[Met_help] fm theo carter dubai re: failure during make

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Thu Jun 11 07:46:24 MDT 2009


There are a couple things I'd like to tell you about:

First, yes, it does look like there's a problem with the lat/lon polyline file you created for the UAE.  It doesn't look like it encompasses the region you want.

I've attached 3 files to this message:
(1) The "UAE_plot.gif" is an image showing the area included in your original UAE.poly file.  Looks like it only includes the water and very little of the land.
(2) The "UAE_NEW.poly" is a rough polyline I created that I believe better includes the UAE.
(3) The "UAE_NEW_poly.gif" is an image showing the region included in the UAE_NEW.poly.

I used this website to tell me the lat/lon values around the UAE:

To get these images, I decided to run the MODE tool on GFS data using your polyline.  However GFS is on such a coarse grid that only 2 grid boxes were turned on in the output.  So I decided to regrid
some sample GFS data to a finer resolution grid over the UAE.  Here's is the copygb command I used to do that:
copygb -xg'255 0 80 80 20000 50000 128 28000 58000 800 800 64' gfs_3_20070707_0000_000.grb uae_sample.grb
Then I ran MODE on the regridded data looking at 500 mb TMP (TMP/P500).  I only did this to generate the plot to see what was included in the polylines.

Second, you're trying to use a lat/lon polyline to tell the PB2NC which observations to retain.  However, in your case, I think there's a better way to do this.  Really there a relatively small number
of stations whose data you'd like to retain.  In the output you sent, it looks like those stations are named "OMDB" and "41194", plus you'd like to get the data for "OMSJ" and "41217".  Rather than
trying to draw a polyline around them, I'd suggest using the "station_id" parameter in the PB2NC config file.  Set it as something like:
station_id[] = ["OMDB", "OMSJ", "41194", "41217"]; plus any other stations you'd like to retain.  And don't specify a "mask_poly" to be used.

Also, I'd suggest NOT specifying any message types by using this setting:
message_type[] = [];
That way, all message types found will be retained.

Another thing to look at is how you have "beg_ds" and "end_ds" set.  These define the window in time for which observations are to be retained.  By default they're set to +/- 30 minutes around the
observation time.  I'd suggest setting these really large at first to see which observation you retain.  Then make them smaller to get only the ones you want.  Try setting them to +/- 24 hours like this:
beg_ds = -86400;
end_ds =  86400;
These values are defined in seconds.

Hope that helps.


Theo Carter wrote:
> Hi John,
> Thank you for the help/suggestions. I did make a UAE.poly file in the
> way you suggested below. However, I am not getting the results I
> expect. Could you perhaps just peruse my reasoning/method if you have
> time?
> I created the UAE.poly file with the following inside:
> 25.934  56.132
> 25.830  56.080
> 25.580  55.670
> 25.250  55.330
> 24.920  55.000
> 24.580  54.500
> 24.170  54.250
> 24.080  53.830
> 24.170  53.250
> 24.170  52.750
> 23.920  52.420
> 23.987  51.926
> Then I changed the PB2NCConfig_tutorial config file to include 
> message_type[] = [ "ANYAIR", "ANYSFC" ];
> and
> mask_poly = "MET_BASE/data/poly/UAE.poly";
> And issued the following:
> bin/pb2nc gfs.t00z.prepbufr.unblok.nr theotest.nc tutorial/config/PB2NCConfig_tutorial -dump test/
> Which created the theotest.nc with the following data:
> [wrf at localhost METv2.0]$ ncdump theotest.ncnetcdf theotest {
> dimensions:
>         mxstr = 16 ;
>         hdr_arr_len = 3 ;
>         obs_arr_len = 5 ;
>         nobs = UNLIMITED ; // (2 currently)
>         nhdr = 2 ;
> variables:
>         float obs_arr(nobs, obs_arr_len) ;
>                 obs_arr:long_name = "array of observation values" ;
>                 obs_arr:_fill_value = -9999.f ;
>                 obs_arr:columns = "hdr_id gc lvl hgt ob" ;
>                 obs_arr:hdr_id_long_name = "index of matching header data" ;
>                 obs_arr:gc_long_name = "grib code corresponding to the observation type" ;
>                 obs_arr:lvl_long_name = "pressure level (hPa) or accumulation interval (h)" ;
>                 obs_arr:hgt_long_name = "height in meters above sea level (msl)" ;
>                 obs_arr:ob_long_name = "observation value" ;
> There is at least one other surface station called OMSJ (which is
> Sharjah station about 40km away from Dubai). And what concerns me is
> that I picked all upper air and all surface obs and only two surface
> observations for Dubai was lifted. No upper air data or anything else.
