[Met_help] Additional Info

John Halley Gotway johnhg at ucar.edu
Tue May 18 13:23:38 MDT 2010


Good news.  I've got something for you to try.  I've attached an R-script to this email.  I took it from the sample MODE R-script on the MET site:

But I modified it to include the computation you're after - centroid x,y offsets.

Here's how you can run it:
   Rscript mode_summary.R [mode_file_list]

Where mode_file_list is one or more MODE output files to process.  Listed below is what the output looks like when I ran it on the one MODE output file you sent me.  Hopefully, the output is pretty
self-explanatory.  The lines for "Cluster Pair Centroid X-Offsets" and "Cluster Pair Centroid Y-Offsets" give you summary info (min, 25th perc, median, mean, 75th perc, and max) about the offsets.  At
the end I'm dumping out the centroid (x, y) offset for each pair of cluster objects (fcst centroid - obs centroid).  You can easily comment out this line if it's too much info.

Now, I'm not sure how well this R-script will scale.  It may run slowly on a whole lot of data.  Give it a shot and let me know how it goes.


[johnhg at billiken]% Rscript mode_summary.R mode_TCDC_EATM_vs_CSDLF_EATM_000000L_20100312_000000V_000000A_obj.txt
Read 42 lines from MODE file: mode_TCDC_EATM_vs_CSDLF_EATM_000000L_20100312_000000V_000000A_obj.txt
Total Number of Files Processed = 1
Total Number of Single Objects = 18
Number of Single Fcst Objects = 7
Number of Matched Single Fcst Objects = 6
Number of Unmatched Single Fcst Objects = 1
Number of Single Obs Objects = 11
Number of Matched Single Obs Objects = 6
Number of Unmatched Single Obs Objects = 5
Total Number of Cluster Objects = 12
Total Number of Fcst Cluster Objects = 6
Total Number of Obs Cluster Objects = 6
Total Area of Objects = 13064
Area of Single Fcst Objects = 6704
Area of Matched Single Fcst Objects = 6344
Area of Unmatched Single Fcst Objects = 360
Area of Single Obs Objects = 6360
Area of Matched Single Obs Objects = 5878
Area of Unmatched Single Obs Objects = 482
Median of Max Interest by Fcst Object = 0.9045
Median of Max Interest by Obs Object = 0.9045
Median of Max Interest by Fcst+Obs Objects = 0.9045
Cluster Pair Centroid X-Offsets:
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
-8.7410 -4.4120  0.1646 -1.9120  0.9729  1.6330
Cluster Pair Centroid Y-Offsets:
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
-7.8910 -4.0280 -1.5140 -2.6010 -0.1621 -0.1100
Cluster Pair Centroid X,Y Offsets [6]:
(0.4142, -0.1100)
(1.6331, -0.3100)
(-0.0851, -2.7186)
(1.1591, -7.8915)
(-8.7413, -0.1128)
(-5.8544, -4.4643)

John Halley Gotway wrote:
> Bob,
> It'll take some hunting around to find it.  I'm busy the rest of the morning but will take a look this afternoon.
> John
> Craig, Robert J Civ USAF AFWA 16 WS/WXN wrote:
>> We do have R but don't use it much.  If you send me the script, I can convert it to IDL which I use all the time.
>> Thanks
>> Bob
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at ucar.edu] 
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 9:43 AM
>> To: Craig, Robert J Civ USAF AFWA 16 WS/WXN
>> Cc: met_help
>> Subject: Re: [Met_help] Additional Info
>> Bob,
>> The information is in the MODE output file, but the MODE-Analysis tool does not currently have the functionality to extract it.  MODE-Analysis will currently only give you the distance between the
>> centroids, not the X and Y-offsets of those centroids.  We designed MODE-Analysis to be a pretty simple, file filtering tool.  It reads and processes one MODE output line at a time.  The type of
>> analysis we're talking about would require a different type of design.  It would need to read back and forth between the single cluster lines and the pair cluster lines.
>> I have used an Rscript in the past to extract this type of information.  Do you guys by any chance have R (http://www.r-project.org) available on your system?
>> John
>> Craig, Robert J Civ USAF AFWA 16 WS/WXN wrote:
>>> Thanks John.  What I was hoping to do was generate a scatter plot of position differences with cloud objects.  If mode match a fcst and cloud object, what was the difference in their centroid position.  Are you saying that won't be possible to determine?
>>> Bob
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at rap.ucar.edu] 
>>> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 4:53 PM
>>> To: Craig, Robert J Civ USAF AFWA 16 WS/WXN
>>> Cc: met_help at ucar.edu
>>> Subject: Re: [Met_help] Additional Info
>>> Bob,
>>> I ran the following job on the file you sent and got the following output:
>>> mode_analysis -lookin
>>> mode_TCDC_EATM_vs_CSDLF_EATM_000000L_20100312_000000V_000000A_obj.txt
>>> -cluster -pair -summary -column CENTROID_DIST
>>> Total mode lines read =  42
>>> Total mode lines kept =   6
>>>         Field   N    Min    Max   Mean   StdDev    P10    P25    P50   
>>> P75    P90     Sum
>>> -------------   -   ----   ----   ----   ------   ----   ----   ----  
>>> ----   ----   -----
>>> centroid_dist   6   0.43   8.74   4.82     3.30   1.05   1.93   5.04  
>>> 7.82   8.36   28.89
>>> It found 6 matched pairs of clusters and dumped out info about their
>>> centroid distances.  Your confusion is coming from using "CENTROID_X" and
>>> "CENTROID_Y".  The X,Y location of a centroid is an attribute of a
>>> "SINGLE" object.  Those CENTROID_X/_Y columns contain NA's in the "PAIR"
>>> lines, and in this job we're looking at those pair lines.  That's why
>>> you're seeing 0's in the output.
>>> Try running the following two jobs:
>>> mode_analysis -lookin
>>> mode_TCDC_EATM_vs_CSDLF_EATM_000000L_20100312_000000V_000000A_obj.txt
>>> -cluster -single -fcst -summary -column CENTROID_X -column CENTROID_Y
>>> mode_analysis -lookin
>>> mode_TCDC_EATM_vs_CSDLF_EATM_000000L_20100312_000000V_000000A_obj.txt
>>> -cluster -single -obs -summary -column CENTROID_X -column CENTROID_Y
>>> That'll give you information about the single/fcst/cluster and
>>> single/obs/cluster X/Y centroids.  But there is not currently any way in
>>> the MODE analysis tool to extract X and Y offsets directly.
>>> Certain MODE attributes are applicable to SINGLE objects and other are
>>> applicable to PAIRS of objects.  For example, CENTROID_X/_Y only apply to
>>> SINGLE objects and CENTROID_DIST only applies to PAIRS of objects.
>>> Hope this helps clarify.
>>> John
>>>> John, I did try removing the -fcst flag after I sent you the command list,
>>>> but that still returned a zero size file.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Bob
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