[Met_help] Fwd: [Fwd: Re: Points of clarification for data conversion/usage in MODE]

Tressa Fowler tressa at ucar.edu
Thu Mar 18 17:04:29 MDT 2010


I asked Jamie Wolff, who is better with copygb than I am, for some  
help. Here she gives an example of the output and grid specifications  
when she runs a file through copygb and outputs grid 27.

Do you have the IDV software? I use it a lot to look at my grib files.  
Also, you might try ncview to look at your nc files.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Jamie Wolff <jwolff at ucar.edu>
> Date: March 18, 2010 4:57:39 PM MDT
> To: Tressa Fowler <tressa at ucar.edu>
> Subject: Re: Fwd: [Met_help] [Fwd: Re: Points of clarification for  
> data  conversion/usage in MODE]
> Hi Tressa,
> I grabbed an old GFS grib1 file I had laying around and if I do a  
> wgrib
> -V on the original file I get (just for reference):
> lefse:/d1/jwolff/v3.2/prerelease/NMM/DOMAINS/wrfhelp/metuser> wgrib -V
> -d 1 20051230_i12_f000_GFS003.grb
> rec 1:0:date 2005123012 HGT kpds5=7 kpds6=100 kpds7=950 levels=(3,182)
> grid=3 950 mb anl:
>  HGT=Geopotential height [gpm]
>  timerange 10 P1 0 P2 0 TimeU 1  nx 360 ny 181 GDS grid 0 num_in_ave 0
> missing 0
>  center 7 subcenter 0 process 81 Table 2 scan: WE:NS winds(N/S)
>  latlon: lat  90.000000 to -90.000000 by 1.000000  nxny 65160
>          long 0.000000 to -1.000000 by 1.000000, (360 x 181) scan 0
> mode 128 bdsgrid 1
>  min/max data 40.3 772.1  num bits 13  BDS_Ref 403  DecScale 1  
> BinScale 0
> Then, if I run the command:
> copygb.exe -xg27 20051230_i12_f000_GFS003.grb
> grid27_20051230_i12_f000_GFS003.grb
> and do wgrib -V again I get:
> lefse:/d1/jwolff/v3.2/prerelease/NMM/DOMAINS/wrfhelp/metuser> wgrib -V
> -d 1 grid27_20051230_i12_f000_GFS003.grb
> rec 1:0:date 2005123012 HGT kpds5=7 kpds6=100 kpds7=950 levels=(3,182)
> grid=27 950 mb anl:
>  HGT=Geopotential height [gpm]
>  timerange 10 P1 0 P2 0 TimeU 1  nx 65 ny 65 GDS grid 5 num_in_ave 0
> missing 0
>  center 7 subcenter 0 process 81 Table 2 scan: WE:SN winds(grid)
>  polar stereo: Lat1 -20.826000 Long1 -125.000000 Orient -80.000000
>     north pole (65 x 65) Dx 381000 Dy 381000 scan 64 mode 9
>  min/max data 59.3 764.7  num bits 13  BDS_Ref 593  DecScale 1  
> BinScale 0
> I have also attached two images one from the original GFS grib file
> (gfs.png) and one from the interpolated GFS file to grid 27
> (grid27.png).  So, you can see that my grib file contains the domain I
> would expect.  I am not sure how this user is viewing his domain (or  
> if
> he even has).  I have used idv for creating the images I have  
> attached.
> I think maybe he is just looking at the wgrib output and  
> misinterpreting
> the values printed from that (I don't see how he gets the lat to run
> from -20 to 60).  I am not familiar with how polar stereo domains are
> encoded in grib so I am not exactly sure how to interpret those  
> numbers
> (in particular I am not quite sure what Lat1 and Long1 represent)  
> but I
> know that Orient is the longitude that runs from the pole to the south
> and appears "right-side-up" in the domain plot (centered around that
> longitude)).  Hopefully that makes a little bit of sense!  I just look
> at the final domain image and it looks appropriate to me!
> jamie
> Tressa Fowler wrote:
>> Hi Jamie,
>> This user is having trouble with copygb, and he's past what we can
>> help him with while John is out. Can you maybe help?