> I know that the midnight upper air ascent done at Abu Dhabi (41217) is
> also in the ADPUPA dumped text file.
>         char hdr_typ(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>                 hdr_typ:long_name = "message type" ;
>         char hdr_sid(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>                 hdr_sid:long_name = "station identification" ;
>         char hdr_vld(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>                 hdr_vld:long_name = "valid time" ;
>                 hdr_vld:units = "YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS" ;
>         float hdr_arr(nhdr, hdr_arr_len) ;
>                 hdr_arr:long_name = "array of observation station header values" ;
>                 hdr_arr:_fill_value = -9999.f ;
>                 hdr_arr:columns = "lat lon elv" ;
>                 hdr_arr:lat_long_name = "latitude" ;
>                 hdr_arr:lat_units = "degrees_north" ;
>                 hdr_arr:lon_long_name = "longitude" ;
>                 hdr_arr:lon_units = "degrees_east" ;
>                 hdr_arr:elv_long_name = "elevation" ;
>                 hdr_arr:elv_units = "meters above sea level (msl)" ;
> // global attributes:
>                 :FileOrigins = "File theotest.nc generated
> 20090611_092006 UTC on host localhost.localdomain by the PB2NC tool" ;
> data:
>  obs_arr =
>   0, 11, 999, 8.020595, 303.15,
>   1, 11, 1000.4, 5.012872, 303.35 ;
>  hdr_typ =
>   "ADPSFC",
>   "ADPSFC" ;
>  hdr_sid =
>   "OMDB",
>   "41194" ;
>  hdr_vld =
>   "20090607_000000",
>   "20090607_000000" ;
>  hdr_arr =
>   25.25, 55.33, 8,
>   25.25, 55.33, 5 ;
> }
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> However: When I look in the dumped test directory inside the file called
> dump_gfs.t00z.prepbufr.unblok.nr_ADPSFC.txt
> There is at least one other surface station called OMSJ (which is
> Sharjah station about 40km away from Dubai). And what concerns me is
> that I picked all upper air and all surface obs and only two surface
> observations for Dubai was lifted. No upper air data or anything else.
> I know that the midnight upper air ascent done at Abu Dhabi (41217) is
> also in the ADPUPA dumped text file.
> Is the .poly mask file not working properly? It seems to be allowing Dubai data through.
> Thanks,
> Theo
>> Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 07:16:53 -0600
>> Subject: RE: [Met_help] fm theo carter dubai re: failure during make
>> From: johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
>> To: thibidottwo at hotmail.com
>> CC: met_help at ucar.edu
>> Theo,
>> I have some suggestions for you regarding a polyline mask for the UAE, but
>> it'll probably take some work.
>> I'd suggest trying to extract the lat/lon information from some map data
>> to use as your lat/lon polyline.  You can likely find lat/lon information
>> on the web for country boundaries.  I'd suggest searching for that info on
>> the web.
>> If you can't find anything that would work well for you, MET does have
>> that same type of data in the file: METv2.0/data/map/group3.  That ASCII
>> file contains lat/lon information for world boundaries.  The difficult
>> part would be extracting only those points that are applicable to the UAE.
