     3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
>>> Applications Programmer
>>> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>>>     Diliman, Quezon City
>>> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>>>     Philippines
>>> Global Delivery Center
>>> Phone:
>>> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
>>> e-mail:
>>> malabava at ph.ibm.com
>>> From:   "John Halley Gotway via RT" <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>> To:     Vladimir A Malabanan/Philippines/IBM at IBMPH,
>>> Date:   09/27/2013 12:28 AM
>>> Subject:        Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL
>>> Vladimir,
>>> I see from your earlier email that you're using little R point
>>> observations in MET.  I assume that you're using them for doing
>>> verification with the Point-Stat tool.  Support for little R point
>>> observations was recently added in METv4.1, and we've only had a
> handful
>>> of users try it out to my knowledge.  So I'll be interested to
hear how
>> it
>>> goes and what issues, if any, arise.
>>> I see that you're asking about what "level" to use when doing
>> verification
>>> of surface variables.  Surface fields are kind of a special case
>>> Point-Stat.
>>> For upper-air variables, like 500mb temperature for example, you
>>> specify a range of observation pressure values that you'd like to
>> compare
>>> to that field.  For example, you may want to match any
>>> observations with a pressure value between 475 and 525mb to the
>>> forecast level.  However for surface variables, Point-Stat does
>> really
>>> use the "level" value.  Instead, the matching is
>>> controlled by the message type.  Observations with message types
>>> (over land) and SFCSHP (over water) are assumed to be at the
>> When
>>> verifying surface fields, like 2-m temperature or
>>> 10-m winds, you should compare them to the APDSFC and/or SFCSHP
>>> types.  Any observations with those message types will be compared
>> against
>>> the forecast at the surface.
>>> Since you're using little R data, things may get a little messy.
>> Currently
>>> ascii2nc contains a mapping of little R message type to the
> conventional
>>> message types used in the rest of MET (like ADPSFC
>>> and SFCSHP).  However, I suspect that mapping may be incomplete.
>>> Please try running ASCII2NC and Point-Stat, and if you run into
>> problems,
>>> just let me know.  It'll probably be easiest to just have you send
>> some
>>> sample data.  That way I can run your data here and
>>> figure out what changes, if any, will be required to get it
> more
>>> smoothly in MET.  You can post data to our anonymous ftp site by
>> following
>>> these instructions:
>>>        http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/met_help.php#ftp
>>> Thanks,
>>> John Halley Gotway
>>> met_help at ucar.edu
>>> On 09/26/2013 04:25 AM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
>>>> Thu Sep 26 04:25:01 2013: Request 63193 was acted upon.
>>>> Transaction: Ticket created by vlad.malabanan at ph.ibm.com
>>>>            Queue: met_help
>>>>          Subject: SURFACE LEVEL
>>>>            Owner: Nobody
>>>>       Requestors: vlad.malabanan at ph.ibm.com
>>>>           Status: new
>>>>      Ticket <URL:
> https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=63193
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I would like to know what level to specify when I want to check
>> accuracy
>>>> at surface level of metrics such as precipitation (APCP),
>>> (PRES)
>>>> and humidity (SPFH).
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>>>>      3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
>>>> Applications Programmer
>>>> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>>>>      Diliman, Quezon City
>>>> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>>>>      Philippines
>>>> Global Delivery Center
>>>> Phone:
>>>> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
>>>> e-mail:
>>>> malabava at ph.ibm.com

From: Vladimir A Malabanan
Time: Tue Oct 01 18:23:51 2013

Hi John,

Thanks for the tips! I will apply them and I will let you know of any

Maraming Salamat!

