[Met_help] WRF Gridstat Question

John Halley Gotway johnhg at ucar.edu
Wed Mar 24 14:45:37 MDT 2010


Hmmm.  That netcdf error message is what I was seeing that prompted me to suggest you revise the configuration file!  Just to be clear, I've attached a copy of the config file I was using that does
work for me.  I did have to comment out the polyline you were using and replace it with the "FULL" masking region - since I don't have your polyline file.

Not sure what's going on here.


Craig, Robert J Civ USAF AFWA 16 WS/WXN wrote:
> John, that got rid of the error.  However, after I made your recommended
> changes to the config file, I am not getting any data in the output
> files except for the pairs.nc file.  Below is the output.  There is a
> ncid message which I haven't seen before.  Does this indicate a problem?
> Thanks
> Bob
> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> GSL_RNG_SEED=896772683
> Forecast File: /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/20100307_06
> Observation File: /sphome/qcteam/METv2.0/out/pcp_combine/STR_20100308_06
> Configuration File: /sphome/qcteam/METv2.0/data/config/WRFGridStatconfig
> ----------------------------------------
> Processing COVTW_24/A24 versus APCP_24/A24, for interpolation method
> UW_MEAN(1), over region CONUS, using 33290 pairs.
> Computing Categorical Statistics.
> Computing Continuous Statistics.
> Processing COVTW_24/A24 versus APCP_24/A24, for interpolation method
> NBRHD(1), raw thresholds of >0.000 and >0.000, over region CONUS, 
> using 33290 pairs.
> Computing Neighborhood Categorical Statistics.
> Computing Neighborhood Continuous Statistics.
> ----------------------------------------
> Processing COVTW_24/A24 versus APCP_24/A24, for interpolation method
> UW_MEAN(1), over region CONUS, using 33290 pairs.
> Computing Categorical Statistics.
> Computing Continuous Statistics.
> ncvardef: ncid 20: String match to name in use
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at ucar.edu] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 3:01 PM
> To: Craig, Robert J Civ USAF AFWA 16 WS/WXN; met_help
> Subject: Re: [Met_help] WRF Gridstat Question
> Bob,
> Thanks for sending the file.
> I want to point out one odd thing I noticed in the config file you sent
> me:
>    fcst_field[]  = [ "240/A24","240/A24","240/A24" ];
>    obs_field[]   = [ "61/A24","61/A24","61/A24"];
>    fcst_thresh[] = [ "gt0.0","gt1.0","gt12.5" ];
>    obs_thresh[]  = [];
> You've listed the same field comparison 3 times with one threshold for
> each.  Instead, you should list it once, using 3 thresholds, like this:
>    fcst_field[]  = [ "240/A24" ];
>    obs_field[]   = [ "61/A24" ];
>    fcst_thresh[] = [ "gt0.0 gt1.0 gt12.5" ];
>    obs_thresh[]  = [];
> When I ran the data you sent, I got the following WARNING:
>    ***WARNING***: process_scores() -> Forecast and observation valid
> times do not match 1267596000 != 1267509600 for field 1.
> Sorry for this, but the times are listed in unixtime.  We really should
> change them to be more legible!  Here's how you can convert them to a
> typical time:
>    date -ud '1970-01-01 UTC '1267596000' seconds' +%Y%m%d_%H
>    date -ud '1970-01-01 UTC '1267509600' seconds' +%Y%m%d_%H
> These unixtimes correspond to date/time of 20100303_06 and 20100302_06.
> It looks like we just have things shifted by 1 day.
> Doing an "ncdump" of the observation file, you'll see:
>    ncdump STR_20100302_06
>    APCP_24:valid_time = "20100302_060000" ;
> And doing a wgrib of the model file, you'll see:
>    wgrib 20100302_06
>    date 2010030206
> The date listed by wgrib is the model initialization time.  Since it's a
> 24-hour forecast, this forecast is actually valid at 2010030306.
> The timestamp of your observation file is listing the valid time while
> the timestamp of your forecast file is listing the initialization time.
> So really, you shouldn't be comparing these files.  They
> don't have the same valid time.  Instead, you should compare model file
> 20100302_06 versus observation file STR_20100303_06.
> Hope that helps.
> John
> Craig, Robert J Civ USAF AFWA 16 WS/WXN wrote:
>> John,  you have the files.
>> Bob
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at ucar.edu] 
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 2:27 PM
>> To: Craig, Robert J Civ USAF AFWA 16 WS/WXN
>> Cc: met_help at ucar.edu
>> Subject: Re: [Met_help] WRF Gridstat Question
>> Bob,
>> This warning message is stating that the forecast file has a valid
> time
>> of 20100303_030000 and the observation file has a valid time of
>> 20100303_060000.
>> It looks like you sent me information about the previous day,
> 20100302.
>> Regardless, it looks like the observation file times are as expected -
