[Met_help] soil verification in MET's point_stat

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Tue Aug 4 16:04:34 MDT 2009


Yeah, I think it'd work in ASCII2NC to use different message types for a
single location.  Just give it a shot and let me know if you run into any


> John,
> This makes sense, I think.  Does this mean that for the same observation
> site/ID, we can assign different message_types?
> Jon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at rap.ucar.edu]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 2:41 PM
> To: Case, Jonathan (MSFC-VP61)[Other]
> Subject: RE: soil verification in MET's point_stat
> Jonathan,
> These other observations (2-m temp, RH, and MSLP) are surface
> observations, right?  Therefore, if you assign them a message type of
> "ADPSFC" or "ADPSHP", they will be treated as surface obs.  And in that
> case, setting the level value to -9999 would be the way to go I think.
> So I'd try using MSONET for your soil temp observations and ADPSFC for
> your other surface observations.
> Does that make sense?
> John
>> Hi John,
>> I now have a script working now that re-formats/converts SCAN data to
>> the
>> 10 columns needed for ascii2nc.
>> I just have one additional question for you.  Should I assign a "Level"
>> for 2-m temp, RH, and MSLP, which are also available from the SCAN
>> sites?
>> Some BG info:  I have assigned these data as message_type=MSONET and NOT
>> "ADPSFC" or "SFCSHP" as you recommended in your original email to me.
>> Initially, I was thinking of setting Level=-9999 for the standard
>> above-ground measurements.  But I'd like to run it by you for your
>> recommendation.
>> Thx,
>> Jonathan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at rap.ucar.edu]
>> Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 3:53 PM
>> To: Case, Jonathan (MSFC-VP61)[Other]
>> Subject: RE: soil verification in MET's point_stat
>> Jonathan,
>> I believe you should set it as 10, and not -10.  The corresponding GRIB
>> records for this would store the level value as 10 and one of the flags
>> would indicate that that's 10 cm BELOW ground.  In MET, we'll just be
>> comparing to the level value for the GRIB record.  We won't do anything
>> fancy like seeing that it's below ground and expecting the observations
>> to
>> be negative.
>> Hopefully, that'll work.
>> John
>>> Hello John,
>>> It was good to meet you at the WRF workshop.  It's always good to place
>>> a
>>> face with the name!
>>> I'm finally beginning to work up a conversion script to re-format the
>>> SCAN
>>> soil temp/moisture data so that ascii2nc can process it for use in MET.
>>> I
>>> had a follow-up question for you regarding the observed soil data.
>>> How do you recommend I set the "level" (column 8 input to ascii2nc)
>>> parameter for the below ground soil obs?
>>> Should I set Level=-10 for 10 cm below ground?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jon
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at rap.ucar.edu]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 1:31 PM
>>> To: Case, Jonathan (MSFC-VP61)[Other]
>>> Cc: Crosson, William L. (MSFC-VP61); Blankenship, Clay B.
>>> (MSFC-VP61)[University Space Research Association]; met_help
>>> Subject: Re: soil verification in MET's point_stat
>>> Jonathan,
>>> I took a look at your data, and after making a few code changes, was
>>> able
>>> to get Point-Stat to behave as we'd like - I think.
>>> Please take a look at the attached tar file.  Copy it into your METv2.0
>>> directory, unzip and untar it.  It'll overwrite 2 files in the
>>> "lib/vx_met_util" directory and 1 file in the "src/point_stat"
>>> directory.
>>> In METv2.0, we've only allowed verification on vertical levels to be at
>>> the surface.  We inherited a very simple approach for matching
>>> observations to the surface from the NCEP verification tools, and that
>>> approach is based on message type.  So any observations with a message
>>> type of "ADPSFC" or "SFCSHP" is considered to be at the surface and is
>>> matched to surface forecasts (really any forecast defined as a vertical
>>> level such as "TMP/Z2" - the Z means vertical level).
>>> Here's how I've modified this matching logic... If we are comparing a
>>> forecast on a vertical level to an observation with message type
>>> "ADPSFC"
>>> or "SFCSHP", do as before and match the observation to the forecast
>>> value.
>>>  However, if we are comparing a forecast on a vertical level to an
>>> observation that is NOT one of those surface message types, check to
>>> see
>>> if the observation's level value falls within the specified range of
>>> levels.  If so, use that observation, but if not, don't use it.