>> Tressa
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> *From: *Matthew Souders <matt.souders at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:matt.souders at gmail.com>>
>>> *Date: *March 18, 2010 3:16:54 PM MDT
>>> *To: *Tressa Fowler <tressa at ucar.edu <mailto:tressa at ucar.edu>>
>>> *Subject: **Re: [Met_help] [Fwd: Re: Points of clarification for
>>> data  conversion/usage in MODE]*
>>> The default specifications for a grid-27 NCEP grid say the north  
>>> pole
>>> should be at grid point 33,33...but when I look at the ncdump file,
>>> it says it's a 65X65 grid as you would expect....it says it's polar
>>> stereographic as you would expect, but the boundaries run from  
>>> -20.8N
>>> (20 South??) to 60 north and from -80 west to -125 W  
>>> (roughly)...that
>>> doesn't make any sense.  The pole is nowhere in that projection.  I
>>> know you aren't expert in gribw usage...unfortunately, the person  
>>> who
>>> wrote the code is difficult to track down in e-mail to ask these
>>> sorts of questions - he basically maintains at least a half dozen
>>> very important script libraries for processing GRIB files and doing
>>> other model-related work and therefore doesn't have much time to
>>> address day to day problems like this.  Do you know of anyone who  
>>> has
>>> extensive experience working with gribw?
>>> On 3/16/10, *Tressa Fowler* <tressa at ucar.edu
>>> <mailto:tressa at ucar.edu>> wrote:
>>>    Hi Matt,
>>>    I'm not an expert at copygb, but I think you are not specifying
>>>    the grid you actually want. Your command line asks for NCEP grid
>>>    #27. Here's the description of that grid.
>>>    4225-point (65x65) N. Hemisphere polar stereographic grid
>>>    oriented 80W; Pole at (33,33).
>>>    Perhaps you should see the NCEP web page to choose a different
>>>    grid?  http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/tableb.html
>>>    Thanks,
>>>    Tressa
>>>    On Mar 16, 2010, at 4:07 PM, John Halley Gotway wrote:
>>>>    Matt,
>>>>    I'm forwarding your message to the "met_help at ucar.edu
>>>>    <mailto:met_help at ucar.edu>" email address.
>>>>    Unfortunately, I'm out of the office at all week.  I'm with my
>>>>    son's who's
>>>>    recovering from a burst appendix.  He's recovering nicely, but
>>>>    we'll be
>>>>    here with him all week.
>>>>    Perhaps Tressa, Randy, or Paul could help you debug the issues
>>>>    you're
>>>>    experiencing.  I should be available to help out sometime next  
>>>> week.
>>>>    Thanks,
>>>>    John
>>>>    ---------------------------- Original Message
>>>>    ----------------------------
>>>>    Subject: Re: Points of clarification for data conversion/usage
>>>>    in MODE
>>>>    From:    "Matthew Souders" <matt.souders at gmail.com
>>>>    <mailto:matt.souders at gmail.com>>
>>>>    Date:    Tue, March 16, 2010 1:29 pm
>>>>    To:      "John Halley Gotway" <johnhg at ucar.edu
>>>>    <mailto:johnhg at ucar.edu>>
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>    OK...never mind about the last problem...my apologies for
>>>>    bothering you.  I
>>>>    got PCP_Combine to run, but there is definitely something wrong
>>>>    with the
>>>>    copygb-converted GRIB file, because I am not getting all of the
>>>>    northern
>>>>    hemisphere when I use NCView to look at the resulting .nc
>>>>    file...it should
>>>>    produce a 91 by 360 pole-centered grid...instead it produces a
>>>>    65X65 square
>>>>    centered on Italy (roughly) that only reveals most of Europe and
>>>>    north
>>>>    Africa (and the Middle East).
>>>>    The precip data looks odd too...3-hourly values with little
>>>>    areas of 5+
>>>>    inches...hard to fathom that.