>>  The file contains 8602 lines in it, so it'll take some work.
>> The data in that file is organized into map regions... so you'll see a
>> line containing 9 numbers followed by several lines containing only
>> lat/lon's.  Each of those groups of lines is a map region.  The second
>> number in the long line tells you how many lat/lon points are to follow
>> for that region.
>> You could try editing that file by only leaving in a few of those map
>> regions.  Then run MODE on a global dataset - NCEP GFS data would do trick
>> - and look what map regions show up in the output MODE plot.  Then edit
>> that group3 file as needed - adding or removing map regions - until you
>> end up with a nice looking polyline mask for UAE.
>> Ultimately, when you get to that point, you'll need to create a file that
>> only contains the lat/lon points - and none of those lines with 9 entries
>> in them.
>> Another word of caution, the longitude values in the group3 file appear to
>> be in degrees_east rather than degress_west.  They'll ultimately need to
>> be in degrees_west for the lat/lon polyline.  So you'll need to multiply
>> by -1.
>> Good luck, and sorry this isn't an easier task for you.  Perhaps you'll
>> find some country boundary data on the internet that'll be easier to use.
>> Thanks,
>> John
>>> Hi John,
>>> I have to make up a polyline of the United Arab Emirates outline for my
>>> WRF model run. Do you have any suggestions on how to go about doing it?
>>> Or where I could find a shape that would fit?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Theo Carter
>>>> Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 06:29:09 -0600
>>>> From: johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
>>>> To: thibidottwo at hotmail.com
>>>> CC: met_help at ucar.edu
>>>> Subject: Re: [Met_help] fm theo carter dubai re: failure during make
>>>> Theo,
>>>> Great.  I'm really glad you got it all to work!  I'm sorry that it ended
>>>> up taking so much effort.  I realize that MET could be improved by
>>>> setting up a nice configure/build script for it.  But did
>>>> you find anything in particular in the compilation process that should
>>>> be changed or improved?
>>>> We actually have run MET using CentOS (not sure which version number) in
>>>> the past.  When we give the tutorial on MET as part of the WRF-Tutorial
>>>> twice a year, the classroom machines run CentOS.  We
>>>> build MET on them using the GNU gfortran/g++ compilers.  I wonder what
>>>> the difference was between those systems and yours that led to the
>>>> issues you were seeing?
>>>> Well I'm glad it's running for you.  Please let me know if any questions
>>>> come up or if you run across any issues or suggestions for improvement
>>>> in the online tutorial.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> John
>>>> Theo Carter wrote:
>>>>> Hi John,
>>>>> Thanks for your help!
>>>>> Naah - I had download the BUFRLIB from the link on your
>>>>> tutorial/website each time - dont even have WRF or WRF var on the PC
>>>>> yet. And I used your how-to each time.
>>>>> But!! I had done a re-install as a last resort of the OS and
>>>> everything
>>>>> from scratch - only this time I put on the new Intel 11 fortran and C
>>>>> compilers, and used that for the installations. Funnily enough, I kept
>>>>> getting more warnings throughout, but in the old end the MET Tools
>>>>> executables all built!!! Am working my way through the tutorial now.
>>>>> If anyone needs a how-to for building using Intel 11 compilers on a
>>>>> CentOS 5.3, I kept notes as I went along of the important choices etc.
>>>>> Thanks again,
>>>>> Theo
>>>>>> Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 07:13:31 -0600
>>>>>> From: johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
>>>>>> To: thibidottwo at hotmail.com
>>>>>> CC: met_help at ucar.edu
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Met_help] fm theo carter dubai re: failure during make
>>>>>> Theo,
>>>>>> In looking back at our messages back and forth, I still want to make
>>>> sure you're using the correct version of BUFRLIB - and not one that's
>>>> distributed with WRF-Var.
