[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #54799] History for Problem with pcp_combine on METv3.1

John Halley Gotway via RT met_help at ucar.edu
Thu Mar 8 08:45:39 MST 2012

  Initial Request

Dear MetHelp,

I am re-running some scripts with MET v3.1 tools wich ran ok on version 
3.0.1. Problems on v3.1 arise whem I run pcp_combine:

$ METv3.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract 
wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib 2 \
       wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib 1 test.nc -v 3

DEBUG 1: Reading input file: wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib
DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found 0 GRIB records 
matching VarInfo "APCP/A020000" in GRIB file 
WARNING: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane() -> No exact match found for 
VarInfo "APCP/A020000" in GRIB file 
ERROR  : get_field() -> can't get data plane from file 

Input files are A02 (0-2hr_acc) and A01 (0-1hr_acc) APCP extracted from 
WRF v3.0 output. It seems that pcp_combine don't find data on first 
file, though v3.01 do. Trying again with pcp_combine v3.0.1 and same files:

$ METv3.0.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract 
wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib 2 \
      wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib 1 test.nc -v 3

Reading input file: wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib
GRIB Record 1: Init = 20111026_000000, Valid = 20111026_020000, Accum = 
020000, Min = 0, Max = 17.5756
Reading input file: wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib
GRIB Record 1: Init = 20111026_000000, Valid = 20111026_010000, Accum = 
010000, Min = 0, Max = 5.32944
Performing subtraction command.
Writing output file: test.nc

It runs and output file is as expected.

I checked for differences on input parameters and also tried '-gc 61' 
with same error. I have tried '02' and '01' for acum1 and acum2 
parameters. It don't make difference. I executed again 'test_all.sh' 
(scripts from v3.1) with data from v3.1 and v3.0.1 and output is the 
same on both cases. So I am thinking on troubles inside my files. Do you 
have any idea?

Output of wgrib for both files:

$ wgrib wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib

$ wgrib wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib

Thanks in advance.

Víctor M. Álvarez
Numerical Department - MeteoGalicia
Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas - Xunta de 
Santiago de Compostela - Spain

  Complete Ticket History

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #54799] Problem with pcp_combine on METv3.1
From: Paul Oldenburg
Time: Thu Mar 01 09:22:09 2012


This problem was caused by a bug in METv3.1.  A patch has been
developed to address this issue and it can be found on
the MET website at
Please make sure to follow
the instructions on the website for deploying the patch.  Let me know
if you have any further problems and thank you for
reporting this problem.


On 03/01/2012 05:30 AM, Victor M. Alvarez via RT wrote:
> Thu Mar 01 05:30:48 2012: Request 54799 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by victor.alvarez at meteogalicia.es
>         Queue: met_help
>       Subject: Problem with pcp_combine on METv3.1
>         Owner: Nobody
>    Requestors: victor.alvarez at meteogalicia.es
>        Status: new
>   Ticket<URL:
> Dear MetHelp,
> I am re-running some scripts with MET v3.1 tools wich ran ok on
> 3.0.1. Problems on v3.1 arise whem I run pcp_combine:
> $ METv3.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib 2 \
>         wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib 1 test.nc -v 3
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file: wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() ->  Found 0 GRIB
> matching VarInfo "APCP/A020000" in GRIB file
> "wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib".
> WARNING: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane() ->  No exact match found for
> VarInfo "APCP/A020000" in GRIB file
> "wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib".
> ERROR  :
> ERROR  : get_field() ->  can't get data plane from file
> "wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib"
> ERROR  :
> Input files are A02 (0-2hr_acc) and A01 (0-1hr_acc) APCP extracted
> WRF v3.0 output. It seems that pcp_combine don't find data on first
> file, though v3.01 do. Trying again with pcp_combine v3.0.1 and same
> $ METv3.0.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib 2 \
>        wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib 1 test.nc -v 3
> Reading input file: wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib
> GRIB Record 1: Init = 20111026_000000, Valid = 20111026_020000,
Accum =
> 020000, Min = 0, Max = 17.5756
> Reading input file: wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib
> GRIB Record 1: Init = 20111026_000000, Valid = 20111026_010000,
Accum =
> 010000, Min = 0, Max = 5.32944
> Performing subtraction command.
> Writing output file: test.nc
> It runs and output file is as expected.
> I checked for differences on input parameters and also tried '-gc
> with same error. I have tried '02' and '01' for acum1 and acum2
> parameters. It don't make difference. I executed again 'test_all.sh'
> (scripts from v3.1) with data from v3.1 and v3.0.1 and output is the
> same on both cases. So I am thinking on troubles inside my files. Do
> have any idea?
> Output of wgrib for both files:
> $ wgrib wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib
> acc:NAve=0
> $ wgrib wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib
> acc:NAve=0
> Thanks in advance.
> Víctor M. Álvarez
> Numerical Department - MeteoGalicia
> Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas - Xunta
> Galicia
> Santiago de Compostela - Spain

