[Met_help] Error compiling METv1.1 - > pb2nc application

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Thu Mar 26 09:46:48 MDT 2009


Hmmm.  I was hoping to see some warning or error messages in those log files that might better explain what's going on, but I didn't.

The only "workaround" would be to skip the compilation of the PB2NC tool.  That can be accomplished by editing the top-level MET Makefile as follows:

If you don't mind, could you copy your BUFRLIB library archive file to our anonymous ftp site.  I'd like to see exactly what's defined in there.  You'd do this as follows:
(1) cd /home/luis/modelos/BUFRLIB
(2) ftp ftp.rap.ucar.edu
(3) username = anonymous
(4) password = "your email address"
(5) cd incoming/irap/johnhg
(6) put libbufr.a
(7) bye

If you're able to post this file, please let me know, so I can go take a look at it.


Luis Carvalheiro wrote:
> Dear John:
> Thank you for your kind reply. I'm anxious to see what's comming up in
> version 2 (I remember You presenting the first version in Boulder,
> during the WRF users workshop...)
> Well, rebuilding BUFRLIB as you said didn't change things...
> Attached are log, log2 and log3 files, coming from the c compilation,
> fortran compilation and archival steps
> After making clean in MET, i tried to compile it and the same error was
> found (see make_met.log, also attached).
> Is there a workaround about this?
> Thank You
> Best Regards
> Luis
> John Halley Gotway wrote:
>> Luis,
>> First let me tell you that we're planning to release the next version of MET, METv2.0, during the first week of April.  We'll send you an email when it's available.  I'd suggest switching to that
>> version.  But whatever changes you need to make to get METv1.1 to compile will also apply to METv2.0.
>> We have PGI versions 6.1-5 and 7.1-5 here with which I've built MET.  Sounds like you're version of 6.2-5 fall right in the middle there.
>> The errors you're seeing is that the linker can't find the definitions for some of the subroutines used in BUFRLIB.  I hunted around for those undefined references to "wrdlen_" and "irev_" and found
>> that they're supposed to be defined within BUFRLIB itself.  So my guess is that there was some problem with the way BUFRLIB was built.
>> Please do the following:
>> (1) Go to the directory that contains your BUFRLIB code -> cd /home/luis/modelos/BUFRLIB
>> (2) Clean it out -> rm *.a *.o
>> (3) Start a script to capture what's printed to the screen -> script build_bufrlib
>> (4) Rebuild BUFRLIB with the following 3 commands (use pgcc for the C-compiler, NOT pbCC for the C++ compiler):
>>       pgcc -c -DUNDERSCORE *.c
>>       pgf77 -c -DUNDERSCORE -Mnosecond_underscore *.f
>>       ar crv libbufr.a *.o
>> (5) End the script by typing conrtol-D.
>> Then try recompiling MET to see if PB2NC compiles now.  If you're still having troubles, please send me the script file "build_bufrlib" that you generated.
>> Thanks and good luck.
>> John Halley Gotway
>> johnhg at ucar.edu

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