>>> So in your case, you should use a message type that is not ADPSFC or
>>> SFCSHP.  Not sure which one applies best from this list:
>>> http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/data_processing/prepbufr.doc/table_1.htm
>>> When you set up your ASCII files as input to ASCII2NC, use that message
>>> type.  And when you run Point-Stat, setup your configuration file to
>>> use
>>> that same message type.  Also, select the forecast field to be verified
>>> with something like: fcst_field = [ "TSOIL/Z0-10" ]
>>> Now suppose you're verifying soil temperature between 0 and 10 cm.  All
>>> observations with a level value between (and including) 0 and 10 should
>>> match it, but one with a level value of 12, for example, should not.
>>> Please note that there is no vertical interpolation being done here.
>>> All
>>> observations falling within that range are used and compared against
>>> the
>>> single value defined for that forecast layer.
>>> Please try these changes out and see if it does what you'd like.  If
>>> so,
>>> I'll need to do more testing to make sure I haven't broken anything
>>> else
>>> with these changes!
>>> Thanks,
>>> John
>>> Case, Jonathan (MSFC-VP61)[Other] wrote:
>>>> Hi John,
>>>> I uploaded to your ftp site a sample GRIB-1 file at the model analysis
>>>> time of 03z 1 June 2008.  I also uploaded 3 sample files of the SCAN
>>>> soil obs (sorry for the hideous way the data are stored!) from June
>>>> 2008.  Unfortunately, instead of columns continuing into a long row,
>>>> the
>>>> OBS archive re-starts the data from obs#1 into a new set of
>>>> rows/columns.  But don't worry -- I'll write a conversion script so
>>>> that
>>>> it can be shoved through ascii2nc.
>>>> I suppose for what you need to do, you can simply pull a line of data
>>>> valid at 03z 1 June 2008, and use those obs in ascii2nc and point_stat
>>>> for testing your code changes.
>>>> The problem we're dealing with is to verify soil LAYER data in the
>>>> model
>>>> (at 0-10cm, 10-40cm, 40-100cm, and 100-200cm) against data valid at
>>>> specific LEVELS in the OBS.
>>>> The variables we have from the obs are:
>>>> *         C1SMV = soil moisture percent at  2 cm depth
>>>> *         C2SMV = soil moisture percent at  4 cm depth
>>>> *         C3SMV = soil moisture percent at  8 cm depth
>>>> *         C4SMV = soil moisture percent at 20 cm depth
>>>> *         C5SMV = soil moisture percent at 40 cm depth
>>>> Similarly,
>>>> *         C1TMP = soil temperature at  2 cm depth
>>>> *         C2TMP = soil temperature at  4 cm depth
>>>> *         C3TMP = soil temperature at  8 cm depth
>>>> *         C4TMP = soil temperature at 20 cm depth
>>>> *         C5TMP = soil temperature at 40 cm depth
>>>> I might be inclined to average the 2, 4, and 8 cm obs either straight
>>>> up, or in a weighted average to compare to the 0-10 cm model layer in
>>>> Noah/WRF.  And similarly, I might average out the 20 cm and 40 cm OBS
>>>> to
>>>> compare to the model's 10-40 cm layer.
>>>> Let's see what we can best figure out because I'm sure there will be
>>>> others who would like to verify soil quantities using MET (including
>>>> my
>>>> 2 co-workers whom I CC'd).
>>>> Jonathan
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at rap.ucar.edu]
>>>>> Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 2:00 PM
>>>>> To: Case, Jonathan (MSFC-VP61)[Other]; met_help
>>>>> Subject: Re: soil verification in point_stat
>>>>> Jonathan,
>>>>> Since I've never run MET on layers like this, I'm really not sure
>>>>> either.
>>>>> Looking closer at the code, MET is only really set up to verify
>>>>> forecasts
>>>>> as the surface: precip at surface, 2-meter temp, 10-meter winds.  And
>>>>> we're
>>>>> matching to observations based on message type -
>>>>> all observations with a level type of ADPSFC or SFCSHP are matched to
>>>>> those
>>>>> surface forecasts.
>>>>> I think we'll need to modify the code slightly to handle your case.
>>>>> In
>>>>> particular, we'll need to adjust the logic in the
>>>>> "GCPairData::add_obs()"
>>>>> routine in the file METv2.0/lib/vx_met_util/met_stats.cc.