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #54799] Problem with pcp_combine on METv3.1
From: Victor M. Alvarez
Time: Fri Mar 02 01:42:04 2012

It works now:

$ pcp_combine -subtract wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib
wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib 1 test.nc -v 5

DEBUG 1: Reading input file: wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-
DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found range match for
VarInfo "APCP/A020000" in GRIB record 1 of GRIB file
DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found 1 GRIB records
matching VarInfo "APCP/A020000" in GRIB file
DEBUG 1: Reading input file: wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-
DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found range match for
VarInfo "APCP/A010000" in GRIB record 1 of GRIB file
DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() -> Found 1 GRIB records
matching VarInfo "APCP/A010000" in GRIB file
DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
DEBUG 1: Writing output file: test.nc

Thanks again!

Víctor M. Álvarez
Numerical Department - MeteoGalicia
Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas - Xunta de
Santiago de Compostela - Spain

Paul Oldenburg via RT escribió:
> Victor,
> This problem was caused by a bug in METv3.1.  A patch has been
developed to address this issue and it can be found on
> the MET website at
Please make sure to follow
> the instructions on the website for deploying the patch.  Let me
know if you have any further problems and thank you for
> reporting this problem.
> Paul

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #54799] Problem with pcp_combine on METv3.1
From: Victor M. Alvarez
Time: Fri Mar 02 05:48:11 2012


patch works fine except for init and valid forecast times. These times
are now 01/01/1970 in all cases. For an NetCDF output file from
pcp_combine v3.1 (with 03/01/2012 patch), ncdump shows:

$ ncdump -h precipitacion/wrfprs_d02_m03_2011102600_APCP24_24-
netcdf wrfprs_d02_m03_2011102600_APCP24_24-48hr_acc {
    lat = 138 ;
    lon = 171 ;
    float lat(lat, lon) ;
        lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
        lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
        lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
    float lon(lat, lon) ;
        lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
        lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
        lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
    float APCP_24(lat, lon) ;
        APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
        APCP_24:long_name = "Total precipitation" ;
        APCP_24:level = "A24" ;
        APCP_24:units = "kg/m^2" ;
        APCP_24:grib_code = 61 ;
        APCP_24:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
        APCP_24:init_time = "19700101_000000" ;
        APCP_24:init_time_ut = 0 ;
        APCP_24:valid_time = "19700101_000000" ;
        APCP_24:valid_time_ut = 0 ;
        APCP_24:accum_time = "240000" ;
        APCP_24:accum_time_sec = 86400 ;

// global attributes:
        :FileOrigins = "File
generated 20120302_113129 UTC on host sor-num02 by the MET pcp_combine
tool" ;
        :MET_version = "V3.1" ;
        :MET_tool = "pcp_combine" ;
        :RunCommand = "Subtraction:
../datos/tmp/wrfprs_d02_m03_2011102600_APCP_0-48hr_acc.grib with
accumulation of 480000 minus
../datos/tmp/wrfprs_d02_m03_2011102600_APCP_0-24hr_acc.grib with
accumulation of 240000." ;
        :Projection = "Lambert Conformal" ;
        :scale_lat_1 = "43.000000" ;
        :scale_lat_2 = "43.000000" ;
        :lat_pin = "34.823000" ;
        :lon_pin = "-19.911000" ;
        :x_pin = "0.000000" ;
        :y_pin = "0.000000" ;
        :lon_orient = "-14.100000" ;
        :d_km = "12.000000" ;
        :r_km = "6371.200000" ;
        :nx = "171" ;
        :ny = "138 grid_points" ;

and for output file from previous pcp_combine v3.0.1:

$ ncdump -h
netcdf wrfprs_d02_m03_2011102600_APCP24_24-48hr_acc {
    lat = 138 ;
    lon = 171 ;
    float lat(lat, lon) ;
        lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
        lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
        lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
    float lon(lat, lon) ;
        lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
        lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
        lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
    float APCP_24(lat, lon) ;
        APCP_24:name = "APCP" ;
        APCP_24:long_name = "Total precipitation" ;
        APCP_24:level = "A24" ;
        APCP_24:units = "kg/m^2" ;
        APCP_24:grib_code = 61 ;
        APCP_24:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
        APCP_24:init_time = "20111026_000000" ;
        APCP_24:init_time_ut = 1319587200 ;
        APCP_24:valid_time = "20111028_000000" ;
        APCP_24:valid_time_ut = 1319760000 ;
        APCP_24:accum_time = "240000" ;
        APCP_24:accum_time_sec = 86400 ;

// global attributes:
        :FileOrigins = "File
generated 20120229_123723 UTC on host sor-num02 by the MET pcp_combine
tool" ;
        :MET_version = "V3.0.1" ;
        :MET_tool = "pcp_combine" ;
        :RunCommand = "Subtraction:
../datos/tmp/wrfprs_d02_m03_2011102600_APCP_0-48hr_acc.grib with
accumulation of 480000 minus
../datos/tmp/wrfprs_d02_m03_2011102600_APCP_0-24hr_acc.grib with
accumulation of 240000." ;
        :Projection = "Lambert Conformal" ;
        :scale_lat_1 = "43.000000" ;
        :scale_lat_2 = "43.000000" ;
        :lat_pin = "34.823000" ;
        :lon_pin = "-19.911000" ;
        :x_pin = "0.000000" ;
        :y_pin = "0.000000" ;
        :lon_orient = "-14.100000" ;
        :d_km = "12.000000" ;
        :r_km = "6371.200000" ;
        :nx = "171" ;
        :ny = "138 grid_points" ;

I was wondering if it should have any relation with initialization
variables an did a diff of new pcp_combine.cc and old one, obtaining:

$ diff pcp_combine.cc pcp_combine.cc.old
<    unixtime init_time1 = 0, init_time2 = 0;
<    unixtime valid_time1 = 0, valid_time2 = 0;
 >    unixtime init_time1, init_time2;
 >    unixtime valid_time1, valid_time2;

it seems as if function 'get_field()' inside 'do_sub_command()' were
successful to assign the actual values to init_time[12] and
valid_time[12] and maintain initialization 0 unixtime.

Makes it any sense? Thanks in advance.

Víctor M. Álvarez
Numerical Department - MeteoGalicia
Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas - Xunta de
Santiago de Compostela - Spain

Paul Oldenburg via RT escribió:
> Victor,
> This problem was caused by a bug in METv3.1.  A patch has been
developed to address this issue and it can be found on
> the MET website at
Please make sure to follow
> the instructions on the website for deploying the patch.  Let me
know if you have any further problems and thank you for
> reporting this problem.
> Paul

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #54799] Problem with pcp_combine on METv3.1
From: Victor M. Alvarez
Time: Wed Mar 07 04:09:04 2012


I reported another problem with pcp_combine v3.1 patch 03/01/2012 on
Friday 02. This problem had to do with incorrect init and valid times
ouput NetCDF.

I am not sure wether you received it. Could you confirm it, please?

Thanks in advance.