>> to be valid at hour 06.  But for some reason, MET thinks
>> that the model file is valid at hour 03.  Based on the wgrib output
> you
>> sent, that doesn't look right.  Seems like it should be valid at hour
> 06
>> as well.
>> If you'd like, you could send us a sample fcst and obs file you're
>> using.  I could run it through Grid-Stat and try to figure it out.  If
>> you'd like to do that, please post them to our anonymous ftp site:
>>   ftp ftp.rap.ucar.edu
>>   username=anonymous
>>   password="your email address"
>>   cd incoming/irap/met_help/craig_data
>>   put "your files"
>>   bye
>> I'd just need the NetCDF output of PCP-Combine and the model file
> you're
>> verifying.  You already sent me the Grid-Stat config file.
>> Thanks,
>> John Halley Gotway
>> met_help at ucar.edu
>> Craig, Robert J Civ USAF AFWA 16 WS/WXN wrote:
>>> I am trying to verify WRF 24hr accumulation forecast and comparing to
>> stage
>>> iV data and I keep getting  the following error:
>>> ***WARNING***: process_scores() -> Forecast and observation valid
>> times do
>>> not match 1267585200 != 1267596000 for field 1.
>>> What is causing this time mismatch?  The data that lead to this are
>> listed
>>> below.  The config file I am using is attached.
>>> The PCP combine file to verify 2 Mar 2010 is:  
>>> /sphome/qcteam/METv2.0/bin/pcp_combine -sum 00000000_000000 1
>>> 20100302_060000 24
>> /sphome/qcteam/METv2.0/out/pcp_combine/STR_20100302_06
>>>  -pcpdir /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip -pcprx ST4.*.01h
>>> Performing sum command: init_time/in_accum/valid_time/out_accum Times
>> =
>>> 0/3600/1267509600/86400
>>> Searching for 24 files with accumulation times of 1 hours to sum to a
>> total
>>> accumulation time of 24 hours in /h/data/global/WXQC/data/t
>>> emp/met/precip
>>> [1] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030206.01h
>>> [2] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030205.01h
>>> [3] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030204.01h
>>> [4] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030203.01h
>>> [5] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030202.01h
>>> [6] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030201.01h
>>> [7] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030200.01h
>>> [8] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030123.01h
>>> [9] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030122.01h
>>> [10] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030121.01h
>>> [11] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030120.01h
>>> [12] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030119.01h
>>> [13] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030118.01h
>>> [14] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030117.01h
>>> [15] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030116.01h
>>> [16] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030115.01h
>>> [17] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030114.01h
>>> [18] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030113.01h
>>> [19] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030112.01h
>>> [20] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030111.01h
>>> [21] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030110.01h
>>> [22] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030109.01h
>>> [23] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030108.01h
>>> [24] Reading input file:
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/precip/ST4.2010030107.01h
>>> Writing output file:
>> /sphome/qcteam/METv2.0/out/pcp_combine/STR_20100302_06
>>> The grib header for the model file is:
>>> rec 1:0:date 2010030206 TOTAPCP kpds5=240 kpds6=1 kpds7=0
> levels=(0,0)
>>> grid=255 sfc 0-24hr acc:
>>>   TOTAPCP= Total accumulated precipitation [kg/m2]
>>>   timerange 4 P1 0 P2 24 TimeU 1  nx 342 ny 210 GDS grid 3 num_in_ave
>> 0
>>> missing 0
>>>   center 57 subcenter 1 process 11 Table 131
>>>   Lambert Conf: Lat1 20.586000 Lon1 -122.243000 Lov -96.000000
>>>       Latin1 60.000000 Latin2 30.000000 LatSP -90.000000 LonSP
>> 0.000000
>>>       North Pole (342 x 210) Dx 15.000000 Dy 15.000000 scan 64
>>>   min/max data 0 93.31  num bits 14  BDS_Ref 0  DecScale 2 BinScale 0
>>> The MET grid stat command is:
>>> /sphome/qcteam/METv2.0/bin/grid_stat
>>> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/temp/met/20100302_06
>>> /sphome/qcteam/METv2.0/out/pcp_combine/STR_20100302_
>>> 06 /sphome/qcteam/METv2.0/data/config/WRFGridStatconfig -outdir
>>> /sphome/qcteam/METv2.0/out/grid_stat/WRF/T02B
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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