>>>>> Would you be able to send me a sample GRIB1 file along with a handful
>>>>> - 10
>>>>> would be fine - of fake ASCII observations?  I could take a look and
>>>>> see
>>>>> what changes would need to be made to get MET
>>>>> working the way you'd want.
>>>>> You could post them to RAL's anonymous ftp site:
>>>>> ftp ftp.rap.ucar.edu
>>>>> username = anonymous
>>>>> password = "your email address"
>>>>> cd incoming/irap/johnhg
>>>>> put "your files"
>>>>> bye
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> John
>>>>> Case, Jonathan (MSFC-VP61)[Other] wrote:
>>>>>> John,
>>>>>> I figured that the vertical interpolation would best be handled
>>>>>> outside
>>>>> of MET, so that is what I plan to do.  I will assign the OBS to the
>>>>> valid
>>>>> layer in the model.
>>>>>> With that, I hinted at my WRF configuration.  I'm running with the
>>>>>> Noah
>>>>> LSM with soil layers of 0-10, 10-40, 40-100, and 100-200 cm.  Given
>>>>> those
>>>>> layers, how should I go about assigning the OBS to the model layer in
>>>>> the
>>>>> ascii2nc process?
>>>>>> Here's what in the WRF GRIB-1 file:
>>>>>> lc2:/usr/people/casejl/tmp/seus_2008062103/control > wgrib
>>>>> WRFPRS00.tm00.d01 | grep SOILW
>>>>> 86:13184188:d=08062103:SOILW:kpds5=144:kpds6=112:kpds7=10:TR=0:P1=0:P
>>>>> 2=0:Ti
>>>>> meU=1:0-10 cm down:anl:NAve=0
>>>>> 88:13482750:d=08062103:SOILW:kpds5=144:kpds6=112:kpds7=2600:TR=0:P1=0:P2=0:
>>>>> TimeU=1:10-40 cm down:anl:NAve=0
>>>>> 90:13781312:d=08062103:SOILW:kpds5=144:kpds6=112:kpds7=10340:TR=0:P1=
>>>>> 0:P2=0
>>>>> :TimeU=1:40-100 cm down:anl:NAve=0
>>>>> 92:14079874:d=08062103:SOILW:kpds5=144:kpds6=112:kpds7=25800:TR=0:P1=
>>>>> 0:P2=0
>>>>> :TimeU=1:100-200 cm down:anl:NAve=0
>>>>>> lc2:/usr/people/casejl/tmp/seus_2008062103/control > wgrib
>>>>> WRFPRS00.tm00.d01 | grep TSOIL
>>>>> 85:13005070:d=08062103:TSOIL:kpds5=85:kpds6=112:kpds7=10:TR=0:P1=0:P2
>>>>> =0:Tim
>>>>> eU=1:0-10 cm down:anl:NAve=0
>>>>> 87:13303632:d=08062103:TSOIL:kpds5=85:kpds6=112:kpds7=2600:TR=0:P1=0:
>>>>> P2=0:T
>>>>> imeU=1:10-40 cm down:anl:NAve=0
>>>>> 89:13602194:d=08062103:TSOIL:kpds5=85:kpds6=112:kpds7=10340:TR=0:P1=0:P2=0:
>>>>> TimeU=1:40-100 cm down:anl:NAve=0
>>>>> 91:13900756:d=08062103:TSOIL:kpds5=85:kpds6=112:kpds7=25800:TR=0:P1=0:P2=0:
>>>>> TimeU=1:100-200 cm down:anl:NAve=0
>>>>>> Thanks much!
>>>>>> Jonathan
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at rap.ucar.edu]
>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 12:16 PM
>>>>>>> To: Case, Jonathan (MSFC-VP61)[Other]
>>>>>>> Cc: met_help
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: soil verification in point_stat
>>>>>>> Jonathan,
>>>>>>> As a short answer I'd say, yes, you could probably use Point-Stat
>>>>>>> to
>>>>> verify
>>>>>>> soil moisture and temperature observations from WRF.
>>>>>>> ...BUT... I don't think you'll be able to do any vertical
>>>>>>> interpolation
>>>>>>> without some code changes.  Right now, Point-Stat is only set up to
>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>> vertical interpolation for pressure levels... and that's
>>>>>>> done linear in the log of pressure.
>>>>>>> Here's what I'd recommend...
