[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #45240] History for Testing ensemble_stat

RAL HelpDesk {for John Halley Gotway} met_help at ucar.edu
Fri Mar 11 08:55:33 MST 2011

  Initial Request

I'm having trouble getting ensemble_stat to work.  I run it from a batch file and get the following error:

Machine::read() -> unable to open input file "MANPATH=/usr/share/man:/usr/lpp/ssp/man:/usr/lpp/ssp/perl5/man"

I've never seen this error in grid_stat or any other MET routine.  Here's the batch file contents:

/sphome/qcteam/METv3.0/bin/ensemble_stat 10 /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/cfg/ensemble/ens_files.txt /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/cfg/ensemble/ensemble_stat_cfg.default -point_obs /h/data/global/WXQC/data/obs_prep/2011030918 -outdir /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/stats/ensemble -v 2

And ens_files.txt contains my file names, each of the 10 space delimited.  The observation file is the NetCDF version of the PrepBufr formatted observation data from NCEP, converted via pb2nc.

Any thoughts as to what portion of MET might be throwing out the PATH variable issue?  That doesn't sound like anything ensemble_stat would worry about.


// SIGNED //
Matthew C. Sittel
Associate Scientist
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
16WS/WXN, Offutt AFB, NE
(402) 294-3473  DSN: 271-3473

  Complete Ticket History

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #45240] Testing ensemble_stat
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Thu Mar 10 13:00:20 2011


Please try running the following command instead:
/h/data/global/WXQC/data/obs_prep/2011030918 -outdir
/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/stats/ensemble -v 2

Notice that I've removed the "10" from the command line.  You can
specify the ensemble files in one of two ways:
(1) As "n_ens ens_file_1 ... ens_file_n" which is the number of files
followed by the file names themselves
(2) Or as "ens_file_list" which is an ASCII file containing the list
of file names

You're mixing the two of those methods together.  And looking at the
usage statement for Ensemble-Stat, I see why.  Here's a subset of it:

Usage: ensemble_stat
        n_ens ens_file_1 ... ens_file_n | ens_file_list

        where   "n_ens" is the number of ensemble members (required).
                "ens_file_1 ... ens_file_n" is a list of ensemble
member file names (required).
                "ens_file_list" is an ASCII file containing a list of
ensemble member file names (required).

I see why this setting is confusing.  I could change it to look like

Usage: ensemble_stat
        n_ens ens_file_1 ... ens_file_n | ens_file_list

        where   "n_ens ens_file_1 ... ens_file_n" is the number of
ensemble members followed by a list of ensemble member file names
                "ens_file_list" is an ASCII file containing a list of
ensemble member file names (required).

That would probably be more clear.

Please let me know if removing "10" does the trick for you.


On 03/10/2011 12:12 PM, RAL HelpDesk {for
matthew.sittel at offutt.af.mil} wrote:
> Thu Mar 10 12:12:17 2011: Request 45240 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by matthew.sittel at offutt.af.mil
>        Queue: met_help
>      Subject: Testing ensemble_stat
>        Owner: Nobody
>   Requestors: matthew.sittel at offutt.af.mil
>       Status: new
>  Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=45240 >
> I'm having trouble getting ensemble_stat to work.  I run it from a
batch file and get the following error:
> Machine::read() -> unable to open input file
> I've never seen this error in grid_stat or any other MET routine.
Here's the batch file contents:
> /sphome/qcteam/METv3.0/bin/ensemble_stat 10
-point_obs /h/data/global/WXQC/data/obs_prep/2011030918 -outdir
/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/stats/ensemble -v 2
> And ens_files.txt contains my file names, each of the 10 space
delimited.  The observation file is the NetCDF version of the PrepBufr
formatted observation data from NCEP, converted via pb2nc.
> Any thoughts as to what portion of MET might be throwing out the
PATH variable issue?  That doesn't sound like anything ensemble_stat
would worry about.
> Thanks,
> Matt
> // SIGNED //
> Matthew C. Sittel
> Associate Scientist
> University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
> 16WS/WXN, Offutt AFB, NE
> (402) 294-3473  DSN: 271-3473

Subject: RE: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #45240] Testing ensemble_stat
From: matthew.sittel at offutt.af.mil
Time: Fri Mar 11 06:42:40 2011

That solved the problem-thanks John!  