>>>>    On 3/15/10, Matthew Souders <matt.souders at gmail.com
>>>>    <mailto:matt.souders at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>    I'm probably missing something ridiculously obvious, but I am
>>>>>    trying to run
>>>>>    a quick experiment using a GFS .grb file I acquired today.  I
>>>>>    ran the
>>>>    copygb
>>>>>    utility on  grid 003 GFS global domain (gave it the following
>>>>>    command:
>>>>>    copygb -xg 27 gfs_3_20100313_0000_003.grb
>>>>>    gfs_27_20100313_0000_003.grb),
>>>>    and
>>>>>    that may or may have worked properly (it produced a file, but
>>>>>    the size of
>>>>>    that file was an order of magnitude smaller...which I don't
>>>>>    think is
>>>>>    right...and it gave me a handful of messages about remaining
>>>>>    memory being
>>>>>    allocated to some file called polatev0.f)...but I decided to
>>>>>    see what it
>>>>>    looked like by running the PCP_Combine utility...I got into the
>>>>>    METv2.0
>>>>    main
>>>>>    directory and issued this command:
>>>>>    bin/pcp_combine \ -sum 20100313_030000 3 20100313_030000 3 \
>>>>>    test_ncfile_gfs.nc <http://test_ncfile_gfs.nc>
>>>>>    I only have a single time step in my .grb, so all this should
>>>>>    do is add up
>>>>>    one time step and re-output the data in .nc format.
>>>>>    It's giving me this error though:
>>>>>    ERROR: process_sum_args() -> The init_time and valid_time
>>>>>    command line
>>>>>    arguments must be in the form YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS
>>>>>    What confuses me...is that my arguments ARE in that format.
>>>>>     Not sure why
>>>>>    it's giving me that error.  Any ideas?
>>>>>    On 3/12/10, John Halley Gotway <johnhg at ucar.edu
>>>>>    <mailto:johnhg at ucar.edu>> wrote:
>>>>>>    Matt,
>>>>>>    Yeah, polar stereographic is fine.  Actually, *northern* polar
>>>>>>    stereographic is currently supported in MET - not southern yet
>>>>>>    for some
>>>>>>    reason.  You just need to figure out what to put in the NetCDF
>>>>>>    header to define it.  If you can get your hands on a GRIB
>>>>>>    file, you could
>>>>>>    run it through the copygb tool to interpolate it a polar
>>>>>>    stereographic
>>>>>>    projection.  Then run it through the PCP-Combine tool
>>>>>>    (the operation you do with PCP-Combine doesn't really matter).
>>>>>>     And then
>>>>>>    look at the NetCDF output file.
>>>>>>    Just let me know if you get stuck anywhere.
>>>>>>    John
>>>>>>    Matthew Souders wrote:
>>>>>>>    Boy...it seems like no matter what alley I drive down,
>>>>>>>    there's an acme
>>>>>>    anvil
>>>>>>>    rigged to fall on my head.  I should change my last name to
>>>>>>>    Coyote.
>>>>>>>    In all seriousness, I do appreciate you going through the
>>>>>>>    various tools
>>>>>>    and
>>>>>>>    ideas with me...at this point...I am thinking it would be a
>>>>>>>    less painful
>>>>>>>    task to change map projection of my data BEFORE I try to
>>>>>>>    create the
>>>>>>    netCDF
>>>>>>>    than it would be to convert it later.  I al going to have to
>>>>>>>    write some
>>>>>>    kind
>>>>>>>    of MATLAB script to convert every piece of data I have to a
>>>>>>>    projection I
>>>>>>    can
>>>>>>>    use...at which point I can then convert to netCDF and read
>>>>>>>    the thing
>>>>>>    into
>>>>>>>    MODE, I assume?  Will MODE recognize a netCDF file in a polar
>>>>>>    stereographic
>>>>>>>    projection?
>>>>>>>    On 3/12/10, John Halley Gotway <johnhg at ucar.edu
>>>>>>>    <mailto:johnhg at ucar.edu>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>    Matt,
>>>>>>>>    Here's a link regarding that:
>>>>>>>>    http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/docs/faq.html#grib
>>>>>>>>    Converting GRIB to NetCDF is pretty easy.  The tool
>>>>>>>>    "ncl_convert2nc"
>>>>>>    does
>>>>>>>>    it for you.  Going the other way is much more difficult.