Víctor M. Álvarez
Numerical Department - MeteoGalicia
Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas - Xunta de
Santiago de Compostela - Spain

Paul Oldenburg via RT escribió:
> Victor,
> This problem was caused by a bug in METv3.1.  A patch has been
developed to address this issue and it can be found on
> the MET website at
Please make sure to follow
> the instructions on the website for deploying the patch.  Let me
know if you have any further problems and thank you for
> reporting this problem.
> Paul
> On 03/01/2012 05:30 AM, Victor M. Alvarez via RT wrote:
>> Thu Mar 01 05:30:48 2012: Request 54799 was acted upon.
>> Transaction: Ticket created by victor.alvarez at meteogalicia.es
>>         Queue: met_help
>>       Subject: Problem with pcp_combine on METv3.1
>>         Owner: Nobody
>>    Requestors: victor.alvarez at meteogalicia.es
>>        Status: new
>>   Ticket<URL:
>> Dear MetHelp,
>> I am re-running some scripts with MET v3.1 tools wich ran ok on
>> 3.0.1. Problems on v3.1 arise whem I run pcp_combine:
>> $ METv3.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
>> wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib 2 \
>>         wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib 1 test.nc -v
>> DEBUG 1: Reading input file: wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-
>> DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() ->  Found 0 GRIB
>> matching VarInfo "APCP/A020000" in GRIB file
>> "wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib".
>> WARNING: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane() ->  No exact match found
>> VarInfo "APCP/A020000" in GRIB file
>> "wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib".
>> ERROR  :
>> ERROR  : get_field() ->  can't get data plane from file
>> "wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib"
>> ERROR  :
>> Input files are A02 (0-2hr_acc) and A01 (0-1hr_acc) APCP extracted
>> WRF v3.0 output. It seems that pcp_combine don't find data on first
>> file, though v3.01 do. Trying again with pcp_combine v3.0.1 and
same files:
>> $ METv3.0.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
>> wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib 2 \
>>        wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib 1 test.nc -v 3
>> Reading input file: wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib
>> GRIB Record 1: Init = 20111026_000000, Valid = 20111026_020000,
Accum =
>> 020000, Min = 0, Max = 17.5756
>> Reading input file: wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib
>> GRIB Record 1: Init = 20111026_000000, Valid = 20111026_010000,
Accum =
>> 010000, Min = 0, Max = 5.32944
>> Performing subtraction command.
>> Writing output file: test.nc
>> It runs and output file is as expected.
>> I checked for differences on input parameters and also tried '-gc
>> with same error. I have tried '02' and '01' for acum1 and acum2
>> parameters. It don't make difference. I executed again
>> (scripts from v3.1) with data from v3.1 and v3.0.1 and output is
>> same on both cases. So I am thinking on troubles inside my files.
Do you
>> have any idea?
>> Output of wgrib for both files:
>> $ wgrib wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib
>> acc:NAve=0
>> $ wgrib wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib
>> acc:NAve=0
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Víctor M. Álvarez
>> Numerical Department - MeteoGalicia
>> Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas - Xunta
>> Galicia
>> Santiago de Compostela - Spain

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #54799] Problem with pcp_combine on METv3.1
From: Paul Oldenburg
Time: Wed Mar 07 08:05:42 2012


I received your message regarding incorrect init and valid times.  I
have been out of the office until today.  I should
be able to investigate this problem later today.



