[Met_help] PWAT verification with MET Tools

Thomas Schwitalla Thomas.Schwitalla at uni-hohenheim.de
Thu Nov 19 08:35:17 MST 2009


now it works! I haven't looked at the website for a while, this was my 
mistake in this case...

Thanks a lot for your effort


John Halley Gotway schrieb:
> Thomas,
> Good news.  I was able to reproduce the segmentation fault you're seeing.  For the longest time, it was running fine on my code.  And then I realized that I'm running with the latest patches for
> METv2.0, while you may not be.  So I reverted back to the originally released code, and I layered on the 2 changes I had sent you.  And then I did see the segmentation fault.
> The good news is that the latest set of patches posted on the MET website fixes this problem.  I'm not exactly sure which patch fixes it, but it shouldn't matter.
> Please do the following:
> (1) Retrieve the latest set of patches from:
> http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/known_issues/METv2.0/patches/METv2.0_patches_20091022.tar.gz
> (2) Place that tar file into your top-level METv2.0 directory, and untar it:
> tar -xvzf METv2.0_patches_20091022.tar.gz
> (3) That will overwrite several source code files with the latest patches.  Unfortunately, one of the files which will be overwritten is "read_grib.cc" which we updated a couple days ago with that
> patch.  Please go ahead and apply the patches first.  Second, copy the attached file "read_grib.cc" into METv2.0/lib/vx_met_util/read_grib.cc.  The attached version includes the patch I sent you a
> couple days ago.
> (4) Then rebuild MET being sure to do a "make clean" first.
> Hope that does the trick.
> Thanks,
> John
> Thomas Schwitalla wrote:
>> John,
>> unfortunately this does not work. When I look into the core file with
>> gdb, it contains the following:
>> Core was generated by `./point_stat
>> /taifun/20070720_cops_WRF_sensitivity/assim/wrf_files/postprd/WRFP'.
>> Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
>> [New process 26026]
>> #0  0x0000000000440cf7 in GCPairData::compute_interp ()
>> Is it possible, that sth. is wrong with my observations?
>> Thomas
>> John Halley Gotway schrieb:
>>> Thomas,
>>> I'm able to run that data without a problem.  I'm not sure what the
>>> source of your problem is.  Please try redirecting the output to some
>>> directory other than the default one.
>>> For example, try this:
>>>   mkdir ~/met_out
>>>   ./point_stat
>>> /taifun/20070720_cops_WRF_sensitivity/assim/wrf_files/postprd/WRFPRS_2007072000_d01.000
>>> \
>>>                20070720_pwat.nc \
>>>                PointStatConfig \
>>>                -v 3 -outdir ~/met_out
>>> Perhaps there's some problem with where it's trying to create the
>>> output files.
>>> John
>>> Thomas Schwitalla wrote:
>>>> John,
>>>> I uploaded the 000 file and the new observation data.
>>>> Maybe the error is caused due PWAT being an integrated variable?
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Thomas
>>>> John Halley Gotway schrieb:
>>>>> Thomas,
>>>>> Hmmm.  I'll try running it here to see if can reproduce the seg-fault
>>>>> you're seeing.
>>>>> I have the file: WRFPRS_2007072000_d01.001
>>>>> But I don't have the file: WRFPRS_2007072000_d01.000
>>>>> Could you post that 000 file to the ftp site, and I'll try running
>>>>> with it later today?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> John
>>>>> Thomas Schwitalla wrote:
>>>>>> John,
>>>>>> I get a segmentation fault .... :-(
>>>>>> I never had this before with T2M, TD2m, wind, precipitation...
>>>>>> Thomas
>>>>>> John Halley Gotway schrieb:
>>>>>>> Thomas,
>>>>>>> Looks fine to me, and I don't see that config file error in the log
>>>>>>> file you sent.  Is there still a problem, or is working fine for you?
>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>> Thomas Schwitalla wrote:
>>>>>>>> John,
>>>>>>>> the command I use is:
>>>>>>>> ./point_stat
>>>>>>>> /taifun/20070720_cops_WRF_sensitivity/assim/wrf_files/postprd/WRFPRS_2007072000_d01.000
>>>>>>>> 20070720_pwat.nc PointStatConfig -v 10 >& log (attached)
>>>>>>>> Thomas
>>>>>>>> John Halley Gotway schrieb:
>>>>>>>>> Thomas,
>>>>>>>>> I'm thinking that you've made a mistake in how you're calling
>>>>>>>>> Point-Stat on the command line.
>>>>>>>>> Take a look at how you're calling it on the command line and make
>>>>>>>>> sure
>>>>>>>>> it matches the calling sequence:
>>>>>>>>> point_stat fcst_file obs_file config_file
>>>>>>>>> Based on the error, my guess is that you're passing the
>>>>>>>>> "obs_file" in
>>>>>>>>> the "config_file" spot.
>>>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>>>> Thomas Schwitalla wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> John,
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>> fcst_field[] = [ "PWAT/L0" ];
>>>>>>>>>> it works.
>>>>>>>>>> Concerning the times, I had a mistake in my original conversion
>>>>>>>>>> program
>>>>>>>>>> which should be solved now....
>>>>>>>>>> but now I get:
>>>>>>>>>> config() -> syntax error in file "20070720_pwat.nc"
>>>>>>>>>>      line   = 1
>>>>>>>>>>      econfig_column = 7
>>>>>>>>>>      text   = "V8"
>>>>>>>>>> CDF
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks again for your help!
>>>>>>>>>> Thomas
>>>>>>>>>> John Halley Gotway schrieb:
>>>>>>>>>>> Thomas,
>>>>>>>>>>> OK, sorry, my mistake.  You need to use:
>>>>>>>>>>> fcst_field[] = [ "PWAT/L0" ];
>>>>>>>>>>> The "L0" says "give me a field with a level value of 0 and I
>>>>>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>>>>>> care what type of level it is".  When you say "Z0" the code
>>>>>>>>>>> looks at
>>>>>>>>>>> what type of level is in the GRIB file and only uses the one
>>>>>>>>>>> defined on vertical levels.  But PWAT isn't defined on a vertical
>>>>>>>>>>> level - it's level type is the "entire atmosphere (considered
>>>>>>>>>>> as a
>>>>>>>>>>> single layer)".
>>>>>>>>>>> The reason why we have all these silly letters is to avoid
>>>>>>>>>>> conflicts. For example, other users have had temperature at
>>>>>>>>>>> 2-meters
>>>>>>>>>>> and 2 mb. Both records will have a level value of 2, but "Z2"
>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>>>>>> you the first one, while "P2" will get you the second one. 
>>>>>>>>>>> And if
>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>>> else fails, you can always say "PWAT/R171" to explicitly give you
>>>>>>>>>>> GRIB
>>>>>>>>>>> record number 171 - which wgrib told us is the record
>>>>>>>>>>> number for PWAT in that file.
>>>>>>>>>>> I was able to get it to run using "PWAT/L0", but initially
>>>>>>>>>>> Point-Stat
>>>>>>>>>>> found no matched pairs.  It looks like there a slight time offset
>>>>>>>>>>> that's causing the problem.  This is a 1-hour forecast
>>>>>>>>>>> initialized at 2007072000 - so the valid time is 2007072001.  I
>>>>>>>>>>> looked
>>>>>>>>>>> at the observations your using, and they range in time from
>>>>>>>>>>> 20070720_230700 to 20070720_235200.
>>>>>>>>>>> You're welcome to compare this forecast to these observations if
>>>>>>>>>>> you'd