>>>>>>>>     And really,
>>>>>>    I've
>>>>>>>>    never done it before.
>>>>>>>>    John
>>>>>>>>    Matthew Souders wrote:
>>>>>>>>>    Unfortunately, I have not used NCL before.  Given my time
>>>>>>>>>    limmitations
>>>>>>    in
>>>>>>>>>    completely this analysis, I am thinking that will be
>>>>>>>>    impractical.  regular
>>>>>>>>>    lat/lon doesn't really work because I have to split the
>>>>>>>>>    grid in half
>>>>>>    and
>>>>>>>>>    then track objects that straddle the divide somehow...which
>>>>>>>>>    causes
>>>>>>    lots
>>>>>>>>    of
>>>>>>>>>    problems.  There is software out there that can convert a
>>>>>>>>>    netCDF to a
>>>>>>>>    GRIB,
>>>>>>>>>    isn't there?  I seem to recall that being out there in some
>>>>>>>>>    form.
>>>>>>>>>    On 3/12/10, John Halley Gotway <johnhg at ucar.edu
>>>>>>>>>    <mailto:johnhg at ucar.edu>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>    Matt,
>>>>>>>>>>    There is no general tool for regridding NetCDF files from
>>>>>>>>>>    one grid to
>>>>>>>>>>    another.  You may be able to write an NCL (NCAR Command
>>>>>>>>>>    Language)
>>>>>>    script
>>>>>>>>    to
>>>>>>>>>>    do so, but there's a learning curve if you haven't
>>>>>>>>>>    used NCL before.
>>>>>>>>>>    John
>>>>>>>>>>    Matthew Souders wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>    One reason I started down the long and scary road of
>>>>>>>>>>>    trying to
>>>>>>    create
>>>>>>>>>>    GRIB
>>>>>>>>>>>    files was to gain access to the copygb utility in order
>>>>>>>>>>>    to convert
>>>>>>    my
>>>>>>>>>>>    regular lat/lon grid to polar stereographic without too  
>>>>>>>>>>> much
>>>>>>>>>>    hardship.  Is
>>>>>>>>>>>    there a way to convert a netCDF file in regular lat/lon
>>>>>>>>>>>    to polar
>>>>>>>>>>>    stereographic simply?
>>>>>>>>>>>    It does seem like using netCDF is a better way to go...I
>>>>>>>>>>>    believe
>>>>>>    even
>>>>>>>>>>    MATLAB
>>>>>>>>>>>    (my main dta interface tool) has a netCDF writer...it
>>>>>>>>>>>    definitely has
>>>>>>>>    (and
>>>>>>>>>>    I
>>>>>>>>>>>    use) a netCDF reader.  But I need to figure out how to
>>>>>>>>>>>    change map
>>>>>>>>>>>    projections and how exactly to set up the netCDF file so
>>>>>>>>>>>    that MODE
>>>>>>    can
>>>>>>>>>>>    understand it.
>>>>>>>>>>>    I will take a look at the output from  
>>>>>>>>>>> P2P_Combine...that file
>>>>>>>>    definitely
>>>>>>>>>>>    created successfully when I ran the test script...I can
>>>>>>>>>>>    see it in my
>>>>>>>>>>>    directory.
>>>>>>>>>>>    On 3/12/10, John Halley Gotway <johnhg at ucar.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>    <mailto:johnhg at ucar.edu>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>    Matt,
>>>>>>>>>>>>    Creating a GRIB file is a rather ambitious task I have  
>>>>>>>>>>>> never
>>>>>>    actually
>>>>>>>>>>    done
>>>>>>>>>>>>    myself.  If I were in your position, I'd actually
>>>>>>>>>>>>    reformat your
>>>>>>    binary
>>>>>>>>>>    data
>>>>>>>>>>>>    into a NetCDF file that looks like the output of
>>>>>>>>>>>>    the PCP-Combine tool.  MODE can read either GRIB data or
>>>>>>>>>>>>    the NetCDF
>>>>>>>>>>    output
>>>>>>>>>>>>    of PCP-Combine.  There are a lot more utilities out
>>>>>>>>>>>>    there for
>>>>>>    writing
>>>>>>>>>>    NetCDF
>>>>>>>>>>>>    files than there are for writing GRIB files.