On 03/07/2012 04:09 AM, Victor M. Alvarez via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=54799>
> Paul,
> I reported another problem with pcp_combine v3.1 patch 03/01/2012 on
> Friday 02. This problem had to do with incorrect init and valid
times on
> ouput NetCDF.
> I am not sure wether you received it. Could you confirm it, please?
> Thanks in advance.
> Víctor M. Álvarez
> Numerical Department - MeteoGalicia
> Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas - Xunta
> Galicia
> Santiago de Compostela - Spain
> Paul Oldenburg via RT escribió:
>> Victor,
>> This problem was caused by a bug in METv3.1.  A patch has been
developed to address this issue and it can be found on
>> the MET website at
Please make sure to follow
>> the instructions on the website for deploying the patch.  Let me
know if you have any further problems and thank you for
>> reporting this problem.
>> Paul
>> On 03/01/2012 05:30 AM, Victor M. Alvarez via RT wrote:
>>> Thu Mar 01 05:30:48 2012: Request 54799 was acted upon.
>>> Transaction: Ticket created by victor.alvarez at meteogalicia.es
>>>          Queue: met_help
>>>        Subject: Problem with pcp_combine on METv3.1
>>>          Owner: Nobody
>>>     Requestors: victor.alvarez at meteogalicia.es
>>>         Status: new
>>>    Ticket<URL:
>>> Dear MetHelp,
>>> I am re-running some scripts with MET v3.1 tools wich ran ok on
>>> 3.0.1. Problems on v3.1 arise whem I run pcp_combine:
>>> $ METv3.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
>>> wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib 2 \
>>>          wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib 1 test.nc
-v 3
>>> DEBUG 1: Reading input file: wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-
>>> DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() ->   Found 0 GRIB
>>> matching VarInfo "APCP/A020000" in GRIB file
>>> "wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib".
>>> WARNING: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane() ->   No exact match found
>>> VarInfo "APCP/A020000" in GRIB file
>>> "wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib".
>>> ERROR  :
>>> ERROR  : get_field() ->   can't get data plane from file
>>> "wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib"
>>> ERROR  :
>>> Input files are A02 (0-2hr_acc) and A01 (0-1hr_acc) APCP extracted
>>> WRF v3.0 output. It seems that pcp_combine don't find data on
>>> file, though v3.01 do. Trying again with pcp_combine v3.0.1 and
same files:
>>> $ METv3.0.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
>>> wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib 2 \
>>>         wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib 1 test.nc -v
>>> Reading input file: wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib
>>> GRIB Record 1: Init = 20111026_000000, Valid = 20111026_020000,
Accum =
>>> 020000, Min = 0, Max = 17.5756
>>> Reading input file: wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib
>>> GRIB Record 1: Init = 20111026_000000, Valid = 20111026_010000,
Accum =
>>> 010000, Min = 0, Max = 5.32944
>>> Performing subtraction command.
>>> Writing output file: test.nc
>>> It runs and output file is as expected.
>>> I checked for differences on input parameters and also tried '-gc
>>> with same error. I have tried '02' and '01' for acum1 and acum2
>>> parameters. It don't make difference. I executed again
>>> (scripts from v3.1) with data from v3.1 and v3.0.1 and output is
>>> same on both cases. So I am thinking on troubles inside my files.
Do you
>>> have any idea?
>>> Output of wgrib for both files:
>>> $ wgrib wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib
>>> acc:NAve=0
>>> $ wgrib wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib
>>> acc:NAve=0
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Víctor M. Álvarez
>>> Numerical Department - MeteoGalicia
>>> Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas -
Xunta de
>>> Galicia
>>> Santiago de Compostela - Spain

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #54799] Problem with pcp_combine on METv3.1
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Wed Mar 07 11:49:17 2012


Sorry for the delay in getting this patch out.  I've posted a bugfix
for this issue here:

Please follow the instructions on that page for applying the patch,
and let us know if you continue to experience problems.

