[Met_help] Question about MET grids

Daniel Schaffer Daniel.S.Schaffer at noaa.gov
Wed Sep 10 11:28:18 MDT 2008

Sorry, I didn't make my question crystal clear.  What I mean is that for our purposes, we really don't care whether the data reside on an LC or CE grid.  We'd be fine if we could specify a grid in simple X,Y index space.  So ideally, I could tell MET in the vx_grib_code configuration parameter, that the data in my input file lie on an index grid where NX is 1900 and NY is 838.  



Dan Schaffer, Research Associate            e-mail: Daniel.S.Schaffer at noaa.gov
NOAA/OAR/Earth System Research Lab         phone:  (303) 497-7252
Aviation Branch                             fax:    (303) 497-6301
R/GSD5   325 Broadway                       
Boulder, CO 80305


On Wed, 10 Sep 2008, John Halley Gotway wrote:

> Dan,
> In Point-Stat and Grid-Stat, we do require that users indicate the region(s) over which they'd like to accumulate statistics.  It may be useful to look at smaller sub-domains to see how you're model
> is performing in them.  However, you're right - it's often the case that users will simply want to accumulate statistics over the entire native grid.
> In METv1.0, there was a clunky way of doing this by defining a polyline that fully contains your domain.  Since all of the points in your domain fall within that large polyline, they'd all be included.
> In METv1.1, we implemented a more direct way of doing this by specifying the work "FULL" in the mask grids section.  "FULL" just means use the full grid.  This is noted in the comments in the
> Grid-Stat configuration file for v1.1:
> //
> // Specify a comma-separated list of grids to be used in masking the data over
> // which to perform scoring.  An empty list indicates that no masking grid
> // should be performed.  The standard NCEP grids are named "GNNN" where NNN
> // indicates the three digit grid number.  Enter "FULL" to score over the
> // entire domain.
> // http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/tableb.html
> //
> // e.g. mask_grids[] = [ "FULL" ];
> //
> And it should also be in the user's guide.
> Let me know if anything else comes up.
> John
> Daniel Schaffer wrote:
> > grid_stat seems to require that we specify a grid upon which the data reside.  Unfortunately, our particular grid is not one of the NCEP available grids.  I have already figured out how to add my own grid and it's fairly trivial.  Still, I wonder if I really need to go through that hoop.  And, of course, every time I take a new version of MET, I have to make that code change again.  For our case, it really doesn't matter what grid the forecast and obs are on, so long as it's the same, since we are just computing counts.  Am I right that we must specify a grid?  If so, why?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Dan
> > 
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > Dan Schaffer, Research Associate            e-mail: Daniel.S.Schaffer at noaa.gov
> > NOAA/OAR/Earth System Research Lab         phone:  (303) 497-7252
> > Aviation Branch                             fax:    (303) 497-6301
> > R/GSD5   325 Broadway                       
> > Boulder, CO 80305
> > 
> > www-ad.fsl.noaa.gov/ac/schaffer.html
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