[Met_help] Clarification on data ingest by the MODE tool (METv2.0)
John Halley Gotway
johnhg at ucar.edu
Thu Jan 28 10:57:12 MST 2010
MET is able to read Polar Stereographic grids. I spent some time on this this morning, and here's what I found...
(1) I ran some GFS 6-hour precip data (NCEP Grid 003) through MODE. To simplify things, I just compared the same field to itself (i.e. forecast field = observation field). See attached file
(2) I used the copygb tool to regrid the data to NCEP grids 027 and 028 (Northern and Southern Hemisphere polar stereographic) with the following commands:
copygb -xg 27 gfs_G003.grb gfs_G027.grb
copygb -xg 28 gfs_G003.grb gfs_G028.grb
(3) I ran the G027 data through MODE to compare it to itself: See attached file "gfs_G027.png"
(4) I ran the G028 data through MODE to compare it to itself: See attached file "gfs_G028.png"
So I do think that interpolating to northern and southern hemisphere polar stereographic grids is a good idea. I'd recommend looking through the pre-define NCEP grids
(http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/tableb.html) to see if there are any grids that fit your needs. If not, it easy to manually define your own grids to use. Take a look at the practical
sessions we've added to the MET tutorial about running copygb:
In particular, take a look at how you define a polar stereographic grid:
Also, I'd suggest reading up about the interpolation options for copygb:
It's up to you how you'd like to perform the interpolations.
At this point, I think you're set. Except, you may have noticed that the MODE output plots for G027 and G028 don't look very good. I think we have a problem in how MODE decided what country outlines
to plot - in particular when the grid includes the poles. I'll take a look at the code and see if I can figure out a fix.
Hope that helps.
Matthew Souders wrote:
> I am studying upper level meridional wind patterns (a phenomenon called wave
> packets)...which, unfortunately, are interesting everywhere,
> longitudinally. HOWEVER...they aren't interesting in the tropics (the storm
> tracks never cross the equator and rarely get south of 20 N), which does
> provide me with the opportunity to use copygb to regrid the data to a pair
> of polar stereographic projections for each hemisphere (N and S)...I assume
> copygb can be used to accomplish this...what confuses me, however, is that a
> polar stereographic projection is circular...I was under the impression that
> MODE needed a rectangular (regular) grid. Is there a variable in the config
> file for MODE that lets you tell it it's looking at a circular grid and a
> grid box is more like a chunk of a wedge? If it can handle polar
> stereographic, then the wrapping problem is completely solved.
> I appreciate your assistance in this matter...I just want to be sure I'm
> preparing my data in a beneficial way before I get too far into working with
> Matthew Souders
> Stony Brook University
> School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 4:50 PM, John Halley Gotway <johnhg at rap.ucar.edu>wrote:
>> Matthew,
>> You don't need to cut it in half along a longitude yourself. I was just
>> pointing out the fact that you already knew about - objects straddling the
>> prime meridian will be split in two. That's all I was pointing out.
>> I believe the answer to your question about expanding by 50 degrees is no,
>> the code couldn't handle that. I can't be sure without playing with a
>> sample data file, but I think we'd get an error in the subroutine that
>> converts lat/lon's to x/y values. Since there would be duplicate
>> lat/lon's on the edges, the x/y values wouldn't be well-defined.
>> I'm not sure exactly what you're studying, but what other people have done
>> in the past is chosen a longitude value that isn't very interesting for
>> their problem - perhaps the center of the pacific if you're studying
>> land-based phenomena, or the center or africa if you're studying
>> water-based phenomena. Then, you could use the copygb tool to regrid the
>> data from NCEP Grid 003 to one you define that wraps at the longitude you
>> select rather than the prime meridian.
>> Another option would be to use the copygb tool to regrid the data into
>> several smaller grids - perhaps a polar stereographic one for the northern
>> hemisphere and another one for the southern hemisphere. Run MODE on all
>> the subdomains, and try to aggregate the results.
>> But how you attack this problem really depends on what you're
>> investigating.
>> Hope that helps.
>> John
>>> Thanks for the quick reply. This confirms my basic understanding that
>>> distance calculations are in grid box counts within the tool itself...and
>>> that I'm going to run into a big problem near the poles where the dx
>>> between
>>> two longitudes begins to shrink considerably (which will have the affect
>>> of
>>> rapidly increasing the "importance" of objects at polar latitudes.