>>>>>> Here's an excerpt from an earlier message:
>>>>>>>>>>>> For compiling MET, be sure to use the version that's
>>>> distributed by
>>>>>>>>>>>> NCEP: http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/sib/decoders/BUFRLIB
>>>>>>>>>>>> The following 3 commands should work to compile this version of
>>>>>>>>>>>> with gcc/gfortran:
>>>>>>>>>>>>       gcc -c -DUNDERSCORE *.c
>>>>>>>>>>>>       gfortran -c -DUNDERSCORE -fno-second-underscore *.f *.F
>>>>>>>>>>>>       ar crv libbufr.a *.o
>>>>>>>>>>>> These were taken from the METv2.0 Online Tutorial:
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/online_tutorial/METv2.0/compilation/req_libs.php
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please try rebuilding BUFRLIB (ignore the warning messages) and
>>>> recompiling MET to see if that fixes
>>>>>>>>>>>> the problem.
>>>>>> Once you're sure you're using the right version of BUFRLIB, are you
>>>> still having any compilation problems with MET?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> John
>>>>>> Theo Carter wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi John,
>>>>>>> Did get a touch further than yesterday - can now find the BUFRLIB
>>>> libraries, but am still getting crashes within. On your website you
>>>> say someone has built this using RHEL, can you ask if I can copy
>>>> their library and try that maybe?
>>>>>>> I have built the BUFR library as you suggested commands-wise, and it
>>>> still comes with the following:
>>>>>>> *** Finished Making grid_stat application ***
>>>>>>> *** Making pb2nc application ***
>>>>>>> /usr/bin/g++ -c pb2nc_Conf.cc -Wall -Wshadow -static   \
>>>>>>>         -I../../lib
>>>>>>> /usr/bin/gfortran -c numpbmsg.f -Wall -Wshadow -static -ff2c
>>>>>>> /usr/bin/gfortran -c openpb.f -Wall -Wshadow -static -ff2c
>>>>>>> /usr/bin/gfortran -c readpb.f -Wall -Wshadow -static -ff2c
>>>>>>> /usr/bin/gfortran -c dumppb.f -Wall -Wshadow -static -ff2c
>>>>>>> /usr/bin/g++ -o pb2nc pb2nc.cc pb2nc_Conf.o numpbmsg.o openpb.o
>>>> readpb.o dumppb.o \
>>>>>>>         -Wall -Wshadow -static   -DMET_BASE=\"/wrf/METv2.0\" \
>>>>>>>         -I../../lib -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/gsl
>>>> -I/wrf/libraries/BUFRLIB  \
>>>>>>>         -L../../lib -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib/gsl
>>>> -L/wrf/libraries/BUFRLIB
>>>> -L/usr/lib/gcc/i386-redhat-linux/3.4.6 \
>>>>>>>         -lbufr -lvx_pb_util \
>>>>>>>         -lvx_met_util -lvx_analysis_util -lvx_wrfdata -lvx_met_util
>>>> \
>>>>>>>         -lvx_contable -lvx_grib_classes \
>>>>>>>         -lvx_econfig -lvx_gsl_prob -lgsl \
>>>>>>>         -lvx_plot_util  -lvx_render -lvx_pxm -lvx_color -lvx_ps
>>>> -lvx_afm \
>>>>>>>         -lvx_data_grids -lvx_gnomon -lvx_nav -lvx_cal -lvx_util
>>>> -lvx_math -lm \
>>>>>>>         -lnetcdf_c++ -lnetcdf \
>>>>>>>         -lg2c  -lgfortran
>>>>>>> /wrf/libraries/BUFRLIB/libbufr.a(datelen.o): In function `datelen_':
>>>>>>> datelen.f:(.text+0x51): undefined reference to `for_write_int_fmt'
>>>>>>> /wrf/libraries/BUFRLIB/libbufr.a(openbf.o): In function `openbf_':
>>>>>>> openbf.f:(.text+0x4f): undefined reference to `for_cpstr'
>>>>>>> openbf.f:(.text+0x91): undefined reference to `for_cpstr'
>>>>>>> openbf.f:(.text+0x11b): undefined reference to `for_write_int_fmt'
>>>>>>> openbf.f:(.text+0x13e): undefined reference to
>>>> `for_write_int_fmt_xmit'
>>>>>>> openbf.f:(.text+0x19f): undefined reference to `for_write_int_fmt'
>>>>>>> etc..............................