John Halley Gotway
met_help at ucar.edu

On 03/07/2012 04:09 AM, Victor M. Alvarez via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=54799>
> Paul,
> I reported another problem with pcp_combine v3.1 patch 03/01/2012 on
> Friday 02. This problem had to do with incorrect init and valid
times on
> ouput NetCDF.
> I am not sure wether you received it. Could you confirm it, please?
> Thanks in advance.
> Víctor M. Álvarez
> Numerical Department - MeteoGalicia
> Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas - Xunta
> Galicia
> Santiago de Compostela - Spain
> Paul Oldenburg via RT escribió:
>> Victor,
>> This problem was caused by a bug in METv3.1.  A patch has been
developed to address this issue and it can be found on
>> the MET website at
Please make sure to follow
>> the instructions on the website for deploying the patch.  Let me
know if you have any further problems and thank you for
>> reporting this problem.
>> Paul
>> On 03/01/2012 05:30 AM, Victor M. Alvarez via RT wrote:
>>> Thu Mar 01 05:30:48 2012: Request 54799 was acted upon.
>>> Transaction: Ticket created by victor.alvarez at meteogalicia.es
>>>          Queue: met_help
>>>        Subject: Problem with pcp_combine on METv3.1
>>>          Owner: Nobody
>>>     Requestors: victor.alvarez at meteogalicia.es
>>>         Status: new
>>>    Ticket<URL:
>>> Dear MetHelp,
>>> I am re-running some scripts with MET v3.1 tools wich ran ok on
>>> 3.0.1. Problems on v3.1 arise whem I run pcp_combine:
>>> $ METv3.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
>>> wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib 2 \
>>>          wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib 1 test.nc
-v 3
>>> DEBUG 1: Reading input file: wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-
>>> DEBUG 3: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane_array() ->   Found 0 GRIB
>>> matching VarInfo "APCP/A020000" in GRIB file
>>> "wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib".
>>> WARNING: MetGrib1DataFile::data_plane() ->   No exact match found
>>> VarInfo "APCP/A020000" in GRIB file
>>> "wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib".
>>> ERROR  :
>>> ERROR  : get_field() ->   can't get data plane from file
>>> "wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib"
>>> ERROR  :
>>> Input files are A02 (0-2hr_acc) and A01 (0-1hr_acc) APCP extracted
>>> WRF v3.0 output. It seems that pcp_combine don't find data on
>>> file, though v3.01 do. Trying again with pcp_combine v3.0.1 and
same files:
>>> $ METv3.0.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
>>> wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib 2 \
>>>         wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib 1 test.nc -v
>>> Reading input file: wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib
>>> GRIB Record 1: Init = 20111026_000000, Valid = 20111026_020000,
Accum =
>>> 020000, Min = 0, Max = 17.5756
>>> Reading input file: wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib
>>> GRIB Record 1: Init = 20111026_000000, Valid = 20111026_010000,
Accum =
>>> 010000, Min = 0, Max = 5.32944
>>> Performing subtraction command.
>>> Writing output file: test.nc
>>> It runs and output file is as expected.
>>> I checked for differences on input parameters and also tried '-gc
>>> with same error. I have tried '02' and '01' for acum1 and acum2
>>> parameters. It don't make difference. I executed again
>>> (scripts from v3.1) with data from v3.1 and v3.0.1 and output is
>>> same on both cases. So I am thinking on troubles inside my files.
Do you
>>> have any idea?
>>> Output of wgrib for both files:
>>> $ wgrib wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-1hr_acc.grib
>>> acc:NAve=0
>>> $ wgrib wrfprs_d02_m00_2011102600_APCP_0-2hr_acc.grib
>>> acc:NAve=0
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Víctor M. Álvarez
>>> Numerical Department - MeteoGalicia
>>> Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas -
Xunta de
>>> Galicia
>>> Santiago de Compostela - Spain

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #54799] Problem with pcp_combine on METv3.1
From: Victor M. Alvarez
Time: Thu Mar 08 06:41:58 2012


as long as I was able to test it works ok now. I am grateful to you
Paul for your help.

There is another question with point_stat relating forecast valid
but considering it is another tool I'm going to open another ticket.

Thanks again,

Víctor M. Álvarez
Numerical Department - MeteoGalicia
Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas - Xunta de
Santiago de Compostela - Spain

John Halley Gotway via RT escribió:
> Victor,
> Sorry for the delay in getting this patch out.  I've posted a bugfix
for this issue here:
> Please follow the instructions on that page for applying the patch,
and let us know if you continue to experience problems.
> Thanks,
> John Halley Gotway
> met_help at ucar.edu
> On 03/07/2012 04:09 AM, Victor M. Alvarez via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=54799>
>> Paul,
>> I reported another problem with pcp_combine v3.1 patch 03/01/2012
>> Friday 02. This problem had to do with incorrect init and valid
times on
>> ouput NetCDF.
>> I am not sure wether you received it. Could you confirm it, please?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Víctor M. Álvarez
>> Numerical Department - MeteoGalicia
>> Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas - Xunta
>> Galicia
>> Santiago de Compostela - Spain


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