>>> Now I am curious...why does a circumpolar grid need to be split in half
>> by
>>> longitude? I was going to run into the problem of split objects anyway
>>> even
>>> without cutting the planet in half (because an object crossing the prime
>>> meridian goes out the right hand side and back into the left hand side so
>>> may appear to be two objects)...my proposed solution to this problem
>> would
>>> be falsely expand the grid by adding (say) 50 degrees of duplicated data
>>> to
>>> one side or the other (instead of going -180 to 0, perhaps go -180 to 50)
>>> and when I later process the objects, throw out duplicates. Can the
>>> program
>>> read in a data set like that, though? Stretching beyond the 180 degree
>>> limit?
>>> On 1/27/10, John Halley Gotway <johnhg at ucar.edu> wrote:
>>>> Matthew,
>>>> It sounds to me like there's a few questions here...
>>>> (1) How does MODE handle distances between grid points?
>>>> MODE does all it's computations in the grid units, not actual physical
>>>> distances. So the area of an object is just a count of the grid boxes
>>>> which
>>>> comprise it. And the distance between two objects
>>>> is just a count of grid units between the centers of the objects. The
>>>> parameter you're seeing in the configuration file "grid_res" actually
>>>> isn't
>>>> used all that much. Actually, the only place it's
>>>> used is further down in the configuration file to set reasonable
>>>> defaults
>>>> for other parameters. But you could read about those other parameters
>>>> and
>>>> set them how you'd like.
>>>> (2) What type of projections can the MET tools read?
>>>> MODE (as well of the other MET tools) can read data that's on lat/lon,
>>>> lambert conformal, polar stereographic, or mercator projections. It
>>>> sounds
>>>> like your data is on a global lat/lon projection,
>>>> which may work. There are a couple of big issues with this though.
>>>> First,
>>>> the size of each grid box on a global lat/lon grid will vary
>>>> considerably. However, MODE will count them all the same.
>>>> Depending on your data, if you want to treat objects near the poles the
>>>> same as objects nears the equator, this will be problematic. Second,
>>>> you'll
>>>> need to choose a longitude at which to cut the grid
>>>> in half - perhaps the prime meridian for example. But if you have an
>>>> object that straddles that line, MODE will treat it as two separate
>>>> objects. It isn't set up to handle true global data in that way.
>>>> I'm guessing the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis 1.0x1.0 degree GFS data is on NCEP
>>>> Grid 3: http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/grids/grid003.gif
>>>> If that's the case, MODE should be able to read data on that grid.
>>>> (3) What data format should I use?
>>>> You should use GRIB. That'd be easiest. And I'm guessing you'd be able
>>>> to
>>>> get this data in GRIB format.
>>>> Hope that helps. Please let us know if more questions come up, and if
>>>> you're having difficulty, feel free to send some sample data files and
>>>> your
>>>> MODE config file, and we'd be happy to take a look.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> John Halley Gotway
>>>> johnhg at ucar.edu
>>>> Matthew Souders wrote:
>>>>> I am seeking a bit of clarification about how exactly the MODE tool
>>>> ingests
>>>>> gridded data and accounts for distances between grid points. My data
>>>> sets
>>>>> are both regular lat/lon grids (not regular dx/dy with constant
>>>> spacing)
>>>> and
>>>>> have global coverage (not a region like the WRF might)...I am working
>>>> with
>>>>> NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis and GFS forecast fields from the archived 1.0X1.0
>>>>> degree grids. I need to know whether MODE can correctly interpret real
>>>>> distances from GRIB files in regular lat/lon format or whether I'd
>>>> somehow
>>>>> need to convert regular lat/lon to regular dx/dy (a process which
>>>> would
>>>> be
>>>>> impossible if I were covering the entire globe since dx changes with
>>>>> increasing latitude).
>>>>> >From what I can tell from the User's Guide for METv2.0, I can use any
>>>>> gridded data, but I have to make some kind of rough estimate as to the
>>>>> typical grid spacing. But lat/lon grids aren't regularly spaced enough
>>>> for
>>>>> that to make sense. Any clarification you might be able to provide on
>>>> how
>>>>> best to work with globally-covering regular lat/lon grids would be
>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>> Matthew Souders
>>>>> Stony Brook University
>>>>> School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
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