Note that I actually got 2
e-mails from you, so the met_help address works... sometimes!?
You're right on the documentation; I read that n_ens was required, and
took the '|' to mean that it was either a list of file names OR a text
file, but either way I had to explicitly state the number of files to
be read in.  That section of 3.9.1 is a bit confusing since it says 4
arguments are required, but the nature of them depends on how the list
of files is passed.  Far be it for me to comment on a User's Guide...
:)   But I *do* read them and wonder if I find something confusing
that others may be confused too.


-----Original Message-----
From: RAL HelpDesk {for John Halley Gotway} [mailto:met_help at ucar.edu]
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 2:00 PM
To: Sittel, Matthew C CTR USAF
Cc: Craig, Robert J Civ USAF AFWA 16 WS/WXN;
met_help at ucar.edu
Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #45240] Testing


Please try running the following command
/h/data/global/WXQC/data/obs_prep/2011030918 -outdir
/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/stats/ensemble -v 2

Notice that I've
removed the "10" from the command line.  You can specify the ensemble
files in one of two ways:
(1) As "n_ens ens_file_1 ... ens_file_n"
which is the number of files followed by the file names themselves
(2) Or as "ens_file_list" which is an ASCII file containing the list
of file names

You're mixing the two of those methods together.  And
looking at the usage statement for Ensemble-Stat, I see why.  Here's a
subset of it:

Usage: ensemble_stat
        n_ens ens_file_1 ...
ens_file_n | ens_file_list

        where   "n_ens" is the number of
ensemble members (required).
                "ens_file_1 ...
ens_file_n" is a list of ensemble member file names (required).
"ens_file_list" is an ASCII file containing a list of ensemble member
file names (required).

I see why this setting is confusing.  I
could change it to look like this:

Usage: ensemble_stat
n_ens ens_file_1 ... ens_file_n | ens_file_list

"n_ens ens_file_1 ... ens_file_n" is the number of ensemble members
followed by a list of ensemble member file names (required).
"ens_file_list" is an ASCII file containing a list of ensemble member
file names (required).

That would probably be more clear.

let me know if removing "10" does the trick for you.

On 03/10/2011 12:12 PM, RAL HelpDesk {for
matthew.sittel at offutt.af.mil} wrote:
> Thu Mar 10 12:12:17 2011:
Request 45240 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by
matthew.sittel at offutt.af.mil
>        Queue: met_help
Subject: Testing ensemble_stat
>        Owner: Nobody
Requestors: matthew.sittel at offutt.af.mil
>       Status: new
Ticket <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=45240 >
> I'm having trouble getting ensemble_stat to work.  I run it
from a batch file and get the following error:
> Machine::read()
-> unable to open input file
> I've never seen this error in grid_stat or any other MET routine.
Here's the batch file contents:
/sphome/qcteam/METv3.0/bin/ensemble_stat 10
-point_obs /h/data/global/WXQC/data/obs_prep/2011030918 -outdir
/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/stats/ensemble -v 2
> And
ens_files.txt contains my file names, each of the 10 space delimited.
The observation file is the NetCDF version of the PrepBufr formatted
observation data from NCEP, converted via pb2nc.
> Any thoughts
as to what portion of MET might be throwing out the PATH variable
issue?  That doesn't sound like anything ensemble_stat would worry
> Thanks,
> Matt
> // SIGNED //
> Matthew C. Sittel
> Associate Scientist
> University Corporation for Atmospheric
> 16WS/WXN, Offutt AFB, NE
> (402) 294-3473  DSN: 271-3473

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #45240] Testing ensemble_stat
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Fri Mar 11 08:55:19 2011


Great, glad that did the trick.  And really, thanks for the feedback
about the user's guide.  I've made notes about the 3 issues you
pointed out and will fix them shortly.  We appreciate it.