>>>>>>> Cheers and thanks for the help,
>>>>>>> Theo
>>>>>>>> Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 06:52:24 -0600
>>>>>>>> From: johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
>>>>>>>> To: thibidottwo at hotmail.com; met_help at ucar.edu
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Met_help] fm theo carter dubai re: failure during
>>>> make
>>>>>>>> Theo,
>>>>>>>> If you look closely, those are just warning messages from BUFRLIB.
>>>> I get them too when compiling with "gfortran", but they won't cause
>>>> you any problems.  Warnings are generally OK - it's the errors
>>>>>>>> you should worry about.
>>>>>>>> You're right that the compiler is complaining that it can't find
>>>> the file "gsl_cdf.h".  Here's what I'd suggest doing:
>>>>>>>> cd /wrf/libraries/gsl-1.9
>>>>>>>> make clean
>>>>>>>> ./configure --prefix=`pwd`
>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>> make install
>>>>>>>> Next, in the top-level MET Makefile, make sure that the following
>>>> is set:
>>>>>>>> GSL_BASE     = /wrf/libraries/gsl-1.9
>>>>>>>> GSL_INCS     = -I$(GSL_BASE)/include
>>>>>>>> GSL_LIBS     = -L$(GSL_BASE)/lib
>>>>>>>> And then try rebuilding MET.
>>>>>>>> Hope that helps.
>>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>>> Theo Carter wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi John,
>>>>>>>>> I did put in the file you sent into BUFRLIB, however, I still got
>>>> the following errors:
>>>>>>>>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>> [root at localhost BUFRLIB]# gcc -c -DUNDERSCORE *.c
>>>>>>>>> [root at localhost BUFRLIB]# gfortran -c -DUNDERSCORE
>>>> -fno-second-underscore *.f *.F
>>>>>>>>>  In file nemock.f:77
>>>>>>>>>       IF(NEMO(I:I).EQ.CHRSET(J:J)) GOTO 10
>>>>>>>>>                                                                        1
>>>>>>>>>  In file nemock.f:81
>>>>>>>>>                    2
>>>>>>>>> Warning: Obsolete: GOTO at (1) jumps to END of construct at (2)
>>>>>>>>>  In file stndrd.f:202
>>>>>>>>>          GOTO 10
>>>>>>>>>                                                                        1
>>>>>>>>>  In file stndrd.f:207
>>>>>>>>>                    2
>>>>>>>>> Warning: Obsolete: GOTO at (1) jumps to END of construct at (2)
>>>>>>>>> [root at localhost BUFRLIB]#
>>>>>>>>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>> I did carry on and install the rest of the libraries etc, and then
>>>> ran make on mettools version 2 and got to the following point
>>>> where it is looking for something in the gsl libraries - but the
>>>> location is strange?
>>>>>>>>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>> *** Making vx_contable Library ***
>>>>>>>>> /usr/bin/g++ vx_contable.cc -Wall -Wshadow -static   -c -I..
>>>>>>>>> /usr/bin/g++ vx_contable_stats.cc -Wall -Wshadow -static   -c -I..