Vladimir A. Malabanan
 3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub

Applications Programmer
Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
 Diliman, Quezon City
IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
Global Delivery Center

+632-995-2IBM local 8639

malabava at ph.ibm.com

From:   "John Halley Gotway via RT" <met_help at ucar.edu>
To:     Vladimir A Malabanan/Philippines/IBM at IBMPH,
Date:   10/02/2013 04:42 AM
Subject:        Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL


You're trying to retrieve an hour's worth of accumulated precipitation
from the file named "WRFPRS_d01.00".  I assume that's an analysis file
meaning that it's the 0-hour forecast.  There cannot be
a 1-hour accumulation in the 0-hour forecast file because the model
just begun.  It's not possible to verify accumulated precipitation at
analysis time - but you could evaluate the state
variables, like temperature and winds, since those are instantaneous
values rather than accumulated ones.

I'd suggest using the wgrib utility to inventory your GRIB files to
what they contain.  For example:
   wgrib WRFPRS_d01.00 | grep PRES

That will tell you the levels at which you have pressure available.
you want data at other pressure levels, you can modify the
you're using when running the Unified Post Processor
(UPP).  There's a file called wrf_cntrl.parm that specifies which
variables/levels you'd like in the GRIB output.

Regarding you're point observations, you just need to take a look at
 If you have observations of relative humidity, you can use them in
verification step.  If not, you can't.  Since you're
using ASCII observations, it's up to you look at them and figure out
comparisons you'd like to make.

Hope that helps.