I'll go ahead and resolve this ticket.  But please let us know if more
issues/questions come up in your use of MET.


On 03/11/2011 06:42 AM, RAL HelpDesk {for
matthew.sittel at offutt.af.mil} wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=45240 >
> That solved the problem-thanks John!
> Note that I actually got 2 e-mails from you, so the met_help address
works... sometimes!?
> You're right on the documentation; I read that n_ens was required,
and took the '|' to mean that it was either a list of file names OR a
text file, but either way I had to explicitly state the number of
files to be read in.  That section of 3.9.1 is a bit confusing since
it says 4 arguments are required, but the nature of them depends on
how the list of files is passed.  Far be it for me to comment on a
User's Guide... :)   But I *do* read them and wonder if I find
something confusing that others may be confused too.
> Matt
> -----Original Message-----
> From: RAL HelpDesk {for John Halley Gotway}
[mailto:met_help at ucar.edu]
> Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 2:00 PM
> To: Sittel, Matthew C CTR USAF AFWA 16 WS/WXN
> Cc: Craig, Robert J Civ USAF AFWA 16 WS/WXN; met_help at ucar.edu
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #45240] Testing ensemble_stat
> Matt,
> Please try running the following command instead:
> /sphome/qcteam/METv3.0/bin/ensemble_stat
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/obs_prep/2011030918 -outdir
/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/stats/ensemble -v 2
> Notice that I've removed the "10" from the command line.  You can
specify the ensemble files in one of two ways:
> (1) As "n_ens ens_file_1 ... ens_file_n" which is the number of
files followed by the file names themselves
> (2) Or as "ens_file_list" which is an ASCII file containing the list
of file names
> You're mixing the two of those methods together.  And looking at the
usage statement for Ensemble-Stat, I see why.  Here's a subset of it:
> Usage: ensemble_stat
>         n_ens ens_file_1 ... ens_file_n | ens_file_list
>         where   "n_ens" is the number of ensemble members
>                 "ens_file_1 ... ens_file_n" is a list of ensemble
member file names (required).
>                 "ens_file_list" is an ASCII file containing a list
of ensemble member file names (required).
> I see why this setting is confusing.  I could change it to look like
> Usage: ensemble_stat
>         n_ens ens_file_1 ... ens_file_n | ens_file_list
>         where   "n_ens ens_file_1 ... ens_file_n" is the number of
ensemble members followed by a list of ensemble member file names
>                 "ens_file_list" is an ASCII file containing a list
of ensemble member file names (required).
> That would probably be more clear.
> Please let me know if removing "10" does the trick for you.
> Thanks,
> John
> On 03/10/2011 12:12 PM, RAL HelpDesk {for
matthew.sittel at offutt.af.mil} wrote:
>> Thu Mar 10 12:12:17 2011: Request 45240 was acted upon.
>> Transaction: Ticket created by matthew.sittel at offutt.af.mil
>>        Queue: met_help
>>      Subject: Testing ensemble_stat
>>        Owner: Nobody
>>   Requestors: matthew.sittel at offutt.af.mil
>>       Status: new
>>  Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=45240 >
>> I'm having trouble getting ensemble_stat to work.  I run it from a
batch file and get the following error:
>> Machine::read() -> unable to open input file
>> I've never seen this error in grid_stat or any other MET routine.
Here's the batch file contents:
>> /sphome/qcteam/METv3.0/bin/ensemble_stat 10
-point_obs /h/data/global/WXQC/data/obs_prep/2011030918 -outdir
/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/stats/ensemble -v 2
>> And ens_files.txt contains my file names, each of the 10 space
delimited.  The observation file is the NetCDF version of the PrepBufr
formatted observation data from NCEP, converted via pb2nc.
>> Any thoughts as to what portion of MET might be throwing out the
PATH variable issue?  That doesn't sound like anything ensemble_stat
would worry about.
>> Thanks,
>> Matt
>> // SIGNED //
>> Matthew C. Sittel
>> Associate Scientist
>> University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
>> 16WS/WXN, Offutt AFB, NE
>> (402) 294-3473  DSN: 271-3473


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