>>>> -I/wrf/libraries/gsl-1.9/include -I/usr/local/include
>>>>>>>>> In file included from ../vx_gsl_prob/vx_gsl_prob.h:17,
>>>>>>>>>                  from ../vx_met_util/compute_ci.h:16,
>>>>>>>>>                  from ../vx_met_util/vx_met_util.h:17,
>>>>>>>>>                  from vx_contable_stats.cc:21:
>>>>>>>>> ../vx_gsl_prob/gsl_cdf.h:17:25: error: gsl/gsl_cdf.h: No such file
>>>> or directory
>>>>>>>>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>> I did a 'locate' and found the library here??
>>>>>>>>> [wrf at localhost gsl-1.9]$ locate gsl_cdf.h
>>>>>>>>> /wrf/METv2.0/lib/vx_gsl_prob/gsl_cdf.h
>>>>>>>>> /wrf/libraries/gsl-1.9/cdf/gsl_cdf.h
>>>>>>>>> [wrf at localhost gsl-1.9]$
>>>>>>>>> How do I get past this problem?
>>>>>>>>> Cheers and thanks for the help so far,
>>>>>>>>> Theo
>>>>>>>>>> Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 15:24:18 -0600
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: RE: [Met_help] fm theo carter dubai re: failure during
>>>> make
>>>>>>>>>> From: johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
>>>>>>>>>> To: thibidottwo at hotmail.com
>>>>>>>>>> CC: met_help at ucar.edu
>>>>>>>>>> Theo,
>>>>>>>>>> Good news.  When I compile the current version of BUFRLIB using
>>>>>>>>>> gcc/gfortran, I see the exact same warning and error messages.
>>>> In fact,
>>>>>>>>>> when I use gfortran on the latest version of Debian Linux
>>>> (Lenny), I see
>>>>>>>>>> even more warning messages.
>>>>>>>>>> I've also been in touch with BUFRLIB support about this, and
>>>> they're aware
>>>>>>>>>> of the issue with compiling BUFRLIB with the GNU compilers.
>>>> There is a
>>>>>>>>>> very simple fix to get that file "nvnwin.f" to compile without
>>>> error.
>>>>>>>>>> However, I don't believe that you need it to get MET working.
>>>>>>>>>> Try compiling BUFRLIB using the following 3 commands:
>>>>>>>>>>       gcc -c -DUNDERSCORE *.c
>>>>>>>>>>       gfortran -c -DUNDERSCORE -fno-second-underscore *.f *.F
>>>>>>>>>>       ar crv libbufr.a *.o
>>>>>>>>>> Ignore the warnings and error, and then try building MET.  I
>>>> believe it
>>>>>>>>>> should work fine.
>>>>>>>>>> If you'd like to get rid of that BUFRLIB error message, you're
>>>> welcome to
>>>>>>>>>> replace your version of the file "BUFRLIB/nvnwin.f" with the
>>>> version I've
>>>>>>>>>> attached.  It includes the simple fix which should get rid of
>>>> that error
>>>>>>>>>> message from gfortran.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks and good luck,
>>>>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi John,
>>>>>>>>>>> I have tried to install BUFRLIB on fedora 10 and centos 5.3 now,
>>>> and in
>>>>>>>>>>> both cases I get the same following problem, have you come
>>>> across this
>>>>>>>>>>> before. It is disheartening to fail at the first hurdle like
>>>> this. My
>>>>>>>>>>> system is standard desktop (two different ones, here at home and
>>>> at work).
>>>>>>>>>>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>> [root at localhost BUFRLIB]# whereis gcc
>>>>>>>>>>> gcc: /usr/bin/gcc /usr/lib/gcc /usr/libexec/gcc
>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/share/man/man1/gcc.1.gz
>>>>>>>>>>> [root at localhost BUFRLIB]# whereis gfortran
>>>>>>>>>>> gfortran: /usr/bin/gfortran /usr/share/man/man1/gfortran.1.gz
>>>>>>>>>>> [root at localhost BUFRLIB]# gcc -c -DUNDERSCORE *.c
>>>>>>>>>>> [root at localhost BUFRLIB]# gfortran -c -DUNDERSCORE
>>>> -fno-second-underscore
>>>>>>>>>>> *.f *.