>>>>>>>>>>> like, but you'll need to set the matching time window
>>>>>>>>>>> differently to
>>>>>>>>>>> do so.  In the config file, you can set the "beg_ds" and
>>>>>>>>>>> "end_ds" parameters to define the matching time window in
>>>>>>>>>>> reference to
>>>>>>>>>>> the forecast time window.  Alternatively, the "-valid_beg" and
>>>>>>>>>>> "-valid_end" command line options override the "beg_ds" and
>>>>>>>>>>> "end_ds" settings in the config file.
>>>>>>>>>>> Once I changed the time window, I was able to get matched pairs.
>>>>>>>>>>> Hope that helps.
>>>>>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>>>>>> Thomas Schwitalla wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I uploaded the data on your ftp server, as one timestep is about
>>>>>>>>>>>> 100MB...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks again for your effort! Your reaction time is
>>>>>>>>>>>> fantastic! 8-)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thomas
>>>>>>>>>>>> John Halley Gotway schrieb:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thomas,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please send me a sample forecast file, a sample ASCII file,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> PointStatConfig file you're using.  I'll take a look and see if
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can
>>>>>>>>>>>>> figure it out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If the forecast file is pretty large, you could post those
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to our
>>>>>>>>>>>>> anonymous ftp site:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ftp ftp.rap.ucar.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>>> username=anonymous
>>>>>>>>>>>>> password="your email address"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cd incoming/irap/met_help/schwitalla_data
>>>>>>>>>>>>> put "your files, 1 at a time"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> bye
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just let me know when you've posted the files.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thomas Schwitalla wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> John,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when I try your suggestion, I got the following message:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR: process_grib_codes() -> no records matching GRIB
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code 54
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level indicator of Z0 found in GRIB file:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /taifun/20070720_cops_WRF_sensitivity/assim/wrf_files/postprd/WRFPRS_2007072000_d01.002
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "wgrib -v" on this file gives:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 171:80565400:D=2007072001:PWAT:atmos col:kpds=54,200,0:1hr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fcst:winds in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> grid direction:"Precipitable water [kg/m^2]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A sample line of my ASCII file reads:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ADPSFC  0007  20070720_233700     52.9480     12.3922 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 60.9550  54
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -9999     60.9550     31.3000
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now I am a bit confused...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thomas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> John Halley Gotway schrieb:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thomas,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just to be clear...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (1) Your forecast from WPP of precipitable water is a value
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> integrated over the whole column of air above each grid
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> point.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (2) Your point observations of precipitable water are the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> value for the whole column of air above the observation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> point at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> surface.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If that's true, I'd set up the PointStatConfig file as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> follows:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fcst_field[] = [ "PWAT/Z0" ];
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message_type[] = [ "ADPSFC" ];
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That means "give me the precipitable water field with a level
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> value of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0", which is how's it's stored in your GRIB file.  And verify
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> against
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "surface" observations.  When you call ASCII2NC, be sure to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> encode these PWAT observations using the "ADPSFC" message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Give that a try and let me know if you have any problems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thomas Schwitalla wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> John,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I want to verify WRF forecasts (postprocessed with WPP) 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PWAT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from GPS stations. I already wrote it to NETCDF with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ascii2nc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> haven't figured out how to edit PointStatConfig that I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PWAT. My
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem is: What value to set for the level type/code as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PWAT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> integrated value?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wgrib output looks as follows:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PWAT kpds5=54 kpds6=200 kpds7=0 levels=(0,0) grid=255 atmos
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> col
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1hr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fcst:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thomas

*Thomas Schwitalla                      *
*Institute of Physics and Meteorology   *
*University of Hohenheim                *
*Garbenstrasse 30                       *
*70599 Stuttgart                        *
*Germany                                *
*Tel.: +49 711 459 22154                *

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