On 10/01/2013 03:30 AM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=63193 >
> Hi John,
> I have applied the configuration that you provided to be able to
> for accuracy for rain value/precipitation. However, I am getting
> warning:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for APCP/A01.
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found 0 GRIB
> matching VarInfo "APCP/A01" in GRIB file "../INPUT/WRFPRS_d01.00".
> WARNING: process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching APCP/A01
> in file: ../INPUT/WRFPRS_d01.00
> It seems like precipitation was not found in my forecast file. My
> file is a grib2 file for one forecast time converted from WRF netcdf
> I have another question though. I tried working on other metrics
> (pressure, humidity).
> For Pressure (PRES), I am not sure at which level do I need to
> tried P500 but I was not able to find it in my forecast file. How
can I
> know what are the valid levels for a specific measure? Is there a
> reference table for that? I specifically would like to make an
> report for the forecast for pressure (PSFC in WRF netcdf file).
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for PRES/P500.
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found 0 GRIB
> matching VarInfo "PRES/P500" in GRIB file "../INPUT/WRFPRS_d01.00".
> WARNING: process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching PRES/P500
> in file: ../INPUT/WRFPRS_d01.00
> I also tried checking on relative humidity. It was found in the
> file but was not able to make any matches against the observed file.
> received a message that point were rejected due to GRIB Code.
> DEBUG 2: Processing SPFH/P500 versus SPFH/P500, for observation type
> ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using
> pairs.
> DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
> DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 28295
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 28295
> I have another question on my plate regarding little_r support. I
> just send a separate ticket regarding that.
> Thanks John! I really appreciate your help!
> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>   3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
> Applications Programmer
> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>   Diliman, Quezon City
> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>   Philippines
> Global Delivery Center
> Phone:
> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
> e-mail:
> malabava at ph.ibm.com
> From:   "John Halley Gotway via RT" <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To:     Vladimir A Malabanan/Philippines/IBM at IBMPH,
> Date:   10/01/2013 02:13 AM
> Subject:        Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL
> Vladimir,
> For verifying precipitation, the ADPSFC message type will work fine.
> you do need to specify a level value - and that level value is the
> accumulation interval of the precip.
> For example, suppose you have 6-hour precip in the GRIB output of
> you have 6-hour accumulations of precip in your point observations.
> how you'd set up the config file:
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> fcst = {
>      wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
>      message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
>      field = [
>         {
>           name       = "APCP";
>           level      = [ "A06" ];
>           cat_thresh = [ >0.0 ];
>         }
>      ];
> };
> obs = fcst;
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Assuming you're using ASCII2NC, the ascii input to that tool would
> like this:
> ADPSFC STATION_NAME 20111017_120000    34.0081  -118.4989 -9999.00
> -9999.00 -9999.00 1.00
> The GRIB code is 61 for accumulated precip, and the "level" value is
> for 6-hours of accumulation.  For precip, the level is given in
> format, where the minutes and seconds are optional.
> Please give that a shot and let me know if you have more questions.
> Thanks,
> John
> On 09/27/2013 07:02 PM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=63193 >
>> Thanks John!
>> Actually, I also just figured it out that in order to compute for
> accuracy
>> for WIND, I should add WIND in the forecast fields ( instead of the
>> individual U and V).
>> However, I still don't know the proper config in order to verify
>> value/precipitation amount forecasts. Do you know how to set the
>> configuration file (the levels,etc) to verify this measure?
>> Thanks again!
>> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>>    3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
>> Applications Programmer
>> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>>    Diliman, Quezon City
>> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>>    Philippines
>> Global Delivery Center
>> Phone:
>> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
>> e-mail:
>> malabava at ph.ibm.com
>> From:   "John Halley Gotway via RT" <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To:     Vladimir A Malabanan/Philippines/IBM at IBMPH,
>> Date:   09/28/2013 12:51 AM
>> Subject:        Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL
>> Vladimir,
>> I took a look at the example data you sent.  For verifying surface
> fields,
>> you should use the ADPSFC message type.  I see that that's what you
>> in the NetCDF point observation file you sent.
>> When I run with your data, I get 711 matched pairs for 2-m
> for
>> the "FULL" domain (which is just the full domain of the forecast
>> However, I get 0 matched pairs for the U and V
>> components of the wind.  Running Point-Stat at verbosity level 3 (-
v 3)
>> reveals:
>> DEBUG 2: Processing UGRD/Z10 versus UGRD/Z10, for observation type
>> over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
>> DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 28295
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 28295
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
>> So we're getting 0 matched pairs because none of the observations
>> code matches the UGRD GRIB code, which is 33.  See GRIB table here:
>> http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/table2.html
>> I wanted to inspect your observations easily so I converted them
>> ASCII by running the following R script:
>>      Rscript METv4.1/scripts/Rscripts/pntnc2ascii.R
> SURFACE_OBS_20130401.nc
>>> SURFACE_OBS_20130401.txt
>> Looking in SURFACE_OBS_20130401.txt, I see that you have GRIB code
>> observations of wind speed and direction (codes 31 and 32).  You
>> verify wind speed directly in Point-Stat, but for wind
>> direction, you'd need to U and V components.  So I modified your
>> file like this:
>>        field = [
>>          {
>>            name       = "TMP";
>>            level      = [ "Z2" ];
>>            cat_thresh = [ <=273, >273 ];
>>          },
>>          {
>>            name       = "WIND";
>>            level      = [ "Z10" ];
>>            cat_thresh = [ >=5 ];
>>          }
>>       ];
>> Running Point-Stat again, I now get 711 matched pairs for both 2-m
>> temperature and 10-m wind speed.
>> Hope that helps.
>> Thanks,
>> John Halley Gotway
>> met_help at ucar.edu
>> On 09/27/2013 03:00 AM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=63193 >
>>> Hello John,
>>> Thanks for the response.
>>> Yes, you are right. I am using little_r file format for my
>>> file to match with my forecast file (in GRIB2 format, converted
>>> netcdf file using UPP).
>>> As for my question, I would just like to know the correct level to
>> compute
>>> for the accuracy of precipitation amount (APCP) (and other surface
>>> measurements)
>>>          {
>>>            name       = "APSP";
>>>            level      = [ "__" ];
>>>            cat_thresh = [ >=0 ];
>>>          },
>>> I have already uploaded my sample data (netcdf from converted
>> for
>>> observed values and GRIB2 file from converted netcdf for the
>>> file) in the ftp site. I am just not sure if I was able to upload
>>> successfully.
>>> In any case, I am attaching the files here:
>>> Thanks for your assistance! I am really new in MET (and in weather
>>> forecasting!). I am just trying out some things for a project.
>>> Thank you!
>>> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>>>     3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
>>> Applications Programmer
>>> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>>>     Diliman, Quezon City
>>> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>>>     Philippines
>>> Global Delivery Center
>>> Phone:
>>> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
>>> e-mail:
>>> malabava at ph.ibm.com
>>> From:   "John Halley Gotway via RT" <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>> To:     Vladimir A Malabanan/Philippines/IBM at IBMPH,
>>> Date:   09/27/2013 12:28 AM
>>> Subject:        Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #63193] SURFACE LEVEL
>>> Vladimir,
>>> I see from your earlier email that you're using little R point
>>> observations in MET.  I assume that you're using them for doing
>>> verification with the Point-Stat tool.  Support for little R point
>>> observations was recently added in METv4.1, and we've only had a
> handful
>>> of users try it out to my knowledge.  So I'll be interested to
>> it
>>> goes and what issues, if any, arise.
>>> I see that you're asking about what "level" to use when doing
>> verification
>>> of surface variables.  Surface fields are kind of a special case
>>> Point-Stat.
>>> For upper-air variables, like 500mb temperature for example, you
>>> specify a range of observation pressure values that you'd like to
>> compare
>>> to that field.  For example, you may want to match any
>>> observations with a pressure value between 475 and 525mb to the
>>> forecast level.  However for surface variables, Point-Stat does
>> really
>>> use the "level" value.  Instead, the matching is
>>> controlled by the message type.  Observations with message types
>>> (over land) and SFCSHP (over water) are assumed to be at the
>> When
>>> verifying surface fields, like 2-m temperature or
>>> 10-m winds, you should compare them to the APDSFC and/or SFCSHP
>>> types.  Any observations with those message types will be compared
>> against
>>> the forecast at the surface.
>>> Since you're using little R data, things may get a little messy.
>> Currently
>>> ascii2nc contains a mapping of little R message type to the
> conventional
>>> message types used in the rest of MET (like ADPSFC
>>> and SFCSHP).  However, I suspect that mapping may be incomplete.
>>> Please try running ASCII2NC and Point-Stat, and if you run into
>> problems,
>>> just let me know.  It'll probably be easiest to just have you send
>> some
>>> sample data.  That way I can run your data here and
>>> figure out what changes, if any, will be required to get it
> more
>>> smoothly in MET.  You can post data to our anonymous ftp site by
>> following
>>> these instructions:
>>>        http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/met_help.php#ftp
>>> Thanks,
>>> John Halley Gotway
>>> met_help at ucar.edu
>>> On 09/26/2013 04:25 AM, Vladimir A Malabanan via RT wrote:
>>>> Thu Sep 26 04:25:01 2013: Request 63193 was acted upon.
>>>> Transaction: Ticket created by vlad.malabanan at ph.ibm.com
>>>>            Queue: met_help
>>>>          Subject: SURFACE LEVEL
>>>>            Owner: Nobody
>>>>       Requestors: vlad.malabanan at ph.ibm.com
>>>>           Status: new
>>>>      Ticket <URL:
> https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=63193
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I would like to know what level to specify when I want to check
>> accuracy
>>>> at surface level of metrics such as precipitation (APCP),
>>> (PRES)
>>>> and humidity (SPFH).
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Vladimir A. Malabanan
>>>>      3F IBM Bldg J, UP Ayala Technohub
>>>> Applications Programmer
>>>> Advanced Analytics - Data Specialist
>>>>      Diliman, Quezon City
>>>> IBM Solutions Delivery, Inc.
>>>>      Philippines
>>>> Global Delivery Center
>>>> Phone:
>>>> +632-995-2IBM local 8639
>>>> e-mail:
>>>> malabava at ph.ibm.com


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