>>>>>>>>>>> F
>>>>>>>>>>>  In file nemock.f:77
>>>>>>>>>>>       IF(NEMO(I:I).EQ.CHRSET(J:J)) GOTO 10
>>>>>>>>>>>                                                                        1
>>>>>>>>>>>  In file nemock.f:81
>>>>>>>>>>>                    2
>>>>>>>>>>> Warning: Obsolete: GOTO at (1) jumps to END of construct at (2)
>>>>>>>>>>>  In file nvnwin.f:84
>>>>>>>>>>>       INVN(I) = BMISS
>>>>>>>>>>>                1
>>>>>>>>>>> Error: Arithmetic overflow converting REAL(8) to INTEGER(4) at
>>>> (1)
>>>>>>>>>>>  In file stndrd.f:202
>>>>>>>>>>>          GOTO 10
>>>>>>>>>>>                                                                        1
>>>>>>>>>>>  In file stndrd.f:207
>>>>>>>>>>>                    2
>>>>>>>>>>> Warning: Obsolete: GOTO at (1) jumps to END of construct at (2)
>>>>>>>>>>> [root at localhost BUFRLIB]#
>>>>>>>>>>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>> Any help you can give will be great - I sent off a query to the
>>>> bufrlib
>>>>>>>>>>> helpdesk on their website, but have had no reply.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Theo Carter, Forecaster, Dubai Met Office.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 06:38:24 -0600
>>>>>>>>>>>> From: johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>> To: thibidottwo at hotmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> CC: met_help at ucar.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Met_help] fm theo carter dubai re: failure during
>>>> make
>>>>>>>>>>>> Theo,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Based on that error message, I'd guess that there's an issue
>>>> with your
>>>>>>>>>>>> version of BUFRLIB.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Where did you obtain the version of BUFRLIB you're using?  Is
>>>> by any
>>>>>>>>>>>> chance part of WRF-Var?  If so, that version may or may not
>>>> work.
>>>>>>>>>>>> For compiling MET, be sure to use the version that's
>>>> distributed by
>>>>>>>>>>>> NCEP: http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/sib/decoders/BUFRLIB
>>>>>>>>>>>> The following 3 commands should work to compile this version of
>>>>>>>>>>>> with gcc/gfortran:
>>>>>>>>>>>>       gcc -c -DUNDERSCORE *.c
>>>>>>>>>>>>       gfortran -c -DUNDERSCORE -fno-second-underscore *.f *.F
>>>>>>>>>>>>       ar crv libbufr.a *.o
>>>>>>>>>>>> These were taken from the METv2.0 Online Tutorial:
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/online_tutorial/METv2.0/compilation/req_libs.php
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please try rebuilding BUFRLIB and recompiling MET to see if
>>>> that fixes
>>>>>>>>>>>> the problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> John Halley Gotway
>>>>>>>>>>>> johnhg at ucar.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>> Theo Carter wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wonder if you can help or if you have come across this
>>>> problem
>>>>>>>>>>>> before? While running make on a very generic basic Pentium 4
>>>> 32-bit
>>>>>>>>>>>> using gfortran, gcc and g++ compilers within a CentOS 5.3 OS
>>>> (RHEL 5
>>>>>>>>>>>> clone) the build fails with the following output.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /wrf/extralibraries/libbufr.a(ufbevn.o): In function
>>>> `ufbevn_':
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ufbevn.f:(.text+0xa6e): undefined reference to `nvnwin_'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>>>>>>>>>>>> make[3]: *** [pb2nc] Error 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>> make[1]: *** [targets] Error 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>> make: *** [all] Error 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>> BUFRLIB was built on the same machine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I then end up with only gen_poly_mask, grid_stat, mode and
>>>> pcp_combine
>>>>>>>>>>>> executables in my /bin.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any help would be appreciated,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Theo Carter
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