>>>>>>>>>>>>    Use the "ncdump" utility to view the NetCDF output from
>>>>>>>>>>>>    PCP-Combine
>>>>>>    in
>>>>>>>>>>    the
>>>>>>>>>>>>    "METv2.0/out/pcp_combine" directory.  These files are
>>>>>>>>>>>>    created when
>>>>>>    you
>>>>>>>>>>    run
>>>>>>>>>>>>    the test script included with MET.  And just
>>>>>>>>>>>>    mimick the file structure with your data.
>>>>>>>>>>>>    If you choose to go that route, you'll probably need
>>>>>>>>>>>>    some help
>>>>>>>>    choosing
>>>>>>>>>>    the
>>>>>>>>>>>>    variable name and setting up the grid definition
>>>>>>>>>>>>    information in
>>>>>>    NetCDF
>>>>>>>>>>>>    header.  We're working on expanding our support for
>>>>>>>>>>>>    NetCDF files for the next release of MET.  They're a lot
>>>>>>>>>>>>    easier to
>>>>>>>>    work
>>>>>>>>>>>>    with than GRIB files are.
>>>>>>>>>>>>    Let me know how you plan to proceed and what other
>>>>>>>>>>>>    questions you
>>>>>>    have.
>>>>>>>>>>>>    Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>    John
>>>>>>>>>>>>    Matthew Souders wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    Hello John,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    This is Matthew Souders (Stony Brook University) - I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    apologize for
>>>>>>>>>>    taking
>>>>>>>>>>>>    up
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    a bit more of your time, but I am running into some  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> trouble
>>>>>>    getting
>>>>>>>>>>    data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    read into MODE for which I thought you might have a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    solution on
>>>>>>    hand
>>>>>>>>    to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    help.  My basic data is a single variable on a 2.5 by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    2.5 degree
>>>>>>>>>>    regular
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    lat/lon grid in fortran direct access BINARY format.  I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    have been
>>>>>>>>>>    trying
>>>>>>>>>>>>    to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    get it intelligibly read into GRIB format (the form
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    MODE needs)
>>>>>>    for a
>>>>>>>>>>>>    month
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    now using Wesley Ebusizaki's gribw utility; however,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    you need a
>>>>>>>>    rather
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    significant background in C scripting to rewrite his
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    basic code
>>>>>>    and
>>>>>>>>>>    make
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    proper use of the PDS file writer.  As I understand
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    it...MODE
>>>>>>    needs
>>>>>>>>>>    this
>>>>>>>>>>>>    PDS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    file to operate properly.  I can create a GRIB using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    the default
>>>>>>    PDS
>>>>>>>>>>>>    file,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    but that doesn't accurately describe the data in the  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> GRIB.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    I tried e-mail Wesley on this matter but he is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    understandably
>>>>>>>>    extremely
>>>>>>>>>>>>    busy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    and limits support to installation and debugging
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    issues.  He
>>>>>>>>    basically
>>>>>>>>>>>>    just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    directed me to the GRIB standard release.  I was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    wondering if you
>>>>>>    had
>>>>>>>>>>    any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    experience getting binary data read into MODE or if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    knew
>>>>>>    someone
>>>>>>>>>>    who
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    might be able to help?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    I also would like to know how exactly the MODE tool
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    uses the PDS
>>>>>>>>>>    file?  I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    ask because I am trying to figure out how picky it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    w/r/t what
>>>>>>    is
>>>>>>>>    in
>>>>>>>>>>>>    the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    PDS file vs. what is in the actual GRIB file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    Thanks in advance for your time.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    Matt Souders.
>>>>    <untitled- 
>>>> [2].html>_______________________________________________
>>>>    Met_help mailing list
>>>>    Met_help at mailman.ucar.edu <mailto:Met_help at mailman.ucar.edu>
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