>>>>>>> (1) Take a look at the soil moisture and temperature fields you
>>>>>>> have
>>>>> from
>>>>>>> WRF.  Depending on which "surface scheme" (I think that's right)
>>>>>>> you're
>>>>>>> using, the soil moisture fields may be at a single
>>>>>>> levels or a layer of levels.  If it's in layers, you probably
>>>>>>> wouldn't
>>>>> want
>>>>>>> to interpolate in the vertical.  You'd just like to match the
>>>>> observation
>>>>>>> to the forecast value for the layer in which the
>>>>>>> observation falls.  If it's single levels, you may want to consider
>>>>>>> interpolating.
>>>>>>> (2) Take a look at the observation levels.  Are they all at some
>>>>>>> set of
>>>>>>> "standard" depths or do the depths vary greatly?
>>>>>>> Here's one approach that may be pretty easy:
>>>>>>> - Assuming that your forecasts are in single levels.
>>>>>>> - Assuming that your observations are at some set of "standard"
>>>>>>> depths.
>>>>>>> - When you pre-process the observations to prepare them for
>>>>>>> ASCII2NC,
>>>>> just
>>>>>>> round the level value for the observation to the nearest depth you
>>>>>>> have
>>>>> in
>>>>>>> your model output.
>>>>>>> - Then run Point-Stat to verify at each of your model depths (i.e.
>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>> vertical interpolation).
>>>>>>> - You could even dump out the matched pair (MPR) line type for all
>>>>>>> of
>>>>> the
>>>>>>> levels and use the Stat-Analysis tool to aggregate across levels
>>>>>>> I've never done this before, but you could *probably* do that
>>>>>>> approach
>>>>> with
>>>>>>> no code changes.  However, if you'd like to do more sophisticated
>>>>> vertical
>>>>>>> interpolation, I may be able to point you in the
>>>>>>> right direction as for what code to modify.
>>>>>>> Hope that helps.
>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>> Case, Jonathan (MSFC-VP61)[Other] wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thank you John!
>>>>>>>> I have another question for you regarding point_stat.
>>>>>>>> I would like to use observations from SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis
>>>>>>> Network) to verify soil moisture and temperature observations in
>>>>>>> the WRF
>>>>>>> model.  Is there a way we could use point_stat for
>>>>> processing/interpolating
>>>>>>> data for soil verification?  I don't have the exact specs yet on
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> observations, but it would probably require a vertical
>>>>>>> interpolation or
>>>>>>> nearest-neighbor assignment of a soil layer to the sensor obs
>>>>>>> depth.  I
>>>>>>> figure that if could use ascii2nc to pre-process the data into a
>>>>>>> netcdf
>>>>>>> file with the same variable naming convention as the WRF GRIB
>>>>>>> output,
>>>>> then
>>>>>>> I might be able to pull it off.
>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>> Jonathan
>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at rap.ucar.edu]
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 8:47 AM
>>>>>>>>> To: Case, Jonathan (MSFC-VP61)[Other]; met_help
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: formatted output in mode_analysis
>>>>>>>>> Jonathan,
>>>>>>>>> Take a look in METv2.0/lib/vx_analysis_util/mode_job.cc.  In
>>>>>>>>> lines 458
>>>>>>>>> to 485, change all instances of "%.2f" to "%.3f".  That should
>>>>> increase
>>>>>>>>> your precision by 1.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>>>> Case, Jonathan (MSFC-VP61)[Other] wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> John,
>>>>>>>>>> I would like to output an addition decimal place in the
>>>>>>>>>> mode_analysis
>>>>>>>>> -summary output to have 3 decimal places.
>>>>>>>>>> What line(s)/file(s) should I modify in order to get 1 more
>>>>>>>>>> decimal
>>>>>>>>> point precision?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks much!
>>>>>>>>>> Jonathan
>>>>>>>>>> ***********************************************************
>>>>>>>>>> Jonathan Case, ENSCO, Inc.
>>>>>>>>>> Aerospace Sciences & Engineering Division
>>>>>>>>>> Short-term Prediction Research and Transition Center
>>>>>>>>>> 320 Sparkman Drive, Room 3062
>>>>>>>>>> Huntsville, AL 35805-1912
>>>>>>>>>> Voice: (256) 961-7504   Fax: (256) 961-7788
>>>>>>>>>> Emails: Jonathan.Case-1 at nasa.gov
>>>>>>>>>>              case.jonathan at ensco.com
>>>>>>>>>> ***********************************************************

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